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10 infantis poems by Manoel de Barros to read com as crianças

A poetry by Manoel de Barros and feita de singelezas e coisas "sem nome".

Or writer, who passed his childhood in the Pantanal, was raised in nature. By default, he brings together two bugs and plants for his texts.

His writing enchants people of all ages, I have a connection, especially, like children's universe. The writer manages to display in an imaginative and sensitive way his reflections on the world through the words.

We select 10 poems by the great author to você ler for the little ones.

1. Borboletas

Borboletas will invite me to them.
Or insetal privilege to be a borboleta attracted me.
Of course, I would have a different vision for two homes and coisas.
He imagined that the world seen from a borboleta would be, with certainty,
a world free years poems.
Daquele point of view:
I saw that you are more competent in auroras than you are.
I saw that as afternoons I took advantage of the garças do que pelos homens.
I saw that this is more qualitative for the peace of yourselves.
I saw that Andorinhas know more about chuvas do than you are scientists.

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I could narrate many coisas even that I could see from the point of view of
a borboleta.
Ali ate o meu fascínio was blue.

Manoel de Barros published this poem I do not free Photographic essays, launched in 2000. Nele, or writer invites us to imagine the world through the "olhar" das borboletas.

And how would esse olhar be? Second or author would be to enxergar as coisas in an "insetal" way. This word does not exist in the Portuguese language, it is a thermo invented and given by neologism to this type of breeding.

Manoel de Barros uses a lot of this resource in his writing in order to give me sensations that are still not defined.

Here, he chooses some "conclusions" by means of his subjective and ethereal quase. We can say that the author, basically, exhibits an intelligence and wisdom of nature much greater than two human beings, who are schemed many times that they are part of nature.

2. O menino que carregava água na peneira

manoel de barros
Arte feita by bordadeiras de Minas Gerais, Matizes Dumont group, which illustrates or livro Exercises of being a child

I have a light on water and men.
Gostei mais by um menino
that carregava água na peneira.

A mãe disse que carregar água na peneira
It was the same as roubar um vento e
sair running with him to show years irmãos.

A mãe disse that it was or the same
to taste espinhos na água.
Or the same as raising peixes no purse.

Or menino was tied in nonsense.
You want to ride alicerces
of a house on Orvalhos.

A me reparou que o menino
gostava mais do vazio, do que do cheio.
She falava that vazios são maiores and tied infinites.

As the time that menino
that was schism and exquisite,
because he gostava de carregar água na peneira.

How did he find out that
it would be or the same
to load water into the peneira.

No scrubbing or minor viu
that she was capable of being a noviça,
monge ou beggar ao same tempo.

Or I will learn to use those words.
He saw that he could fazer peraltagens as words.
And he began to fazer peraltagens.

He was able to modify the afternoon by dropping a chuva nela.
Or menino fazia prodigies.
Até fez uma pedra dar flor.

A me reparava or menino with tenderness.
A mãe falou: Meu filho você vai vai ser poeta!
Você vai carregar água na peneira a vida todo.

Você vai encher os vazios
com as suas peraltagens,
and some people are going to love you for serious nonsense!

Esse cute poem face part do livro Exercises of being a child, published in 1999. By means of the text, we enter the psychological, fantastic, poetic and absurd universe of a criança.

O menino que carregava água na peneira It narrates as peraltagens de um garoto that gostava de fazer coisas considered illogical, rather than for ele tinham um another meaning. For him, such nonsense was part of a greater and fanciful system of jumping jacks that helped me to understand life.

No poem, let us perceive a loving relationship between me and her baby. Ela, at the beginning, argues that "carregar água na peneira" was something sem meaningful, but depois, it is given the transformative and imaginative power of this action.

A me então, incentiva or filho, that how to pass the tempo also discovers the writing. She says that or menino will be a great poet and fara difference in the world.

Nesse poem, we can consider that, perhaps, or personagem seja or own author, Manoel de Barros.

3. Um bem-I-saw you

Or mild e macio
He didn't laugh.
Face red ...
Da tree evola
love it, do high
e, jump
pousa envergado
I don't drink
to banhar seu louro
spiky hair ...
Of arrepio, na close
It opened up, and dried up.

Or poem em questão integra or livro Compêndio for use two passes, launched in 1999. Nesse text, Manoel gives us a bucolic and quite usual dinner from um bem-te-vi a banhar-se em um fim afternoon.

The author, by word of mouth, led us to imagine and contemplate a corriqueiro event, most incredibly beautiful.

This small poem can be read for children as a way to encourage imagination and appreciation of nature and simple things, placing us as testemunhas das beauties of the world.

4. Small world I

O world meu é small, Senhor.
Tem um river and a little bit of trees.
Our house was located on the coast for the river.
Formigas cut roseiras da avó.
We found a hundred pounds of menino and their wonderful cans.
All the things in this place are already committed to birds.
Here, I know the horizon darkens a little,
We kiss you, we think it is not in fire.
When the river is comin 'um peixe,
Ele kicks me.
He laughed at me.
I love him.
In the afternoon um velho will play his flute to inverter

Small world it is contained no Livro das Ignorãças, 1993. One more time, Manoel de Barros invites us, nesse poem, to know his space, his house, his quintal.

Um natural universe, cheio of simplicity, plants and bugs, that the author can convert in a magical environment, of contemplation and the same gratitude.

No text, or main personage or own world. Or menino in questão, he appears amalgamated in nature, and the author depois also appears immersed in that place, intensely shaved by the force of breeding two animais, das agua e das arvores.

As children we can identify themselves as a purposeful room and imagine avó, or menino e o velho, figures that we can trace and suggest for a person. simple childhood e uncomplicated.

5. Bernardo é quase uma arvore

Bernardo é quase uma arvore
Silêncio dele é tão alto que os passarinhos ouvem
of longe
E vêm pousar em seu ombro de him.
Seu olho de el renew afternoons.
Keep no velho baú seus instruments of work;
1 amanhecer opener
1 prego that farfalha
1 river linker - e
1 horizon esticator.
(Bernardo achieves esticar or horizon using three
Fios de teias de aranha. A physical body bem esticada.)
Bernardo deregulates nature:
Seu olho de el rises o poente.
(Can um homem enrich natureza com a sua

Not Livro das Ignorãças, from 1993, Manoel de Barros includes or poem Bernardo é quase uma arvore. Nele, or personagem Bernardo carries a great intimidation with nature and a sense of perception of everything, that it is how he is himself transformed into a tree.

Manoel traces a fruitful relationship between work and contemplation, giving importance to life, creative leisure and knowledge acquired from contact with natural resources.

Not a poem, we fear a feeling that or personagem is a child. Meanwhile, in reality, Bernardo was an official on Manoel's farm. A simple homem of the field that closely conjoined the rivers, the horizons, or the love of passersby.

6. A menina avoada

Foi na fazenda de meu pai formerly
Europe for twelve years; meu irmão, nove.
Meu irmão pregava no caixote
duas rodas de lata de goiabada.
People ia travel.
As rodas ficavam cambaias debaixo do caixote:
Uma olhava for a outra.
Na time to walk
As rodas opened for the other side.
So that the car would drag, no chão.
Eu ia pousada inside do caixote
com as perninhas encolhidas.
He was pretending to be traveling.
Meu irmão puxava or caixote
by uma corda de embira.
More than a car was supposed to be puxado for two bois.
Eu comandava os bois:
- Puxa, Maravilha!
- Avança, Redomão!
Meu irmão falava
let us take care
because Redomão was a cook.
As cicadas melted in the afternoon with their songs.
Meu irmão desejava reach logo a cidade -
Because ele tinha uma namorada la.
A namorada do meu irmão dava febre no corpo dele.
Isso ele contava.
I did not walk, before, to precise people
to cross an invented river.
Na travessia or car afundou
e os bois morreram afogados.
Eu did not die because o river was invented.
Always a people só chegava no fim do quintal
E meu irmão never went to love dele -
What do you say-that febre dava em seu corpo. "

A menina avoada compõe or livro Exercises of being a child, published in 1999. Ao ler esse poem, we travel together as a menina and seu irmão and enter the memories of his first childhood.

Here, uma narrated imaginative bounce em that a menininha has been led in a caixote by seu irmão mais velho. Or poet get to compor a dinner of children's entertainment to portray or imaginário das crianças, which live True adventures in your inner worlds, but in reality we were barely going through a hundred pounds of home.

Manoel de Barros raises, with this poem, to the capacity of criativa das crianças a um outro patamar. The writer also exudes a loving feeling in an ingênua way, with a subtle beauty, through the namorada do irmão.

7. Or fazedor de amanhecer

Sou leso em treats with a machine.
I have an appetite for inventing beautiful things.
In all my life only engenhei
3 machines
As sejam:
A small crank to hit did not sound.
A fazedor de amanhecer
for poets' use
Plated cassava for o
fordeco de meu irmão.
Cheguei de ganhar um prêmio das indústrias
Automobile Platinum Cassava hair.
I was hailed as an idiot pela maioria
Authorities at the delivery of the prize.
Hair that fiquei um so much superb.
E to glory enthroned forever
in my existence.

Nesse poem, published nonlivro Or fazedor de amanhecer, in 2011, or poet subverte or sense of words and proudly exibes seu dom for coisas "inúteis".

Ele tells us that his unique "inventions" form fantasy objects for equally utopian purposes. Manoel manages to reconcile the practical character of ironworks and machines with an imaginative aura and considered superfluous.

Meanwhile, no matter how important the author is for these uselessness, it is so great that he considers it praiseworthy to be called an "idiot" nessa sociedade.

8. Or trash scavenger

I use a word to compor meus silêncios.
I don't like words
tired of reporting.
Dou mais respect
what do you live on your belly, no chão
type agua pedra sapo.
I understand bem or sotaque das Águas
I respect the unimportant things
e disimportant beings.
I prezo insetos more than aviões.
Prezo a velocidade
you give more tartarugas than two mísseis.
I have my birth delay.
I was paired
to gostar de passarinhos.
I have plenty to be happy for isso.
Meu quintal é maior do que o mundo.
Sou um garbage collector:
I love you remains
like boas flies.
I wanted a minha voice to be in a format
of singing.
Because I don't know about computing:
eu sou da inventcionática.
I only use a word to compor meus silêncios.

Poem taken from Invented Memories: As Infâncias de Manoel de Barros, 2008. Or trash scavenger It exhibits a poet who feared as a characteristic "collecting" such things as important.

He values ​​these things, considering the events of nature as true riches. Assim, rejeita to technology in prol two animals, plants and organic elements.

Another important point in the text deals with price of silêncio, so rare in large urban centers. Here, you can see your intention to write fermented words to say or "indizível", creating us readers an internal space of contemplation of existence.

9. Deus disse

Deus disse: Vou ajeitar a você um dom:
You belong to a tree.
And you belong to me.
Escuto or perfume two rivers.
I know that you give out loud blue sotaque.
Sei botar clio us silences.
To find or blue eu use pass them.
I do not wish to fall with good sense.
I don't want a boa reason for coisas.
Quero or feitiço das palavras.

Or poem in questão consists of no project To Manoel de Barros's library, collection with all the works of the poet, launched in 2013.

No text, or author manipulates words, tracing new meanings and surprendering or reading to or allying disparate sensations in the same phrase, as not the case of "escutar or perfume two rivers". Manoel uses quite a lot of this resource synesthesia in his works.

Or poem approaches the universe of children, pois suggest fanciful dinners that or approximates nature, I have a relationship tied together with brincadeiras, as not the verse "sei botar clios nos silences".

10. Exercises of being a child

Exercises of being a child
Embroidery of women from Minas Gerais, illustrating a capa do livro Exercises of being a child

No airport or perguntou:
-Are you or avião tropicar num passarinho?
O pai ficou torto e noresponse.
Or menino perguntou de novo:
-I know or a plane to tropicar num passarinho sad?
You have tenderness to me and you thought:
Could it be that the absurdities are not the greatest virtues of poetry?
Could it be that you nonsense are not loaded with poetry, do que o bom senso?
Ao sair do sufoco o pai refletiu:
Certainly, to freedom and poetry, people learn how to children.

This poem integrates or livro Exercises of being criança, from 1999. Here, Manoel de Barros exhibits in an incredible way naive and childish curiosity through the dialogue between a child and his country.

Or at least the face of a very pertinent inquiry in the imagination, rather than because it is something that does not constitute a concern for adults, it ends up being received with surprise.

Meanwhile, a criança insists, wanting to know what would happen if an avião trombasse com a sad pássaro in full voo. A mãe então, he understands that that curiosity of trazia is also a great beauty and poetry.

Manoel de Barros music for crianças

Some poems by the writer were transformed into songs for children through the project Creatures, by musician Márcio de Camillo. I spent 5 years studying the work of a poet for the elaboration of music.

Check out two clips of the original project with the animation technique.


What was Manoel de Barros?

Manoel de Barros was born on December 19, 1916 in Cuiabá, not Mato Grosso. He was issued directly in Rio de Janeiro in 1941, but in 1937 he had published his first book, entitled Poems conceived without sin.

In the 60s he started to dedicate himself to his farm in the Pantanal and, from the 1980s onwards, he was rewarded by the public. O writer has an intense production, publishing more than twenty books ao long gives life.

In 2014, after undergoing surgery, Manoel de Barros died, on November 13, not in Mato Grosso do Sul.

poet manoel de barros

Books by Manoel de Barros addressed to the public for children

Manoel de Barros escrevia for all types of people, but its spontaneous, simple and imaginative way of enxergar or the world ended up cative or child public. Dessa form, some of his books are ganharam reissues directed for as children. Between them:

  • Exercises of being a child (1999)
  • Poeminhas fish numa fala by João (2001)
  • Poeminhas em lengua de Brincar (2007)
  • Or fazedor de amanhecer (2011)

Don't stop here, read me too:

  • Manoel de barros e seus 10 great poems
  • Famous poems that children are going to adore
  • Poemas infantis de Vinicius de Moraes
  • Melhores livros infantis da literature brazilian
  • Livro O Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry
  • As melhores fables com moral
  • Poems by Cecília Meireles for crianças
  • Ivan Cruz and his works on childhood

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