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9 important artists of Modern Art Week

The Modern Art Week, also called the Week of 22, was a Brazilian event that became a framework for a non-country cultural dinner.

Occurred in February 1922 not the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, or event tinha as objective to present a nova maneira to produce and appreciate art, more aesthetically aligned with the trends that occurred in Europe, but dealing with nationals.

Also, various artists from various backgrounds will join and perform the event, receiving harsh criticism at the time, but contributing to a true renovation of arts in the country.

Modernists in literature

1. Mário de Andrade (1893-1945)

Mário de Andrade was an intellectual of enormous importance for the construction of a national identity that values ​​the cultural diversity of the Brazilian population.

portrait of Mario de Andrade by Jorge de Castro
Portrait of Mário de Andrade. Credits: Jorge de Castro

Born in São Paulo in 1893, a large contribution to a modernist dinner that was installed at the first destination of the XX century, developing works for the written word, acting also as a folklorist and activist cultural.

instagram story viewer

Na Modern Art Week, his participation in it was intense. Or event ocorreu not the same year as it seu livro Paulicéia Desvairada was published. This was the work that produced Mário's first modernist poems, not which he lyrically translated all of the restlessness and effervescence of the São Paulo metropolis.

A poem known present I do not release it Landscape No. 3.

Landscape # 3


Sorri uma garoa de cinza,
Very sad, as um sadly I long ...
A Casa Kosmos does not have impermeability in liquidation ...
More neste Largo do Arouche
Posso open or meu guarda-chuva paradoxal,
This lyrical banana from rendas mar ...

Ali em in front... - Mário, põe a mask!
-Tens reason, minha Loucura, tens reason.
O rei de Tule jogou a taça ao mar ...

Os homens passam flooded ...
I reflect on you two short vultures
Mancham or petit-pavé ...
As rolas gives Normal
Esvoaçam between the fingers gives garoa ...
(E si pusesse a verse of Crisfal
No De Profundis ...)
Um raio of surly Sun
Risca or chuvisco ao meio.

To find out more about the work of this writer, I read: Poems explained by Mário de Andrade.

2. Oswald de Andrade (1890-1954)

A gift of an irreverent personality, Oswald de Andrade was an essential figure in the consolidation of the modernist movement in the country.

Portrait of Oswald de Andrade

His career as a writer began in 1909 not on the daily newspaper Diário Popular. Later on, he spent a period traveling through European countries, where he witnessed all of the cultural effervescence that brought about the vanguard of art (such as cubism, expressionism, futurism).

Inspired by these trends, when he returned to Brazil in 1917, Oswald began to articulate himself in a prolific art refined as what was more innovative. By isso, in 1922, he was among the idealizers of Semana.

As a writer and cultural agitator, he seeks to build a work that recognizes Brazilian history told from the point of view of the past, revealing our costume in a critical and ironic way.

In literature, he passed hair genres of romance and poetry, acting also as a playwright.

A poem that illustrates bem essa brasilidade em su obra é Portuguese error.

Portuguese error

Quando or português chegou
Debaixo de uma bruta chuva
Dress or Indian
What a pity!
Fosse uma manhã de sol
Or indio tinha dismissed
Or Portuguese.

3. Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968)

Manuel Bandeira is two famous names from our literature. Or poet, chronicler, professor and translator of the first generation of Brazilian modernists.

portrait of Manuel Bandeira

His inaugural work was a book of poems A cinzas das horas, published in 1917. Four years ago, Oswald and Mario de Andrade met, and together they made an intense exchange about modernist ideals in literature.

His production of him is marked by a colloquial writing, free verses and themes of everyday life, apart from certain nostalgia and sadness, perhaps because of a tuberculosis that accompanies all of life.

A participation of Bandeira in the Week of 22 oorreu partially, you can not appear no day when you declare your poem You toads.

Meanwhile, my friend Ronald de Carvalho takes charge of the função. Or public rejeitou or text, which faces sarcastic criticism of conservatism and Parnassianism, a literary movement in vogue.

You toads
Enfunando the papos,
Saem gives gloom,
Aos pulos, you toads.
The light dazzles you.
I'm hoarse that terrifies,
Berra or sapo-boi:
- "Meu pai foi à guerra!"
- "Não foi!" - "Foi!" - "Não foi!".
O sapo-tanoeiro,
Parnassian watered down,
Say: - "Meu cancioneiro
É bem martelado.
Sell ​​like cousin
Em eat you hiatuses!

To know more about the poet, read: Poems memorable by Manuel Bandeira.

Modernists in the plastic arts

4. Anita Malfatti

It was a huge contribution to the painter, deanist and teacher Anita Malfatti for the Brazilian plastic arts not in the beginning of the 20th century.

portrait of Anita Malfatti

We can say that he was the first artist to cause rebellion in the era. Isso por conta a exposição that she started in 1917, inspired by the modernist aesthetic that she told you when she was a woman in Germany between 1910 and 1914.

It is important to note that before the show, another artist, Lasar Segall, had also exhibited his modernist fabrics, in the meantime, they were not massacred by criticism, as ocorreu com Anita.

Also, when the Modern Art Week happened, a painter had a fairly innovative production and participated in the event with 20 fabrics.

But part of her work exhibits intense cores, deformations of figures, contrasting lines, arbitrary non-use of cores and valorization of a design not that the interpretation is superimposed on form.

One of her paintings of her with characteristics and that she is present at the Week was Or homem love it (1917), which second artist represents the figure of an Italian immigrant.

quadro O homem amarelo, by Anita Malfatti
O homem amarelo (1917), by Anita Malfatti

To know more about, read: Anita Malfatti: works and biography

5. Say Cavalcanti

Emiliano Augusto Cavalcanti from Albuquerque e Melo, or Di Cavalcanti, was another artist of great expression not modernism and fez part two idealizers of the Week of 22.

Di Cavalcanti portrait

She managed to bring together in her fabrics an innovative approach, characteristic of avant-garde Europeans, with the valorization of genuinely Brazilian subjects, such as povo, portrayed in a humane and authentic way.

At the Modern Art Week, he stood out as an articulator and artist, exhibiting 12 works at the show.

He also gives the author of the letter and of the event catalog, which trazem contrasted images in this article.

catalog and letter of Modern Art Week, by Di Cavalcanti
Catalog and letter of the Week of 22, by Di Caqvalcanti

Além da painting, Di também atuou as a cartoonist, journalist and cenographer. His legacy for Brazilian art was created in the 1920s, becoming an artist who inspired other gerações.

To see more works by this painter, read: Di Cavalcanti: works for understanding or artist.

6. Vicente do Rego Monteiro (1899-1970)

One thing that also stands out is the modernist movement of the young Vicente do Rego Monteiro.

portrait of Vicente do Rego Monteiro

Born in Recife, he began his studies in painting for 12 years in Europe and returned to his country in 1917, he was never used to thinking about art in a modern way. Assim, in 1922 he exhibits some fabrics during the week.

Or work that the painter presents to the public and strongly marked by cubist aesthetics, with great geometrization and sculptural treatment of forms and human figures, as it is perceived not quadro Pietá (1966), a re-writing of the Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo.

Pietá, by Vicente do Rego Monteiro
Pietá (1966), by Vicente do Rego Monteiro

7. Victor Brecheret (1894-1955)

No field of sculpture, it is possible to say that the best of modernism in Brazil was Victor Brecheret.

His production valued the clarity of forms, with simple lines, he will be concerned with reproducing faithfully to reality.

victor brecheret portrait

This is an artist who, along with two serious modern contemporaries, has artistic training in Europe, absorbing the many little concepts that will reveal himself in his works.

His participation in the Week of 22 ocorreu with an exhibition of 12 fish.

An outstanding work in his career Diana Caçadora, born in 1929-1930 and that can be seen in the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, local onde ocorreu at Week of 22.

work Diana Caçadora, by Brecheret. Photo by Julia Moraes
Work Diana Caçadora (1930), by Brecheret. Imagem by Julia Moraes

Modernists in music

8. Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)

Heitor Villa Lobos is one of the most important personalities of Brazilian classical music of the 20th century. His knowledge of music was comprehensive, pois, also a composer, he was also a pianist, violinist, cellist and teacher.

portrait of Villa Lobos

His musical training begins in childhood, when he learns clarinet and cello as a child for 6 years. Com a aunt he learns or piano and later I will attend the National Music Institute.

Despite his classical training, Heitor also contacted you with popular music, or that it was essential for him to be able to create an innovative and modern work.

It was not in 1915 that he began to appear publicly, and in 1922 he sat completely in love with ideas from his modernist colleagues. So much so that he participated in the week playing for the public three days of the event.

He confirms a presentation of the Brazilian Symphonic Orchestra performing Bachiana No. 2 (Trenzinho do Caipira), in that Villa Lobos is inspired by some of Trem's locomotives to compose one of his most expressive works by him and exciting.

Villa-Lobos - Bachianas Brasileiras Nº 2 - IV. Tocata (Or trenzinho do caipira). Minczuk

9. Guiomar Novaes (1895-1979)

From where Guiomar Novaes began, he became interested in music, so much so that for four years he learned the piano ao ouvir suas irmãs will play at home.

portrait of Guimar Novaes
Guiomar Novaes disk cape with his portrait

At the age of six he passed to three classrooms formed and later in depth or conhecimento with Luigi Chiaffarelli, Italian musician who becomes his master.

Years after years, his first public appearance was made and in 1909 he moved to live in France, where he continued his studies. He participates in the Modern Art Week on the 22nd, plus events outside the same, interpreting especially the compositions of Chopin and Schumann, as well as disseminating the musics of contemporary seu Villalobos.

You can also be interested in:

  • Modern Art Week
  • Modern art
  • Modernism not Brazil
  • Artists Essenciais da Arte Moderna
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