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O seventh selo, by Bergman: summary and analysis of the film

O seventh selo It is a 1957 film debut by Swedish director and roteirist Ingmar Bergman.

Or film, which has become a classic and part of the neo-expressionist movement, an adaptation of a piece of theater by the same author.

A plot goes to Europe, to Idade Media, when the Black Death still goes to society. Nesse context, or protagonist, Antonius Block, finds himself as a figure of Morte and a challenge for a game of xadrez.

Quite philosophical, or film offers us with various questions and reflections on two mysteries of life and human emotions.

(Atenção, or artigo contém spoilers!)

Summary of O seventh selo

Logo no start of the story We accompany Antonius Block, a Templar cavalier who had fought the Crusades, making his return trip home after ten years ago.

At dinner it happens in a praia and, no moment of rest, Antonius comes across as being all dressed in black, with a rather pale face and expressão solene. It was Morte, who he saw to look for him.

The protagonist then suggests a duel of xadrez, I propose that it be defeated if he could win freedom. Dessa form, starting we start and we see some of the most famous dinners in the cinema, how you do playing xadrez na praia. Meanwhile, the game has not been concluded, and Morte will visit him for several days to continue or play.

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or seventh selo
A Morte and Antonius Block in a game of xadrez

Assim, Block followed his walk with the team of Jons and, during the day, met other people.

When a circus family appears in the plot that appears in traveling shows, composed by a house, Jof e Mia, and their little filho.

Além deles, arises um homem cuja wife or traiu (later this adulterous woman joins him) and A camponese who was ready to be violated is saved by Jons, being pressured to continue eating. ele.

All these figures, in some form and for different reasons, ended up accompanying Antonius rumo to or his castelo, knowing that he was living great dilemmas because he was beirando or fim da life.

An existential crisis of the protagonist is evident when he is attached to a igreja and confesses as a "father", it is known that no reality was Morte himself, that he was cheating. Dois traçam a dialogue about life and finitude, where Block explains his misgivings and lessons.

confissão o selo selo
Dinner with the protagonist who confesses sem knowing that or "father" is to Morte

Whenever there are other occult situations that denote the extremely religious context of the time and the gloomy climate that prevails.

Uma dessas dinners and when a theatrical presentation for Camponese and interrupted by a macabre procissão, nela os devotees surgem crawling-se em scourges, enquanto or father utters words blaming or povo pelas misfortunes worldly.

There is also a condemnation of a woman, who was burned in the fire for being considered a brux and guilty of the black plague.

flagellants or seventh selo
Procissão de flagellantes em O seventh selo

Despite everything, we can see moments of hope, for example when people enjoy um piquenique in a sunny afternoon, that face how that Block reflitates on or value two bons instants gives lifetime.

Block knows that his tempo na Terra is ending, more or that he does not distrust - least of all at the beginning - and that his new friends also run perigo.

Interestingly, either ator da trupe or dom to visualize supernatural figures. Assim, many times that Antonius is playing xadrez as Morte, or an artist is capable of harnessing a shadowy figure and manages to escape with his family, or that he completely alters their destiny.

jof e mia o selo selo
Or casal Jof e Mia manages to trace another destiny with his filho

You other characters, for your time, do not have the same lot and follow together as the protagonist or cast. Assim that chegamum received for the wife of Cavaleiro, who was waiting anxiously.

Suddenly another visit arises, that is unwanted. It was Morte, who he saw to carry everyone. Each personagem reage of uma maneira. It is curious that Antonius Block passed on history all doubt of faith, but no instant derradeiro he appealed to Deus.

or seventh selo
Personagens when they meet with the figure of Death

On the side of the castle, a family of artists agrees on their carriage and contemplates a pleasant day, very different from the previous night, when a strong tempest occurred.

It is then that Jof sees not high on the hill in silhouette of a group of people dancing. They were his friends of mine given being led by Death.

Jof discloses his vision of a very poetic way to his wife, which he attentively observes. Finally, they follow their path.

dance da morte or seventh selo
Iconic dinner of O seventh selo, representing dança da morte

Interpretation and analysis of the film

O seventh selo recebeu esse nome em reference a uma passagem do biblical book entitled Apocalypse, in that Deus had 7 more signs.

The opening of each um represents a disaster for humanity, being the last of them or ending two times in an irreversible way. For this reason, or film begins with the phrase:

E havendo or Cordeiro, aberto or seventh selo, fez-se silence no ceu quase for half an hour.
Apocalypse (8: 1)

A mysterious atmosphere permeates all the history and the Block passes part of the time anguished about the existence or não de Deus. Na verdade, or main theme of history é o medo da morte. Meanwhile, the director also treats love, gives art and gives faith.

It is worth noting that the film is passed during Idade Média, a period in which religião mediated and unpunished in a dogmatic and fearful manner, prompting people to accredit eternal life to God as the only salvação.

Therefore, to the attitude of the opposite protagonist or common thought to question faith and, consequently, the Catholic Church. Still, I don't end, I don't know that, of course, there is no way to escape, or cavaleiro begged for a céus pela salvação. As this fact, it is possible to identify how a human being can be contradictory.

There are other dinners that have harsh criticism of Catholicism, such as a girl burned in the fire and a procissão de flagellados.

A relação do film com Dom Quixote

There are various interpretations that have parallels between O seventh selo e a literary work Dom Quixote de la Manchaby Miguel de Cervantes.

O cavaleiro Antonius Block and his escudeiro have similar personalities as a duo written by Cervantes. This is because Jons has a pragmatic character, objective and distant from great inquiries, using only his practical knowledge in life, he gives the same way as Sancho Pança.

Já Block links to Dom Quixote, not that he says I respect his imaginative and questioning capacity, in search of something that is além de seu understanding.

A macabre dance

Ingmar Bergman creates an entanglement no qual, final year, the people are led by death of most given and performed a kind of dance.

Na verdade, the idea is quite old and refers to Danse macabre, a commonly painted image in fresh vegetables. Our paintings were represented by various people dancing with skeletons, symbolizing death.

macabre dance seventh selo
Medieval painting representing Dança Macabra, which is exhibited in O seventh selo

A dinner is part of the medieval imagery and is also related to the concept of Memento Mori, which in Latin means "Lembre-se de que vai morrer".

This otic was attached to the church as the objective of impressing or making it possible for all to expect only divine salvation and also obey religious dogmas.

To art as saída

It is interesting to observe that it is the only people who will be able to get rid of the tragic end of the Mambe artists. Also, it is possible to analyze how the author understands the function of art, which can become a cure and salvation.

o seventh selo jof e mia
Os personagens Jof, Mia e o filho em O seventh selo

Jof, or artist, who at times seems to be a little dumbfounded and dazzled, in a reality of his burning fate, he manages to enforce the grim reality and escape in time with his family.

Aliás, uma das interpretações on esses personagens is that we can symbolize the holy family.

Technical sheet and letter of the film

o seventh seolo letter
Cartaz do film O seventh selo
Qualification O seventh selo (not genuine Det sjunde inseglet)
Year of launch 1957
Address Ingmar bergman
Roteiro Ingmar bergman
Cast Gunnar Björnstrand
Bengt Ekerot
Nils poppe
Max von sydow
Bibi Andersson
Inga Gill
Idiom Swedish

What was Ingmar Bergman?

Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) was a Swedish theatrologist and filmmaker with reconhecimento not mundo todo, sendo considered as two maiores nomes da art of the XX century and strongly influencing audiovisual production to leave him.

ingmar bergmam
Portrait of the filmmaker Ingmar Bergman na Juventude

It becomes associated with a language that seeks to investigate the soul and existence, with questions about human pisquê.

This is because from two years 50 he has made two films with these themes, and these become registered trademarks of his produção, são eles Wild Morangos and O seventh selo, both from 1957.

The cinema researcher Giscard Luccas defines the filmmaker as follows:

Bergman was the great filmmaker of two human themes, of relief, of existence, of everyday impossibility. But also love, it gives precariousness of affection, it gives quase intransponível incommunicability of human being nas coisas mais banais.

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