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You miseráveis: summary of Victor Hugo's book and a film adaptation

You miseráveis ​​(not original Les Misérables) was a first work published by the French author Victor Hugo in the year 1862. Celebrated as a classic that expires or tempo, or text transcending the pages of the book and was adapted many times for the cinema and for the theater.

Book summary

A history passed in France during the nineteenth century, the cenários are described as extremely rich in detail. Or protagonist, Jean Valjean, is a common home who is forced to feed his família faminta and, therefore, rouba um pão da vitrine de uma padaria. Or young man was sentenced to five years in prison for furto and bombing.

The past of the raptor was tragic: Jean ficou orfão de pai e de mãe when he was still a child, having been raised by an irma mais velha que já tinha sete filhos. Assim that to irmã fica viúva, or irmão torna-se or arrimo da família.

As he tried many times to escape from prison and a historical note of his behavior, Valjean was sentenced to forced labor for ten years.

Ao deixar a prison, he is rejoined by where he passes by all or fears due to his violent past. Jean is expelled from hostels and rejecte in private homes when he touches the campainha. Finally, he is sheltered by a bispo, a generous homem that or acolhe.

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Valjean, porém, disappoints those who or acolheu após roubar castiçais e talheres. When he was captured by the police, however, he received or lost the bispo, what mind for the authorities to affirm that he had given the present objects to the former prisoner. From that moment on, Valjean resolves to change his life, becoming an honest homem and de bem.

Or former delinquent changes his identity and becomes a factory donor in Germany, where he knows no obscure past of him. Despite having succeeded in building a new destiny, Valjean lives in amazement at the possibility of being reconquered. O Inspector Javert, a little fond of justice, has been looking for him for several years.

In the factory, Valjean meets poor Fantine, a girl who engraved a student and was abandoned. A young man resolves to give birth to Cosette, but more precisely, deixá-la about the two Thenadièrs care. As a salary received by the factory, he would send a monthly allowance to a menina, so I know that you are responsible for taking care of the agrediam.

When the factory supervisor discovers Fantine's past, he denounces moça. Before such a cenário, a young man is forced to sell his own hair, teeth, and go to prostitute himself. Valjean, when she fills the story, decides to adore Cosette and raise her as filha.

Cosette cresce e casa-se as an idealistic young man Marius. When Valjean dies, he orders the following tribute to be taxed in his burial mound:

Sleep. Viveu na terra em luta contra a sorte
Mal seu anjo voou, pediu refúgio à morte
Or if it happened because of essa lei sombria
What a face that a noite chegue, just foge or day!

About a publicação

The French author Victor Hugo began to write the work in 1846, but interrupted the writing in 1848. Three years after he returned to redirect the work in new chapters and details that still require lapidação. On April 3, 1862, the work Les miserables was published.

Assim that it was launched, or free it was a public success. In just one day, more than 7 thousand exemplars were sold, just not the author's country. Quickly the work was being translated and disseminated in other countries, even transcending the walls of Europe.

The launch was organized and comprised of various cities that were published simultaneously: Leipzig (Germany), Brussels, Budapeste, Milão, Roterdã, Varsóvia, Rio de Janeiro and Paris.

First edition
First North American edition of the work of Victor Hugo. Lançada pela Carleton editor, no year 1862.

Structure of work

A long narrative by Victor Hugo is divided into five volumes, são eles:
Volume 1 - Fantine
Volume 2 - Cosette
Volume 3 - Marius
Volume 4 - Idílio da Rua Plumet e epéia na Rua de S.Diniz
Volume 5 - Jean Valjean

Full reading in PDF

Leia You miseráveis in Portuguese do Brasil for free, in PDF format.

Film Les Misérables, 2012

The Victor Hugo book has been adapted several times for cinema and theater - it is estimated that there have been more than 50 non-classical French inspired productions. The most famous film adaptation was made by director Tom Hooper, in 2012.

Check out the official trailer of the film:

"Os Miseráveis" - Official Legendary Trailer (Portugal)

Main cast of Tom Hooper adaptation

Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean


Russell Crowe as or Inspetor Javert


Anne Hathaway as Fantine


Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, Fantine's filha


Awards won

You are miseráveis ​​not just a great public success, or film also liked critics. A produção was highlighted by two Oscar awards, BAFTA and Globo de Ouro.

In relation to Oscar, receive the following indications: Melhor Filme, Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante (Anne Hathaway), Melhor Ator Principal (Hugh Jackman), Melhor Mixagem de Som, Melhor Maquiagem, Melhor Direção de Arte, Melhor Figurino, Melhor Canção Original.

O film levou 3 statutie: Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante (Anne Hathaway), Melhor Mixagem de Som and Melhor Maquiagem (Lisa Westcott).

The production also won four BAFTA awards in the categories of Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante, Melhor Som, Melhor Maquiagem e Cabelo and Melhor Design de Produção.

Além dos Óscares e dos BAFTA, Os Miseráveis ​​win three Globos de Ouro (Melhor Filme - Comédia ou Musical, Melhor Ator - Comédia ou Musical, Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante - Cinema).

Broadway musical

The musical based on Victor Hugo's book was released for the first time on Broadway in 1987. It is considered the fourth musical that is longer in time in the history of Nova Orque. Les Misérables is one of the most popular peças in the world, premiered for the first time in October 1985, in London (not Barbican theater).

A mais nova montagem da Broadway - presented in the Shubert Theater - released in March 2004, supervised by producer Cameron Mackintosh.

Peça Les Miserables, lit in Nova Iorque.
Peça Les Miserables, lit in Nova Iorque.

About or author Victor Hugo

Victor hugo

Born on February 26, 1802, in Besançon, France, Victor Hugo was raised practically for France for a few trips from the country. Either a born writer from an illustrious family, or his father, Count Joseph Léopold-Sigisbert Hugo, was Napoleão's general.

Victor Hugo developed his skills as a writer and went on to be the leader of the romantic movement in France. He created, in 1831, O Corcunda de Notre Dame (originally entitled Notre Dame de Paris) had a huge succession helping to reach a vague place in the famous French Academy, in 1841.

He was also political, in favor of liberal democracy. He was deputy in the Second Republic, in 1848. He was exiled and lived many years away from Paris, he returned to France just in 1870. He was elected to the National Assembly and to the Senate.

When he died, not on May 22, 1885, eighty and three years old, he had a body exposed on several days on the Arc de Triomphe and was subsequently buried on the 1st of June in Pantheon.

Conheça also

  • Livro O Corcunda de Notre-Dame, by Victor Hugo
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