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Filme Corra!: summary and interpretation

Entitled Get out not genuine, Run! It is a thriller and psychological horror film by North American Jordan Peele, trying to do the first length of film that he directed.

With Daniel Kaluuya and Allison Williams not the main cast, a fala work about a young man who is going to travel to meet a loved one. Released in 2017, or later it became a huge international success, having been two more commented and acclaimed films in the last two years.

Run! - Official Trailer (Universal Pictures) HD

Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers!

Complete summary of the entanglement of Run!

Or film começa com an Afro-American homem walking along the deserted street of a suburb full of mansões. Falando with some non-cell phone, he comments that he felt uncomfortable and isolated because he was the only black individual.

Suddenly, a car appears, approaching more and more, touching Run Rabbit Run (Run, Coelho, Run), a music released from 1939. There, elephics commenced and began to flee, but ended up being attacked and sequestered.

instagram story viewer

Chris travels to meet Rose's family

In his apartment full of black and white images, or photographer Chris is packing up badly to travel and meet your country of love. Or climate between him and Rose is of romance, but the protagonist is tense and asks if the family of the knows that he is black.

Casal does not eat the film

As a matter of irony, he mentions that this is the first inter-racial relationship in love and did not want to be received with arms from the country of the country. Rose replies that Country not racist and the question of referring to vote for Barack Obama in six terms.

During the trip, a lover complained about Chris's vice or the fora's cigar, stating that he cannot smoke in the two countries of the country. To say goodbye, the protagonist links up with my friend, Rod, who will take a count of his puppy.

Rod fica taking the puppy's count.

Or TSA agent (Transportation Security Administration) Fala, jumping, that Chris should not go because he can be dangerous. Logo depois, a deer crosses the road and Rose ends up hitting the animal, which dies in a row. When a police officer appears, he begins to imply with Chris, who is nervous, but Rose leaves me defense of companheiro.

I do not allow you to mistreat you or meu homem!

A check of the house and the family members

When two Armitage were at home, Chris was kindly received by hairs that either hugged me and were happy to meet him. Missy and psychiatrist, Dean and neurosurgery. At home in a local desert, there are no vizinhos with no movement in the roundness.

Country da namorada

Georgina and Walter, an entrepreneur and gardener who work for the African-American and behave in a Stranger and robotic tie. Dean explains that they are hired to take care of their lost country and will continue to work for the family depois de seu falecimento.

Or casal ask about his family and hesita, but not in the end he reveals that he was raised only for me, that he failed when he was a child, victim of an outrage. During the conversation, you see that you are the protagonist and the smoking gun and Missy offers herself to heal or habit as a hypnotic session, which the photographer refuses.

Dean announces that no day following it will be a celebration in honor of Rose's avô, with a visit from many friends of the family. When she hears that phrase, Georgina becomes nervous and ends crumbling or flaking The visitor is serving. Missy reaged in a brusque way, ordering her to rest not a quarter of her.

Chris launching with Rose's family

Jeremy, or filho do casal, suddenly chega: ele estuda medicine "to be equal to or pai." His behavior is extremely arrogant and offensive, making preconceiving comments about or when he is playing a challenge to a luta.

Before going to sleep, Rose apologizes to the family and reveals that she is shocked with their posture. Chris reage as natural and just answers: "eu te avisei ...".

Missy hypnotizes Chris at dawn

Sem get to sleep nessa noite, or protagonist sees the door ajar and resolves to smoke a cigar. Suddenly, Walter emerges running in his direction from him to quase or demolish, but he deviates in time.

Moments depois, ele vê Georgina olhando not reflect da janela and sorrindo in a sinister way. No runner, he is with Missy who or invites to talk was not her writing.

Copper or flat

Enquanto falam, to mulher or hypnotize, mexendo or chá com a colher. He was in control, he was forced to talk about someone who was more than just him. There, the face or youth will feel blamed for not having come from an accident.

Chorando, Chris sat on the ground not vazio and see what happens in volta ao long, as he is stuck in his head. Na manhã Seguinte, he agrees on the side of the love and the question is foi um sonho.

Not so, when he finds Walter that he apologizes for the past night and asks the hypnotic session foi boa, the barnacle that was real.

A feast in honor of avô and your foreign guests

It is so that Chris realizes that he is no more than smoking and that he has only seen a cigarette, something that he comments on as a parceira. She is ignorant of the question in no way to comment on Walter's bizarre stance.

family visit

When a festa começa, Rose fails for or in love sorrir or tempo inteiro. You are invited, all people more velhas, rich and Caucasian, showing interest not rapacious, but your speeches are very stereotypes.

His questions about him become more and more invasive and everyone seems to objectify his body, at the point of many women playing it without modesty. Uncomfortable, or visitor to another Afro-American homem ao founded and vai falar com ele.

Logan King, as he appears, fails to wander, as he took very formal, and despite being young he behaves like a homeless.

As people do local

A conduct of Logan deixa or photographer suspicious and wondering about what is happening there. Nesse moment, he decides to go to the multitude and meets Jim Hudson, a blind and cadeira homem who was also sozinho. Dono from an art gallery, or homem told that he was losing his visual and motor skills.

I do not follow up on everything, Chris flirts for Rod, eager to tell or what happens. Or the agent fails to take care of the hypnosis of the question that Georgina, Walter and Logan were not scrawled by those people.

The incomprehensible behavior of Georgina and Logan

From round to fourth, Chris repairs that he left the cell phone charging, but somebody withdrew or fio, and commented with Rose that Georgina mexeu suas coisas from her. Um a little later, a busy chega to apologize. The protagonist tries to converse with her and confesses that he is nervous as dali pessoas.

Georgina chorando.

Georgina kept smiling and defending Armitage, tears go falling do seu face of him:

This is not a minha experience. They treat us with family.

When he returns to the party, Chris is surrounded by a multitude who asks whether to be black and a vantage or a disadvantage in society. Seeking support, he turns to a question for Logan who states that she never felt victimized by a preconception.

Dre / Logan bleeding from the nose.

Despite the appeasing words, to your expressão é de sofrimento, so much that the nose started to bleed. Nesse moment, or visitor decides to take a photo of him, when or flash fires, or King's behavior is altered.

Throwing himself in the direction of Chris, ele or empurra, while repeating, shouting:

Run! Run! Vá embora daqui!

Um leilão disfarçado de bingo e um velho conhecido

Logan is hypnotized by Missy and returns to the personality of before, claiming that it was a seizure of epilepsy. In the midst of the family, Chris comments that, during the episode, he was impressed with the fact that he knew that he was home from somewhere.

Enquanto isso, na festa, Dean led a bingo game that seems to be, na verdade, um leilão silent com um visitor portrait. É Jim Hudson, or blind artist, who wins.

Dinner do leilão.

Chris is determined to leave, but the guilt of him is that he sentenced for not having tried to kill her and not having the courage to leave Rose Ali.

Hours later, I send him a photo of Logan King for Rod. Ele or reconhece: é Dre, um homem that they know years ago, but it is totally different.

Chris discovers the map but I can't escape

When faced with bad to go embora, Chris came to mexer nas coisas da namorada and found dozens of photographs. In all of them, Rose is posing awkwardly as a different African-American homem, and yet she is as a woman, Georgina.

It is also the barnacle that it is hardly the most recent victim of an armadilha designed by Rose and her family. Despite several attempts to go to school, or the photographer is barred and Missy manages to faint just by hitting with a colher na chá xícara.

Missy hypnotizing with xícara do chá

Unconscious, he sat down caindo num vazio, as num buraco sem founded, and barely get to see what is happening in the long run. Or his body, on the other hand, is tied to a cadeira and locked to a desk.

Rod tries to flirt for several times, more or cell phone is unlinked. There, he resolves to seek Dre on the internet and discovers that he has been missing for a few months. Chris woke up and was forced to attend a propaganda narrated by Roman, or patriarch of the family.

Chris imprisoned.

As images tinham been filmed years before: Rose and Jeremy ainda were children and surgem accompanying the country and the children. No video, Roman addresses what he is attending, enthusiastically, stating that he was "escorted because of his physical abilities."

He also announces that his spectator will "do part of something greater": the Coagula process, developed by the family for a secret order gives what fazem part.

During this time, Rod continues to seek a friend and ask for help for some detective, who laughs at the situation and where he is paranoid. You have to flirt for Rose, who fails that the photographer was taken days before, he perceives that he will have to go behind him.

A chamado process Coagula e a la fuga de Chris

When he turns to himself, in despair, he sees the image of Jim Hudson, or donates the art gallery that he has known more. It goes on to disclose the procedure to which they will be subjected: to hypnosis is the first phase, to mental preparation and, finally, or transplant.

Ou seja, or Jim's brain will be placed not Chris's body, but a part of the mind will give it to him. Prisoner does not fund his consciousness, he will be able to see and see, but não terá control sob yes same.

Chris hypnotized,

His life will be like a passageiro. Uma audience.

Or homem sublinha that, don't mind him, it's not about racism: he wanted roubar or talent Chris for a photograph. Or the protagonist's panic is so much that it begins to dismantle the arms of the cadeira. As the cotton that is going to come out, he manages to tamper the ouvidos and, also, resists the next session of hypnosis.

When Jeremy sees you looking for surgery, or protagonist or demolished and manages to escape. Em followed, to escape, he feared to kill Dean, Missy and or filho do casal. During a fight, Rose is on the edge of ouvido no quarto and can't get confused.

Rose procuring vítimas novas

You must hang on the wall the photos of your old victims, such as tropheus, She is on the internet, looking for or seu novo alvo de ella. Contudo, when the photographer hits no car, Georgina plays in front of her and ends up being run over. Aí, a vilã ouve or barulho do acidente and descended as escadas as a weapon.

Cenas finais do filme: Rod chega to save Chris

Disturbed by the traumatic death of my mother, I did not manage to leave a woman ferida not who was part of her fainted body in the car bank. Moments later, she wakes up and attacks, causing an accident, when she shouts: "You ruined my house."

Unemployed on the road and ferido, or photographer and attacked by Rose and Walter, whom he refers to as avô. You two homens lutam and when Walter is winning, Chris achieves bet um flash for you seus olhos de ella e break a hypnose. Nesse moment, or gardener pede to weapon for Rose and gives a shot himself, ending with his own life.

Final dinner of the film Run!

OR casal luta He ends up falling between himself, trying to reach a weapon. Perceiving that she is saida, she apologizes and misses that she loves. When the old man in love with her is ready to kill her, the police sirens screech and Rose screams, asking for help.

Chris stops and places so more not high, more or agent that appears é Rod. Em silêncio, or protagonist enters no vehicle, visibly upset by everything that happened. Já o amigo, ends as a comment: "I failed you to go home ...".

Interpretation and main themes of the film

OR electrifying suspense Raised by Jordan Peele he wrested the attention from the public, turning him on to every element of history that is unfolding in just a few years. From the beginning, Chris shows concern with Rod's traveler, his friend, or advises him not to go.

You see several tragic scenes that we imagine, at the beginning of the bridge, in the end they are quite close to the real day. Alias, various indications I have been left over for a long time in the narrative, but we only managed to understand more. In this way, as well as the protagonist, we are curious to unveil or mystery and we remain anguished during everything or course.

Or plan of the Armitage family and their victims

After putting together the puzzle pieces, we realize that Roman Armitage was a wealthy and powerful homemaker who belongs to a secret order composed by people of the same social status. With the help of Dean and Missy, he managed to raise a form of prolong life Give them meios to pay or process.

Rose is responsible for finding the victims and I raised them at home. Embora seems to be a girl twelve and innocent, she reveals herself to be calculating and devoid of empathy: she is hardly worried about defending her family and her interests.

Depois da morte dos avós, suas implanted foram consciences We corps of "Georgia" and "Walter", two African-American citizens drawn to Rose's local love. Also Dre, who appears in the opening of the film, was sequestered and submissive to Logan King, a homely man who was losing his abilities.

A metaphor about or racism us USA

Despite so many disappearances around two members of this order, all enjoy impunity and are faced as exemplary citizens. Rod's concerns as a possible sequestration of a friend have been ignored by other police officers, who have raised as a case of paranoia or conspiracy.

Assim, a false narrative of privileges and social contrasts shouting, sublining that those who are in positions of power do not bother to sacrifice others for their own benefit.

Raised during the ascensão do movimento Black Lives Matter (Black Lives Importam), Run! é um critical portrait two United States of America that sublims its sociopolitical inequalities.

Peele uses a horror film to express his countless perigos What an Afro-American city is subject to when he lives in a country but his life continues to be devalued. Wave or racism, discrimination and racial segregation, which are part of its history, continue to be experienced daily.

Through the two Armitage conduits, we see hypocrisy of a society that pretends to be progressive, but barely hides or preconceived, at the same time that it perpetuates oppression.

With various scares and moments marked by a macabre humor, or a director tracing a certain satire that provokes reflections from the spectators of the inner world.

The alternative finais of Run!

In defiance of our expectations, the film ends bem: Rod, or faithful friend, chega to save Chris. It is hoped that Jordan Peele did not end the long run, not just by chance. During the breeding process, you were unaware of the protests that were happening in the country, black communities that denounced police brutality.

Perante as social agitation that we were running, or director wanted to pass a positive message of courage, so that I was assisting. Contudo, he also created some alternative goals, more tragic and realistic, which were released on the DVD of the film.

Alternative ending of the film Corra

As a matter of fact, Chris has been found by other police officers who assume that he I blamed assassination hair of the Armitage family and its officials. Later, when Rod visits a prison and has a chance to see what happens, he refuses to tell and remains silent.

An equally sad version is the one in which Rod chega to save or companion, later on. After having been subjected to the Coagula process, the age and fala differently, or seja, a "brain lavage" was succeeded.

Trilha sonora no Spotify

Compost by Michael Abels, a sound trilha by Run! it exalts Afro-American musical richness. Take the opportunity to confer nessa playlist that we prepare for you:

Run! - sound trilha

Film technical data sheet


Get Out (original)
Run! (No brazil)

Year of production 2017
Address Jordan peele


Country of origin United States of America
Launching January 2017 (international)
May 2017 (not Brazil)
Classification Not recommended for children under 14 years
Duration 104 minutes
Main cast

Daniel Kaluuya
Allison williams
Catherine Keener
Bradley Whitford

Awards Oscar de Melhor Roteiro Original

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  • Filme Nós: explanation and analysis
  • Os melhores horror films
  • Os melhores suspense films
  • Midsommar film: explanation
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