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5 exciting poems by Conceição Evaristo

Conceição Evaristo (1946) is a contemporary Brazilian writer born in Minas Gerais. Besides two romances and books of quite famous stories, the author is also known for her poetry anchored in individual and collective memory.

1. Vozes-mulheres

At the voice of minha bisavo
ecoou criança
us porões do ship.
ecoou regrets
of a lost childhood.

At the voice of minha avó
ecoou obedience
aos brancos-donos de tudo.

At the voice of minha mãe
ecoou baixinho revolta
I do not found das cozinhas alheias
debaixo das trouxas
roupagens sujas dos brancos
empoeirado caminho hair
rumo à favela.

A minha ainda voice
ecoa perplexed verses
com sangue rhymes
At the voice of minha filha
I collected all of our voices
pick me up yeah
the mute voices drawn
set with the throats.
At the voice of minha filha
pick me up yeah
a fala e o ato.
Or ontem - or leaf - or agora.
Na voice of minha filha
ouvir will go to ressonância
or eco gives life-freedom.

A composition, which is one of the most beautiful and famous authors of the author, speaks about women of various gerações that belong to the same family. Descrevendo seus daily and sentiments, or eu-lrico vai narrating uma

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history of sophistication and oppression.

A bisavo symbolizes, likewise, those that were sequestered and traced for Brazil in ships. I have never lived through the period of escravidão and of forced obedience.

A geração da mãe, who works as a domestic entrepreneur, has a hard and marginalized existence, but is beginning to echo some revolt. This feeling of endurance It is expressed through the eu-lyrical that it grows, but it still tells stories of privacy and violence.

Contudo, or future reserve changes and at the voice of his filha, that runs all this herança, will save a new history of freedom.

Vozes- Mulheres, by Conceição Evaristo

2. Give calm and do silence

When do i bite
a word,
don't arrest me,
I want to chew,
tear between your teeth,
to fight, ossos, or tutano
do verb,
to assim versejar
or âmago das coisas.
When meu olhar
I know how to lose nothing,
I did not wake up,
I want to reter,
not inside da iris,
in less shade,
the smallest movement.
When you pés me
abrandarem na march,
don't force me.
Walk for what?
Deixem-I stay,
deixem-quiet me,
na apparent inertia.
Nem all passerby
walk on the road,
there are submerged worlds,
that alone or silent
da poetry penetrates.

Treating-se of a kind of "poetic art" by Conceição Evaristo, or poem reflects exactly on o ato e o moment of writing. Here, poetry is associated with the senses, mainly the palate, with expressions such as "biting" and "chewing".

Escrever é, então, faced as something that we must savor with tempo e sem pressas, um processlong through do qual se acha or "âmago das coisas". By isso, or eu-lyrical it can not be disturbed when it is deep or seems distant.

That, na verdade, seu olhar is looking for inspiration and his mind is nurturing. He was standing still, or subject, he did not want others to or force him to walk. Na sua experiência, a poetry is born "gives calm and do silence", getting access an inner world that would not exist in any other way.

Conceição Evaristo - Give calm and silence

3. Eu-Mulher

A drop of milk
I run between you signs.
Uma stain of sangue
He shaves me between the legs.
Meia palavra bitten
I foge gives mouth.
Vague desires hint at hope.
Eu-mulher em rios vermelhos
I inaugurate life.
Em low voice
violent to the eardrums of the world.
Before - agora - or what to do.
Eu fêmea-matrix.
Eu força-motriz.
coat gives mind
the world.

Pertaining to a company that is still governed by the second patriarchal structure, Conceição Evaristo has created a number of women. Here, o eu-lyrical is identified as part e representative dessaforça feminina: Faking herself, she is exalting her companheiras.

Com images that refer to fertility, or poem presents gestação as a divine and magical sun quase: "I inaugurate life".

Verses and suggested that as mulheres são a origin or engine of humanity, já que são or "shelter gives semente" through which tudo nasce e floresce.

4. Death certificate

Ossos de nossos antepassados
colhem as nossas perenes tears
dead leaf hairs.
You olhos of our ancestors,
black stars stained with sangue,
raise the depths of the tempo
taking care of our painful memory.
A terra is covered with valas
and any carelessness gives life
to death is certain.
A bullet does not miss or alvo, not dark
a black body bambeia e dance.
At the death certificate, you old people know,
I saw lavrada from you negreiros.

A few facets of the writer's journey, which is widely reflected in her works, are militant of the black movement Brazilian. Beyond summoning memories of a traumatic and terrifying past, or poem in analysis to demonstrate how racism was perpetuated through time.

Lembrando two antepassados ​​to death, or a little subject draws a parallel as "mortos de hoje". Numa society that continues fractured and unequal, "to death and certain" for some and not by chance that "to bullet no erra or alvo".

Second or eu-lyrical, which aponta coloniais practicesand oppressive, at the death certificate of these individuals, it was written "from the blacks". Ou seja, both tempo depois, continuous violence fell disproportionately on the fat hair of black serem.

O subject, at the moment and of the utmost urgency, has been quite debated in international public life through domovimento. Black Lives Matter (Black Lives Importam).

5. Do fire that em mim burns

Sim, eu drink or fire,
or outro,
not that I hug you.
Ele queima sim,
voracious girl
that melt or bivo de teu brush
setting fire to the cinzas
Or wish-out that faces of myself.
Sim, eu drink or fire,
or outro,
what face me,
that molded to hard grief
of minha written.
is this or fogo,
or meu, or that burns me
e cunha a minha face
na letter unho
do self-portrait meu.

Nesta composition or poetic subject declares that he has something powerful that he calls "o fire". Thanks to isso that take a word He burned the images of him that were painted by other people.

Com essa força criadora, or eu-lyrical is continually reinvented and is expressed using "hard penalty" written. In this way, a literary production becomes a vehicle to get to know the world, through its perspective and not having two others.

Assim, a poetry is appointed as a self-portrait Not which can be found several fragments of their homes and homes.

Do Fogo Que em Mim Arde

Conceição Evaristo e seus principais livros

Born of a humble family that has new children, Conceição Evaristo grows in a community of Belo Horizonte. During youth, she conciliates you as a domestic entrepreneur; Later, he performed a public contest and moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he began his academic course.

Portrait of Conceição Evaristo

Not at the beginning of the 90's, Evaristo began a very rich and multifaceted literary career that included romances, stories, poems and essays. In parallel, the author was also trilhando his path as a militant of the black movement, with participation in numerous debates and public demonstrations.

A thematic das social inequalities and The phenomena related to racial, gender and class oppression are quite present in her works. Dois examples disso mesmo são os seus livros most famous of her: o romance Ponciá Vicêncio (2003) e a coletânea de contos Insubmissive tears of women (2011).

Take the opportunity to read also:

  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
  • Major poems written by Brazilian authors
  • Black writers that you need to read
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