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Baroque: history, characteristics and principais criações

O Baroque occurred during the historical period that includes the end of the sixteenth century tied to the goal of the seventeenth century.

The movement that initially arose in Italy was of fundamental importance in the non-universe of Western culture. As manifestations of Baroque can be found in plastic arts, literature, music and architecture.

As Meninas, by the Spanish painter Velázquez, is a typical example of Baroque painting.
Or famous quadro As Meninas, of the Spanish painter Velázquez, is a typical example of Baroque painting.

Como or Baroque começou

O thermos Baroque vem do francês baroque which means, literally, "irregular tree", "irregular mount".

Despite its origin in France, the Baroque movement started in Italy and spread throughout the European continent, coming later to reach the new continents. The first Italian manifestations of Baroque art were observed at the end of the 16th century.

No Baroque we find a movement back to Middle Idade, this is, we see a return to Theocentrism (Deus not the center of the universe). This is a historical period marked by the rise of two religious values ​​that established themselves as the guiding principles of society.

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The artistic works resulting from this ficaram moment are characterized especially by extravagance, by an excess of forms and by looking for a grandiosity.

A Counter-Reformation

During the Protestant Reformation, figures linked to religion discussed and questioned dogmas that served as the basis for the Catholic Church. A certain indignation will arise, for example, not that I say I respect the sale of indulgences.

This was a period marked by the rise of Martinho Luther, a figure who vehemently criticized veneração das images two saints, or difficult to access two faiths religious texts and or regime celibate impinging years fathers.

In response to the Protestant Reformation, to the Catholic Church proposing a Counter-Reformation.

No Council of Trento (between 1545 and 1563) was taken for a series of important decisions. Religious establish, for example, the establishment of the Inquisition (com direito to queima de livros), the implantation of death penalty and the persecution of thinkers.

O Council of Trento lasted for years.
O Council of Trento lasted for years.

Or Baroque not Brazil

O Baroque no Brazil happened to an ailing economy due to the sugarcane cycle. The historical period also coincided with Dutch invasions on national territory.

Among the main breeders of our country in this period is Gregório de Matos (known as Boca do Inferno), in literature, and Aleijadinho, in plastic arts

Gregório de Matos (in literature) and Aleijadinho (in plastic arts) were the great names of Brazilian Baroque.
A skeleton Gregório de Matos (writer) and a direita Aleijadinho (plastic artist), the great names of Brazilian Baroque.

Baroque Characteristics

In a fairly generic way, it is possible to affirm that a baroque aesthetic was linked to an exaggeration and a proliferation of details.

Or baroque homem was um berço de contradições: I lived a dichotomy between following or prazer ground or behaving bem e ganhar a place not paradise. He finds himself basically imprisoned by dilemmas and contradictions and questions permanently about the limits of reason and faith.

Living an existential duality, he was divided by questions related to the body and soul, and felt permanently in tension.

This type of art focuses on the frequency or theme of death (or fear coming from its final encounter), especially due to the religious and moral weight that was felt at that time.

We also frequently find a baroque production reflections on the passage of time.

O Baroque in Plastic Arts

Na Itália, berço do Barroco, um dos maiores nomes do movimento foi o painter Caravaggio (1571-1610).

Repair as your fabrics have a theatricality and a dedication that is obsessive for portraying the details (the gestures, as you double two fabrics, as expressões facialis two characters). Another important given of Baroque that can be observed here is in the presence of a game of light and shadow and a certain dynamism / movement in painting:

Quadro A incredulidade de São Tomé, work of the baroque artist Caravaggio.
Quadro To the incredulity of São Tomé, work of the baroque artist Caravaggio.

Na Espanha, Diego Velázquez (1599-1660) was consecrated Baroque hair giving life to extremely rich fabrics.

We see em As fiandeiras, for example, an excess of information typical of the art style (observe the quantity of people on the fabric and the huge number of events that are passed on at dinner):

Quadro As fiandeiras, of the Spanish Baroque painter Velazquez.
Quadro As fiandeiras, by Spanish Baroque painter Velázquez.

Na Holland, for the time, or Baroque had marked hairs by the painter Rembrandt (1606-1669).

In the cloth below we see an excess of expressivity caused by new people who partilham for dinner. There is clearly a predominance of emotion here, notice how the image of a transformation of typical Baroque drama persists:

Quadro A Lição de Anatomia do Doutor Tulp, by the Dutch painter Rembrandt
Quadro A Lição de Anatomia do Doutor Tulp, by the Dutch painter Rembrandt.

Not Brazil, baroque art is quite present in the cities of Ouro Preto, São João Del Rei and Mariana, located in the interior of Minas Gerais.

O maior nome das artes plasticas do nosso Barroco foi o artist Aleijadinho (1738-1814).

Or a sculptor from Minas Gerais from his life to a series of statues with deep expressiveness and that reproduce extremely real movements and olhares. It is also necessary to be concerned with the rigor of the presence of a series of details:

Trabalho de Aleijadinho, or major nome of the Brazilian Baroque.
Work of Aleijadinho, or maior nome do Barroco Brasileiro.

O Baroque in Literature

In literature, we find not Baroque a cultist tendency, isto é, a literary production that cares how to form, how or What is saying. In the form of discourse here, there is a significant importance in the foregoing and the recurrent use of many figures of language (antitheses, paradoxes, hyperbats, etc).

On the other hand, baroque literature also shows a conceptual tendency, or seja, an impulse to value argumentation, rhetoric, or the content of the text itself.

Outra marking characteristic of literary geração é a presença do Carpe Diem, or wish to take advantage of life at every moment, tied to the last drop.

In Portugal, the greatest name of the Baroque was written by Father Antônio Vieira (1608-1697), who compose an extremely elaborate prose to encourage you to believe that or ouviam.

We see, for example, not famous Sermão de Santo António aos Peixes, a characteristic rhetorical writer used as a father. This small paragraph exemplifies two characteristics of the Baroque: a linguistic attention, elaborated, in consonance with a concern as the content to be transmitted:

You, says Christ Senhor nosso, falando like you pregators, you are or sal da terra: e chama-lhes sal da terra, because he wants you to façam na terra or that face or sal. Or the effect of salt and prevent corruption, but when the land becomes corrupt as it is to us, having so many nela that it has a salt trade, what will it be, or what could it be because of this corruption? Ou é because or come out not come out, or because a terra se not let go.

Leia or Sermão de Santo António aos Peixes in full in pdf format.

Enquanto isso, no Brasil, or maior nome da baroque literature was by Gregório de Matos (1633-1696). Born in Salvador, or a writer going to study in Coimbra where he enters into contact as avant-garde literature.

From volta ao nosso country, or a poet known as Boca do Inferno, he used literature as a weapon to raise severe social criticism, causing much discomfort to the Baiana bourgeoisie, giving his birth.

An example of his poetic polemic and composition Council for quem quiser viver na Bahia esteemed and sought by all (initial section below). Long two verses, Gregório não poupa words to attack or function of the Bahian society:

Quem quiser viver, seja um Gatão,
Infest the whole land, invade the seas,
Seja um Chegai, ou um Gaspar Soares,
And in case it is all related.
Sobejar-lhe-á na table vinho e pão,
And follow you that lhe dou, for exemplar,
That life will pass without regrets

O Baroque in Architecture

Baroque architecture is found especially in religious buildings (churches, convents, mosteiros).

Splendorous, extravagant and detailed, this type of construction was intended to show the sumptuousness of the Catholic Church that was so powerful at the time.

The Basilica of São Pedro, located in Italy, is an example of Baroque architecture. Huge and full of details, the construction stands out from the landscape that makes the observer feel small because of such magnitude. As a decorative exuberance, the Basilica has a series of statues and ornaments.

Basilica of São Pedro
Basilica of São Pedro (Italy).

In Spain we find the Igreja de Santiago da Compostela, another exemplary baroque architecture.

Here it becomes more present to the importance that that geração dedicated to profuse of details. Note that there is not a facade that is practically empty space, each section being interpreted as an opportunity to behave as an ornament:

Church of Santiago da Compostela
Church of Santiago da Compostela (Spain).

No Brazil, two examples of Baroque architecture are Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in Minas Gerais.

Nesse type of construction and characteristic a concern with ostentation and with typical wealth of the Baroque.

In terms of architecture, it is quite common to find curved facades and arches in the shape of an arch (in the case of Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário).

Church of the Nossa Senhora do Rosário
Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário (Brazil).

Conheça also

  • Poems to understand baroque poetry
  • Caravaggio: fundamental works and biography of the painter
  • Abstract art: main works and artists in Brazil and in the World
  • Surrealism: characteristics and main artists
  • The most famous works of Abstractionism
  • Neoclassicism

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