Education, study and knowledge

Difference between dot and ligature

In this video I will explain what the difference between dot and ligature. Let's first remember that each of these musical symbols was:

  • the musical dot: the dot is represented by a point and added to a musical figure adds half the value of said figure.
  • the musical ligature: the ligature is represented by a curved line and what it does is join the value of two musical figures.

Look at the following image:

As you can see, to the left of the parentheses there is a musical figure with a dot and to the right two musical figures with a ligature.

I will explain the first example: You have a round dotted one. As the round has 4 beats and the dot adds half the value of the figure (in this case 2), in total we would have 6 beats. On the other hand, we find ourselves before a round one joined by means of a ligature with a white one. As the round one has 4 beats and the white one 2, we would obtain a total of 6 beats.

To better understand this explanation, I recommend that you watch the video. Also, if you want to practice what you learned in today's lesson, you can do the

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printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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