Education, study and knowledge

NEGRA and the silence of black

The black woman and the silence of the black woman

Great works are created with details, small elements with which when combining them we can come up with something new, with unique configurations. In music we play with several of these elements and we also have different types of them: sound and time. If with sound we mean harmony, melody and tuning, with time we would be talking about rhythm and all that it entails.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we will learn about theblack and the silence of black, one of these musical figures that we use for rhythm.

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  1. What is black and the silence of black
  2. What is a rhythmic figure
  3. Types of musical figure: notes and rests
  4. Duration of musical notes and figures
  5. Eighth and sixteenth notes

What is black and the silence of black.

The black woman is a musical rhythmic figure, which has the duration of 1 time. Since each figure has a silence of equivalent duration, the silence of a quarter note, as indicated by its name, lasts the same as a quarter note: 1 time of silence.

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If you are just learning about the world of music, you may not feel familiar with various musical terms, so in this article we will also talk about the basic concepts necessary to understand rhythmic figures and how they are used in music.

What is a rhythmic figure.

For musical rhythmwe mean the succession of sounds (with or without tuning) that are defined according to their duration or frequency, that is, for how long they remain sounding, making silence or how much it repeats in a given period. Since music has its own writing system, as if it were a language, for rhythm there are certain symbols to be able to define the duration that a sound or silence should last; It is these figures that we call rhythmic figures.

In order to read and / or write music, this means that you must learn how to differentiate these figures and learn to write and recognize them according to their symbols.

The black woman and the silence of the black woman - What is a rhythmic figure

Image: Pinterest

Types of musical figure: notes and silences.

In summary, a musical figure indicates a note or the absence of it, this is how we divide the types of musical figure into notes and silences. Both resources, sound as well as the absence of it, are essential for music.

  • The notes: are those that produce a sound and that can have a defined pitch, with a name and position on the staff (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si do).
  • Abe quiet: it is the absence of sound, when we must wait a certain amount of time and we do not play any notes.

How to write the musical figures

Each musical figure has its own symbol that identifies them. In the case of notes, we must refer to the anatomy of a musical note. The drawing of a note consists of 3 parts: head, stem and bracket. Not all musical figures necessarily have the 3 parts, so based on this and their shapes we can recognize a musical figure.

Finally, the silences have their own symbols to be able to identify their duration.

Duration of musical notes and figures.

The measure we use for the value of musical figures is the "time". Each musical figure has an assigned duration value, a specific number of beats. This applies to both notes and rests. These are the durations of the basic musical figures:

Musical notes and their duration

  • Round= 4 times
  • White= 2 times
  • Black = 1 time
  • Quaver = 1/2 time
  • Semiquaver = 1/4 time

The silences and their duration

These would be the equivalent values ​​of the notes but as rests:

  • Silence of round = 4 times
  • Silence of white = 2 times
  • Silence of black = 1 time
  • Eighth note silence = 1/2 time
  • Semi-eighth note silence = 1/4 time

Although these are the basic musical figures, you need to know that there are many more, with different values ​​and durations. Some of these are: the fusa, the semi-fusa, the triplet, the sextillo and the dotted figures, among others.

The black and the silence of black - Duration of the notes and musical figures

Image: Notes

Eighth and sixteenth notes.

Sometimes you can find this way of writing musical notes of shorter duration, this is common for example in the eighth and semi-eighth notes. The possibility of draw them together It is a way to organize them and make them much easier to read. When this happens, the bracket turns into a line at the end of the stem and connects both figures. To distinguish the rhythmic figures in this case you must count the number of lines that join them: the eighth notes are joined by a dash and the semi-eighth notes by 2.

Now that you know the black woman and the silence of the black woman, Plus the basics for reading musical figures, you can begin your journey in reading and writing music.

If you want to read more articles similar to The black woman and the silence of the black woman, we recommend that you enter our category of Musical language.

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