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A Cigarra e a Formiga: moral of the fable and the verses of Aesop and La Fontaine

A Cicada and a Formiga It is one of the most famous infantile fables ever, continuing to be present with our memories. She talks about a cicada preguiçosa and a formiga effort, comparing his positions on or work and the future.

A narrative is usually attributed to Aesop, the author of Grécia Antiga, but it was also told in verses French hair La Fontaine has many adaptations, including Brazilian writer Monteiro Cub.

I summarize the fable

Like common fables, this story is starring two animals who behave quite similarly to two humans. During or verão, Cicada wants to take advantage of the tempo bom e spend your days singing.

Enquanto isso, to Formiga work diligently, gathering food to survive not winter. When we chega the days of cold and chuva, Cicada does not have what to eat and can go to another to share the food. He refuses Formiga, faking that he will pass or see Cicada singing and now he needs to "turn around."

Conheça, below, a summarized version of Aesop, translated by the Brazilian Ruth Rocha in 2010:

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A cicada passou or verão singing, while a formiga joins his grãos.

When chegou or wintertime, a cicada saw home gives a formiga to ask him to eat or eat.

A formiga then perguntou to ela:
- E o que é que você fez during all or verão?
- During or verão eu cantei - disse a cicada.
E a formiga responded: - Muito bem, pois agora dance!

MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: We are working to get rid of the supplication of the cicada, and not to torture the zombaria das formigas.

Ilustração A Cigarra e a Formiga.

A full version of Aesop

Aesop (620 BC) C. - 564 a. C.) was a writer from Grécia Antiga who ficou eternalized pela her coletânea of ​​fables that will become part of the popular oral tradition. Initially, in the original version, the story was titled O Gafanhoto e a Formiga.

Num belo winter day as we are doing more work to dry up your food reserves. Depois de uma chuvarada, os graos tinham ficado molhados. Suddenly a cicada appears:

- Please, formiguinhas, I deem a little food!

Thus, they were to stop working, but it was against their principles, and they asked:

- But why? Or what are you going to do during or see? Didn't you forget to save food for the winter?

Falou to cicada:

- To falar a verdade, não tive tempo. Passei o verão all singing!

Falaram as formigas:

- Boom... Will you passou or see everything singing, how about passing or winter dancing?

E will stop or work giving laughter.

MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: Os preguiçosos colhem or that they deserve.

A versão de La Fontaine

Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695) was a French author who was known for his work Fables (1668), which is inspired by Aesop and recria various narratives curtas com moralidade.

Ace stories are told in verse e passaram de geração em geração, becoming extremely famous over the past two centuries. Confira, abaixo, a tradução feita pelo Portuguese poet Bocage (1765 - 1805):

I tend to cicada in cantigas
Passed all or see
Achou-se in extreme penury
Na stormy season.
I have not subtracted migalha
That trincasse, to tagarela
Foi valer-se gives formiga,
What a morava perto dela.
Rogou-lhe that he borrowed,
Pois tinha wealth and shine,
Algum grão com que manter-se
Voltar tea or summer access.
- "Friend", said to cicada,
- "I promise, à fé d'animal,
Pay-you before August
I swear to you e o principal. "
To formiga never loan,
Never gives, by isso board.
- "Don't see what you're doing?"
Ask for the question.
Reply to outra: - "Eu cantava
Noite e day, all the time. "
- "Oh! bravo! ", returns to formiga.
- "Cantavas? Pois dança agora! "

Qual é a moral da historia?

A Cicada and a Formiga é uma lição simple and direct on to the importance and value of the work. Burdened with symbols, the characters represent two opposing positions in life: two hard-hitting and two preguiçuos.

A fable teaches us be independent and responsible for us. There are moments in which we have to simply rest and take advantage of life, it is necessary to think about the future and fight for it.

This story, a popular wisdom cheia, can also be a good opportunity to talk with children about other fundamental values: generosity, solidarity, partilha.

In the end, I do not endorse the history nor do I believe that Formiga did not want to help Cicada, after that. So, ficaria an open interpretation: maybe Formiga has been generous, depois to alert Cicada to her irresponsibility.

Conheça also

  • Little Fables with Morality
  • Or that is a fable
  • As fables of Aesop
  • Fable A Raposa e as Grapes
  • Animais Fables
  • Melhores fables as moral
  • As fables of Monteiro Lobato
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