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Realism: characteristics, works and authors

O realism was a cultural movement that occurred at the second goal of the 19th century in Europe. It is characterized by an objective and committed worldview with reality, as opposition to romanticism, a school that values ​​idealization gives life and fantasy.

I have been present in various languages, such as painting and sculpture, in the meantime, literature that found fertile ground, being the writer Gustave Flaubert or the first to write a romance realistic.

Na painting, only the French Jean-François Millet and Gustave Courbet stand out, whose main theme is the representation of workers.

Or realism developed also in Brazil, I have Machado de Assis as the best representative or writer.

Realism features

No field of literature, where this vertente has a large force, we can list some recurrent characteristics, such as:

  • narration in third person;
  • psychological analysis das personagens;
  • detailed descriptions of weights and situations;
  • exhibition of human failures (betrayals, controversial behavior and misery);
  • instagram story viewer
  • embasamento na science, as nas theories: Positivism, Darwinism, Empiricism, Evolutionism, Utopian Socialism and Scientific Socialism.

O movimento destacou-se pela seeks for an art more compatible with reality, as well as direct communication, sem rodeios, trying to trazer um portrait objective and questioner da sociedade.

These motivations will arise from discord in romantic art and its subjective character, suggesting an idealized, egocentric and sentimental world.

Assim, as realistic works seek to draw a parallel with all individuals, addressing the issues in a collective way and giving emphasis on social problems.

Realism in literature

O berço da corrente realistic foi a França. It is the first realist romance that arises, written by Gustave Flaubert, in 1857. Try-work is done Madame Bovary.

O livro foi um marco, pois exibi a narrative that goes against the values ​​attached to the epoch, tracing An entanglement that addresses marital unhappiness and infidelity, placing em xeque or love Romantic.

Subsequently, the service was extended to other European countries. Em PortugalIn 1865, he went to Questão Coimbrã, a situation that exposes the onslaught that existed between writers of romanticism and realism.

Nessa ocasião, or romantic writer Feliciano de Castilho fez critiques à nova geração de writers realists, students of the University of Coimbra, between Antero de Quental, Teófilo Braga and Vieira de Castro. Castilho alleges that he was missing young years "bom senso e bom gosto".

From that point on, I confront that Antero de Quental wrote a work in response, entitled Bom senso e bom gosto, which has become a symbol of reference for Portuguese realism.

A literary school despontou também no Brazil, Machado de Assis being his senior representative.

Main artists of literary realism and their works

Some works that stand out are not a realist movement, but also mention references to another literary movement, or naturalism, that delves into ideas of realism.

French Writers

  • Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880): Madame Bovary (1857), A Educação Sentimental (1869) e Salambô (1862).
  • Emile Zola: Thérese Raquin (1867), Les Rougon-Macquart (1871)

Portuguese writers

  • Eça de Queiroz (1845-1900): Or Cousin Basílio (1878), Or Mandarim (1879), You maias (1888).
  • Antero de Quental (1842-1891): Sonnets by Antero (1861), Modern Odes (1865), Bom Senso e Bom Gosto (1865)

English writers

  • Mary Ann Evans - pseudonym George Eliot (1818-1880): Middlemarch (1871), Daniel deronda (1876) e Silas marner (1861)
  • Henry James (1843-1916): Os europeus (1878), Portrait of uma Senhora (1881), Asas da pomba (1902)

Russian writers

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky: Ye Irmaos Karamazov (1880) e Crime and Punishment (1866)
  • Liev Tolstoy (1828-1910): War and Peace (1865), Anna Karenina (1877),
  • Anton Tchekhov (1860-1904): As three irmãs (1901), Or jardim das cerejeiras (1904)

Brazilian writers

  • Machado de Assis (1839-1908): Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas (1881), Or alienist (1882), Quincas Borba (1891), Dom Casmurro (1899)
  • Raul Pompeia (1863-1895): Or Ateneu (1888)
  • Viscount of Taunay (1843-1899): Innocence (1872)

An example gives realistic linguagem

À noitinha, when Charles voltava for home, the tirava de debaixo das covers os longos braços lean, passava-os around do Pescoço le e, tendo-o feito sit-se na beirada da cama, she punha-se to falar de seus misfortunes: he is skewed dela, loves some outra! Bem that he haviamed that she would be unhappy; and she ended up asking him for some xarope for a health and a little more love.

This stretch of Madame Bovary, by Flaubert, exemplifies realistic linguagem. Note that there is a detailed description of the dinner, both physical and psychological.

There is still an unhappy context of the marriage, nothing idealized, displaying a crude and objective reality.

Historical context of realism

A realistic school arises in the second goal of the XIX century, a moment of intense world transformation.

This is the period in which the bourgeois class has grown and the foundation of the capitalist system is Causing the Second Industrial Revolution, started in England and spread overseas countries.

In addition, technological and scientific advances will emerge together with the intensification of exploration for two workers, subject to stressful workloads. Furthermore, it arises from pollution originating from factories and other urban problems.

To see you reflect the desejos of the society, willing to break the idealizations of the previous movement, or romanticism. Or approach two writers to represent objective reality.

There was also a concern of explaining what was happening in the world, questioning bourgeois values ​​and provoking critical thinking from the public.

Or literary realism not Brazil

Not Brazil, or the movement is concerned about denouncing the abuses of the monarchy, the bourgeoisie and the Igreja.

Also, the works show an objective point of view that encourages readers to ask questions, focusing on social criticism.

O first realist Brazilian romance foi Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas (1881), by the famous Rio de Janeiro writer Machado de Assis, considered the greatest Brazilian writer, for his literary school.

portrait of Machado de Assis
Portrait of Machado de Assis

Apart from being a writer, Machado developed work as a journalist and literature critic. It was also two responsible for the foundation of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Other significant works of Machado são: Quincas Borba (1886), Dom Casmurro (1899), Esau and Jaco (1904) e Aires Memorial (1908).

We select a stretch of Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas Not which we can analyze or critical character of the work. Here is displayed the behavior of the Brazilian elite and I disregard the workers, no obvious separation of social classes.

Or vile behavior of a child, but it remains throughout the adult life of Brás Cubas.

From the age of five he will deserve some of "menino diabo" in us; and it was not really another thing; I was two mais malignos do meu tempo, I argue, indiscreet, traquinas and willful. For example, one day I broke the head of an escrava, because it would deny me a colher of twelve coconut that I was doing, and, I am not happy as Malefício, deitei um punhado de cinza ao tacho, and, not satisfied with the mischief, I was told to minha more than to scratch it to destroy or twelve "for pirraça "; e eu tinha barely six years. Prudêncio, um moleque de casa, was or meu cavalo of all days; punha as mãos no chão, received a string we queixos, in the guise of freio, eu trepava-lhe ao back, com uma varinha na mão, fustigava-o, dava thousand voltas a um e Another side, and he obeyed - some times it is so great -, but he obeyed sem dizer word, ou, quando muito, um "ai, nhonhô!" - year that eu returned: - "Cala a boca, besta! "

Another important writer of the period is Raul Pompeia, author of Or Ateneu (1888), his greatest romance stands out and that he mixes the influence of the naturalistic school as well.

Historical context of the realist movement in Brazil

Not Brazil, we lived or Second Reign, governed by Dom Pedro II. Nessa epoch was assassinated to Lei Áurea.

A nova lei determines or fim da escravidão no country, a process that leaves a margem a large contingent of people previously registered and who do not have access to opportunities for insertion in society.

Also, at the request of immigrants from different parts of the world to act as a work force and a factor that also causes many changes and adaptations in the country.

It is this caldeirão of events that arises a new way of envisioning and portraying the world of literature and other artistic languages.

How or realism or visual arts?

The visual arts, or realist movement aligned with literary ideas. The same way that you writers, you artists seek to portray a world free of alienation and idealization of two romantics.

Na painting, I eat dinners displaying workers, also worrying about denouncing social inequalities, working with realities in a "cruel" and direct way.

Main artists and works of realist movement

Gustave Courbet (1819-1877)

girls penetrating courbet wheat
Moças penetrating wheat (1854)

Courbet was a French artist who used paint as a form of denunciation. His production is quite tricky, influenced by anarchist ideas of the sociologist and economist Proudhon.

Além disso, the painter who was active in social movements and had an important participation in the Paris Commune, in 1871.

One time I declared:

I only hope to perform a miracle: I will live all my life for my art, I will be afraid of my principles, I will continue for um only instant lied to minha consciência, e sem ter never executed a span of paint to please someone or to to sell.

Jean-François Millet (1814-1875)

sweet potato planters
Sweet potato planters (1862)

O francês é tido as um two precursors of realistic painting. His work valued, over all, a rural worker class, and certain lyricism and delicacy. São muitas dinners of homens and women working on terra, as em Sweet Potato Planters (1862), Pastora com seu rebanho (1864), Angelus (1858), among others.

Millet has a costume that includes the Fundação da Escola de Barbizon, a collective of painters who know from Paris and isolam-se in a rural area called Barbizon as the objective of portraying natural dinners and paisagens.

Almeida Júnior (1850-1899)

Caipira biting I smoke Almeida Junior
Caipira biting I smoke (1893)

No Brazil, a realistic school in painting is not significant, in the meantime, there are some artists who can be included in this classification.

This is the case of Almeida Júnior, who has a fairly present regionalist theme in his work.

Caipira biting I smoke (1893) is one of the two most significant works of him, other fabrics made são Or Violeiro (1899) e Saudade (1899).

August Rodin (1840-1917)

or thinker rodin
Or thinker, sculpture by August Rodin (1880)

Rodin was an important French sculptor for modern art, considered a precursor of the new style.

But he can also be inserted in a group of two artists of realism, due to the themes that he tackled in His works, at the same time with a critical position, and a realistic aesthetic, displaying human bodies as exatidão.

Differences between realism and romanticism

Or realism arises as a response to the romantic movement, being a vertente with opposing characteristics.

Realism Romantism
Objectivity and explanation of reality Escapism and escape gives reality
Embasamento na science Exaltation of religiosity
Valorização da coletividade Individualism and egocentricity
Portraits of human failures Idealization of society
Aceitação do mundo as it appears Search for freedom
Urban and social issues Valorization of nature
Criticism of elite and institutions Patriotism and nationalism
Valorization of the present Nostalgia and attachment to the past

You can also be interested:

  • O Ateneu, by Raul Pompeia
  • Livro Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis
  • Romanticism: characteristics, historical context and authors
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