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Bacurau: analysis of the film by Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles

Bacurau It is an adventure film, science fiction and action two Pernambuco filmmakers Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles.

Launched in 2019, a story tells about a community ameaçada not interior of the Northeast Sertão and that suffers with a lack of water and public policies.

Curiously, one day that city disappears from the map and its inhabitants ficam sem sinal of the internet.

Learn more about this film that caused a non-public cathartic reaction at the time of its debut and was listed as the former president of the United States, Baracck Obama, as um two melhores of 2020.

(Beware, from daqui or artigo contém spoilers!)

letter of bacurau
Cartaz do film Bacurau

Film analysis

The directors will seek various sources of inspiration, among the productions of farwest e também cinema europeu.

Meanwhile, the film is quite faithful to the national reality, even counting as a local population in its cast, or that it is essential to portray a Brazil that is characterized by inequalities, most notably popular resistance.

instagram story viewer

History is passed from here to some time and we cannot specify exactly or year. Or because of the fact that it is not future, it identifies a direct relationship with current events and past events.

Dessa form, we can say that the film serves as a allegory of Brazilian reality.

Caixões na estrada

Logo does not come with narrative, we accompany Teresa traveling in a pipa-path through precárias roads.

No meio do caminho surgem caixões, that are run over by the path and can be interpreted as a prenuncio da damping atmosphere that awaits us in the small city of Bacurau.

Burial of Dona Carmelita

burial Dona Carmelita Bacurau
Courtship dinner of Dona Carmelita em Bacurau

Assim that Teresa chega, we lay before us as a funeral and or burial of Dona Carmelita, played by Lia de Itamaracá. Dona Carmelita was a black lady, quite ugly, who was very important to the community.

Across the, obvious physics to importance of women In the matriarchy in this place, Carmelita was responsible for raising a huge family, made up of people of all kinds, perhaps as a portrait of a Brazilian own.

Bacurau's Nome

Bacurau é o nome desse vilarejo fictício. É também o nome de uma ave with nighttime habits, much found not closed in Brazil.

Do not film, some of the information is revealed by a resident when she is questioned by a group of tourists, who treats or misuses them.

pass bacurau
À esquerda, special menu of Bacurau, raised by Clara Moreira. À direita, photograph of the passer-by that takes me from Bacurau

A direct relationship can be traced between the characteristics of the passing and the povo of Bacurau, which also, as an animal, is quite attentive to what happens à su volta.

Opportunistic Prefect

O prefeito da city and portrayed a figure of Tony Jr, a homem who is not interested in promoting policies public or melhorias in the community, and sim take advantage of it, approaching it just in the year eleições.

Tony Jr, além disso, represents o rest for education, explicit at dinner that clears a mountain of books from a path, which falls in any way, being damaged.

He also cam to force a local prostitute, evidencing gender and sexual violence that she will fry, unfortunately not present in Brazil.

Casal de Brasileiros e Forasteiros Americans

Udo Kier em Bacurau
O German ator Udo Kier plays Michel, a wicked American

A casal de motoqueiros appears not povoado, apparently as tourists. The originating from the Southeast and South of Brazil, and by default, are superior to or from the Northeast.

Na reality, they are here to contribute with extermination plans daquela comunidade by American foreigners who settled in the region.

We can see a parallel of this situation as it occurs in a more general field, in which Brazilian elites despise povo and ally themselves with foreign interests.

Lunga e o cangaço queer

Lunga é o nome de um two personages most emblematic of the film. Through this figure I explain gender identity questions allied to a força and drive for survival.

place in bacurau
Or ator Silvero Pereira interpreting Lunga

Or personagem, an outlaw and sought after police, transits between the male and female genders. He com a chegada del not vilarejo that the population organizes-more is added and prepares-for resist to attacks that sofrerão.

Lunga symbolizes or wishes for transformações radicais na sociedade, and sees me transvestite in a figure that item or power to unite elements at the beginning tão dispares, as the universe do cangaço com a transsexuality.

Sundays and a força da mulher nordestina

Domingas is a doctor from Bacurau, who helps the population in their health problems, at the same time that the same suffers as alcoholism.

sônia braga em bacurau
A doctor Domingas, played by the concerted actress Sônia Braga

Sônia Braga, who has never participated in the film Aquarius, also by Kleber Mendonça Filho, is responsible for the interpretation of this complex personage who represents energy and garra da mulher nordestina Em meio to a harsh reality.

Museu e escola de Bacurau

Or museum of the city is another important element in the plot of Bacurau.

In various dinners, to a local or appointment population, saying to or for tourists to go to the place. Depois, discover-that or museum shelters a collection of photographs and objects of cangaço that I suggested that or could be part of that universe not past, possessing um historical luta e resistance.

museu da bacurau
Or museu exibe jornal Diário de Pernambuco with a fictitious reportagem about or cangaço no vilarejo de Bacurau

These are also two locals escorted by the populace as they hide, not at the moment when two Americans are attacked. Escolha can be seen as a symbol of importance of culture and day. memory na history of um povo.

Another question that is worth leaving the possible relationship between the past of Bacurau as the past of the native of the Northeast, through popular revolts such as Canudos, Conjuração Baiana e Quilombo dos Palmares.

Além do museu, another place that accommodates the residents is the school of the city. Lá, the inhabitants are hiding inquanto the "gringos" they are a perverse jogo in search of victims, sem to know that, not really, they will be annihilated.

Curiosities about Bacurau

Winner of the Prêmio do Júri No. 72nd Cannes Film Festival, or longa metragem and a co-production between Brazil and France and was filmed in 2018 in the Seridó region, the northeastern region that covers Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba.

Years before, in 2016 no Cannes Festival or film was shown Aquarius, também by Kleber Mendonça Filho. Nessa occasion, or cast and director, will raise letters in support of Dilma Rousseff, president who undergoes an impeachment process in a country at its height.

By counting this episode, I believe that it will be Bacurau ocorresse or the same festival of 2019. Meanwhile, the film was shown with protests, second to the directors, to its own history and sufficient as a form of denunciation.

Outra curious information is that or roteiro has been written since 2009.

Film trailer

BACURAU | Official Trailer

Featured Films by Kleber Mendonça Filho

Kleber Mendonça Filho is a renowned director of national cinema and accumulates some important productions in his career. In some of them, or another director of Bacurau, Juliano Dornelles, I also participated.

kleber mendoonça filho
Or filmmaker Kleber Mendonça Filho

Check out a list of the most significant works by Kleber, in chronological order:

  • Green Vinyl (2005) - curta-metragem
  • Electrical appliances (2005) - curta-metragem
  • Noite de Sexta, Manhã de Sábado (2007) - curta-metragem
  • Critic (2008) - documentary
  • Recife Frio (2009) - curta-metragem
  • O som ao redor (2012)
  • Aquarius (2016)
  • Bacurau (2019)

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