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5 great poems by Caio Fernando Abreu

Two great authors of Brazilian literature, Caio Fernando Abreu, donated visceral poetry that captivates readers from some gerações.

Despite being quite quoted - especially due to his strong phrases -, a true gaucho poet published very few poems in his life, these works were only posthumously. In Caio's verses we find solidão, incomplete, or love and homoafetive eroticism as main themes.

He found his great babies five days ago.

1. (sem title)

I want life.
Com everything or cliffs
I want life
Com os dentes em mau state
I want life
insone, no third tablet to sleep
no third party cigar pack
depois do fourth suicide
depois of all the lost
during incipient baldness
inside the big gaiola do country
as a little gaiola do meu corpo
I want life
I want to because I want life.
É uma escolha. Sozinho ou acompanhado, eu quero, meu
deus, as I want, as such a ferocious, as such
certainty. É agora. É pra já. It does not matter depois. It is how I want it.
Travel, climb, see. Depois, maybe Tramandaí. Escrever. Translate. In solidão. More what I want. Meu deus, to life, to life, to life.

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Written in the 70s, or poem acima testemunha um desejo de viver Very powerful, that empurra or eu-lrico to experiment or novo.

This is a poem frequently attributed to youth, which makes this impulse transparent - sometimes it is irresponsible - rumo to adventure. We read here a number of going embora, of traveling, of expressing oneself with all force, gestures that are characteristic of two young people.

O subject little poetic ao long two verses does not romanticize life and nem cancels its negative aspects: before the opposite, it reconhece everything or that it has de ruim e as difficulties in the way (as castrações, as limitations do corpo e do Estado, as physical and affective painters), moreover sublinha or seu visceral impulse of nursery.

2. Romulus

It was verão, it was latezinha,
um de nós cantou uma music by Tom Jobim
Falando em verão, em latezinha. Or sun fell not sea,
That light the embassy came on, let's descend from Barra
pra Copacabana and fomos see or show da Gal singing
let it bleed.
Fazia heat, we wore branco inteirinhos,
We credited nas coisas dum jeito what would be all
It is not a true fosse. So pretty
(to people nem knew, but everything was simple
e nossa dor was not quase nada.)
Next day, I lied that I died and you were to study acupuncture
Eu fiquei, voyagei, tomei drug,
Enjoyed that I did not die.

We read it just a stretch of the poem Romulus, written during the 1980s.

In an extremely conservative context, it was written by Caio Fernando Breu that scandal a homoafetiva attraction and expõe um subject sem shame of assuming us his desires and habits of him.

Long year two verses or eu-lyrical descreve or seu vulgar everyday: o climate, the regions of the city that it frequents, at the time of the year, at the height of the day, at the sound of the moment, in relation to the partner.

Cominício, meio e fim, or poem deals with the same time of the past, the present and the future and the fact that it was found with Rômulo and not that this connection was transformed.

3. (sem title)

I want to save as coisas mais vadias
just because minhas mine is so cold
I want to write the most bitter things
I did not find rhyme
nem motive.

Caio wrote the verses here in the context of the military dictatorship. Or poem, dated May 2 and 3, 1979, challenged the height or status quo during the years of Chumbo year or used to freedom.

Nas linhas lemos um desire to express. Here o verse appears quase that sem motive: o eu-lrico wants to escrever because he felt that It is necessary to export, but I did not know why it was going to be the way it will be.

Or contrast colder days - sem vida - atritus like face scrubbing momentum, that traced a sopro of energy or poetic subject. Although he does not know or that he will write what form the text, or the eu-lyrical one, needs to transfer to or from the paper.

4. Brief memory

From absence and distance I build you
E além gives shape
nem mão
Nem fogo:
meu be absent do que sou
e do que tenho, alheio.

Exact dimension of your body
it fits meu be it fits meu voo more remote
cabem limits transcendence
Na dimensionão do corpo that you tens
What do I play?
fits or tortured verse
and a thick labyrinth of vontades

Porém you don't know.

Brief memory It was dedicated to Antônio Bivar and written on October 13, 1969 in Campinas - it is worth considering what political context we lived in: no or the rise of the repression of the military dictatorship.

Os verses acima são um tracho de um longo poem that feared as cerne a questão do erotic desire The relationship between two bodies that we want to be possible.

Diante da absence Obvious, or eu-lyrical, makes it clear to your ability to be as another and to explore the dimensions of your own body and body that you want.

Em Brief memory, however, it is not just a physical dimension: or poetic subject wants to explore além daquilo that can touch no lover / friend demonstrating uma vontade de conhece-lo as um todo (corpo e soul).

5. FEVER 77º

Deixa-me intertwine margaridas
us hair of teu peito.
Deixa-me singrar teus mares
more remote
com minha langue embers.
I want a love of sweat and flesh
enquanto tenho sangue.
More deixa-me bleed your lips
com a adaga de meus dentes.
Deixa-me dilacerar teu flanco
more elusive
na lâmina de minha unhas.
I want a love of faca and I scream
when I have February.

O poem acima é dos mais belos exemplars of erotic poetry by Caio Fernando Abreu. Compost in January 14, 1975, we see a explicit lyric, that defies or leitor to or expresses the desires of the eu-lyrical as a cruel cruelty.

O little poetic subject here and direct on the face of it: he knows him or what he wanted, as he wanted and when he wanted. Já us first verses make it clear that the object of his desire is some of the same sex, an exposition that for the years of chumbo is truly courageous.

But it is not the only courageous movement of the poem: or eu-lyrical year long two verses expõe a marked relationship also hair masochism e pela violencia, embora overgrown permeated by a voracious desire.

To the poetry of Caio Fernando Abreu

Caio published only very few poems in life. Prece and Gesture Forms published in Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul no on June 8, 1968. The poems East and Press to Open foram published for the second time no Suplemento Literário de Minas Gerais during the 1970s. These are the only poetic works that are known to have been released by the writer.

Despite not having published a significant number of poems, Caio wrote verses a year from practically all of his life Comprava o seu espólio - I have given the first steps, not genre in 1968 and written the last poems in 1996, year of his death.

In 2012, the researchers Letícia da Costa Chaplin and Márcia Ivana de Lima and Silva will be able to gather material from the family and friends of Caio and publish or free Never Published Poems by Caio Fernando Abreu.

Never Published Poems by Caio Fernando Abreu
Capa do livro Never Published Poems by Caio Fernando Abreu

Quem foi Caio Fernando Abreu

Writer, journalist and playwright, Caio Fernando Abreu was two great names for two years.

Born in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul - in Santiago do Boqueirão - he wrote his first text with just six years.

Caio's family moved to the capital Porto Alegre in 1963. Three years later, the young man published or his first had been published in the Cláudia magazine and began to write or his first romance.

Despite having entered the degrees in Letters and Arts, Caio did not take two courses. In 1968 he began to work in the writing of Veja magazine, so he moved to São Paulo.

Caio Fernando Abreu
Portrait of Caio Fernando Abreu

During the seventies he lived in Rio de Janeiro where he worked as a researcher and editor of some magazines. During the years of his time, he was persecuted for a military position and needed to go into exile in Europe, turning purple in London and Stockholm.

When he returned to Brazil, he recommended to write a total force producing those that would be considered his first works, you will be free Ovo Stabbed (1975) e Morangos Mofados (1982).

Caio received a series of awards, among the three times or Jabuti Award, in the Category Contos, Chronicles and Novels. The writer was also awarded as Prêmio Molière in 1989 for the theater peça A Maldição do Vale Negro, that he wrote with Luiz Artur Nunes. Two years later he also received the APC Prize, from melhor romance do ano com o livro Where is Dulce Veiga going?.

Discover more about the author lendo or artigo Life and work of Caio Fernando Abreu.

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