Só sei que nada sei: meaning, history, about Socrates
A phrase "Só sei que nada sei" is attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates. A phrase is also understood by its original Latin version ("ipse se nihil scire id unum sciat") and pela its translation in English ("I only know that I know nothing").
Or what does the phrase "Só sei que nada sei" means
By uttering the phrase "Só sei sei sei sei", Socrates acknowledges his own ignorance. Through the Socratic paradox, or categorically negava philosopher or post of professor or great expert of any knowledge. A logic is simple: to affirm that nothing knows, ratifies or fato that also fear nothing to teach.
Another philosopher, Nicolau de Cusa, years later, during or Renascimento, acknowledges or gesture of humble intellectual and or denominates douta ignorance.
Platão, aluno of Socrates, year in contrast to the sentence of the master, acknowledged in Letter VII:
"Socrates, who is not reluctant to proclaim as or homem more just do his tempo."
There was no absolute certainty that Socrates proffered exactly such a phrase because it was not compiled in our writings of his aluno, Platão. In every way, or content and compatible with the ideas that the pregavian philosopher.
Let me say that the phrase "Só sei que nada sei" was a reply given by Socrates when the oracle declared that he was or homem more intelligent from Grécia.
By humbly acknowledging or disregarding him, Socrates collected inimigos that or accused of taking advantage of rhetoric to lie. At the age of 70, he was raised on charges of provoking a public order, encouraging Athenians not to accredit us, deuses and corrupt young people as his method of questioning.
I have been given the opportunity to withdraw his ideas, however, he persisted in his ideas and was condemned to drink a cup of poison (hemlock). During this period he affirmed that "An irrefutable life is not worth living."
Quem foi Socrates?
Socrates was born in Athens, Greece, between 470 and 469, in the same city in 399. Considered or pai da western philosophy, he saw a poor family and professionally was a sculptor, as well as pai. To me he was partira.
In relation to his personal life, he married two women, Xantipa and Mirton. A bigamy was a provisionally authorized situation for the government due to a scarcity of homens as a result of war losses.
Socrates did not want to save anything, not because he was illiterate, but because he consciously refused to crystallize in redirected words or his speech. Or intellectual cultivava or dom da palavra through da fala.
Speakers of this time do not costumavam keep their speeches in writing, as soon as poets have this concern. Contrary to the dialogue - which allows interventions and questions - written and hermetic and allows multiple interpretations, or that ends up making the speakers of this type of fixation unaffordable.
That first conserved the speeches written in prose for Platão, one two students of Socrates.
Despite not leaving a written legacy, Socrates became a framework for Western philosophy. I know-I know that he was a small home, that I never received his speeches, he simply perambulava for the streets and dialogues-about practically any matter.
Barely 60 years old he became known for his philosophy. At the age of 70, he was sentenced in court and forced to drink a chalice of hemlock.
Socratic envelope or method
The Socratic method (also known as dialectics) consists of a conversation between the philosopher and an interlocutor who, by way of regra, affirms that he dominates a certain subject. Socrates only limits himself to examining and questioning the prayers that the superb interlocutor utters.
It is through these questions that I have been conducting a long dialogue that the philosopher interprets the truths given that he is convinced that he knows. Thus his questions provoked and instigated me or interlocutor. Socrates only stops to question when or his own interlocutor reaches a response.
Conheça also
- Phrase I think, logo I exist
- Phrase Know yourself
- Phrase Pedras no caminho? I keep all of them.
- Phrase O homem é um political animal
- To be or not to be, you are asking
Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).