At the time of Augusto Matraga (Guimarães Rosa): summary and analysis
Novel Now and then Augusto Matraga it was written by Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) and is included no book Sagarana (1946).
Narrated in third person, a history marked by beautiful hair trabalho com a linguagem It is starring Nhô Augusto.
Or main personagem is a cruel homem that ends up being able to give a revival in his own life, but later he fights against his instinct.
Marked peels violence, peel vingança e pela hard reality of sertão from Minas Gerais, the creation of Guimarães Rosa is a classic of Brazilian literature that deserves to be read and read.
I summarize
Or central personage of the narrative of Guimarães Rosa é Nhô Augusto, ou melhor, Augusto Esteves, filho do powerful Coronel Afonsão Esteves.
I donate from various lands between Pindaíbas and or Sacoda-Embira, not from Minas Gerais, or subject to a kind of courage from the region, recognized for its frustration and perversity.
Married to Dona Dionóra and the father of a single filha chamada Mimita, or rapacious in confusion because of where he passes, behind violent and middle-aged.
Aos few years, we fica knowing a little more about his life history of him. Nhô Augusto lost my child, I had a troublesome father and was raised without a father, who was very religious and wanted him to be a rapacious father.
With a high propensity to play and to the tails of saia, Nhô Augusto ends up a few years by losing the fortune that he wounded. You take over from him, when you perceive or rumo that or patrão is taking, decide to change the hair your first inimigo: or major Consilva Quim Recadeiro.
A woman, worn out with the traições and with the husband's treatments, was with Ovídio Moura and brought to his filha.
Furious with the events, Nhô Augusto decides to buy briga as a major. No meio do caminho, no entanto, he and violently attacked hairs capangas do inimigo e fica à beira da morte.
Espancado, ele chega to be burned with iron that was used us. O side here that Nhô Augusto will not resist, by isso or atiram of a ravine and place a cross not on the place of terrorism or assassination.
By a miracle or subject he survives and, when he fell pregnant, he was found by a black house (mãe Quitéria e pai Serapião) who cared for his holidays, or sheltered me and became his protectors.
During the recovery process, Nhô Augusto received a visit from a father, who gave long speeches about the importance of faith, prayed and hard work.
Either father or orient to leave the past life behind and build a nova, full of regret, devotion and hard work. As a matter of fact, you give up the experience of quasi morte, Nhô Augusto finds redemption and decides to take a new rumor.
Very pleasant pela cilhida de mãe Quitéria e pai Serapião, the early part of the morning rumored to the only piece of terra seu that still resumes. He breeds a nova identidade:
But all gostariam logo give him, because he was meio doido and meio santo; e understand deixaram for depois. He worked that nem um added by money, but, no feito, no tinha nenhuma ganância and nem was imported as accrents: what he lived was wanting to help others. He capinava for himself and for the vizinhos do seu fogo, not wanting to give out, give of love or have it possible. And he only asked, pois, serviço para fazer, e pouca ou nenhuma talks.
A life of confusion seems to have been completely skewed to the fact that, after six years, Nhô Augusto finds himself with Tião, a relative who either recognizes and traces news.
Tião tells that Dona Dionóra continues to be happy with Ovídio and intends to marry because in the end she is considered a widow and Mimita, deceived by a traveling caixeiro, caiu na vida. Nhô Augusto sit-he blamed himself, worse than anything he can do.
His life of labuta and oração followed by great heights I attached to Joãozinho Bem-Bem's chegada, um jagunço, as seu bando. Enthusiastic about inviting everyone to stay at his house and transmitting great esteem to the group, more When he is invited to join him, he vehemently refuses, guaranteeing that his life will be dedicated to or bem. Or side part.
Later, in Arrial do Rala-Coco, Nhô Augusto crosses paths with Joãozinho Bem-Bem who, as his side, plans to carry out an execution in a family of a fugitive assassin.
Nhô Augusto completely disagreed with the condemnation and intervened to ensure justice. Not hot at the moment he felt to sprout new or his old eu and ends up killing some capangas and Joãozinho himself. It was during the brigade that Nhô Augusto was reconfirmed.
Not final do conto, Joãozinho Bem-Bem e Nhô Augusto morrem during the briga.
Personagens principais
Augusto Esteves Matraga
O protagonist of the history and filho of the powerful farmer Afonso Esteves, who leaves for the descendant a beautiful herança. Nhô Augusto did not begin as a courageous, oppressor, breeder of brigades and confusion, feared by all. You must go through an experience of quase morte he tries to follow a new path.
Dona Dionóra
She is Augusto Matraga's wife and Mimita's mother. He softens a lot like the behavior of a husband, who is cold and distant. Nhô Augusto also brought him to despise. Dona Dionóra brigou with the whole family to marry as a raptor and in certain moments she regrets the escort that she fez.
Filha do casal Augusto Matraga and Dona Dionóra. A menina is carefully peeled me and neglected pai hair, that little is imported as ela. Mimita ends up being turned off by a traveling caixeiro and is deceived, falling into life.
Ovídio Moura
Helped by Dona Dionóra, the purpose is that a girl runs with two arms of husband Nhô Augusto. You must very much insist that it yields to or upon request of the three pages for the duration of two domains of the old fazendeiro.
Major Consilva Quim Recadeiro
Archi-inimigo of Augusto Matraga, or Major, when he sees that Matraga is absent, he manages to convince all of you to side with him. São os seus capangas that give surra that quase à morte Nhô Augusto.
Mãe Quitéria e Pai Serapião
A black house that Nhô Augusto has saddled with in a terrible state after he has been bullied in the ravine. Or the house takes care of the raptor holidays, offers a house, food and a visit from a father, who will talk with him about the faith and the need to follow or walk do bem.
Joãozinho Bem-Bem
Cangaceiro who passes as his side in the village where Nhô Augusto is, agora um novo homem. A lembrança da violence and the spirit of the group faced as the old one emerged in Nhô Augusto.
Or title of history
The title chosen by Guimarães Rosa is related to a phrase given by the father when he visits the dying Nhô Augusto at the house of Mãe Quitéria e Pai Serapião.
Após ouvir as words of the father, or protagonist radically muted in life: stop smoking, drinking, entering into discussion, from olhar to women, from raising confusion.
Or parent or guide:
Pray and work, fazendo de conta that this life is a day of capina like sun quente, that sometimes it costs a lot to pass, but it always happens. E você ainda pode ter muito pedaço bom de alegria... Every um tem at your time and at your time: you have to go to your time.
And so Nhô Augusto faced, going on to lead his life in a completely different way. In the region where he does not know, he decides to put into practice the teachings given by his father.
A matter of faith in the narrative
It is worth sublining to the importance of the father, I do not count, or love, or strong role of religion not everyday of the sertão. Note, for example, that a dinner at which Nhô Augusto takes a surra, the aggressors face the quest to land a cross where the body has lost its life.
The essential religion that motivates the change of life of Nhô Augusto, a revival happens after the experience of Quase morte e das intervenções feitas hair father, it should be remembered that there has been a sementinha of religiosidade planted no rapacious:
Quem criou Nhô Augusto foi a avó... I wanted or less for father... Pray, pray, or everything, santimônia e ladainha ...
Not far from here, we see how religiosity fez part of the childhood, having been an important pillar in childbirth.
Such a component, which seemed to have been lost, was given a lost experience (financial condition, two capangas, woman, filha) and death, resurrected. Nhô Augusto turned to believe in God and to orient his life without meaning to bem.
The life of Nhô Augusto before the transformation
Before his destiny changed by the words of his father, Nhô Augusto was described as "altered, but long, dressed in mourning, stepping on two outros ”,“ hard, golden, semi stop ”,“ estúrdio, estouvado e sem regra ".
Or subject was an oppressor feared by all and we will know a little later because of his complicated personality.
We will discover gênese problematic do valentão. Nhô Augusto was born or raised as a member of a broken family. Quem fala do passado é o uncle de D. Dionóra:
Mãe do Nhô Augusto morreu com ele ainda small... Your sogro was um leso, it was not for a family chef... Pai was like Nhô Augusto não tivesse... Um uncle was criminal, de mais de uma morte, who lived hidden, la no Saco-da-Embira... Quem criou Nhô Augusto foi a avó ...
Another traço that deserves to be highlighted is that I have a constant presence of gratuitous violence, of the imposition of force and of value of life that are insignificant two cloaks or daqueles that fear less.
A clear example of the use of excessive force occurs when Nhô Augusto was attacked by hairs capangas do major.
Já dying, without offering any kind of resistance, the still and submissive to a last humiliation:
E aí, abraaram o ferro com a do gado do Major mark - which used to be an inscribed triangle with no circumference - and imprimiram-na, com chiado, chamusco e fumaça, na direct gluteal polpa of Nhô Augusto
A transformation of Nhô Augusto
From home, feared and powerful, Nhô Augusto passes into a condition of deep dependence.
Já sem nenhum bem material, sem família, ferido, he cares for black house hair that he treats as feridas and feeds.
It is interesting to think that it does not give me that or acolhe: Quitéria seems to substitute or place gives me and "takes away", in a certain way, a divergent of destiny with Matraga.
It is this condition of fragility that we see emerge or despair of Nhô Augusto, as a covering body of mazelas:
Até that he can choir, e chorou muito, um choro solto, sem shame nenhuma, of a minor year or abandonment. E sem saber e sem power, she chamou alto solçando: - Mãe... Mãe... "
From the dor and the sofrimento we assist um novo Nhô Augusto to emerge. To the question that remains for the reader, will he or she be able to face a life that is different from what it has?
A novel mergulha based on a question of identity and stimulates questions such as "Is it possible to escape from our own instinct?", "How do we become who we are?".
About written em Now and then Augusto Matraga
A metaficção na novel
Another important point of Now and then Augusto Matraga It is given when the narrator assumes a fictionality of the history, questioning or own conceit that it would be real and that it would be raised:
At the same time, they have hair at least six or six years old, direct from that jeito, sem tirar e nem pôr, sem lie nenhuma, because here is an invented story, in a case that happened, no senhor.
São passagens pontuais that either the narrator deixa or the reader perceives the frontier between the invention and the reality, but the events are important for the narrative to suspend the creation of the reader.
A linguagem oral e o style do text
It is also necessary to refer to the language used characterized by imitating the phrase of sertanejo, being governed many times by the orality and the use of local expressões.
As popular old songs also have back hair, they have corroborating as a regionalist trait of Guimarães Rosa's prose.
Second Antônio Candido, Now and then Augusto Matraga is a narrative onde or writer:
It enters the region quase epic of humanity and cria a two great types of our literature, within which it will be daqui by diante, counted between 10 or 12 more perfect of the language.
Certainly um two criteria that Fez commented that Antônio Cândido chose or counted as one of the most beautiful Peças written in Portuguese language foi o forte trabalho com a linguagem já characteristic of Guimarães Rose.
Adaptações para o cinema de Now and then Augusto Matraga
1965 film
A film adaptation of 1965 was directed by Roberto Santos. Fizeram is part of the cast of the actors Leonardo Villar, Jofre Soares, Antonio Carnera, Emmanuel Cavalcanti, Flávio Migliaccio, Maria Ribeiro, Maurício do Valle and Ivan De Souza.
2011 film
O longa metragem tem roteiro assassinated by Vinícius Coimbra and Manuela Dias based on the history of Guimarães Rosa.
A produção received various awards at the Festival do Rio 2011: melhor filme (official and popular law), melhor ator (João Miguel) and melhor ator coadjuvante (José Wilker).
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About a publicação
Now and then Augusto Matraga I belong to free Sagarana, which brings together new stories from the writer João Guimarães Rosa.
I tell you present I do not free:
- O burrinho pedrês
- A volta do prodigal husband
- Sarapalha
- Duel
- Minha people
- São Marcos
- Corpo dated
- Bois talk
- Now and then Augusto Matraga
In common, as partilham histories or theme of death, of religiosity, of adventure and from day to day it will not be hard.
![Capa da first edição de Sagarana, published in 1946.](/f/a68c842007d3e73e903850af18c00873.jpg)
Sagarana It is already available for free download in pdf format.
Discover more about or free Sagarana, by Guimarães Rosa.
Conheça also
- Livro Grande sertão: paths of Guimarães Rosa