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List with musical NOTES in the PENTAGRAM

What are the musical notes on the staff

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Music is a wonderful art enjoyed by most human beings. For many it is a daily companion, for others a hobby and for some it is a way of life. With the importance we give to things, the need to transmit or endure also arises, which is why systems such as writing were devised. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about what are the musical notes on the staff, the blank canvas of musical writing.

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  1. What are musical notes: easy definition
  2. List with all the musical notes on the staff
  3. How the musical notes are placed on the staff
  4. Essential factors of music

What are musical notes: easy definition.

We start with the basic one: musical notes are the set of musical units that are written to form melodies, rhythms or harmony. We call them notes because "note" comes from the Latin "gnoscere", related to marking something to recognize it, so that we can say that a note allows us to "write down" something, to be able to remember it after a while. It is this that allows us to keep information or share it with others who speak the same language. If we compare musical writing with language text writing,

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the musical note would be the equivalent of a letter, the sentences would be melodies and a whole text, a song or work.

Unlike text, music has two important qualities: tuning Y rhythm.When we say tuning we are referring to whether one sound is more "high" or "low" than another. The appropriate term for these words in music is "acute" if it is a loud sound, and "serious" if it is a low sound. And then the rhythm is how often the notes appear on the staff. Precisely as a last concept we mention the staffwhich is how we call the five lines where the musical notes are written.

What are the musical notes on the staff - What are the musical notes: easy definition

Image: SlidePlayer

List with all the musical notes on the staff.

In the western system (which is the universally settled system) the notes are 7 main. These are called:

  • Do
  • Re
  • Me
  • Fa
  • Sun
  • The
  • Yes

They are stated in this specific order by pitch and differentiated by pitch which is the pitch distance between one note and another.

These in turn may have what we call a "disturbance" which is marked on the staff with the symbols # (sustained) and b (flat). When a note is sharp or flat, its pitch shifts half a tone up (if sharp) or down (if sharp). flat), meaning that the name of the note does not change, but its pitch is approximately halfway to the next note.

This is easy to visualize on the piano, as the white keys are our main notes, while the black notes are accidentals. An example: Do# is the black key between C and D. A Reb it is exactly the same black key.

The silences in the musical notes

Finally, we have the silences, which are not notes but they are they are as important as musical notes. A rest is a sign that indicates that a note should not be played and stands in for that note. Silences are important because they allow a melody to breathe and are a crucial part of the rhythm.

Since we have learned about the elements, we are going to learn about placing the musical notes on the staff.

What are the musical notes on the staff - List with all the musical notes on the staff

Image: Educarex Music

How the musical notes are placed on the staff.

As we already learned, the staff uses 5 lines that are numbered from lowest to highest (the lowest line is line 1). In it we count both the lines and the spaces between them. Notes are placed on the lines or in the spaces, depending on which note is desired. This also depends on the musical clef what do we use.

It is important to remember the tuning and rhythm concepts, since the notes can be written one on top of the other (vertically), or side by side (horizontally). When we place notes relative to pitch on the staff, we are writing their pitch, but if we place one note after another, we are writing rhythm.

Tuning writing

The lower we write on the staff, the lower the note. On the contrary, the higher we write a note, the higher it will be.

In the treble cleffor example, which is the one that is used most frequently, the G note is written on the second line.If we follow the order, the next note is La and we would write it in the space that follows. In the third line would be Yes, and so on.

When we write notes lower than the first line or higher than the fifth, we resort to the lines additional, which are short lines that are written in addition to the 5 that we have to continue writing notes. With the additional lines we also respect the spaces.

Rhythm writing

This part can be conceptually confusing, so please read carefully to get a good understanding of each concept.

In music we have units of time, we call these units compass. In the staff we can visualize a measure when the staff is divided by a vertical line. In a measure we can write only a certain amount of notes and this amount is limited by number, a fraction written at the beginning of the staff that tells us what we call "metrics".

When we write notes, they have a value that occupies time space in the measure. We call this value "duration" and tells us how long a musical note keeps sounding. The notes have a different symbol depending on how long we want them to last in the measure. From longest to shortest, these are the names of those notes: round, white, quarter note, eighth note, and sixteenth note. There are more, but we won't go into those details for now.

When we have already written 2 or more notes, one after the other horizontally and not vertically, that is when we create a rhythm.

What are the musical notes on the staff - How the musical notes are placed on the staff

Image: Musical Notes

Essential factors of music.

Good music is made up of 3 essential factors: melody, harmony and rhythm. We already talked about rhythm, so we have the melody and harmony.

The melody is what we can sing with our voice, is a series of notes that have pitch and rhythm. As they are individual notes one after another with a sense, it could be said that they have a musical line. This is the difference between melody and harmony, since harmony is made up of chords and chords are when 2 notes or more sound simultaneously. On the staff, we can write a chord when we place the notes vertically, one on top of the other. The relationship between these notes, and another series of chords gives us the result that we call harmony.

It is the variety and the infinite possibilities of combination that make music so fascinating. Since we have learned about the notes on the staff, now you can begin to discover a new and curious world of sounds with all the possibilities it has to offer. If you have enjoyed learning with this article from a PROFESSOR, we invite you to leave a comment telling us about your experience when reading it.

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List with musical NOTES in the PENTAGRAM

List with musical NOTES in the PENTAGRAM

Image: YoutubeMusic is a wonderful art enjoyed by most human beings. For many it is a daily compa...

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