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Divino Amor film: summary and criticism

Or longa-metragem Divine love It is a futuristic film by Pernambuco director Gabriel Mascaro that faces a social criticism of religion and the power of the State with its dystopian reality in Brazil in 2027.

The premiere film of the Sundance and Berlin festival, has received a series of prizes and has been selected for more than 40 national and international festivals.

(watch out, this is artigo with spoilers)

Film summary Divine love

Political and social context

Divine love It is passed in 2027, when significant changes have been established in Brazil.

Or carnival já não é mais a major festa of the country, there are religious raves - such as a "festa do amor supreme" - spread to the technogospel and the religion passes to occupy a place of centrality in the country.

divine love

No film we find a narration em off feita by a childish, robotic voice, which we do not know is burned and is only revealed in the last dinners of the film. By voice he functions as a narrator who places or spectator by offering explanations about or functioning of the society for the long term of the film.

instagram story viewer

This voice that gives a few major changes in the country and introduces the people. A story told in Divine love it would not be based political-nationalism-religion tripé.

Joana e Danilo: os personagens principais

Joana is a public functionary of a cardboard responsible for deliberating divorces - or that she is, in a certain way, ironic because she is radically against separations.

By using her place of power, Joana tries to manipulate the members of her family in order to convince them to reatarem.

Divine love

Joana does not seu day-to-day tries to hinder or process of divorce and orient you get married to find her solução na religião, she genuinely acha that she is praying or helping you get married to meet again.

Bem-happened to her missão of her, Joana managed to unite husband and wife and convert several desses married to her religion. She keeps a record of small miracles at a discreet home altar, a girl collects portraits with the photos she helped to reconcile.

Joana é internally guided by faith, and isso enormously influencing her day-to-day: she só ouve religious louvores, wears behaved roupas and is summed up as a rotina pacata. Her husband, Danilo, is a florist who made flowers for your funeral.

OR Casal is a typical representative of the Brazilian media class e os people are living deep numa rotina trabalho-casa-igreja.

I find you not Divine Love

Danilo and Joana frequent a weekly home meeting called Divino Amor.

Meetings are only possible to enter - it is necessary to show the matching document and the respective identities in order to enter the space.

Divine love

I did not find, that a guiding theme, you get married with a series of exercises together, apart from lerem a bíblia aloud and trocarem de casais. An unexpected practice of swing nesse context and explained from the belief that "Quem ama não trai, quem ama divides", repeated by the narrator.

The main objective of the Divino Amor group is to keep you married together, faze as you overcome the crises conjugais.

Or central drama

Or the main problem of Joana and Danilo is that you do not get any filhos. In a conservative context, they are not capable of raising up the order of the family to procreate, thus increasing the family.

I know that Danilo has fertility problems and therefore uses a bizarre technological household method to try to make sure that his sêmen becomes efficient.

Divine love

At the end, Joana was engraved, more uncovered than Danilo did not have a fetus, as well as a nenhum homem with her death.

No one accredits a version of the: nem or pastor, nem or husband - who ends up asking for a divorce and leaving home. Sozinha and pregnant, Joana remains firmly in front of her faith. A plot suggests, therefore, that or baby that Joana mapped to the world é o novo Messias.

Criticism of Divine love

A centrality of faith

Divine love Day counted the growth of the neo-Pentecostal church, not our country. In a futuristic reality we are not far away from the imposition of religion and religious hypocrisy (symbolized, for example, by the dinners do drive thru de oração).

A personagem Joana represents or fanaticism to look for all the answers for the serious dilemmas of her no world spiritual - faith occupies a place of centrality in his life and in the life of a large part of the people who are burned coexists. O longa-metragem discusses, therefore, numa realidade não tão distante, or religious fundamentalism.

Divine love

A questão do ultra-nationalismo

We see no longer a series of situations onde é possível testemunhar um exacerbated nationalism (Take note, for example, of a profusion of dinners where Brazilian flags appear).

Or cartório, for the time, appears as bureaucracy symbol no country. Joana's atuação faces how the spectator wonders at what point, what context, or the State ends up being truly secular.

Or the film has a veiled criticism of the religious bench and the growing wave of religious fundamentalism in Brazil (it had been made before the current president's election).

Or advancement of technology and its ability to control

Do not film in the presence of machines such as meta detectors capable of identifying them or not giving me person, or marital status, to profissão and, to woman is pregnant, to pregnancy and or respective registration fetus.

O emprego da tecnologia opens a debate on a relationship between the body or the State.

Divine love

Regardless of the fact that technology gains the face that the State has still more power, also invoking a question on or control biopolitical gives life.

Or neo-Pentecostal conservatism

Divine love He appears or heterossexual marriage as a sacred institution, based on Brazilian society. A igreja, who has a central role, orients your trust in casarem-se e multiply-se as a motto of life.

At pregnancy, due to neglect, it becomes overvalued due to the need to procreate.

divine love


Divine Love | Official Trailer

Data sheet

Original title

Divine love


Jun 27, 2019


Gabriel mascaro


Gabriel Mascaro, Lucas Paraizo, Rachel Daisy Ellis and Esdras Bezerra


Scientific fiction / Drama



Atores principais

Dira Paes, Júlio Machado, Mariana Nunes, Thalita Caraura, Emílio de Mello, Teca Pereira, Thiago Justino


Melhor Filmes e Melhor Atriz no Festival de Cinema Luso Brasileiro de Santa Maria da Feira

Prêmio Feisal (recebino at the Guadalajara Festival)

Conheça also

  • Filme História de um Casamento (Marriage Story)
  • Film Roma, by Alfonso Cuarón
  • Writers da Liberdade film
  • Film A Vida Invisível
  • Documentário Democracia em vertigem
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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