Meaning two personagens of Funny Mind
Do not film Funny Mind (in English Inside out), launched in 2015, Riley is an 11-year-old girl from Minnesota who is forced to move with her family to São Francisco. We accompany the affectionate life of the garota from the day that the newborn was attached to his pre-adolescent.
The basic feelings that constitute Riley's identity are represented by five characters that symbolize the emotions of men: a Sadness, a Joy, a Raiva, or Medo and or Nojinho. Na Command Room the five disputam or what happens not inside of Riley. As the main emotions presented, the film does not affect the perception of garota, the way she is erect or the world and how she lives with her own life and how she is around it.
From the birth of Riley, the appearance of the feeling of Joy, or the second affection experienced by the baby and Sadness.
Com um ar pessimistic and discouraged, a Sadness I did not film personifies all that aquilo that gera unhappiness for a little girl. Sadness is associated with moments of anguish and grief, where Riley felt melancholic, restless and hopeful. Despite being introduced to following the birth of Riley, a personagem da Sadness won more força depois than menina and informed of the country that she will need to change her city. Feeling that she will need to leave her friends behind, a menina is suddenly immersed in a sea of discouragement.
Embora no goste to feel sad, we see no film like a Sadness and important for Riley to grow up I have led the new situations that have arisen or will feel like a new house.
A contemporary society often uses sadness, and one of the two most important aspects of Funny Mind it is precisely to legitimação do sentimento. Or film re-signifies or place of sadness, pulling or affecting the place of vilão and placing-o as an important feeling for our process of psychological growth.
As we see the functioning of Riley's mind, we understand that a sadness tem um paper and that it is important to guarantee the operation of Saudi Arabia, not two conditions.
Physically described as being short, blue, gordinha and eating depressed, Sadness wears glasses and is always wearing a white jacket. She is a feminine person who carries a cabisbaixo and her own body of her item one drop format, fazendo or spectator seeding the image of a tear. In English a word blue - a cor da personagem - is used in a fairly common expression ("feeling blue") which means discouraged, sad or depressed.
In the same blue color, Sadness appears in the balls present in Riley's mental file when he touches people. Those spheres ficam marked as loading unhappy memories, crystallized as being from a ruim moment.
A personagem Sadness and dubbed in the original version by Phyllis Smith and in the Brazilian version by Katiuscia Canoro.
A Alegria é a main narrator of the filmHe is the one who guides us through this adventure and introduces Riley's main emotions.
To Alegria, what is it great administrator of the Command Room do cérebro da menina, é a first emotion felt by Riley. You put down the dark cloth, when the baby is born, the Alegria logo appears when Riley meets the country of her.
A new-born woman has a voice of the country and admires expressão da mãe, just now Alegria e acionada e a menina sorri. To the main missão da Alegria and left Riley happy and fulfilled, she is a great responsibility for Pela Menina The events give your life in a positive and favorable way. My sentiment was Riley's happiness as a major goal.
Before knowing that she would change city, Riley was known to be country hairs and friends hairs as being a woman always sorridente and happy life, to Alegria Reinava was not her mental universe of her. A emotion, not so much, lose or prominence when Riley discovers that he will need to change his city.
Physically Alegria is a feminine personage, who wears a printed dress and is always available. She is full of energy, cheia of self-sameness, even when unexpected situations arise as when moving from home (Alegria interprets these unforeseen events as a chance for Riley to grow).
It is to Joy that it is responsible for the feeling of bem-being and the euphoria felt for the men.
Com cabelos e olhos azuis, bem magrinha, Alegria fears light yellow skin and is always jumping. A Alegria tem um uma estrela body size.
I do not file the memories of Riley, the spheres like the ring symbolize the memories marked by Joy. Or love it, as a personagem, it is frequently associated with energy, with joviality, with heat, references that are associated with the express profile or with personagem.
The character Alegria no Brasil was voiced by Miá Mello in an original version by Amy Poehler.
The last emotion that I presented to Riley and to Raiva. Ele represents his revolta And it translates into fury that we feel when or that we wish does not happen as planned. Raiva's presence is associated with the moments when Riley is attacked by an intense fury, becoming physically or verbally aggressive.
At the first dinner she was introduced to, it happened when a woman said that she was not going to eat broccoli at all. Or pai da garota then retruca that, if she does not eat, she will eat after dinner. This is the moment that Raiva appears for the first time.
Raiva ganha more força when Riley vai entering pre-adolescent. As the body evolves very quickly and we know how to handle it as affections, sometimes many times it was the Command Room invaded by Raiva.
When Riley is frustrated or disappointed, many times Raiva takes control of her emotional system and scares off all other feelings.
Or male personagem Raiva is all vermelho and frees labaredas de fogo pela cabeça. As a solid and square body like a guy, he was baixinho and dressed as an executive (with social roupa).
When Riley becomes enraged with some situation, Raiva places my hand in the sphere of memory in the Command Room and the ball. Immediately it transforms into vermelha, eternalizing or affecting that a menina will revive when it is sown from the situation specific.
A cor vermelha carregada hair personagem is usually associated with nervousness and anger.
Leo Jaime was responsible for dubbing Raiva in the Brazilian version in Lewis Black as the original version.
O sentimento do Medo is essential to protect criança dos perigos de mundo. It arises when we are awed in some way, be it physical or imaginary.
Or personagem not film represents or not the prudent side, He teaches us to be cautious and to take care of ourselves with our attention.
O Medo é fundamental for our self-preservation It is easy for us to escape from potentially dangerous situations, transporting us to safer realities - both in terms of the body and the mind.
No matter how bad it is, there is no unwanted feeling - and we see the situations experienced by Riley that cause this discomfort - to the truth that he is very important for maturity gives protagonist.
O Medo allows Riley to think bem before taking an attitude fazendo like menina valie and reavalie the physical ridges (as you are) or emotional (as you are disappointed).
A first sensation experienced by Riley is Alegria, a second is Sadness and a third is precisely or Medo. Or Medo is a masculine character, who begins to emerge more frequently when Riley begins to explore home and the characters are becoming closer and closer.
O Medo does not film tem a pele roxa, olhos grandes, always wears a xadrez sweater, and every time he plays numa the spheres of the Command Center a memory of Riley becomes lilás eternalizing a situation that she overwhelmed. Or format do seu corpo face lembrar or contour of a nerve.
Bill Hader of his voice to or personagem in original version and Otaviano Costa in Brazilian version.
A fourth personagem introduced to the public is Nojinho, who emerges when Riley is still small and invited to taste broccoli. A person is associated with the moments in which men feel rejection, nausea, disgust.
Despite having a minor participation, I did not film, Nojinho is very important because prevent men from being intoxicated and poisoning. Feeling nojo is essential to protect ourselves from foreign agents, which we are unaware of.
Ao it is seen before a situation that causes rejection, Nojinho on the coast of many spheres of Riley's Command Room and the ball turns green. A cor verde is provavelmente the result of an association with legumes and vegetables, which as children do not usually eat and relate as a feeling of rejection. Or proper format of the body of Nojinho face planting a small “tree” of broccoli.
Physically, a personagem is all green, with huge eyes and glasses, he has a short stature and wears a green print dress and a pink batom that combines as an elegant lenço that wears a fish. This snobbish figure dialogues with the convinced position of the children who refused to try a new food.
Voiced by Nojinho é by Mindy Kaling (original version) and Dani Calabresa (Brazilian version).
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