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Quarto de despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus: summary and analysis

Carolina Maria de Jesus was an anonymous girl or girl, Clean Room. Published in August 1960, the work was a meeting of about 20 newspapers written by black women, single women, little educated and resident of the Canindé favela (in São Paulo).

Clean Room It was a succession of bands and the public because I launched an original olhar from the favela and on the favela.

Translated into thirteen languages, Carolina ganhou o mundo e was commented on by great names of Brazilian literature such as Manuel Bandeira, Raquel de Queiroz and Sérgio Milliet.

Not Brazil, you exemplar of Clean Room Reach a tiragem of more than 100 thousand books sold in a year.

Summary of Clean Room

O livro de Carolina Maria de Jesus narrates in a faithful or daily way past na favela.

In this text, we see how the author tries to survive as a lixo taster in the metropolis of São Paulo, trying to find something that some considered as leftover or that she has kept alive.

The stories were written between July 15, 1955 and January 1, 1960. Non-daily entries are marked as day, month and year and narrate aspects of Carolina's rotina.

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Muitas passagens sublinham, for example, to the difficulty of being more solteira in a context of extreme poverty. We read our present passage on July 15, 1955:

Anniversary of minha filha Vera Eunice. Eu intended to buy a pair of shoes for her. More or less two kinds of food prevent us from carrying out two desires. At present we are the custodians of life. Eu achei a pair of shoes not loose, lavei and mendi for the calçar.

Carolina Maria é mãe de três filhos e dá conta de tudo sozinha.

In order to feed and raise her family, she undoes herself working as a paper taster, metal, and as a lavadeira. In spite of everything or effort, many times I feel that it does not count.

There is a context of frustration and extreme poverty, and it is important to undermine the role of religiosity. Several times, year after year, faith appears as a motivating and motivating factor for the protagonist.

There are passages that deixam bem clara to importance da crença for essa mulher lutadora:

I was indisposed, Benzer-me resolved. I opened my mouth twice, certify-me that I was with mau olhado.

Carolina finds a strong faith, but also many times an explanation for everyday situations. Or a case that is quite illustrative of how the head is justified by something of a spiritual nature.

Clean Room Explore the meanders of the life of a female worker and transmits the harsh realities of Carolina, or constant continuous effort to keep the family of people passing better needs:

Saí indisposta, com vontade de deitar. More, or poor do not repouse. She had no privilege to go rest. Eu was nervous inside, I was cursing sorte. Catei two paper sacks. Depois returnei, catei uns ferros, uma cans, e lenha.

Because she is the only one to provide or support the family, Carolina works day and night to give an account of the two children.

The young men of her, like the chamar costuma, spend a lot of time at home and come back and receive criticism from vizinhança who say that the children are "badly induced".

Embora never be said with all the letters, the author attributed to reaction of the vizinhas as the seus filhos hair the fact that she was not married ("Elas alludes that I am not married. More eu sou more happy that they are. Elas tem husband. ")

A long year of writing, Carolina sublinha that she knows how to encourage her to be serious. A taster I would see or love him some time a long time ago two years and it was the feeling that the most tentava to escape:

Eu that before eating via o ceu, as trees, as birds, you all love it, you think it ate, you normalize it aos meus olhos.

As well as working to buy food, the resident of the Canindé favela also received doações and looked for remains of food in the fairgrounds and tied up when it was necessary. In one of her non-daily entries, she comments:

A fool do alcool prevents us from singing. More to the day fome we face tremer. I realized that it was horrible to be inside my stomach.

Pior do that to fome dela, to fome that most was the one that assisted us filhos. At the same time, trying to escape from fome, from violence, from misery and from poverty, which was built on Carolina's story.

Acima de tudo, Clean Room It is a history of suffering and of resilience, of how a woman lives with all the difficulties imposed on her life and still manages to transform her speech into a situation that has been lived.

Analyze Clean Room

Clean Room It is a hard, difficult reading, which explains critical situations of burning you have to do with access to a minimum quality of life.

Extremely honest and transparent, we see Carolina's fala as the personification of a series of falas that has other women who are also in a social situation of abandonment.

We highlight below some key points for free analysis.

Or Carolina's writing style

Carolina's redação - a syntax of the text - sometimes comes from a Portuguese parent and at a time incorporates elaborate words that she seems to have learned from her readings.

A writer, in various interviews, identified herself as a self-taught person who learns to read and write like the books and books that she collects from the streets.

At the beginning of July 16, 1955, for example, we see a passage from me to those filhos that does not stop or coffee from manhã. Convém to observe or style of the linguagem used:

JULY 16, 1955 Levantei. He obeyed Vera Eunice. I went to get water. Fiz or coffee. Let us know as children that you do not have to. That you drink simple coffee and eat meat with farinha.

In textual terms, it is worth underlining that there are faults such as absence of accent (em água) and errors of concord (it appears non-singular when the author is addressed to filhos, not plural).

Carolina makes her oral speech transparent and all those marks in writing ratify the fact that they have been effectively to author of livro, as limitations do português padrão de quem não frequentou integrally to school.

The author's position

Exceeding the written questão, it is worth sublining as no distance above, written with simple words and tom colloquial, Carolina lida with a difficult situation: not being able to place a table pela manhã for you filhos.

In contrast to dealing with how to weigh the dinner in a dramatic and depressive way, I am assertive and escort to continue in front of finding a provisional solution to the problem.

Many times over a long period of time, this pragmatism appears as a tábua de salvação where Carolina clings to advance us serious afaze.

On the other hand, many times a year throughout the text, the narrator finds herself comatose, as tired and as a revolt she will not feel capable of nourishing the basic needs of the family:

I thought I needed to buy pão, sabão e leite for Vera Eunice. E os 13 cruzeiros não dava! Cheguei at home, aliás no meu barraracão, nervous and exhausted. I thought of a troubled life that I lead. I take paper, I wash roupa for two young people, I stay on the street or all day. This is always missing.

Importance of Living as a Social Criticism

Além from falaring about your personal universe and your daily dramas, or Clean Room It also has an important social impact because it calls attention to the favelas questão, a problem that is still embryonic in Brazilian society.

For an opportunity to discuss topics such as basic sanitation, to recolha de lixo, to water enchanted, to fome, to misery, to sit down, to life in a space where the public power has not been checked.

Many times a year long two newspapers, Carolina transparent or desire of sair dali:

Oh! It is possible for us to move daqui for a more decent nucleus.

The role of women in the most marginalized litters of society

Clean Room também complaint or place gives mulher nesse social context.

Carolina is many times a victim of preconception for not being married, she on the other hand she is grateful to her husband, who for many women represents the figure of the abuser.

Violence is part of the daily life of your vizinhas and is witnessed by everyone, including children:

A noite enquanto elas can help me calmly not meu barracks or waltzes comenses. As soon as the spouses break the tabuas do barracão eu e meus filhos we sleep in blindness. I did not invent married women from the favela that lead the lives of Indian escravas. I'm not unhappy and I'm not unhappy.

About the publication of Clean Room

Quem discovered Carolina Maria de Jesus was the reporter Audálio Dantas, when she was producing a report not under Canindé.

Among the becos of the favela that grew to beira do Tietê, Audálio found a senhora with a lot of history to tell.

Carolina showed close to twenty incarcerated cadernos that she kept not her barrack and handed you over to a journalist who was astonished as a manancial that she had received mine.

Audálio logo perceives that this woman was a voice from the interior of the favela capable of failing about the reality of the favela:

"Writer nenhum could be able to write about that history: a view of the favela from within."

Some excerpts two cadernos were published in a report in Folha da Noite on May 9, 1958. Outra part of the magazine O cruzeiro published on June 20, 1959. No year to follow, in 1960, it would appear a publication do livro Clean Room, organized and reviewed by Audálio.

O jornalista guarantor that or that fez no text was edited in order to avoid many repetitions and altering questões de pontuação, rest, said, it is two of Carolina's newspapers in full.

Maria Carolina de Jesus e o seu recém published Quarto de despejo.
Maria Carolina de Jesus e o seu recém published Clean Room.

As a succession of sales (for more than 100 thousand books sold in a single year) and with an impact critical day, Carolina estourou e passou to be procured by radios, jornais, magazines and canais de television.

Many wondered at the time about the authenticity of the text, which some would attribute to a journalist and not to it. More many also acknowledge that the writing conducted as such true could only have been elaborated because it was lived through that experience.

O own Manuel Bandeira, leitor of Carolina, affirmed in favor of the legitimacy of the work:

"No one would be able to invent that linguagem, that says coisas with extraordinary creative force that is more typical of burning meio path of primary instruction."

As apontou Bandeira, written by Clean Room It is possible to locate characteristics that give clues to the author's past and that demonstrate the same tempo to fragility and the power of her writing.

Quem foi Carolina Maria de Jesus

Born on March 14, 1914, in Minas Gerais, Carolina Maria de Jesus was mulher, black, most single of three filhos, lixo taster, favelada, marginalized.

Instructed at the second year in a primary school of Sacramento, interior of Minas Gerais, Carolina assume:

"I have barely two years of school group, but I will try to form or become a character"

Semi-illiterate, Carolina never left behind, she still buries in cadernos incarcerated crowded enclosed by domestic tasks and work of taster and washing machine of roupa na rua to support home.

Foi na rua A, not barrack number 9 of the Canindé favela (in São Paulo) that Carolina deixou registered as her daily impressions.

Seu livro Clean Room It was a succession of bands and critics and it ended up being translated for more than thirteen languages.

Our three first days of launching, more than ten thousand exemplars were sold and Carolina virou a literary phenomenon that gives rise to her.

Portrait of Carolina Maria de Jesus.
Portrait of Carolina Maria de Jesus.

Not on February 13, 1977, a faleceu writer, leaving her three filhos: João José, José Carlos and Vera Eunice.

Conheça also

  • Carolina Maria de Jesus: life and work
  • Find writer Maria Firmina dos Reis
  • As black writers you need to read
  • Livro Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos
  • Livro Amar, Intransitive Verb by Mário de Andrade
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