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Romanticism: characteristics, historical context and authors

During the XIX century vigorou or Romantism, an artistic school that was opposed to classicism and nascent Originally, the European countries came to be later transferred to the Atlantic.

O Romantismo was an artistic movement that left its marks in poetry, not romance and not theater. In Brazil, it is possible to observe the presence of romantic characteristics until the end of the 18th century.

Characteristics of Romantism

Or Romanticism acquires quite different characteristics in each country, because it is so difficult to generalize or the behavior of immersive authors in different universes. Or Portuguese Romanticism, for example, has very peculiar contours compared to English Romanticism.

This variation is given only by spatial questions (due to different contexts in different countries), as well as in relation to temporary questions. Because it lasted relatively long enough, the first generation of romantic authors has a specific and diverse approach compared to the authors of later generations.

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In any event, we try here to systematize some of the things that seem to be the central leading characteristics of Romanticism.

Envelope or sender of message

O fulcrum of the romantic vision of the world and or little subject, has a total prominence of the sender of the message.

Lost during rapid social changes or runs, or being romantic, you are unable to resolve conflicts as you go through temporal and spatial avoidance. In temporary terms, he returns to the Gothic Middle Idade and in spatial terms he takes refuge in desert lands or the exotic East.

At the importance of the night

A romantic writing preferred to noite ao day pois during that period is easier to access or unconscious and ao dream. Aspire-se an expressive freedom.

A valorization of local culture

Note-not Romantism, a patriotic vertente, a cult in the native language and a or folklore. Or Italian Guiseppe Mazzini classificou or own secular as "hora do advento das nações".

Or romantic ideal

There is, by way of regra, an idealization of the beloved woman, regarded as a perfect and inativile object of desire.

Or written format

As a result of Realism, it was influenced by Greek mythology and also classical fictions. An epic, which never seemed to be in crisis in the 18th century, and replaced the political poem and the historical romance.

Not theater, as the differences are even more screaming: a simplistic duality between tragedy and comedy gives rise to the creation of drama, which is capable of merging either sublime and grotesque.

Historical Context of Romantism

The historical period that provided the emergence of romanticism was in full swing.

In 1760, it began the Industrial Revolution, the first viria phase to last until 1860, initially in England, and would end up drastically changing into production in factories.

In 1789 it was the French Revolution with a population to cry out for their ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity.

The European countries considered more developed - France and England - vigorava a period of profound social and political change. Second Karl Mannheim, or Romantism:

"expressa os sentiments two discontents as new structures: a nobreza, que já caiu, e a small bourgeoisie that still did not rise: from where, to the attitudes of the saudosistas or vindicators that pontuam all or movement "

Even in Europe, or the end of the XVIII century in Portugal, it was marked by the flight of the royal family. In 1808, a court embarked on caravels and mass migration to Brazil, at the height of an overseas colony, due to commercial conflicts with other European powers.

O Romantismo em Portugal teve as an initial framework for publication, in 1825, of the poem "Camões", written by Almeida Garrett. Not Brazil, a key date was the proclamation of Independence made in 1822. Foi from which a proper environment developed for non-literary developments.

Frontispício da first edição de Camões, or poem was a framework of Romantism in Portugal.
Frontispício da first edição de Camões, by Almeida Garrett, or poem foi um marco do Romantismo em Portugal.

Or Romantism not Brazil

Main characteristics of Romantism in Brazil


So much or colonial romance of Alencar quanto to Indianista poetry of Gonçalves Dias pretendiam found a mythical past for or Brazil. The main objective was to try to build a narrative for the country to a little independent.

A writing from this period makes it clear or a feeling of pride and patriotism.


A figure of the Indian presided over immediately to fill the role of a national hero: bom, ingênuo, corajoso. Eis or cenário ideal for a reinvention of the myth do bom selvagem.

As romantic works often also cultivate our tropical nature. The romances of José de Alencar são um exemplo desse forte traço romantico.

Or impossible love

Gerally autobiographical in origin, the experience of two romantics was egocentric and narrates sadness for Terem being overwhelmed by an unrealizable love.

Subjectivism and exacerbated sentimentality

Between the romantics to transdava writing an idealism and experiences lived in cases of Platonic loves. A greater formal freedom allowed poets to express themselves with great aesthetic concerns, letting flow or feeling awakened by the loved one.

Historical Context of Romantism in Brazil

No Brazil, in 1822, was declared to Independence at the beginning of the reign of Pedro I.

Three years later, it was time for Romanticism to give its first steps in the country, traced by Gonçalves de Magalhães who had drunk with French influences. Seu livro Poetic sighs and saudades, launched in 1836, to be even published in France.

Poetic sighs and saudades, launched in 1936, was considered the initial framework of Romantism in Brazil.
Poetic sighs and saudades, launched in 1936, it was considered the initial framework of Romantism in Brazil.

Not the same year, Gonçalves de Magalhães founded in Paris, with friends Pôrto Alegre, Sales Tôrres Homem and Pereira da Silva, Nitheroy magazine.

In publishing the authors systematically promote romantic ideas (especially not that they say respect for nationalism) and also repudiate or use paid mythology.

Portrait of Gonçalves de Magalhães, introducer of Romantism in Brazil.
Portrait of Gonçalves de Magalhães, introducer of Romantism in Brazil.

O Brazilian Romanticism is divided into three phases, each of which has quite different contours and characteristics. Find below the details of each geração.

As phases of Romantism in Brazil

First phase

In the first phase of Brazilian Romanticism, it was deeply marked by Nationalism and Indianism. The authors give rise to redigiam as a proud tom, from quem louva to own country.

You will finally find independence ideas in literature. O grande nome dessa geração was Gonçalves Dias (1823-1864), who is considered, by sinal, or our first significant romantic poet.

Gonçalves Dias chegou to be blessed with Portuguese romantic hair Alexandre Herculano, who provably learned the verses of Dias no period when he was in Portugal.

Gonçalves Dias, one of the two principal names for the first phase of romance in Brazil.
Gonçalves Dias, one of the two principal names for the first phase of romance in Brazil.

Filho of a Portuguese immigrant with a mestiça, Gonçalves Dias was studied Directly in Coimbra, where I have contacted you with romantic ideas for the first time.

From volta to Brazil, in 1845, he was a poet or knowledge that he acquired in Europe, influencing every generation of writers. The lyrics of Gonçalves Dias debruçava us great romantic themes such as love, nature and Deus.

Another great period was José de Alencar (1829-1877), who published classics of nationalist prose such as Or guarani and Iracema.

The writer was also political and had a strong concern in consolidating a Brazilian literature less influenced by the Portuguese colonizers.

Second stage

In the second phase of romanticism, it is customary to be called an ultraromantic geração. The collective ideas of construction of a national identity seem to have been left behind to give rise to a period marked by an intense subjectivism.

I have criticized this generation of writers for their poems that are too egocentric and dark, carrying a pessimistic and melancholic approach. Or major representative of the geração foi Álvares de Azevedo (1831-1852).

Álvares de Azevedo, an exponent of the second phase of Brazilian romanticism.
Álvares de Azevedo, an exponent of the second phase of Brazilian romanticism.

Third phase

A third phase of Brazilian romanticism is known as Geração Condoreira. The period was characterized by strong concern in building a national identity distanced from the culture of the colonizer.

This is a geração fora moved by libertarian ideas, especially influenced by the French writer Victor Hugo. The writers want to escape from the egocentric tom of the old age and olhavam for sociais questões, discussing pertinent collective themes such as abolitionism and republicanism.

O major name of the third phase of romanticism was Castro Alves (1847-1871).

Castro Alves, outstanding poet of the third phase of romanticism in Brazil.
Castro Alves, outstanding poet of the third phase of romanticism in Brazil.

O vigorous Romantism has not been in our country for about forty-five years, having as a framework of closure the publication of Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas (from Machado de Assis) and Or mulatto (by Aloísio de Azevedo). Both were launched in the year 1881.

Main literary works

European romanticism

  • Os Sofrimentos do Jovem Werther, by Goethe (Alemanha, 1774)
  • A Story of Tom Joses, by Henry Fielding (England, 1749)
  • Camões, poem by Almeida Garrett (Portugal, 1825)

Brazilian romanticism

  • Poetic sighs and saudades, by Gonçalves de Magalhães (1836)
  • Iracema, by José de Alencar (1875)
  • Or ship negreiro, by Castro Alves (1880)

Main romantic authors

Na Europe

  • Goethe (German)
  • Almeida Garrett (Portugal)
  • Henry Fielding (England)
  • Byron (France)
  • Alexandre Herculano (Portugal)

No brazil

  • Gonçalves de Magalhães (Primeira geração)
  • Gonçalves Dias (Primeira geração)
  • Jose de Alencar (First geração)
  • Álvares de Azevedo (Second generation)
  • Casimiro de Abreu (Second generation)
  • Castro Alves (Terceira geração)
  • Sousândrade (Terceira geração)

Conheça also

  • Main works of romanticism
  • I-Juca Pirama, by Gonçalves Dias
  • Realism
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