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Cidade dos ossos: summary, film, series, edições, about Cassandra Clare

Released in 2007, a fiction of urban fantasy written by North American author Cassandra Clare and turned for the adult audience.

City of Bones (in Portuguese Cidade dos ossos) was a success for the public and critics, having reached the list of two books most sold second or daily New York Times in April 2007.

O livro é o first volume of the collection The Mortal Instruments (in Portuguese Os instruments mortais), which at the moment includes six titles.

Currently City of Bones has been translated into more than thirty five languages, including Portuguese, Hebrew, Japanese, Polish and Bulgarian. Gathering all the publications of Cassandra Clare, it is estimated that the author has already sold more than 36 thousand copies a year around the globe (I have sold 1.6 thousand books just not in Brazil).

I summarize

A story, narrated in a third person, is passed through a contemporary Manhattan. Or free and divided into twenty and three chapters and the protagonist is Clairy Fray, a young girl ruiva, baixinha e com sardas, fifteen years old, apparently normal, born and raised in Brooklyn. Garota lives with her, Jocelyn Fray, a young and talented violin artist, and Simon as my childhood friend.

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Uma bela noite, a teenager resolves to take advantage of a party with trance music in the boate fashion of Nova Iorque, or Pandemônio. She is enchanted by a boy with green eyes and blue hair.

Or menino passou por el, fast as um raio. Clary wanted to move two shoulders, give her, do jeito that she mexeu not hair to enter. There was a word that besides the theory used to descrevê-lo - carefree.

- Você o achou bonitinho - disse Simon, looking resigned. - Não achou?

Clary deu uma cotovelada nas costelas give her, but she did not respond.

Little does she know that at a rapid pace from her she would go jogá-la num universe cheio de mistério and full of demons, feiticeiros, fadas, vampires and wolves.

Na noite que passa no Pandemônio na companhia do amigo Simon, Clairy assists an assassination: three teenagers kill a raptor. Either the problem that or the vítima body does not appear and just Clairy testemunha or crime. Clearly you saw that it was supposed.

Na noite to follow, still disturbed as it happened, a young man receives a strange phone call, he gives me a request so that the boy does not return home. Contrary to the instructions that have been given, Clairy returns to read, to check, barnacle that I had been sequestrated.

Nessa lives Clairy's life forever mute, she is forced to fight against the terrifying demon Ravaner. Depois of a difficult brigade, Clairy defeats the demônio morre, but bites and distills its poison, thus blocking its lembranças from her.

Clairy meets and joins three Shadowhunters, courageous figures who want to free Earth from demons. We ficame knowing later that my lady, Jocelyn Fray, also me, as well as her filha, a shadow hunter.

On a journey to free her own man and to reawaken his memory of her, Clairy bravely faces a series of supernatural creatures.

Coletânea Os Instrumentos Mortais (The Mortal Instruments)

A coletânea de Cassandra Clare contém, até o momento, six livros, são eles:

1. City of Bones, in Portuguese Cidade dos ossos (published in the US on March 27, 2007)

2. City of Ashes, in Portuguese Cidade das cinzas (published in the USA on March 25, 2008)

3. City of Glass, in Portuguese Cidade de Vidro (published in the USA on March 23, 2009)

4. City of Fallen Angels, in Portuguese Cidade dos anjos caídos (published in the USA on April 5, 2011)

5. City of Lost Souls, in Portuguese Cidade das almas perdidas (published in the USA on May 8, 2012)

6. City of Heavenly Fire, in Portuguese Cidade do fogo celestial (published in the USA on May 27, 2014)

The mortal instrument

Original edition and Brazilian edition

The North American edition of the City of Bones was launched on March 27, 2007 (in English version released in July 2007), by publisher Simon & Schuster. Original North American coat, it was bred by Russel Gordon.

North American and English edition.
Capa das edições North-American and English.

Not Brazil, or only Galera Record (Record publisher) released in 2010 or released by Cassandra Clare on the title Cidade dos ossos. A translator responsible for the first time free of the collection The mortal instruments were Rita Sussekind in an edition of 462 pages.

Coat of the Brazilian edition.
Coat of the Brazilian edition.

Leia na whole

Or PDF of Cidade dos ossos It is available in full in Portuguese.

Film The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Directed by Harald Zwart, the film inspired by the work of Cassandra Clare was released in August 2013 and included an organization of about 30 million dollars.

Or cast has the participation of Lily Collins not the role of Clary Fray, Jamie Campbell Bower not the role of Jace Wayland, Robert Sheehan not role of Simon Lewis and Jonathan Rhys Meyers not role of Valentim Morgenstern.

Os Instrumentos Mortais - Cidade dos Ossos Legendary Trailer [HD1080p]

Series Shadowhunters, based on The Mortal Instruments

Originally filmed in Toronto, not Canada, Shadowhunters is based on the work of Cassandra Clare.

The first season of the series in the United States on January 12, 2016, has 13 episodes. The second season has 20 episodes and it was on January 2, 2017. In the third season of the last season, it had 22 episodes and it was on March 20, 2018.

The protagonist Clary Fray is played by the actress Katherine McNamara. Jocelyn, a mãe da jovem, and played by Dominic Sherwood, and my friend Simon, and played by Alberto Rosende.

Not Brazil, a series and exhibited by Netflix and in Portugal is the Netflix audience.


Quem é Cassandra Clare

Filha from North American country, Judith Rumelt, whose pseudonym is Cassandra Clare, born in Teerã, capital of Irã, on July 27, 1973. Judith passesou boa part of her childhood traveling with her family.

I have been a writer for ten years living in France, in England and in Switzerland. During her adolescence, Judith died in Los Angeles.

You are free for a saida found pela menina to keep warm from so many changes. When she completed a major, the author signed on bases in Los Angeles and Nova Iorque, where she went to work in a series of magazines and tabloids.

Judith screvia as a hobby, on fanfiction sites, inspired by characters from Harry Potter and Senhor dos Anéis.

In 2006, Judith managed to dedicate herself fully to her fiction, becoming a professional writer. Currently the writer lives in Massachusetts with her husband (Joshua Lewis) and three esteemed cats.

Cassandra clare
To author Cassandra Clare.

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