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12 great poems by Castro Alves

O Baiano poet Castro Alves (1847-1871) fez part of the last romantic geração. O principal nome do Condoreirismo ganhou a fame of being or Poeta dos Escravos for defending the body and soul or abolitionism.

A deceived writer, motivated to defend your ideas of justice and freedom, Castro Alves died just 24 years, but he left a vast work that deserves to be studied.

Abolitionist poems

The poems of Castro Alves that were written by the most famous foram those who were discussed on the subject of abolitionism. As a pamphlet, declamatory, or poet I would recite you in commissions and events.

Com um tom outraged, Castro Alves dissertava on political and social issues and cantava ideas liberais fazendo uma apology to the Republic and militate in favor of the abolition of the escravatura.

In 1866, when he was not in the second year of the Direito course, Castro Alves decided to found, alongside Rui Barbosa and friends of the Direito College course, an abolitionist society.

A large part of these compositions were influenced by the lyric of the French poet Vitor Hugo (1802-1885).

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1. Or ship negreiro (stretch)

'We are in the open sea... Doudo no space
Jump or luar - dourada borboleta;
E as vague apos of the run... tired
Like a restless mob of infants.

'We are in the open sea... Do firmament
The stars jump like foams of ouro ...
O sea begins to change as ardentias,
- Constelações do liquid tesouro ...

'We are in the open sea... Infinite twelve
Ali shook my insane hug,
Azuis, dourados, placid, sublime ...
Qual dos dois é o céu? qual or ocean ...

Find a complete analysis of the poem Or Navio Negreiro, by Castro Alves

2. Ode ao dois de julho (stretch)

recited no Teatro de S.Paulo

No! I was not dois povos, that abalavam
Naquele instant or just bloody ...
It was or porvir — in front of the past,
To Liberdade — in front of Escravidão,
It was a luta das águias - e do abutre,
A revolt of the pulse — against the iron,
O pugilato da razão - like the mistakes,
O duel da treva — e do clarão ...

Not so luta recrescia indômita ...
As bandeiras - like erect guides -
We were abyssed with the handles unfolded
A dark jungle gives atrocious smoke ...
Fool of fright, blind of metal,
O arcanjo of triumph hesitates ...
E a glória desgrenhada acalentava
Or bloody corpse, two heroes ...

3. African song (stretch)

La na úmida senzala,
Sitting in a little room
Along with o braseiro, no chão,
Entoa or escravo or seu song of her,
E ao sing correm-lhe em pranto
Saudades do seu torrão ...
On one side, a black escrava
You olhos no filho crava,
What item I did not place to pack ...
E à meia voice answers her
Ao canto, e o filhinho hides,
Maybe pra não or escutar!
"Minha terra é lá bem longe,
You give bands of wave or sun vem;
This land is more beautiful,
Mas à outra eu quero bem!

Poems by cunho social

In a large part, two poems by Castro Alves find a eu-lyrical question that questions the world and wonders what is or where it is. Ao aveso da geração romantica que o antecedeu (that debruçava us dramas of an individual's own), here o poetic subject olha ao redor e tenta cause changes in society.

O eu-lrico questions justiça and tries to sing a freedom of impression and in a general way. This type of poetics, loaded with a political discourse, was feita with the intention of being declaimed In salões e fazia use of a rhetorical discourse.

Very verbose, inflamed, with poetry, use of hyperbole, antitheses and metaphors, and continue an exaggeration of words and images.

This committed poetry, in tune as a condoreirista project, sought to influence or read, mobilize it, making it take on concrete attitudes not in the real world.

It was during the faculty that Castro Alves became involved as athleticism by writing in university newspapers. In 1864 he was even involved in a republican election that was quickly killed by the police.

4. Or I go to America (stretch)

Talhado for greatness,
P'ra crescer, raise, raise,
Or Novo Mundo us muscles
He sat to seiva do porvir.
- Statuary of Colossians -
Tired doutros sketches
Disse um dia Jeová:
"Vai, Colombo, open the curtain
"Da minha eternal office ...
"Strip America de la".

Molhado inda do dilúvio,
Qual Tritão huge,
Or continent awakens
No universal concert.

5. Pedro Ivo (stretch)

Republic... Vôo ousado
Do homem feito condor!
Raio of aurora inda hidden
That beija in front of Tabor!
Deus! Why should I ride
Drink to light from this horizon,
You let so much front wander,
It is not worth wrapping in black ...

Inda I fall apart... It was, recently,
Luta... Horror... Confusion ...
I'll roar to death
Da throat do canhão ...
O bravo to fileira closes ...
Em sangue supa-se a terra ...
E o smoke - o corvo da guerra -
With copper handles to amplidão ...

Love Poems

Na love lyric Castro Alves transparencies or power of paixão that moves to writing and to intensity of affection. We find two verses a long time ago an enchanted eu-lyrical hair seu object of desire not only not physical plane as also not intellectual.

As a romantic poet, in contrast to the fact that he produced his generation of him, it is noted that there is a pulse to perform or carnal love. Let's read, therefore, some poetry many times sensual, sensory. Ao birdsso of other romantic poets, here or love has been realized, reverberates in practice, is concretized.

There are poems with an inegável autobiographical influence. Many two verses of louvação da woman beloved foram compost in homage to famous Portuguese actress Eugênia Câmara, ten years more velha than or raptor, her first and great love of her.

6. O gondoleiro do amor

Teus olhos são black, black,
As noites sem luar ...
São ardentes, São deep,
Like or black from the sea;

On or ship two loves,
Give life by boating to the flower,
Douram teus olhos a fronte
Do Gondoleiro do amor.

Your voice is cavatina
Two palaces of Sorrento,
When praia beija a vaga,
When vaga beija or vento.

E as em noites from Italy
Love a song or fisherman,
Drink to harmony in your songs
O Gondoleiro do amor.

7. Numb (stretch)

Uma noite eu I fall apart... She slept
Numa rede encostada molemente ...
Quase open or roupão... loose or hair
E o pé barefoot on the rente mat.

'Stava aberta janela. Um cheiro wild
Exalavam as silvas da campina ...
E ao longe, num pedço do horizon
Via-se a noite placid and divine.

From a jasmineiro os curved galhos,
Indiscreet entravam pela sala,
E from slight oscillating to or took das auras
Iam na face tremulos - beijá-la.

8. Where are you (stretch)

É meia-noite.. . I roar
Passes sad to the window,
As a verb of disgrace,
Like a scream of agony.
And I say ao vento, what happens
For my fleeting hair:
"Windy cold do I desert,
Where is she? Longe ou perto? "
But, like an uncertain breath,
Answer-me or echo ao longe:
"Oh! minh'lover, where are you ...

See! It's late! Why does it take?
São hours of brando sono,
Vem recline-te em meu peito
Com teu languid abandon ...
'Sta vazio nosso leito ...

9. O vôo do gênio (stretch)


Um dia em que na terra a sós vagava
The dark road gives existence,
Sem rosa — we are embarrassed when we are young,
Sem luz d'estrela — hair with love;
I felt the handles of a wandering arcan
Roçar-me branmente pela fronte,
Like or swan, that leaves on a source,
So it is the turn of a lonely flower.

Self-centered poems

A lyrical by Castro Alves drank a lot from the author's life experience. Or a poet you have a hard history, I was a 12-year-old boy, and I was born to throw away my own life when I was still young. Muito dessa dor can be lida us more self-centered poems, which are transparent autobiographical trace.

In large part, two serious verses of him identify a solitary eu-lyrical, self-absorbed, with many depressed and anguished phases (especially when the love life went wrong).

In our poems we also find his activist and political side of him and we observe how Castro Alves was subject to in front of his tempo defending or signing and proving to be a lover of freedom above all as coisas.

Another characteristic that deserves to be highlighted in his poetics is a forte presença da doença, which face since much I give in, and also to death image, that I crossed from childhood with lost day mãe.

10. When i die (stretch)

When I die... no lancem meu corpse
No grave of a gloomy cemetery ...
Odeio or mausoléu waiting or dead
As a traveler or a funeral hotel.

Run the black veins from the marble
I do not know that it bleeds vile from Messalina,
A cova, num indifferent sketch,
Open ao first or libertine mouth.

Ei-la a nau do sepulcro — or cemetery ...
That povo stranho no porão deep!
Shadow emigrants embarking
For as plagues sem fim do outro mundo.

11. Song of the Boêmio (stretch)

What a cold night! Na deserta rua
Tremem de medo os shadowy hairless ones.
Dense garoa face smoking lua,
Ladram de tédio vinte cães vadios.

Nini formosa! why did you run away?
Embalde or tempo à tua wait for you.
Don't you see, don't you... My heart is sad
Like a heat when I get up.

In long steps, I walk to the living room
I smoke a cigar, what a schoolboy ...
Tudo no quarto de Nini fala me
I smoke reservoir... You love me here.

Tell me or relógio cinicando a song
"Where is she that I haven't seen yet?"
Tell me a chair "why are you taking so long?
I want to make you cute. "

12. Mocidade e morte (stretch)

Oh! Eu quero viver, drink perfumes
Na wild flower, that embalms you ares;
See minh'alma leave infinite hair,
Qual branca vela n'amplidão dos mares.
I don't know how much aroma it is ...
Our serious beijos de fogo has so much life ...
Wandering Arab, you will sleep late
In cool shade gives upright palmeira.

More once she answers - I am gloomy:
Terás or sono on cold lajea.

Dying... when this world is a paradise,
E a alma um swan with golden feathers:
No! o seio da mistress and a virgin lake ...
I want to boiar à tona das foams.
See! formosa mulher — camélia pallida,
That banharam of pranto as alvoradas.
Minh'alma é a borboleta, que espaneja
Or you can give lucid, golden handles ...

Biography of Castro Alves (1847-1871)

Antônio de Castro Alves was born on March 14, 1847 at Fazenda Cabaçeiras (city of Curralinho, State of Bahia).

He was the son of a doctor and university professor (Antônio José Alves) and ficou orfão de mãe (Clélia Brasília da Silva Castro) when he was only 12 years old.

After Clélia's death, a family moved to Salvador. Castro Alves also lives in Rio de Janeiro, not Recife and in São Paulo.

Castro Alves

A family of the poet has a history of political activism and has offered combatants both in the process of independence from Bahia (in 1823) and in Sabinada (1837). Em 1865, or young public or poem A song of the African, to its first abolitionist composition.

Not a year to follow, Castro Alves began to write for the O Futuro day, while he was studying at Faculdade de Direito, in Recife. Long of this period he declared a series of poems authored by him and mobilized young people for a political quest.

The author is known as a poet or two escravos to defend or end the escravatura. Alongside friends, Castro Alves chegou to found an abolitionist society. He was also a progressist, a convicted defender of freedom of the Republic.

O poet is turned off by the Portuguese actress Eugênia Câmara, dez anos mais velha. A brief relationship motivated the writing of a series of love poems. As Eugênia or writer lives a disturbed relationship, deeply marked with ciume hair, which began in 1866 and ended two years later.

Castro Alves died on July 6, 1871, barely 24 years old, victim of tuberculosis. Either writer became or patron of cadeira number 7 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Conheça also

  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
  • The imperdíveis poems of Cecília Meireles
  • Os melhores poems by Vinicius de Moraes
  • Cora Coralina: essenciais poems to understand the author

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