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7 poems about Amazônia, or the green pulmão do mundo

More than ever, hair for reasons, the inner world is beginning to wake up to the importance of the Amazon forest and its incalculable value.

Protecting and conserving Amazônia is a question of survival, not only of all that biodiversity, but also of our own planet!

As a tribute, we gather some poems by authors of the region, which illustrate a little of its charm. Through two verses of various gerações, we can meet elements of fauna, flora, legends and costumes. Trust!

1. Iara, by Benjamin Sanches (1915 -1978)

Surgiu do leito do rio sem margens
Singing a serenade do silêncio,
Do sea of ​​waste that hides a fight,
Trazia sal not corpo inviolável.

Banhando-se no sun da estranha afternoon
Cabelo aos pés mulher completely,
Tatuou nas retinas dos meus olhos,
A perfect shape gives a dark complexion.

With the blade two penetrating rays,
Plowing forteas minhas meats,
Espalhou sementes de dor e espanto.

Leaving me hugged in his shadow,
Desceu no breath da boca da argila
E, Ali, I dozed off deeply.

Benjamin Sanches was an Amazonian poet who started from the Clube da Madrugada, an artistic and literary association for two years 50. Em

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Iara, evokes lenda of indigenous origin as same nome, also known as lenda da Mãe d'água.

It is about an aquatic creature, similar to a sereia, who appears to be a mais bela mulher. No poem, or lyrical subject remembers the moment when he was graced with a vision of Iara nas águas do rio.

A image, part days regional crenças com as quais cresceu, ficou recorded in your memory of him. Second or folklore, it was common for you to see Iara ficasse enchanted by her, ending up not founding the river.

I even have survived to tell the story, or little subject remains on or off the entity, "embraced in his shadow."

2. Bertholetia Excelsa, by Jonas da Silva (1880 - 1947)

There is a happy tree, I say to Castanheira:
I do not forest the tall and dominating glow.
A tree da balata essa é tão sofredora,
Inspire compaixão to hevea, to seringueira!

Ela sozinha é um forest and enche all clareira ...
Not ouriço a natureza or seu entesoura fruit
E a colheita present e a colheita vindoura
Ei-las todos na fronde augusta e superanceira.

Na casca does not see sinal of scars,
From feridas you cross by where runoff or latex ...
I am not proud of you as well as you rule!

It is posed and disputed between explosions of nitro,
Na luta em that burns to gunpowder years, drag,
- Or fruit é quase or sangue: é negotiated to liter!

No poem, Jonas da Silva descreve part da natural wealth of Amazônia: their native trees. Highlights, logo not title, a Bertholetia Excelsa, known as Castanheira do Pará ou Castanheira do Brasil, a large tree very common in the region.

Described as forte and imposing, it contrasts with other trees, such as balata, hevea and seringueira, alvos da human exploration. Either subject does not hide or weigh, unbelieving the blows to our trunks, through two quais as substances that are removed, like "feridas cruéis".

Na composition, a castanheira remains great, since its fruits can be marketed pelos homens. Currently, however, things are different: a Bertholetia Excelsa é uma das species ameaçadas hair desmatamento.

3. Ritual, by Astrid Cabral (1936)

Every afternoon
I water house plants.
Peço perdão às trees
paper hair that I plant
words of stone
watered with pranto

Astrid Cabral is a poet and storyteller from Manaus, whose written and strongly marked pela proximity to nature. Em Ritual, or lyrical subject is not in his domestic space, watering the plants.

No poem, "ritual" can be interpreted as a habit, something that part of the rotina, or as a religious / magical ceremony. A ambivalence seems to be proposed.

For writing books of poetry, printed on paper, or his lyrics, he felt guilty, because he contributed so that more trees were dejected. Assim, how long do you take care of your plants, I'm sorry.

Embora has a very short composition, it seems to have a big message: we need to be aware. As we continue to explore the nature of the planet, we need to preserve nature and value everything that it gives us.

4. Silêncio guerreiro, by Márcia Wayna Kambeba (1979)

No indigenous territory,
O silence and ancient wisdom,
We learn like the most velhos
A ouvir, more than falar.

No silence gives minha arrow,
I resisted, I was not defeated,
Fiz do silêncio a minha arma
To fight against or inimigo.

Silence and precise,
To ouvir as heart,
A voice gives nature,
O choro do nosso chão,

Or I sing da mãe d’água
That na dance like vento,
I ask that I respect,
Pois é source of sustenance.

It is necessary to silence,
To think about a solution,
Of frear or homem white,
Defending us,
Fountain of life and beauty,
For us, for a nation!

Márcia Wayna Kambeba is a Brazilian geographer and writer of the Omágua / Kambeba ethnic group who is dedicated to or studying their identities and their territories.

No literary work of her, obvious physical or athletic hairs direitos two indigenous povos e a report of the violences that I am doing and continuing to do so.

Silêncio guerreiro This poem of peaceful resistance, no qual or subject, lists the values ​​that he has transmitted through his culture. He defends that, at times, it is necessary to be silent and open or request for help from the land itself.

Na composição, or eu lrico affirms that it is necessary to remain calm and reflect deeply, looking for new ways to resist and preserve indigenous lands and their natural riches.

Find out more about the author, her work and life history, not the video below:

Márcia Kambeba - Interrogation Encounters (2016)

5. Saudades do Amazonas, by Petrarca Maranhão (1913 - 1985)

Since I left you, or terra minha,
Jamais pairou in my consolation,
Because, it is longe tinha or heart,
I belong to you minh’alma se mantinha.

Em êxtase minh’alma se avizinha
From you, every day, with emotion,
Living just inside the illusion
To turn, such as lives when vinha.

Assim, minh’soul lives bitter
I know that you are going to be restored to me
You give comoções that you have in other areas,

But to turn them into happiness,
I must kill all of Saudade,
Fazendo-I will turn to the Amazon!

Petrarca Maranhão was a Brazilian writer born in Manaus who moved to Rio de Janeiro during his youth years. In his works, he does not hide for lack that he is from his native land and or I wish to return.

No poem, I noticed that even while he was long, or little subject he sat still a prisoner to the Amazon. Anyway, let us perceive that he sat incomplete and idealizes terra da infância as a place where he will be happy.

6. Tacacá Recipe, by Luiz Bacellar (1928 - 2012)

Ponha, numa cuia açu
ou numa cuia mirim
burnida de cumatê:
dried shrimp, with shell,
cooked jambu folhas
e tapioca gum.
Serve ferndo, peeling,
or tucupi broth,
depois tempere a seu gosto:
a little bit of salt, pepper
malagueta ou murupi.
I burned to drink more than 3 cuias
drink fire of wakefulness.
You gostar wait for me
at the corner of the purgatory.

Luiz Bacellar was a poet born in Manaus, appointed as two maiores nomes of Amazonian literature. No poem in analysis, ensina or leitor a fazer tacacá, uma typical refeição of the region amazônica.

To make sure you know that they are used, or a poem seems to be an enigma, because it is characterized by regionalisms. It is about a feitous prato made from local products, which is credited with being inspired by an indigenous soup.

As a humor, or subject also warns that even it is very spicy and should not be consumed in excess. A composition incomum, which follows the structure of a recipe, seems to be a homage to gastronomy and aos costumes da região.

Curious ficou? You can learn to fazer here:

RECEITA DE TACACÁ | # ArraialÉdeComer

7. Black river, by Rogel Samuel (1943)

Na terra em que eu nasci, slide a river
huge, mighty,
sad and gloomy porém;
like noite sem astros, tenebrous;
oual black serpe, sleepy and cold.
It looks like a sea of ​​ink, dark and ugly:
never a sunny day, victorious
penetrou-lhe did not say;
I do not know, whose depth is enormous,
cover of black,
habitam legendary monsters, dorme
all a fantastic legion of horror!

But, dum and doutro side,
nas margens, as or Quadro is different!
Sob o dossel daquele céu ridente
two climates of equador,
there has been so much life, so much,
or céus! there is so much love!
Since no horizon or sun I swim
ate that expires or day,
it is full of voice of nature um brado
immense of joy;
and I'm going to whisper of parties,
vibrant with good fortune,
from the deep end of the forests
I tied the praias that blinded with whiteness!

More or lethal river,
as stagnate and dead,
drag between or pompous festival
slowly, or seu perenal mantle
of mourning and discomfort!
Passa - e as que a morte tem no seio!
Passa - so sad and dark, that you disséreis,
I sell-o, that you give tears you will be
from Satan he provided;
ou que ficou, do primitive day,
quando ao - "faça-se!" - to light raiou no space,
skecido, da terra no regaço,
a farrapo of chaos that was extinguished!

For acordá-lo, onça gives roars
Let the forests ouvem of terror traversed!
To cheer him up, or get past him
voice com That penha itself breaks!

You give flowers or suspense thrombus
send-lhe effluviums of perennial incense!

More debalde you roar, you ferocious brutes!
But you sing along, you mighty birds!
More debalde incensais, cuddly flowers!
Nem soft chants,
nem magic smells,
nem fearful voices
or cheer up jamais... For sadness
atrocious, deep, immense, that or devours,
nem everything or laugh that makes nature happy!
nem all to light com that aurora is shaved!

Ó meu rio natal!
How much, oh! Quanto eu pareço-me with you!
eu that I do not fund do meu be shelter
a very sneaky and fatal night!
Like you, sob um céu puro e risonho,
enter or laugh, or prazer, or joy and calm,
I passed over to the ghosts of my dreams,
e às trevas de minha alma!

Rogel Samuel is a writer, scholar and literary critic born in Manaus. Black river It is a poem that fears as a cenario and main theme of two major tributaries of the Amazon River and its banks.

As it does not indicate to me, this river of black waters (or more extensive in the world), surrounded by landscapes of sublime beauty. No poem, or eu lyrical unbelievable or that vê na terra e nas águas.

Attentive to local fauna, fault two bugs as a synonym of life and joy, something that directly contrasts as proper, described as obscuro e cheio de mistérios.

Olhando the waters that run, hooking and beginning to seize the margens, ha uma Identification of the subject as a somber and sad character of a river.

Conheça also

  • Lendas of Brazilian folklore
  • Lenda do Boto (Brazilian folklore)
  • Lenda do Curupira explained
  • Lenda da Iara analyzed
  • Indigenous art
  • Livro Iracema, by José de Alencar
  • Livro Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade
  • Greatest love poems of Brazilian literature
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