O nome da rosa, by Umberto Eco: summary and analysis of the work
Or it doesn't give me pink é um livro de 1980 written by Italian writer Umberto Eco. In 1986 the homonymous film was released, directed by French Jean-Jacques Annaud.
A narrative goes to Italy, not the medieval period. O cenário é um Beneditino mosteiro, where a frei é chamado to serve as part of a council of clergy that investigates crimes of heresia. Meanwhile, mysterious assassins are running.
This story has become a classic, mixing investigative romance with inspiration in Sherlock Holmes, religion, eroticism, violence and a touch of humor in the middle of Idade Media.
The work achieved enormous recognition and project Umberto Eco as a famous writer.
(Atenção, or artigo contém spoilers!)
Summary of Or it doesn't give me pink
Two Franciscans ao mosteiro
When the Franciscan monk Guilherme de Baskerville visited a Beneditine monastery north of Italy, in 1327, he had not imagined or would live in the next few days.
Guilherme takes with him or boyfriend Adso de Melk, a young man who comes from an elite family that is under his tutoring.
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The narrator of the story or the long Adso, which highlights the events in his youth. Here it is possible to perceive the contrast between youth and velhice, or to place the same person in two different moments of life.
You chegam à cavalo to a huge mosteiro and are raised to a room where janela gives it and it is possible to see a small cemetery. Guilherme observes a urubu hovering over a newly covered cova, knowing that a young priest had died for a short time in doubtful circumstances.
To investigation
From then on, the master and apprentice began an investigation into the case, which was seen as the work of a demon with other religious hairs.
Like passing the tempo, other deaths ocorrem and Guilherme and Adso seek to relate them and understand the mystery that surrounds a religious institution.
Assim, they discovered that the existence of a secret library was linked to morbid events of the place. Such a library kept books and writings considered dangerous for the Catholic Church.
![Don't give me pink library](/f/b5cb48069ff152ada73a26dc4188248e.jpg)
Isso because these records continue teachings and reflections of classical antiquity that place us in check the Catholic dogmas and the Christian faith.
Some of the spreading creations of powerful hair from the high clergy were that it was a laugh, a diversion and a comedy distorted society, pulling the focus of spirituality and fear of God. Assim, it was not recommended that you religious rissem.
One of the two forbidden books that was in the library was a supposed work of the Greek thinker Aristotle that dealt precisely with the subject.
Guilherme e Adso conseguem, through rational and investigative thinking, I checked into a library, a place that contains a huge number of works. The construction of such a place was quite complex, or that it would transform into a true labyrinth.
Abuses da Igreja e a paixão de Adso
A plot also tells about dinners that denounce the abuses of the Igreja committed against the people of the country. They costumavam doações of food to or poor poor in exchange of sexual exploration.
At any given moment, Adso stands as a young woman (the only one who appears not entangled), and you two become sexually involved, at a cheia dinner of eroticism and guilt. Adso goes on to develop amorous feelings for the Camponese.
![or do not give me rosa adso e a camponesa](/f/85070045d8ba24ddcbbd26c2498552f0.jpg)
To Inquisição
It is the monastery who has been a former defiance of Guilherme, Bernardo Gui, a powerful frei who is two arms of the Holy Inquisition. I have attached it to rush complaints of these heretics and bruxaries.
Bernardo thus stands as an obstacle for Baskerville and Adso to conclude their investigations, which is still causing problems among the top leadership.
![o not give me rosa bernardo gui](/f/398dfdf7742ddf10244bd945f069a67f.jpg)
Some events occurred involving two frades and a Camponese because Adso was beaten. You three are indicted as heretics, being that a girl is seen as a bruxa.
A court was held with the intention that they confessed to the assassinations and were later burned in the fire.
Not at the moment when you are placed in the fire place and a majority of people accompany or unenroll two fatos, Guilherme and Adso, I have attached to the library to save some works.
Or unroll two fatos
They stood with Jorge de Burgos, one of the two greatest priests of the mosteiro, who was the same blind and decrepit was or the true "guardian" of the library. Guilherme then realizes that all the mortals tinham as responsável or velho Jorge.
![Or don't give me Rosa Jorge de Burgos](/f/3017f551804ae4af0317c1c1e2f51f8d.jpg)
In a moment of confusion, a big fire begins in the library, where Jorge de Burgos ends up dying and Adso and his master saem with life carrying some books.
Due to the fire, I did not show, as the attention was diverted from the fire and the fireworks, but also, Camponesa managed to escape.
Adso and Guilherme know the local and follow different rumors in life, never again finding each other. Subtract from Adso the oculi of seu mestre and a lembrança da paixão pela Camponesa, which he never knows or does not know.
Meaning of Or it doesn't give me pink
Some great curiosities about the work is related to the title escort. Or not me da rosa seems to have been chosen in order to leave that or own reader of this interpretation.
Além disso, a expressão "o nome da rosa" was in medieval times a symbolic way of expressing or enormous power of words.
Also being the library of prohibited works for the Igreja teria total relação com o nome dessa great work of literature.
Analysis and curiosities about the work
History is passed in a crucial moment of humanity when a transition from medieval thought to Renaissance reasoning takes place.
Assim, Guilherme de Baskerville represents humanism, or logical thinking, as new ideas, to valorization of science and human beings. It happened that other religious people symbolized the backward and mystical thought that enveloped all of Europe during the medieval period.
We can also compare Guilherme as the character of Sherlok Holmes, an astute English detective, servant by the writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. There, two more known investigation cases of Sherlock did not Or Cão dos Baskervilles.
Either narrator, or newcomer to Melk, serve as a fio conductor, directing or leitor to or understanding of situations and also playing a parallel with Watson, or faithful shield of Sherlock Holmes.
Já o velho Jorge de Burgos sees Jorge Luis Borges as inspiration, an Argentine writer who was blind and did not live and was the author of several works that are passed on in libraries. Or monge Jorge de Burgos is described by Humberto Eco as “the library's own memory”.
Or entanglement tells us about a series of assassinations and how they occurred, meanwhile, or the main objective of the story is us show the meanders and thoughts of the religious corporation in the Baixa idade Média in contrast with the new humanist conceptions that emerged. Dessa forma, or that we have a narrative that serves as a chronicle of clerical life.
There are many philosophical topics covered and what I want to highlight and discuss about the value of fun and fun. Dessa form, or writer would present us with a work that defends lightness, or good humor and free expression of all human beings.
Film adaptation
A free adaptation, transformed into a film 6 years after its publication, due to its greater visibility to narrative. Despite the history presented, it will be more summarized, or the film is faithful to the light and the power to transport us also to the medieval past.
The production of the longa-metragem took 5 years to be concluded and included only one woman, not a cast, the only female character.
As filmagens foram feitas na Italia e Alemanha e o film teve uma bilheteria de 77 milhões. Em 1987, ganhou or prize Cease de melhor film estrangeiro e, no next year, or prize Baftaby melhor ator for Sean Connery.
Data sheet
Qualification | Or it doesn't give me pink |
Year of launch | 1986 |
Direction and adaptation | Jean-Jacques Annaud, adaptation of livro by Umberto Eco |
Gender | suspense, investigation, drama |
Duration | 130 minutes |
Country of origin | França |
Cast | Sean Connery, Christian Slater, Elya Baskin, Valentina Vargas, Michael Lonsdale |
What was Umberto Eco?
Umberto Eco was an Italian writer born in January 05, 1932.
![umberto eco](/f/9755740298d5e8e723c20c4635c904a8.jpg)
Trained in philosophy and literature at the University of Turim, later he becomes a professor at the institution. He devoted himself intensely to research on semiotics, which he rendeu o livro entitled Open work (1962).
Foi a great scholar of the medieval period and São Tomas de Aquino, launching in 1964 or free Apocalyptic and Integrated.
Em 1980 publishes Or it doesn't give me pink, which or consecrates. Other important books by the author are: Or Sinal (1973), Geral Treatise on Semiotics (1975), Or Foucault Pendulum (1988), Or Prague cemetery (2010) e Or number zero (2015).
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