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10 Haruki Murakami books to know or author

Haruki Murakami (1949) is an internationally acclaimed Japanese writer and translator. Besides being a two best-selling authors not his country of origin, Murakami has his books translated into more than 50 languages.

Author of works of various genres, such as stories and essays, he is more than made up of romance hairs marked by a melancholic tom and um to be attentive to human experiences.

1. 1Q84 (2009-2010)

1Q84 (2009-2010).

This is one of the most famous works by the author and is divided into 3 volumes, combining everyday dinners with fantastic situations that beiram or surrealism. Not free, we find two stories that are being told in parallel.

On one side we know I have, um homem to be a writer and find his great chance of it. From outro, Aomame, a female figure who is secretly an assassin and accredits that she is living no shamed parallel world 1Q84.

As narratives end up crossing and we discover that you two became known during childhood and lost or trace um do outro. A work is a reflection on the contemporary world and its violence, focusing our feelings of

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solidão, anguish and alienation individual destes.

Eu posso support whichever dor, as long as it has meaning.

No brazil, 1Q84 It was published between 2012 and 2013, as a translation by Lica Hashimoto.

2. Norwegian Wood (1987)

Norwegian Wood (1987)

Norwegian Wood, a work that you projetou or writer to fame, was entitled from a song two Beatles. A story past the 60s and told to the first person by Toru Watanabe, who Releases his life to him as a young university.

During the student protests that will mark the time, or the protagonist narrates his existential quests and also the love relationships that he is going to get involved with. O livro was adapted for the cinema in 2010, a homonymous film directed by Tran Anh Hung.

If you only read what others are reading, you can hardly think or what others are thinking.

The work is available in Brazil, translated by Jefferson José Teixeira, as the first edition in 2005 and the second in 2008.

3. Kafka à beira-mar (2002)

Kafka à beira-mar

The work tells two stories, alternated between the chapters, and follows two characters: a 15-year-old garoto who is named after Kafka, in reference to a famous writer, and a very old man named Nakata.

At the age of 15, Kafka left casa do pai in search of mãe da irmã, starting a series of adventures and surprising encounters. So he ends up finding out Nakata, someone whose profusion is finding lost cats.

A narrative combines everyday life with magical realism, also addressing questões linked to tradições e à Japanese culture.

E quando a tempest of tiver passed, ill you will be scared of ter achieved through it, of ter succeeded in surviving. Nem will be sure of a storm ter really chegado ao fim. More a coisa is certain. When the storm comes out, you will not be the same person. Only as storms make sense.

The work has been published in Brazil since 2008, translated by Leiko Gotoda.

4. Caçando carneiros (1982)

Hunting Carneiros

Hunting carneiros, um two most popular books by Murakami, um thriller that mixes a narrative of mystery with elements of fantastic realism.

The work portrays a post-war Japanese society, focused on the world, two businesses and no money. On the other hand, history also illustrates Frieza das human relations, through solitary and anonymous people.

During a narrative, or protagonist Travessa or Japan with a missão estranha: he needs to find a carneiro.

The cells of the body are replaced every month. I tied this very moment. Quase tudo or que você thinks you know about my são barely lembranças.

The work was translated by Leiko Gotoda and published in Brazil in 2001, counting as a second edition in 2014.

5. Sono (1989)


Sono It is another work by the author that confuses reality and fantasy. The protagonist is a mulher who, purely and simply, I can't get more sleep.

During the day, my housekeeper continues to work with her, but during the night she dedicates herself to reading. After weeks of insônia, the narrator has not been able to distinguish between what is really happening and what is fruit gives your imagination.

Minha own existence, minha life not world, it seemed like a hallucination. Um vento forte makes me think that my body was ready to be soprado até or fim do mundo, to Somebody else has never seen or outed falar, where my mind and body will separate to always.

Not Brazil, or it was released in 2015, with a translation by Lica Hashimoto. Initially published as a conto, in this national edition, as well as in other countries, a work and accompanied by illustrations by artist Kat Menschik.

6. Minha dear Sputnik (1999)

Minha dear Sputnik

Or free and narrated by K, a professor who is beaten by a friend, Sumire. Life changes radically when she begins a relationship as a woman, most velha and decides to travel together, leaving everything behind.

For some time, you two correspond by letters, but when communication is interrupted, K resolves to go procurá-la. Or free is for sale in Brazil, with a translation by Ana Luiza Dantas Borges.

Eu sonho. At the same time, what is the only certain thing to do.

7. Crônica do Pássaro de Corda (1994-1995)

Crônica do Pássaro de Corda

Originally published in 3 volumes, or book tells the story of Toru Okada, who is also the narrator. It is about an unworked homem that leads a common life at the moment that or his cat disappears.

When he began to procure or animal, or protagonist embark on a big day, cheia of strange episodes, that alters or his destiny. As usual in writing by an author, the work combines magical elements with portraits of everyday life.

Will it be possible, in the last analysis, that a human being can achieve a perfect understanding of another? We can invest a lot of time and energy in serious efforts to know another person, but not the end, or how much time can we pay for the essência dessa pessoa?

The work was published in Brazil, in 2017, with a translation by Eunice Suenaga.

8. Homens Sem Mulheres (2014)

Homens Sem Mulheres

This remarkable book that addresses contemporary relationships and is composed of 7 short narratives. All are starring extremely solitary male figures and disappointed as love.

Aquilo que estes homens têm em comum são os seus feelings of sadness and melancholy, depois de terem lost as women who love me, in different circumstances gives life.

So, not the end, maybe this is a challenge or a challenge: look inside your heart to handle it more insightful and possible to make peace as you will find it. We really hope to know another person, we need to start learning for ourselves.

Not Brazil, the work was translated by Eunice Suenaga and launched in 2015.

9. A Morte do Comendador (2017)

To Morte do Comendador

The protagonist of the work is an anonymous artist who has abandoned his wife and decides to move to a isolated cabin na montanha, nas provinces of Tóquio. No sótão do local, ele find a mysterious square entitled To Morte do Comendador, which seems to be a reference to Don giovanni, from Mozart.

A descoberta awakens several strange phenomena that become metaphors for the lembranças and transformations that are happening in life from home. Apart from themes such as love and death, or I also reflect on the art itself.

Instead of a true stave, it escolho the possibilities you install.

The work was translated by Rita Kohl and edited in Brazil in 2018.

10. O Impiedoso País das Maravilhas e o Fim do Mundo (2007)

O Impiedoso País das Maravilhas e o Fim do Mundo

The last work on the list is also the most intriguing one, integrating elements of fantasy, science fiction and cyberpunk world.

A narrative is past a city that lives totally isolated, surrounded by a large mural. Lá, os indivíduos não têm emoções e também não morrem.

A complex history, cheia of symbols and metaphors, addresses questões related to awareness and identity.

Two people can sleep in the same bed and also be sozinhas when we date them.

O Impiedoso País das Maravilhas e o Fim do Mundo It was translated into our own Portuguese language Maria João Lourenço.

Queme Haruki Murakami?

Haruki Murakami was born on January 12, 1949 in Quioto, having lived in various regions of Japan, such as Shukugawa, Ashiya and Kobe.

Filho of a Buddhist priest, Haruki became interested in Japanese literature from the beginning. Later, he studied theater studies at the University of Wased, in Tóquio and, between the decades of 70 and 80, had a bar of jazz chamado Peter cat.

In 1979, he started his literary career, with the publication of Ouça a canção do vento. Currently, it is considered a two major romancists of contemporary literature. Murakami also stands out in the world of translation, being responsible for them Japanese editions of great authors as J.D. Salinger and Truman Capote.

During the 80's, or a Moorish writer in Europe, I have depois moved to the United States of America, where he still lives today.

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