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Bohemian Rhapsody film: analysis and summary

Based on real fatos, released in October 2018, or film Bohemian Rhapsody It is intended to be a biography of two of the greatest rock ensembles of all ages: the Queen.

O longa metragem focuses especially on the personal and professional life of controversial vocalist Freddie Mercury (lived by Rami Malek).

A succession of public and critics, Bohemian Rhapsody já arrecadou important awards such as two Globos de Ouro (Melhor Filme Dramático e Melhor Ator Dramático) and a BAFTA by Melhor Ator.

No Oscar 2019 or long received five indicações: Melhor Filme, Melhor Ator, Melhor Montagem, Melhor Mixagem de Som and Melhor Edição de Som. No final da noite or film levou for the house four trophies: Melhor Ator (Rami Malek), Melhor Mixagem de Som, Melhor Montagem and Melhor Edição de Som.

[Atenção, or text below with spoilers]

I summarize

Or film Bohemian Rhapsody tell biographical history The English rock band Queen from a união two members of the group tied to death of the protagonist, Freddie Mercury.

O plan of fund from breeding and to England two

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1970s, with rebellious young people and looking for um meio to express themselves.

A rearing two Queen

The band was initially composed of four members: Brian May (played by Gwilyn Lee), Roger Taylor (played by Ben Hardy), John Deacon (played by Joseph Mazzello) and a vocalist who gave up set. Esses was us Smile.

Freddie who was fã do ensemble, accompanied or performed by a banda na noite and tinha or sonho to be a professional vocalist. Knowing that the vocalist was giving up, Mercury decided to offer himself to replace the former vocalist.


After some resistance, two members of the ensemble are able to occupy the place of the former vocalist.

Even a difficult and risky decision, the four of you decide to sell to the group to finance the production of an album.

A band, then batizada de Queen, began to make a huge success and go collecting shows around the country. Or group chama a atenção de uma gravadora, that manages to transform depressa into a big hit.

To life of Freddie Mercury

Not pessoal aspect, Freddie feared some rejeição problems at home. You country, quite severe, do not approve bohemian life e sem regras que o filho levava.

Like crescendo conflicts, or deixa singer or work, surely tinha e passes each time more tempo investing in the band.

It is also during this period that Mercury meets Mary Austin, a common girl who works in a boutique called Biba. You two become friends, you give up in love and finally great partners for life.


It is with Mary that Freddie entrusts all the secrets of her and it with which partilha the most important moments. Either affection is so much that the vocalist ends up asking Mary for marriage.

Or happen to the band

As a disc released and the shows multiplying, the band scales rapidly. With more and more temporary growths in succession, the Queen became known not only for the United Kingdom as well as for the country.


As turns I lead the band for the four songs of the world and, in one of those trips, Mercury discovers that also gosta de rapazes.

When he returns home, he decides to tell Mary to be uncovered in relation to her sexuality and or even to separate from the loving point of view (but ends up remaining a friend).

Or disengagement as executive of EMI Ray Foster

No boom of success, Freddie breeds a chamada song Bohemian Rhapsody, with six minutes of duration.

Piously accrediting that his exotic breeding faria or major successor, or vocalist proposed that Bohemian Rhapsody seja or single the next album of the band (A Night at the Opera).


Ray Foster completely disagrees with the decision because he has a strange and extremely long song.

During the impasse, the Queen broke with a tape recorder and Freddie brought up music to be played by his friend, or DJ Kenny Everett. A criação ends up being a great success.

Know more about a Bohemian Rhapsody music, two Queen.

Or get out of control of Freddie Mercury

OR excessive event, or dinheiro, to sudden fame and some troubled companies took Freddie to a creepy path. He began to drink too much, to delay or to miss commitments and to himself self-destroy.


With a deregulated life, consumed by drugs and by the proliferation of partners, Mercury enters a worrying downward spiral.

Convinced by a millionaire contract offered by his agent, Mercury leaves the group to continue his career alone. Or Queen ends up as deeply wizarding members as a former vocalist.

Or return two Queen

Apostle a period of solidão and get out of control, also alerted by Mary, Freddie barnacles to a fool that fez entering a chaotic life and sem the friends that he prezava so much. The vocalist then turned back and lost, imploring for the band to come back together.

The other members of the ensemble make demands for the group to be retaken, tempting to place or vocalist us eixos. The Queen will turn to atuar e fazem a historical concert not benefitting event Live Aid.

Also during this period, Mercury was turned off by a garçom who had worked at a party given at his home.

Jim Hutton

Or I found the ideal partner

On the occasion of the festivity, or garçom refuses to be invested by the famous singer and aponta or finger to or fato give him the wrong path.

In a moment of lucidity, later times, Mercury resolves to run back, telling him that he was two few with a sincere attitude and or recused at a moment when he was degrading.

Após uma longa looks for mysterious garçom hair, or casal is found together again.

O tragic end of the vocalist

Freddie Mercury discovers that against AIDS e that his life will apparently be short.

During a trial for Live Aid the partilha as the members gives band to his condition and allows everyone to continue the same, not wanting to be treated with pain.

live aid

Despite its tragic end, Jim Hutton, or Freddie's partner, fica to his side or end of life.

Film analysis

Bohemian Rhapsody faces or challenges of being a film biographical that aims to recreate the years of success of one of the most famous rock bands in the world: the Queen.

O roteiro contacted the supervision of some two members of the iconic band and tried to be or more faithful possible years Facts, many times or real has been posed aside in the prol of a more fictionalized version of history.

In thermos of figurine and dining room, or long metragem investe forte em reproduzir de fato os costumes of the time. We see Freddie's famous fabric or bigode in his controversial outfits, we find the penteados characteristic two seventies and a rebellious posture two young people who wanted to move the world across the music.

Or film works like uma viagem no tempo It provides the viewer with proof that it was lived during this important period for music.

Film differences in real life

1. Or start of Mercury's relationship with a lover

No film we are convinced that either the vocalist two Queen meets or falls in love at a party given in their own home. The one who would become or be his companion at the end of life has supposedly served as garçom na festa and não teria yielded as invested with Freddie.

Or casal Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton.
Or casal Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton.

A true partner of the singer, Jim Hutton, works as a head in a hotel (Savoy). You two teriam became a nighttime home during the eighties.

2. Or I meet two Queen no show Live Aid

The Live Aid show, in 1985, won a great prominence not long and practically the last twenty minutes of history are dedicated to the event.

Em Bohemian Rhapsody We are led to believe that either the show had not been Live Aid, or the first of the band, after a reconciliation, more to the truth than to life. Real os Queen já haviam met for other shows before (they chegaram a fazer even a tour together before Live Aid).

The Life Aid show, held in July 1985, was not the first show of the reunion of the apostle band or assembly of the group.
The Life Aid show, held in July 1985, was not the first show of the reunion of the apostle band or assembly of the group.

3. A brigade between the members of the band

According to a long metragem, Freddie decided to separate from the rest of the band unilaterally, seduced especially by a millionaire contract to continue his career alone.

Or gesture is seen as a betrayal of friends, that no or perdoam hair abandonment gives life to a group with the option for an individual path. In real life, porém, this misunderstanding was not true. When he was in a band, or drummer Roger Taylor, for example, he had released two solo albums (Fun in space and Strange Frontier).

In fact, about the separation of two Queen, the members of the band will decide to extinguish the group for free and spontaneously, because everyone wants to explore different paths.

Contrary to the fact that we are led to believe, the Queen will not be afastaram after a great brigade.
Contrary to the fact that we are led to believe, the Queen will not be afastaram after a great brigade.

4. A revelation of Mercury's doença

Or Freddie of the film would reveal that he had contracted AIDS from band partners during Live Aid tests. A dinner he can hardly wait to or continue to treat normally, sem or olharem with pain.

Not so much, or singer, who was visibly weakened, it was assumed that he was there one day before he died, on November 24, 1991, barely 45 years old. He even had been diagnosed two years after the performance of Live Aid, not the year 1987.

A doença became public through a note released on the eve of his death:

“Following the enormous conjecture in the press over the last two weeks, I wish to confirm that I have been tested HIV positive and have AIDS. I felt it correct to keep this information private to date to protect the privacy of those around me.

However, the time has come now for my friends and fans around the world to know the truth and I hope that everyone will join with me, my doctors and all those worldwide in the fight against this terrible disease.

My privacy has always been very special to me and I am famous for my lack of interviews. Please understand this policy will continue. "

- Freddie Mercury, November 23rd, 1991

(“After a huge press on the press in the last two weeks, I want to confirm that I was tested as positive for AIDS. I am here to keep this information confidential to protect the privacy of each person.

Not so, chegou at an hour two meus friends and fãs ao around the world will know true and I hope that everyone join me, aos meus doctors and everyone who is in the world in the fight against that terrível doença.

Minha privacidade always was very special to me and I am famous for not giving interviews. Please understand that this policy will continue. "

- Freddie Mercury, November 23, 1991)

Before the disclosure gives notice, his last public appearance of him was in 1990, during the delivery of the Brit Awards.

Freddie Mercury only assumed doença a little before dying.
Freddie Mercury only assisted doença a little before he died.

5. A rejeição da gravadora ao single Bohemian Rhapsody

No long metragem Ray Foster (played by Mike Myers) or all powerful executive in front of the EMI recorder. Eleteria vehemently opposed the ideia of ter Bohemian Rhapsody like or single The album that would be released in 1975.

We fear that the rejeição was a big shock for Freddie Mercury, who beat or lost importance of the prominence of the child. This conflict was generated by a true crisis in the relationship of the Queen band with a recording company.

Mike Myers (played by Ray Foster) did not long oppose the recording of Bohemian Rhapsody.
Ray Foster (played by Mike Myers) did not long oppose vehemently to the taxation of Bohemian Rhapsody.

To be sure, Roy Featherstone, who was in front of EMI, was a great fan of the band and always supported the decisions of the group, giving Freddie enormous autonomy.

Production curiosities

1. Rami Malek was not the first escort for viver Freddie Mercury

Despite Rami Malek, he clearly seems to be the ideal escort to live the vocalist fight, a true first escort of the production was Sasha Baron Cohen, the second choice was Ben Whishaw.

Sasha Baron Cohen and Ben Whishaw were the first choices chosen for the performance of Freddie Mercury.
Sasha Baron Cohen and Ben Whishaw were the first choices chosen for the performance of Freddie Mercury.

2. Or Rami Malek's effort to look like two Queen vocalists

To get closer to more of his personage, Malek has a series of singing and piano classrooms. Despite seeming, no longa Malek does not sing.

It burned the face of the vocalist two Queen and the Canadian gospel singer Marc Martel, who was a cover of Mercury and TV between 2012 and 2015 to the band Queen Extravaganza, who gave a tribute to the English ensemble.

Bohemian Rhapsody - Marc Martel (one-take)

It does not last metragem some songs are effectively recorded by Mercury and others are sung by Marc Martel.

In terms of physical appearance, Rami Malek placed a small acrylic denture in order to make himself more like Mercury to make a dentition similar to the personagem.

Malek used an acrylic prosthesis to reach the vocalist's dentition.

3. Director's move

O longa metragem tinha initially as director Stephen Frears (who is in front of longa To Rainha), not so much the logo was released after the demissão of Sasha Baron Cohen.

Stephen Frears was the first director to work on the film biography of two Queens.
Stephen Frears was the first director to work on the film biography of two Queens.

The second director hired was Bryan Singer (director of the film X Men), more to escort também não deu certo. Rumors say that Bryan began to delay commitments and nurture disagreements with the team and Rami Malek, because he was dismissed by Fox.

After the departure of Stephen Frears, or directly Bryan Singer entered at dinner to drive to address, but not for a long time.
After the departure of Stephen Frears, or directly Bryan Singer entered at dinner to drive to address, but not for a long time.

A third option was Dexter Fletcher, who actually did not enter the project to finish the films and the post production of the film.

Burn of fato concluded at the direction of Bohemian Rhapsody was Dexter Fletcher.
Quem de fato concluded at the direction of Bohemian Rhapsody foi Dexter Fletcher.

4. As images do maior show dos Queen são effetivamente reais

At film dinners, Mercury assists on television as images of the show with the largest audience of the Queen band.

Or show actually happened, not Rio de Janeiro, and the images used são do Rock in Rio do year of 1985, when the band atuou.

As the images that appear in the film are not released from Queen no Rock in Rio 1985.
As the images that appear in the film are not released from Queen no Rock in Rio 1985.

5. Despite being the title of the film, a song Bohemian Rhapsody I have not been presented in full

Embora or longa metragem is entitled as a song of the most controversial songs two Queen, to the truth that, due to its long duration, to music that is not presented in the entire film. Or that we attend the production and just a show of specific sections.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video)

Data sheet

Original title Bohemian Rhapsody
Launching October 24, 2018
Director Bryan Singer / Dexter Fletcher
Roteirist Anthony McCarten, Peter Morgan
Gender Drama / biography
Duration 2h 14min
Atores principais Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee

Globo de Ouro 2019 in the category Melhor Filme Dramático and Melhor Ator em Filme Dramático (Rami Malek).

BAFTA 2019 in categories Melhor Ator (Rami Malek) and Melhor Som.

Oscar 2019 in the categories Melhor Ator (Rami Malek), Melhor Mixagem de Som, Melhor Montagem and Melhor Edição de Som.

Cartaz do film Bohemian Rhapsody.
Cartaz do film Bohemian Rhapsody.


Bohemian Rhapsody | Official Trailer | Legendary HD

Conheça also

  • Film Roma, by Alfonso Cuarón
  • Filme A Favorita, by Yórgos Lánthimos
  • Filme Vice, by Adam McKay
  • Film Infiltrado na Klan, by Spike Lee
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