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7 works to know Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) is considered one of the two most original painters of the 20th century.

Or plastic artist, who is two great names of American abstract expressionism, were the first two to use the drip painting technique, a way of painting that he uses or dripping. The huge canvases were placed horizontally, deitas no chão, and Pollock walked on them clearing the inks in an original way.

1. Autumn Rhythm: Number 30 (1950)

Autumn Rhythm: Number 30 by Jackson Pollock (1950)

To cloth Autumn Rhythm: Number 30Raised in the 1950s, she is two icons of abstract art - which managed to liberate painters from the work of figuration, of representation of reality.

Or method drip painting, practiced by Pollock between 1947 and 1951, was raised by Max Ernst and trained as an American painter, who established a new type of art that he did not create. In order to do drip painting, isto, and the dripping technique, Pollock was forced to change from conventional ink to a more fluid, industrial ink for automotive use.

As well as using a brush and a thicker brush, Pollock also has a can of conventional ink and a furou or background. Essa nova ferramenta, invented unexpectedly, or juju na dripping technique.

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In order to raise his serious pictures in a different way, Pollock deitava a tela no chão e caminhava sobre ela (a gesture that was understood as action painting).

Autumn Rhythm: Number 30As big as it is, it needs to be painted with a celebration, located next to the painter's house.

In 1945, Pollock was a woman (also a painter Lee Krasnet), haviam moved to a house in East Hampton and Tinham or privilege of ter or celeiro, which provides the possibility of creating great works and experiments with restrictions on space.

Autumn rhythm You give more fabrics using the dripping technique, possible 2.67 meters by 5.26 meters. A work is a record of the process of comings and goings of the painter and, because it is enormous, it immersive for the public that can mergulhar nela and tempt to imagine a sensation behind the baby.

2. Number 1, Lavender Mist (1950)

Number 1, Lavender Mist by Jackson Pollock (1950)

One of the most recognized works of Pollock é Number 1, Lavender Mist. Nesse kind of work, onde face I use do drip painting, there is no central element or any type of hierarchy of elements present not square.

During the period in which Pollock lived, or gave birth, he gained a lot of prominence and the idea of ​​the enclosed work, he ended up losing strength. For this generation of artists, it interests both the process and the final result.

Or original gesture of Pollock, which Caminhava on fabric By distributing in ink, how they danced, a number of interviews were recorded that helped to popularize and disseminate even more of his work.

On the accusation that his works were random, very rare at the time, or a painter, I argued:

When I am painting, I have a general noção do que faço. Posso control or flow of ink... No accident, as well as no commence nem fim.

3. Mural (1944)

Jackson Pollock Mural (1944)

To work Mural (1944) is a major work by Pollock (6 meters long by 3 meters high) and had been commissioned by Peggy guggeinheim, an important collector of North American arts that was responsible for organizing the first exhibition of the painter.

Mural It was commissioned by Peggy no verão from 1943 to paint some of the walls of the house she has in Manhattan. Marcel Duchamp, a friend of Peggy's, suggested that painting should not be safe on the wall, but rather, in order to be transportable.

Second a myth that appears about the American painter, or Mural I was raised in just one night from the painter who has been blocked for weeks with a crise de criatividade. Researchers, however, will find several layers of ink on layers that indicate a hair drying process in less weeks.

On this subject, Pollock confessed to a friend:

It is about a fighter of all the animais in the American West, cows and horses and antelopes and buffaloes. Tudo is present on the damn surface.

During a period of life, Pollock and Peggy Guggeinheim established a fairly incomum relationship: a collector paid a monthly fee. Amount of $ 150 so that Pollock could keep himself and continue to produce his fabrics, which Peggy considered to be raw works. It was, by sinal, some great responsibility for the dissemination of Pollock in the world I have raised his work also for Europe.

Ace large scale paintings foram very influenced by Mexican muralism and Pollock, as tinha as a work area um enormous Celeiro, he could give himself a luxury to raise with his own concern as a dimension of the work that he would breed.

4. Full Fathom Five (1947)

Jackson Pollock's Full Fathom Five (1947)

Full Fathom Five It is considered a transition fabric because incorporate objects (cigar guimbas, tachinhas, packaging, etc), as well as Picasso and Braque, great influences from the painter, haviam feito no passado. In Pollock's fabrics to follow, we do not find more in a way that is even more present than the inclusion of objects.

Full Fathom Five It is also a historical framework: the first time that Pollock deitou a tela no chão e andou on the foi em Full Fathom Five, em 1947. Currently a fabric, historical, is found in the collection of MOMA, in Nova Iorque.

Ao place the cloth not to walk on it, Pollock fazia here that many chamavam to undo not ar, dance on the paint. This movement became known as action painting (ação painting).

Or his own painter, on various occasions, explained or his process:

Minha painting I do not see the cavalete… I do not have any more details. I feel better, more part of the painting, but then I can walk around it, work on four sides and literally be in painting.

5. Male and Female (1942)

Male and Female by Jackson Pollock (1942)

Painted more for the beginning of the career, a cloth Male and Female ainda is quite inspired no work by Picasso, no cubism, and this is no meio do caminho between abstract and figurative painting.

As a suggestion or title, we do not see a male and a female figure, but both appear ambiguous. Theoretical many costumam identify a male figure as being represented by the coluna preta, preenchida com Mysterious numbers and counts, and the female figure would be situated at the top, being represented by the curves and com olhos felines.

In 1942, Pollock was invited to participate in a joint exhibition that was being organized by surrealists. The North American painter, despite identifying himself with various principles of the group (such as, for example, the importance of the unconscious), He refused to participate in the event because he did not feel at all about joint activities, he preferred to explore sozinho to his own voice and face um individual course respecting o seu tempo e as suas uncobertas.

6. Birth (1941)

Jackson Pollock's Birth (1941)

Birth It is two more consecrated paintings by Pollock and marks an important phase. Facing or dying as an alcohol, or a painter began in 1939, a process of therapy and detoxification that lasted in 1941 - when I was admitted to the Westchester Division of New York Hospital.

Or quadro Birth Fala about this process of rebirth, gives his search for inner knowledge and of a linguagem author.

O work of creation of the painter was very marked by importance of the unconscious not its creative process.

When I am in my painting, I am not aware that I am doing it. Só depois de um period of ‘familiarization’ is that old or that I have ugly. I have no means of making changes, destroying images, etc., because painting has a life of its own.

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock was very influenced by Jung's theories, who sought to give access to the unconscious (both individual and collective) through art.

In 1939, Pollock began therapy as analyst Joseph Henderson. Jung was Joseph Henderson's own therapist, an analyst at Pollock. Uma curiosity: not the end of the treatment, Pollock had this year his analyst 87 developments that he took during the process in question.

Or quadro Birth I am also read by many as a form of rebirth, no collective sense, one time that Americans ask themselves what world they should build after the great war.

Convém lembrar two important dates that will influence North American culture: in 1930 The United States entered a serious financial depression in 1942 or the country entered in the Second World War. World.

7. Figures in a Landscape (1937)

Figures in a Landscape by Jackson Pollock (1937)

To work Figures in a Landscape It was raised when Pollock was 24 years old and is the oldest canvas of the artist present in the MOMA collection. He registered two serious first times of his breeding.

As a 16-year-old painter from the Manual Arts School in Los Angeles, I am very influenced by myself. Either rapacious era or youngest of five irmãos filhos de un casal of Scottish and Irish origin (Stella May McClure and Le Roy Pollock). Or because of him, a farmer, he needs to move with his family sometimes in search of better conditions in the field. Especially thanks to Jackson, it encourages you to follow my artistic paths. Três, de fato, viraram artists.

At the age of 18, in 1930, Jackson moved to New York because he became an artist, because of the occasion that he left his birth name (Paul), to adore or become an artist Jackson.
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