Education, study and knowledge

15 commented infantis short stories

1. A raposa e as grapes

Uma raposa passedou Embaixo de um pé loaded with pretty grapes. Ficou com muita vontade to eat those grapes. He deu many jumps, he tends to go up to the parreira, but he does not get. You must tempt him to foi-se embora, saying:

- Eu nem is binding for the grapes. They are green, same ...

A brief history fails us about a cobiça e about how some people live with frustration masking or feeling disposed.

Some of the most famous infantile stories, A raposa e as grapes fala de behavior of many people who, as we do not achieve what they want, disdain that we cannot.

A raposa was delighted with the beautiful grapes, but, like her, she is not alçava, even in spite of everything or effort, she needs to make an excuse for herself.

2. O cão e o osso

One day, one day, going through a ponte, carrying a bone in the mouth.

Olhando to go down, he saw his own image reflected in the water. Thinking to see another cão, cobiçou-lhe logo or osso e pôs-se to beat. Bad, porém, it opened to mouth, its own osso fell into water and was lost forever.

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A brief history of what I am doing is failing about ambition and the consequences of always wanting more. Or how could he be satisfied as he might be, but, as he saw the image reflected in the water, he also wanted to have a second bear.

Ao not to value what you have to risk or are you sure to get an other, or when you end up having a sem utro.

A lição that we can learn as cão da historia é que better ok um pass na mão que dois voando.

3. O galo e a pérola

Um Gaul was picking up, trying to eat not terreiro, when he found a pear. He then thought:

- Be fosse um joalheiro that you find yourself, make you happy. But for me, a pearl is of no use; It would be very good to find something to eat.

He left the dog where he was and left, to procure some food to serve him.

A history of the Gallic and of the Perola teaches us that each one of us considers that something is precious according to their own needs.

Ao I have found a Pérola, or Gaul reconheceu that, not in his place, a joalheiro would have a great deal. But for him, Gallic, a Pérola was of no use - or that he needed the same food.

In few lines of history ensina for those children who we are different beings e with different requirements.

4. A rã e o touro

Um grande touro passeava pela margem de um riacho. A rã ficou com muita inveja de seu tamanho e de sua força. Then, he began to inchar, making enormous effort, to try to make a great quanto or touro.

He perguntou às companheiras do riacho was of the size of the river. They will reply that no. A rã turned to inchar and inchar, more, ainda assim, no reach or size of the touro.

Peel the third time, to rã tentou inchar. But he fez isso with so much force that he ended up exploding, because of so much inveja.

A historia da rã e do touro teaches us to we will not be inventive We don't want to be different from what we are.

Ambitious, a rã desejava, in every way, it would resemble a touro - but its nature was to be rã, and não another radically greater animal.

Ao tempting with a lot of force to seem to be what it was not, to rã ended up losing his own life.

5. A goose two ovos de ouro

Um homem and your woman tinham so as to have a goose that every day punha um ovo de ouro. Same as all this lot, the acharam that we were enriching a lot of wandering, that assim no dava ...

Imagining that the goose had to be ouro on the inside, they will resolve to kill her and hit that fortune all at once. I know that, when I opened my stomach, I saw that inside she was the same as all others.

Therefore, you are not rich ficaram once only, as tinham imagined, nem could continue receiving or ovo de ouro that every day increases a pouquinho your fortune.

This brief history fails us gain human.

O casal of history threw a big raffle to a goose that delivered ovos de ouro. O husband and wife, privileged, deviam to thank sorte grande de terem tido a gansa. Ao inverse of serem gratos, dois chegaram à concluding that they can be ficar more rich by killing or animal for ficarem as there was inside the goose.

To the ambition of terem ainda more fortune fez as that lost or remembered performance that já tinham. A lição que fica é that we should never try to force others to draw.

6. You traveling e or urso

Two homens will travel together when, suddenly, a urso arises from within the forest and paroutes them, urrando.

Two homens tried to climb a nearby tree and grab the branches. O outro, I sell that there is no time to hide, deitou-se no chão, esticado, pretending to be dead, because he will say that you do not play at homens dead.

Or urso approximaou-se, cheirou or homem deitado, and voltou de novo para a floresta.

When fera disappears, or homem gives trees hurriedly descended and this companion:

- I saw or urso to say alguma coisa no teu ouvido. What was that?

I said that he would never travel fearfully.

A history of two travelers and the fala of two friends who have two behaviors completely different from the situation of perigo: um subiu às pressas na arvore e o outro se fingiu de morto. Embora fossem friends and travels together, na hour do aperto each one run for one side.

Despite the happy ending - from you two terem is saved -, history records lição that it is time for me that we meet you true friends.

7. O leão e o javali

Num very hot day, um leão and um javali chegaram together a um poço. We were with a muita headquarters and began to discuss to see what I would drink first.

Nenhum yields from time to time to another. Já iam dock for brigade, when or leão olhou for the top and viu several urubus flying.

- Olhe lá! - disse or leão. - Those urubus are encouraged and awaited to see which of us will be defeated.

- Come on, let's make peace with you - Respond or javali. - I prefer to be your friend to be urubus food.

How many times have we ever seen cases of inimigos who finally turned friends because of um inimigo em comum? This is the summary of the history of leão e javali, unimigos naturais that iam end up throwing life um do outro numa briga boba, to see what would drink to agua do poço first.

When viram or black future - the urubus that fly over to the region - acharam melhor fazer as peace that runs the cliff of virarem carniça and will be devoured urubus hairs.

Espertos, o leão e o javali will end up saving Pele himself.

A brief history teaches us that, before a major period, it is better to create small rivalries.

8. A cicada and as formigas

Num belo winter day, so we were doing more work to dry up its wheat reserves. Depois de uma chuvarada, completely molded tinham grains. Suddenly, a cicada appears:

- Please, formiguinhas, give me a little wheat! You are damaged, but you will die.

Thus they formigas pararam de labor, coisa that was against the principles of them, and perguntaram:

- But why? Or what are you going to do during or see? Didn't you forget to save food for the winter?

- To falar a verdade, não tive tempo - respondu a cicada. - Passei o verão singing!

- Boom. Will you passou or verão singing, how about passing or winter dancing? - disseram as formigas, e voltaram para o trabalho giving laughter.

A cicada is the most traditional infantile historical form of the western world. A short fable teaches us to be cautious, to think about the future.

Com as formigas we learn that it is necessary to plan and prevent for the most complicated days that may arise.

A cicada, irresponsible, he only thought he was not taking advantage of it or seeing him not planned for the winter days. As encouragement, he needed to ask for help for the forms, who should be mature and hardworking, but not solid because they are not partilhar or wheat.

9. O wolf e o donkey

A donkey was eating when he saw a hidden wolf spying on him. Percebeiendo that he was in perigo, or donkey imagined a plane to save his fight.

He pretended he was estranged and left with a greater difficulty. When either the wolf appears, or the all-choroso donkey, you tell me that you have stepped on your pontudo thorn.

- Ai, ai, ai! Please pull o espinho de minha pata! You will not throw, you will spit your throat when you will swallow me.

Or the wolf did not want to be set at mealtime with his almoço, by isso when the donkey raised the leg to try or espinho took all care. Nesse moment or donkey deu or maior coice of his life and ended with joy of the wolf.

Enquanto either the wolf got up all in pain, or the donkey galloped satisfied for a long time.

Em O wolf and donkey we read the hope of the donkey that, knowing its fraqueza due to the wolf, you give wisdom in order to save Pele himself.

Malandro, or donkey - who was not ignorant at all - he made a convincing apology for the wolf to place himself in a vulnerable position.

When he realized that he could win, either a wolf com a coice, or a donkey not pestanejou and he was released from the situation of the cliff he was in.

A brief history teaches us that, on the one hand, we can overcome adverse situations with persistence and, on the other hand, that we must always distrust unexpected favors.

10. O carvalho e o bambu

O carvalho, that is solid and imposing, never bends like wind. I am selling that either bamboo leaned all over when either vento passava, or carvalho lhe disse:

- Do not bend, fique firm, as eu faço.

Or bamboo replied:

- Você é forte, pode ficar firm. Eu, that sou fraco, I do not get.

I see then um furacão. Or carvalho, who faced a window, was uprooted with roots. Já or bambu bent everything, no opôs resistance to wind and cold.

A history of the carvalho and the bamboo and the few that do not have the presence of animals or homem. Here are two main people who are very different trees: enquanto or carvalho is known for being strong, or bamboo is planted for being fragile.

Or that it seemed to be the negative point of the bamboo - its fragility - was or that it guaranteed that it would continue to be alive after the window. O mighty carvalho, for the time being, ended up being ripped off like wind despite everything or his bearing.

History shows us that what we consider to be or we are the highest defect can, many times, be the highest quality.

11. O leão e o ratinho

Um leão, tired of so much hunting, slept in the shade of a boa tree. We will see a few moments strolling on top of the accordou.

Everyone will be able to escape, except um, that or read their embezzlement in the leg. So much so that I asked and implored that I or I read desistiu de esmagá-lo and deixou that fosse embora.

Algum tempo depois, or leão ficou imprisoned in the network of some hunters. He could not let go, and he went to the forest inside tremer with his urros de raiva.

Nisso, appearu or ratinho. With his affixed teeth, he gnaws as cordas e soltou o leão.

Uma boa ação ganha outra.

A historia do leão e do ratinho fails us about compaixão e solidariedade.

Either leão captured or ratinho, depois de muito implore, ended up being freed. Feeling-am amused as a read, betrothed to some time foi or own ratinho that saved the life of the king of the jungle from or to help the sair of a network of hunters.

A fable of the most forte animal of the forest and the most fragile it teaches us that we must always help some other years because one day we are going to ask for help, not another, we are going to be helped.

12. As arvores e o machado

Havia once a machado that has not been done. So then, we will resolve that one of them I would give to Madeira to do the job. Um lenhador, finding or machado de cabo novo, began to demolish the kills. Uma tree disse à outra:

- We are to blame for what is happening. If we do not wish to do so, we would now be free to do so.

In the history of trees and do machado we see that as trees, solitary, ajudaram or velho machado sem cape and ending up being victims of uma injustice.

Cheias de boas intentções, they will meet to solve the problem of machado. Or that we did not know that as a result of ajudarem or another it was compromising or their own future.

History illustrates that, at the same time, we are moved by bad intentions, but we end up receiving a punishment that we did not deserve.

13. Calúnia

Uma mulher so much falou that her vizinho was a thief that or raptor ended up being imprisoned. Dias depois, I will discover that he was innocent. Or rapacious, then, I was released and processou a mulher.

- Comments do not cause so much harm, disseminate in your defense before the court.

- Escreva you comentários no paper, depois pique-o and play the pieces not walking from home. Amanhã, turn to ouvir a sentença, responder or juiz. A woman obeyed and voltou no day later.

- Before giving sentence, you will have to collect all the pieces of paper that you back ontem, disse or juiz.
- Impossível, respondu ela. Já no sei onde estão.

- Da mesma maneira, a simple comment can destroy the honor of a homem, and depois você não tem how to agree or wrong, answer or judge, condemning mulher à prison.

In Calúnia we see how serious it is to make an accusation in terms of what we say. A vizinha, leviana, accused or rapacious of being a thief with a certainty that he said.

At the end of the game, he was innocent of the barnacle or that he was serious and incriminated a person in the event of life events.

O Juiz, very didactic, I was able to explain in a very simple way - through a sheet of paper - how it is serious to make an accusation.

14. Estrelas-do-mar

There was a home that morava numa bela praia, next to a colônia of fishermen. Num two serious morning passeios, I saw a young man playing from volta to ocean as stars-do-mar that we were in areia.

- Why você face isso?, perguntou or homem. Because maré is low, and elas vão morrer.

- Meu jovem, there are thousands of kilometers of praia in this world and hundreds of thousands of Stars-do-Mar backed by the Areia. What difference can you make?

O young pegou mais a star and atirou-a no oceano. Depois he virou-se stops o homem answering:

- For this one, it is a big difference.

In Estrelas-do-mar we see an idealistic homem, who wants to save all the stars-do-mar that he can achieve knowing that he will not be able to save each one of them.

Or another home, who attends dinner, I don't understand why the first raptor tried so hard, since you know what to save all the stars-do-mar is an impossível task.

O young man, sleeper, not so much, I concluded that, hair less for some of them, the fez differentiates. Despite not being able to help everyone, I have only been able to save some of them, it's still worth it.

History teaches us that we must always fazer or bem, even though he seemed small.

15. Osos do rei

He had a laugh that he was very proud of his grace and that he was condemned for his cruelty as the most fracos. One time, he was walking with his entourage through a field, where, years before, he had lost his country in a battle. Ali found a holy home by remembering a huge pilha de ossos.

Or laugh, então, intrigued, perguntou-lhe:

- Or what faces there, velho?

- Honored seja Vossa Majestade, disse or holy homem. When I know that Rei is coming here, I resolved to collect the ossos from you, the deceased pai, to deliver you. In the meantime, I am not getting achá-los: they are equal years old, two from the Campesino, two poor people, two beggars and two escravos.

Na brief lição dada pelo homem santo we are lembrados that, all of us - let us be rich or poor, beggars or reis - we are equal.

O rei, vaidoso, achava above all the homens, and ended up learning a lição de humble important: as ossadas do pai were in the end exactly identical to two camponeses, poor, beggars and escravos.

A moral gives history here that nenhum de nós é melhor que o outro just to occupy a superior position.

Stories adapted from livro Traditional stories, fables, legends and myths (Ministério da Educação, 2000) e da Coletânea from Fables of Botucatu, distributed by Governo de São Paulo.

Take the opportunity to also know the articles:

  • Commented infantile histories for crianças
  • Different infant histories
  • As melhores fables com moral
  • Infantis fables explained that são verdadeiras lições
  • Stories for fazer as crianças dormirem
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