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Black Swan: summary, analysis and complete explanation of the film

Black Swan It is a North American film of drama, suspense and psychological terror, released in 2010. O longa-metragem by Darren Aronofsky was received with criticism and, years after, continues to arouse public curiosity.

I wanted to re-seed or Black Swan and know some explanations and symbols? Trust!

Atenção: this artigo contém spoilers about the outcome of the film.

Summary of Black Swan

Nina is a young dancer who plays a prominent role. When I chose to be the protagonist of the dance Or Lake dos Cisnes, his life is radically altered.

Enter a family repression, or a toxic environment, do not work and in search of perfection, Nina develops a fixation for the new work colleague, Lily.

All these troubles began to affect her mental health and ended up being her ruin. Na final dinner, the protagonist will die in the box, listening to the applause.

Relembre or trailer legendary of the film:

Black Swan legendary trailer

Personagens and cast

Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman)

Black Swan - Nina

The protagonist is chosen to represent Rainha dos Cisnes and, therefore, I have to interpret you two papéis: o Cisne Branco e o Cisne Negro. Delicate, gentle and competent, all of them credit her ability to dance or first role plus long second.

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As a tempo, she began to develop hallucinations motivated by a climate of constant pressure and psychological violence not which she lives and works. A insecure, or ciume and a loucura to transform completely. No end, she ends up committing suicide not the box, as well as a personagem na peça.

Lily (Mila Kunis)

Black Swan - Lily

Lily is Nina's new work colleague and her rival as well. Embora tenham physical semelhanças, são different em tudo: to ease, or jeito de dançar, or way of facing life.

I like that Lily roube or her place in the dance company and the director's attention, Nina is obsessed with her. Assim, a moça começa a fazer part of her fantasies of her and ends (supposedly) assassinated as the protagonist.

Erica Sayers (Barbara Hershey)

Black Swan - Erica

Erica, mother of Nina, is a woman with clear psychological disturbances that she experiences in function and through the filha.

As she had to give up her career as a dancer when she was engraved, she exercised enormous control over Nina, encouraging her to dedicate herself completely to dance.

Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel)

Black Swan - Thomas

Thomas is director of the dance company and presents a less dignified conduct. Aside from torturing dancers (Nina overtudo) with constant criticism and humiliation, he also sexually assaults her.

Pior: Thomas faces these young people lutarem pela his attention, proving that he needs his love and favoritism for this success.

Beth MacIntyre (Winona Ryder)

Black Swan - Beth

Beth is a former star of the dance company, which also has a case with Thomas. When she is forced to sit down, before the rise of Nina, a dancer she tempts or commits suicide.

Já sem successso e sem amor, ela deixa to get dance and fica numa cadeira de rodas. Nina, whom she admired, saw in Beth a glimpse of her future.

Analysis of the film Black Swan

Or Lake dos Cisnesby Tchaikovsky

Or dramatic balé Or Lake dos Cisnes it is being fired during or on film, inspiring and influencing the narrative. A work of Tchaikovsky tells the story of Odette, a princess who was transformed into a white-haired swan magician Rothbart.

A curse can only be broken through true love. Siegfried, or prince who loved Odette, was seduced by filha do vilão, Odile (or Black Swan), and broke his oath of fidelity from her.

Or Two Swans Lake in London Coliseum
Or Lake dos Cisnes not London Coliseum.

Na original version, or house ends up drowning. New verses, manage to defeat the magician and reach a happy ending. Or more conhened outcome, not so much, and that which is represented not film, or suicide of Odette.

All of this entanglement is reflected in the action of longa-metragem, which has come as a dream of Nina, not like the Odete, enfeitiçada by Rothbart and transformed into a swan.

Ascension of Nina and remains of Beth

Depois do seu dream of her, Nina disappointed me, faking that she wanted more visibility in the dance company. This is the first time that we see marks and marks of blood on its coasts.

Nina roubando or Beth's batom
Nina roubando or Beth's batom.

When Thomas announces that he is looking for a new protagonist for the next show, Beth, a former star, begins to make a scandal. Nina enters no seu camarim of her and rouba um batom vermelho da diva, as an amulet to give a lot.

During an audição, or director começa to assed dancer e tenta beijá-la. Nina reage biting her lips, or leaving her surprised. Embora she ache that she is barely suitable to play or Cisne Branco, because of her control and discipline, she ends up escorting young man for a double role.

Alleging that he wanted to "let go of her", or director, he increases his sexual investments and also the number of tests and severe criticisms. At the festa de apresentação da nova estla da companhia, Beth appears visibly bowed down.

Beth sell to apresentação de Nina.
Beth sell to apresentação de Nina.

Accusing the girl of another case like Thomas, we see that the woman is dwarfed and abandoned by him. Two times she is rejetada, no work and no love, she tempts or commits suicide and ends up not in the hospital, sozinha and sem get to walk.

A chegada de Lily and a tragic triangle

It is said that Lily's supposed "love triangle" is complete. Enquanto Nina always emerges from branco, representing Odette d 'OR Lake dos Cisnes, Lily would be odile, always wearing preto. The protagonist sees or seu I reflect on her numa porta do metrô, using the same penteado, and for seconds she looks confused.

Lily dancing.
Lily dancing.

Logo ela arises no camarim: it's about a dancer who has just been hired. Embora similar physically, their eyes and behaviors contrast me. The preta tattooed handles on Lily's shores seem to confirm her identification of her as a Black Swan.

In this analogy, Thomas is simultaneously a magician who transforms the protagonist into a swan and a prince capable of saving her. When she sees director watching Lily dance, Nina realizes that she can lose her position from her.

Family review and obsessive relationship

Extremely isolated, Nina hardly had any work in her life. We perceive that her behavior is young and disturbing: she treats Nina as she does a child, controlling and repressing her actions.

Nina e a mãe de ella.
Nina e a mãe de ella.

At dinner we hit me painting pictures like face of filha and chorando summarizes or her toxic behavior of projection of her. The protagonist lives in a child's room and does not have direct privacy.

Pente all the pressão, Nina ripped off the coasts, sem repairing. To me, violently, she cuts as suas unhas à força, as if it were a disobedient woman.

Nina's mental health

From the beginning of the film we notice that something is wrong with the protagonist. Além de ferir our shoulders repeatedly (we never see or tie, only the marks), she began to hallucinate more and more frequently.

You should see Lily did not enter, for the first time, Nina crosses the tunnel. Not the moment she approaches, we perceive that her face is transformed, not the face of the protagonist, sorrindo de força ameaçadora.

Two verses of Nina crossed me.
Two verses of Nina crossed me.

More to the front, or the same face ameaçador arises not out of it, like some sujas of sangue, ripping off its own coasts. Perceiving or tired and frustrated by two constant trials, Lily misses the director for Nina, who defends her.

She invites you to go to a cam for a bar where he offers alcohol and drugs. No banheiro, Nina troca de roupa e veste uma preta blouse: o moment and loaded with symbols.

Ainda na festa, while women dance and have fun, we see um flash of Nina characterized as Black Swan. Starting daí, uma radical move it happens na personagem. Her behavior becomes irreconcilable, increasingly confused and erratic.

A verdadeira Odile: transformation no Black Swan

Na mesma noite, the dancer ignores the links between me and Lily at home (that Erica did not see enter). For the first time, the protagonist confronts me, screaming that she needs privacy for no more than 12 years.

Im followed, she locks a porta do quarto com um ferro. Inside, he becomes sexually involved as his supposed rival. O moment seems to represent a species of liberation. During either ato, not anto, or her face will alternate like Nina's face.

Nina and Lily are drinking.
Nina and Lily are drinking.

Na manhã Seguinte, Rainha dos Cisnes agreed late and found Lily dancing not in her place. Thomas communicates that she was chosen to be his substitute, if something happened. Dressed in preto, with bruises and bruises, Nina observes a troca de olhares between the director and the dancer.

When she confronts Lily about being sunk, she gives her home to the previous night. She says that we don't have a party together and that it was just a fantasy of Nina. Thomas, on the other hand, piora to situation, declaring to youth; "All the dancers in the world wanted their role."

Coming to be replaced, Nina ensaia attached to exaustão, with hallucinations each time more violent. Depois de um ensaio, she sees Thomas and Lily having sex behind the scenes.

Nessa mesma noite, no quarto, the serious olhos of her are going to see vermelhos and the starters on the coasts of which hardly any place, handles that have arisen.

Nina kills Lily no camarim.
Nina kills Lily no camarim.

No next day, at the first appearance of the dance, Nina did not appear in the box. All brigam as ela e Lily is not a chambermaid, dressed as a Black Swan, ready to take on the role. Furious, the protagonist threw herself on top of her and broke um spelho. With two thieves, she points to a rival and hides or seu body of her not banheiro.

From that moment on, your eyes of him will become vermelhos. When he dances, he completes his transformation: he goes on earning sorrows and ends up having dinner with handles instead of arms. Not final, he beija or diretor (seduce or prince Siegfried). A passagem vem confirm: Nina is a true Odile, she was transformed into a Black Swan.

Black Swan - Odile appears

Last dance: perfeição e morte

From turn to chamber, while the star is preparing for the last dance, somebody beats in the doorway: and Lily, to give you parabens hair with a brilliant number. Nesse moment, Nina perceives that the rival body is not not banned and that, it is true, apunhalou a si mesma.

Now, he places my hand on top and continues to pack. Já no box, or sangue vai flapping hair dressed, enquanto dança. Olhando a mãe na plateia, she threw herself high, symbolizing the suicide of Cisne Branco.

Surrounded by her colleagues, delighted with her performance, Nina declares: "I was perfect!". Logo em followed, ao som of applause, a morre dancer. To conquer or succeed, the protagonist was raised to sacrifice the highest value of all: his own life.

Black Swan (2010) "I Was Perfect" Ending Clip HD

Explanation of the film Black Swan

Aquilo que mais cativa or spectator em Black Swan são as perguntas that the film deixa sem answer is obvious. Or what was real and what was imagined? How and why is this tragedy happening?

Just as some quests are open, it is worth exploring the meaning of the film and trying to find answers.

Carreira de alta pressão e seus effeitos

Acima de tudo, or longa portrays the effects that um high pressure and extremely competitive environment pode ter na saúde mental de uma pessoa. Nina has a career with a high level of demand, which becomes destructive, because the protagonist wants to reach the mole.

Because of this, she lives for or works, not having personal relationships, friends or interests for dance. Além two bruised no body, I fear to support the sexual advances of the director and the total absence of limits: humility, constant tests, exhaustion.

Focado no mundo do balé profissional, or film shows or physical and mental exhaustion of profissão: Nina is on permanent stress and anxiety.

Late maturity

Erica, to my main character, is an old dancer who empurises to dance because of her own sonho falhado, protecting her as her ambitions. As duas live together and my controlling and superprotective, infantilizing and manipulating filha.

We perceive that Nina is not deprived of anybody and is sexually repressed by the constant vigilance of me. Or his maturation process seems to be stagnant and that could be the origin of two serious problems.

Assim, when Nina decides to go to a party with Lily, she is defying the parental authority, a behavior that seems to be motivated by a late adolescence. Na mesma noite, at your intimate dinner with your rival, na true, a fantasy that you have when you masturbate.

O ato, that was not allowed até ali, symbolizes um passagem ritual: Nina claims her sexuality because she is an adult woman. Na manhã Seguinte, when she leaves the room, she announces that she is going to live sozinha. More in front, she plays all the serious jumps not lixo.

Hallucinações e seeks perfeição

From now on we have been able to perceive that Nina has no psychological problems, be aware of her vigilance against me or her own marks of self-mutilation on our shoulders. In several film dinners, each time with more intensity, or his reflection of him will emerge as an ameaça.

Seja no espelho ou na rua, Nina sees the image of a woman just like her, always dressed in preto, who seems to challenge her. This duality culminates with dinner in which Nina fights against herself, break or spell and fere com um pedaço.

There is a dark side to his mind that the protagonist cannot control what he is taking over, I managed to dominate completely. We know that or that to move é o desejo da perfeição e that, for isso, she needs to interpret you two papéis in an inquisitive way.

O Black Swan would need to be a meaner, perigoso, sensual; You know that Nina wasn't. To see a personagem, the protagonist needs to approach her leading side of her, her "geme more".

She says that to press and as his negative emotions take account of himself, to be able to execute or work without a falsehood. OR price you pay for perfeição it's his own life.

Cycle of success and destruction

Or that we attend not just a film about a woman who gets mad and ends up killing herself. Here, or that he is in a slow process of physical and mental exhaustion of a successful dancer. Before Nina, Beth was also a "perfect" dancer, which conquered the applause of the public and the love of Thomas.

As a tempo, the old diva was flaring up and losing her followers. Logo, for Nina to become the principal dancer, Beth had to sit down and also lost her attention to the director. By all means, she ends up tempting or committing suicide. When Nina goes to visit her, she says that she was perfect, she denies and answers that "now is nothing." Then, she looks like a faca (possible hallucinations).

Little girl see em Beth uma miragem do future that she wanted to avoid any custody. On the other hand, Lily is her inspiration for the Black Swan character and also her possible successor. Num atmosphere of forte feminine competition, Nina faces as rival and someone who goes to roubar or her place.

We can foresee that it will continue or film, perhaps Lily fosse to nova star It ended up as a tragic jeito, like its predecessors. In this way, Black Swan It illustrates a cycle of search for perfection that led to ruin and, ultimately, to death.

Technical sheet and letter of the film

Qualification Black Swan (Black swan, not genuine)
Year of production 2010
Address Darren aronofsky
Launching 2011
Duration 108 minutes
Classification Over 16 years old
Gender Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Country of origin United States of America
Awards Oscar de Melhor Atriz, Globo de Ouro, BAFTA

Cartaz do film Black Swan.

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Se você é fã of classical music ou are trying uma playlist to accompany your reading, trust a repentant soundtrack of the film Black Swan:

Black Swan - trilha sonora

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