Dry Lives: detailed analysis and summary of the work of Graciliano Ramos
Dry Lives é um romance by Graciliano Ramos published in 1938. The work is part of the second phase of modernism (geração de 1930).
O Livro addresses poverty and difficulties in retiring life in the Northeast, narrating Fabiano's escapes from his dry family.
Summary of the work
Fabiano, sua mulher e os filhos fogem da seca no sertão northeast I tried to find an abandoned farmhouse. Sem condições to continue to travel, they will be installed. Few days depois, to chuva chega ao sertão. Or dono da fazenda appears and Fabiano is hired as a vaqueiro.
During this period, Fabiano was imprisoned, his wife Sinhá Vitória was sitting on a bed of mooring of couro, or menino mais velho asked about words and or menino mais novo tends to ride with a kid.
The life of a vaqueiro segue attached that the next dry season he expels you again. A family leaves a farm and leaves for or in search of survival.
Analyze the work
Historic context
A work was written during the 1930s, a period of great political turmoil in Brazil and in the world. The United States lived a great economic crisis and Europe recovered from the end of the First War. Or Brazil was commanded by Getúlio Vargas who, in 1937, installed the Estado Novo, an authoritarian and anti-communist regime.
Graciliano Ramos was influenced by Marxism. He was imprisoned during the New State and joined the Brazilian Communist Party in 1945.
Em Dry Lives, Graciliano emphasizes how Fabiano and explored hair dono da fazenda: seu patrão or rouba nas contas, charges abusive prices, hair, mantiments and very high swears. Not final, Fabiano foge da dry and da amused that he feared as his patrão. Likewise, we will work more than one year, the continuous sem nenhuma posse.
Thus, influences are clear when Graciliano portrays misery by Fabiano. This misery turns homem gross and the same looks more like a bug than a human being.
On the condition of homem gross face that Fabiano has been explored with his patrão hair and oppressed with governorate hair. In the same way that misery comes under the conditions of nature (dry), the homens take advantage of it instead of helping those who need more.
Literary current
Dry Lives é um regionalist romance what face part gives second generation of modernism, also known as geração of 30.
This phase is characterized by the consolidation of two frames of the Modern Art Week of 1922. TO search for a national literature Authors have been invited to procure in their regions raw material for their works.
No case of Graciliano Ramos a fonte foi or sertão. O livro é cheio de termos regionalais e a written approach mais da fala. You social themes voltam for literature that now also has a role to denounce misery and exploration.
A greater formal freedom also enables new narrative experiences. Em Dry Lives Observe-se isso us chapters that are alone - there is no linearity that one of the chapters as custom will happen as romances. They são quase as contos com as his own narratives.
Outra marking characteristic é o psychological foundation das personagens. This work, or author, portrays simple people, more complexities, turning deep characters.
He is a family member, a gross homem, who many times is mistaken for a bug. He fails little and more com grunhidos communicates. He is a brave home, as a heart of a goela, therefore he respects the authorities.
Sinhá Vitória
She is to me, as well as a husband too, not very much. Seu maior desi es uma de armação de couro bed.
You filhos
You are filhos são o menino mais novo and o menino mais velho (attention for two boys at some time appointed). Or first tem more admiration of hair for I want to be equal to him. Or second gosta mais das palavras, I wanted that your country falassem mais, fica mais perto da mãe because it is not gross.
Baleia is a puppy of a family and a person that most assembles to a human being. She is the only personagem of romance that felt anguish and that, same as falar, knows how to communicate to you that other members of the family.
Secondary Personagens
The other minor characters are the Soldier Amarelo, who unjustly turns on Fabiano, or the patron of Fabiano and Seu Tomás, who only appears in the family's lembranças. Seu Tomás was a well-equipped, intelligent home, and he was very good, therefore I was of no use to him when dry chegou and he also had to leave the farm.
Highlight aspects of the work
Graciliano Ramos represents the misery of the retiring year portraying humans as bugs and bugs (Baleia) as humans. Fabiano is mistaken as an animal because he is brute, he communicates as snarling, and he is in the nature (dry day and chuva).
Fabiano wanted to revolt against the injustices that he suffers on the part of the patrão and the soldier love him, porém, like a domesticated animal, oil you maus-tratos. As children continue hair the same way. Sem educação, learn with the country as a nursery, offering few words and raising many safanões.
Já a Baleia tem sonhos, you communicate as your body more effectively than humans communicate as words. Save a family from fome I do not start to read the chapter of his death and two more beautiful stretches of Brazilian prose.
Summary by chapter
The first chapter of the book portrays Fabiano, his woman and the filhos walking hair sertão attached to chegada to an abandoned farm. As muita fome, headquarters and sem condições to continue traveling, they were installed by the. The chapter ends with a façanha of the Baleia puppy, who caça um preá e saves all of the fome.
Chove did not sertão. As dry fim, or dono da fazenda returns. Fabiano was hired as a vaqueiro. He wonders if he is a home or a bug.
Fabiano goes to the city to buy food, wraps himself a number of letters with a yellow soldier and ends up being imprisoned. Fabiano does not know how to fail directly and in the absence of communication or unfairly place his prisoner.
Sinhá Vitória
In this chapter, there is a kind of presentation of the personagem and the relationship of him with the people of his family. Sinhá Vitória narrates the serious domestic affairs of the sleeping husband. Or the only dream of Sinhá Vitória is a bed of armação de couro.
O menino mais novo
He narrates to admiration that this personagem has hair on his own, especially when he sees himself dressed as a cowboy riding a brave égua. Of tão admired, or menino more novo try to ride a goat to imitate or pai, but more often.
O menino mais velho
He wanted to know or what and hell, a very nice word that you have, but he doesn't know what it means. He procures me for ajudá-lo pois seu pai é muito brute. Porém, a resposta da sua mãe também no or satisfaz. He does not certify that a word is beautiful or not a bad place.
This is the moment when you suck alagam or sertão. The family is afraid of dying suffocated. However, the chuva also afast or half day on the dry day. Enquanto chove, the ficam inside the house showing Fabiano's stories, which are invented and with little verossimilhança.
The whole family packs up to go to an event in Natal da city. Porém, no meio do caminho, all of them are barefoot and like us. Fabiano drinks a lot of cachaça, he tries to pack briga e depois dorme no chão using the roupas as support. Sinhá Vitória admires those who love the beauty of the coisas, dreaming in a real bed, and the boys are behind the puppy.
É o nono chapter e o mais marcante do livro. Fabiano to sacrifice a puppy that is doente. More or less shot is not accurate and is right as Nadegas da Baleia. She manages to escape até or lamaçal. Ferida e à beira da morte, Baleia thinks not in a confused way: she thinks about her obligations to take care of her father, about children in her house. Not the end of the night, sounding like a paradise, a beautiful world of preas and a huge Fabian.
You count
O patrão treats Fabiano unfairly. It will be direct to a part of the country, but it is also necessary to go through the dispensation of the patrão for other mantiments. Or patrão charges a lot of money and the logo Fabiano spends more than he can. Elephics endowed as patrão, which charges juros. Fabiano sketches a revolt, but he oils up this pattern by way of being dismissed.
Or Soldier Amarelo
Fabiano finds again the soldier amarelo sozinho and lost the trails. He thinks about being a soldier, but he desists and or helps to stop him.
Or world covered with sorrows
So birds are raising voo and leaving for the south. This é o sinal that is dry is turning. Fabiano sees the birds e fica com raiva.
A dry turn and a fazenda já não offers more subsistence. The family is part of the sertão in the direction of the search for a large city.
"O sertão mandaia para a cidade homens fortes, brutes, like Fabiano, Sinhá Vitória e os dois meninos."
Film Dry Lives
The romance of Graciliano Ramos won a film adaptation in 1963 by the hands of director Nelson Pereira dos Santos, considered to be two precursors of the Cinema Novo movement.
A free adaptation received various awards and was indicated at the Palma de Ouro do Cannes Festival in 1964.
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About or author Graciliano Ramos
Graciliano Ramos was a Brazilian writer, journalist and politician. He was born in October 27, 1882 in Quebrângulo, Alagoas, and in 1953 in Rio de Janeiro.
Além from Dry Lives (1938), one of his greatest works by him and São Bernardo(1935), also set in the Northeast.
Graciliano Ramos lives in various cities in the Northeast. When he finished or was in the middle, he moved to Rio to exercise a job as a day laborer. In 1915 he returned to the Northeast from 1936, when he was imprisoned under the Vargas government. Graciliano was released in 1937 in Morocco in Rio de Janeiro, attached to his death.
He was "a home to the physical and social sense, at the same time as a romancist focused on introspection, analysis, psychological motives" (Álvaro Lins). Graciliano uniu as suas vivências will not be with his political conscience to save Dry Lives.
The author won several awards for his work, with a highlight for the award of the Fundação William Faulkner (United States) for romance Dry Lives, as a representative book of Contemporary Brazilian Literature in 1962.
Conheça also
- Main works of Graciliano Ramos
- Livro Angústia, by Graciliano Ramos
- Livro O Cortiço by Aluísio Azevedo
- Quadro Retreats by Candido Portinari
- Livro Quarto de Despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus
- Livro O Quinze by Rachel de Queiroz
- Livro Capitães da Areia, by Jorge Amado
- Rachel de Queiroz: biography and works