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I think, I exist logo: meaning and analysis of Descartes' phrase

A phrase I think, logo I exist, Conhened by its form in Latin Cogito ergo sum, is a phrase by the French philosopher René Descartes.

The original phrase was written in French (Heh I thought, heh heh suis) e is not free Discourse on Method, from 1637.

Meaning of the phrase I think, I exist logo

Cogito ergo sum is normally translated as I think, I exist logo, therefore a more literal translation would be Penso, logo sou. The thought of Descartes arose from absolute dúvida. The French philosopher wanted to achieve absolute knowledge and, for this, it was necessary doubt about everything or that I was still posto.

The only thing that he could not doubt was his own dubious and, consequently, his thought of him. Assim emerged at maximum do I think, I exist logo. If you have doubts, or my thought exists and, if it exists, I also exist.

Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes

As meditações de Descartes

A phrase by Descartes is the summary of his philosophical thought and his method. He quickly demonstrates I am not free Discourse of the Method

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as chegou na oração I think, logo exists. For the philosopher, tudo começa as a hyperbolic duvid, doubt of tudo, do not oil nenhuma true absolute é or first step.

Descartes ambitions in his meditations of him to find a true and establish or conhecimento on solid foundations. For isso, it is necessary to review any issue that raises or minor question, isso will be an absolute dúvida on everything. Descartes expõe or that can cause dullness.

Aquilo that appears to the senses can be dull, ha the senses at once deceive us. He also cannot trust us because they are not based on real coisas. Finally, in relation to the mathematical paradigms, despite being an "exact" science, everything that appears as a priori certainty must be denied.

Ao doubtful of all, Descartes cannot deny that a dúvida exists. As dubious people see his questioning of him, he assumes that at first it is true or "I think, logo I exist. This is the first statement considered true by the philosopher.


Or Cartesian method

In the seventeenth century, philosophy and science were interlinked. There was no such thing as a proper scientific method or philosophical thought that led to the rules of understanding the world and two serious phenomena.

With each new school of thought or philosophical proposition, the way of understanding the world and the science itself is also modified. Absolute truths were substituted with certain speed. This uncomfortable move Descartes and one of his two highest objectives was to reach an absolute truth, which could not be answered.

A dúvida becomes the pillar of the Cartesian method, that happens to consider false tudo aquilo that poses to be posto em dúvida. The thought of Descartes resultedou numa break with a traditional Aristotelian and medieval philosophy, paving the way for the scientific method and modern philosophy.

I think, logo I exist and a modern philosophy

Descartes is considered the first modern philosopher. During Idade Media, philosophy was closely linked to the Catholic Church and, despite two great advances in that area, or thought was subordinate to the dogma of the Church.

The French philosopher was the first two great thinkers to exercise philosophy outside the environment of the Church. It is possible to revolutionize our philosophical methods, and the great merit of Descartes was precisely the creation of his own philosophical method.

The so-called Cartesian method was later used and revised by various other philosophers, such as the German Friedrich Nietzsche. It also served as the basis for the scientific method, thus revolutionizing science at the time.

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  • Phrase Os fins justificam os meios
  • Phrase Só sei que nada sei
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  • Phrase O State sou eu
  • Phrase O homem é um political animal
Rebecca Fuks
Review by Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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