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Vida Maria: full film, summary and analysis

The short film “Vida Maria” is a beautiful 3D animation, launched in 2006, produced, written and directed by graphic animator Márcio Ramos.

A narrative by Márcio Ramos goes inside the Brazilian Northeast and tells the story of three generations of women from the same family.

Or the film receives a series of national and international awards, among them or the 3rd Ceará Cinema and Video Award.

Assista ao curta-metragem Life Maria na whole

Life Maria

I summarize

A story came as a five-year-old girl named Maria José was not from Ceará. Enquanto learns to write and to practice calligraphy, garota and interrupted hair screams da mãe that summons to ajudá-la nas tarefas da casa.

A garota, that fazia or contour of no paper, and interrupted hairs insistent screams da mãe. As feições of delight, relaxation and care with the letters that she preenche not modern and immediately replaced her hair, frightened and frightened when she approaches me.

A menina, concentrated in writing, does not respond from the first years chamados da mãe e, when she approaches, she leads to the following row:

instagram story viewer

"- Maria Jose. Oh, Maria José, are you not coming to me, Maria? Do you not know that here is not the place for your ficar? Instead of losing time undoing me, she goes to fora to start or to do. He. She had a yard for varrer, she had to carry water for the bug. Vai menina, see if you help me, Maria José. "

Maria José immediately lowered her head due to the hard olhar that faced, promptly obeys me and goes to work on the rock.

As she works, in a camera, which moves a few years, she will focus or unwind the life of the girl that will become a girl, will engrave, will become filhos and will grow thick.

Maria José is growing up who will leave the cadernos to put on the water of the little logo, he will grow and he will meet Antônio, who also works on the edge of the pai da moça.

Through two exchanged subtleties, I know that the two young people come together, join together and give the beginning of a new family, following the father of the family with Maria José cresceu.

Rigid as a filha as well as her best fora with her, Maria José addresses the only filha mulher, Maria de Lurdes, and with a speech similar to the year that at most he fez at height:

"Instead of losing time, undoing it, I'm not going to get started or what to do! Tem o patio pra varrer, fear that bring water pros bugs, vai menina! See you help me, Lurdes! Fica aí doing nothing, undoing or not "

And likewise, starting from the example learned, to more than one child, it will pass or teach in front of it, discouraging filha das tarefas from the school and encouraging them to lead the field.

A cyclical history therefore shows the reaction of a more than a filha and depois dessa filha that will become more common that will come out of it. With final dinners, see or destination at this time, being an evening in a caixão inside the house.

Despite the physical presence of the death, we see the teachings persist and go through gerações:

Maria José watching or corpo da mãe. Despite death, to me she remains in a certain way alive because Maria José reproduced as filha the same attitude that she learned when she was a child.
Maria José watching or corpo da mãe. Despite death, to me she remains in a certain way alive because Maria José reproduced with the same behavior that she learned when she was a child.

Film analysis Life Maria

A reação da mãe, Maria José, who shouts like filha Maria de Lurdes for her to leave your exercises school day, and explained to or in detail for the viewer according to his own life story and told. Or film presents, therefore, a narrative circularity, or seja, we see it repeat itself in different gerações of the same family.

In technical terms, or short metragem has a very well-done characterization, both in terms of cenography and in relation to the description of two own persons.

Details as close to the house, for example, conferem with exatidão as typical fences used in the northeast. The flowery dresses of the people and the same type of tie do the hair print an impressive reality.

Cena do curta metragem Vida Maria.
Cena do curta metragem Vida Maria.

It is worth observing how feminine personages distinguish themselves from one another. As for men, we wear colorful and floral dresses, light and calm feições, as respective more we wear drab and sober dresses and we wear a linguagem more abrupt and hard.

Leaving aside two visual aspects, the story narrated by Márcio Ramos faithfully reproduces the realities of gerações and gerações de mulheres do sertão northeast.

O nome do film, Vida de Maria, não é by chance. At the final dinner, a non-traditional focus of calligraphic da garota, shows a multiplicity of Marias and stories that are repeated: são Marias de Lurdes, Marias Josés, Marias da Conceição ...

Maria José and Maria de Lurdes are just two from their long list of Marias who perpetuate the culture of work and do not study. Nomes carried by the weight of religion that simultaneously echo the tragic fate of so many different women embora with extremely similar sinas.

We do not see film quite different stages of life: childhood, adolescence, youth, or maturity and death. Not all that the film begins as a child and is locked up as a deceased bird, not caixão, being veiled inside the house. We are aware of this sequence to the knowledge that one cycle is closed while another continues, following the year of the women of the family.

O curta-metragem shows how the tragic destinies are repeated and how the gerações reproduce here what we will learn from any change or criticism.

Conheça also

  • Film Como estrelas na terra
  • Funny Mind Film
  • Poem "E agora, José?" by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Auto da Compadecida, by Ariano Suassuna
  • As fables of Aesop
  • As music you will remember by Chico Buarque
  • Central do Brasil film
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