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Livro Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert: summary and analysis

Madame Bovary, written in 1857 by Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), is one of the greatest works of French literature.

O livro, considered realistic, criticizes idealization of love and traces controversial themes such as adultério and or suicide.

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Summary of Madame Bovary

A presentation of Charles Bovary

Despite the fact that he does not title or does not give me his protagonist, Flaubert's work begins as a description of the doctor Charles ainda young, before meeting Emma.

Pressed pela mãe, or rapacious is formed in Medicine and marries Héloise Dubuc, a young girl from a boa and an enduring family, from which he is not gostava very much.

Or did I find Emma

She was attending to a patient -or mr. Rouault, no campo, em Bertaux - that Charles knew Emma, ​​who was my father and only filha do senhor. Com a morte da mãe Emma is responsible for treating the house.

Rouault was to be a lavrador two more supplied. He had left on the eve of the night, when he returned from a festival in Reis at the home of a vizinho. A falecera woman had been for two years. He lived only with his menina, who did not govern the house.

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Delighted as menina, Charles was making more and more visits to each other and ended up getting closer to Emma, ​​who was young, well educated, beautiful and single.

Approach with Emma

Héloise, a doctor's wife, began to see the frequent visits of her husband and, to find out about each other, she noticed that there was a young person at home who might be interested. Distrustful, Héloise noticed that Charles turned to property some times, but it was necessary:

Instead of turning Bertaux years after three days of depois, as promised, faith-lo logo no day following and depois duas Once a week, regularly, I am counting the unexpected visits that I make from time to time, as for cheated.

Enciumada, Héloise asked for Charles not to return to visit either his or her husband, obedient, obedient or asked.

Little time depois, or pai de Héloise faleceu, or advogado levou the bens of the família and or casal commeçou to enter crise, especially for the interference of the family Bovary na relação. You belong to a series of brigades with sogra, Héloise desmaiou e morreu.

I never lived, about five months after visiting the Bertaux, Charles returned to visit Emma's house and managed to get closer to the family. Some time later, you decide to marry Charles Fez or ask his son, who will soon take the plans for the young man home.

Emma corouted when she or I saw her come in, at the same time that she was disguised, trying to show off. Or Tio Rouault beijou or future genro. Adiaram qualquer talks about the questions of interest, tinham, aliás, much time for isso, since o casamento não convinha that took place before the end of the mourning of Charles, isto é, da Primavera do ano next. O Inverno passou-se nessa expectation.

Apostle or mourning period, Charles and Emma were married.

A crisis in the relationship between Charles and Emma

Emma, ​​since she was a teenager, has devoured romantic books and idealized a relationship like the works that she did: overwhelming.

After marrying Charles, Emma seems to have been taken into account as rotina in domestic life and anseia for adventure and a cold belly.

Or everyday pacato and dúvida if she had married like homem certain-seu perfect for her, that little guy who was really able to look happy-fez as Emma fell in deep melancholy.

Before marrying, Emma began to feel love; but to happiness that should result from that love will not appear, hair that would become deceived, she thought. She was now trying to know what was understood, ao certain, in this life, by the words felicidade, paixão e êxtase, which, we will give you, he haviam resembled tão belas.

Charles Bovary, her husband, testing his wife's depression, decided to leave Tostes and move home. When we were moving to little Yonville-l’Abbaye, Emma discovered that she was pregnant and, a few months later, she gave birth to a little girl named Berta.

A whole life in no field

Na nova no interior life, Emma will be seduced by two raptors.

Rodolphe Boulanger was a convicted woman - a kind of Don Juan - who seduced a married woman with her charms and established a fleeting relationship.

Or second homem that I was attracted to a young man (and I hope) a student of direito chamado Léon, who partilhava with Emma or wanted to leave a pacata no vilarejo life.

Extra-conjugated cases

A girl developed both with Rodolphe and with Léon, relationships of old, toxic, full of ciume, desire for posse and inconstancy.

Senhora Bovary ended up being abandoned hairs two homens because she clandestinely disappeared. For Léon, Emma, ​​packed with the paixão, ended up living against a series of enthusiasts.

Or tragic ending

Vendo-se sem saída, Emma, ​​finally, decided to commit suicide by taking arsenic.

- Calm - disse or apothecary. - Try to submit to him and apply a powerful antidote to anyone. What is poison?

Charles showed the letter. It was arsenic.

Charles only discovered Emma's double life, much depois that the woman committed suicide.

Viúvo, or doctor herdou a series of enthusiasts that he distrusts and needs to open everything or his patrimony. Charles, in distress, ended up dying prematurely, leaving filha Berta, a little girl, in charge of the avó.

How to pass from time to time to go also morreu and to menina was over the responsibility of a very poor aunt, who sent to work a cotton factory.

Personagens principais

Charles Bovary

Influenced especially by me, Charles was trained in medicine. To please your partner sponsors, he married Héloise Dubuc, a girl from a family.

Some time later, he unexpectedly became violent and died away from a patient's filha. Charles then got married with Emma, ​​as he had a filha called Berta.

Emma bovary

Romantic incurável, Emma was placed during a youth in a convent. She was very gifted-she had a careful education and knew how to dance, play piano and play tape.

She married as a doctor, Charles, but never managed to reciprocate her husband's devotion to her.

Mergulhada did not die, a sleepy girl who went on to the greater part of the time reading romantic novels and ended up developing a depression.

She has two lovers in a double life, not to find a life under the condition that she has given us, the protagonist of a permanent dissatisfaction.

Heloise dubuc

First female doctor Charles, Héloise died prematurely after dying like sogies.

Theodore Rouault

Emma's Pai, or Lavrador supplied Theodore was a widower and lived with Emma's filha numa no interior farm. Because he broke a person when he returned from a Reis party at the house of the vizinho, he resolved to be a doctor. That appeared as Charles, who was going to marry his little girl Emma.


Known as Madame Bovay ou Bovarismo syndrome, or thermo was used in psychology to name a behavioral disorder that results from the idealization of romantic love generating a feeling of dissatisfaction chronicle.

This condition originally applied especially to women, who created an idea of ​​parceiro that finally revealed itself in real life.

As people diagnosed with Bovarism generally do not get to be sozinhas and julgam that or love will solve all your problems. Investigations in unsustainable relationships do not last long and, as a solution, become involved as a new romantic couple or become stubborn as a partner.

The philosopher Jules de Gaultier, in 1892, was the first to relate to pathology that, on the face of it, that the burning of the condition feels permanently melancholic and unsatisfied with the relationships that he establishes.

Historic context

Courageous, Gustave Flaubert escolheu portray in his romance taboo themes for his contemporary society such as adulthood and suicide. Persevering, or author would have delayed about five years to compare his great work.

Flaubert chegou to be tried on charges of immorality and religious offense, but he was acquitted. Controversial, during or in the process, when questioned about where he was drawn inspiration to compare his work, or the author proffered a famous phrase to defend or express himself:

"Madame Bovary sou eu" (Emma Bovary c’est moi)

Some sources, however, say that the inspiration of the writer came from a real case that happened in Normandy, where a woman committed suicide or adulthood.

Film Madame Bovary

The classic book by Gustave Flaubert was adapted a series of times for the audiovisual. Four versions stand out:

  • or French longa-metragem by Jean Renoir, launched in 1934;
  • or French film also by director Claude Chabrol, released in 1991;
  • a North American / British version of Tim Fywell, two years 2000;
  • a Belgian production by Sophie Barthes, from 2014. Check out the trailer for the most recent adaptation:
Madame Bovary Official Trailer # 1 (2015) - Mia Wasikowska Drama HD

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