Impressionando os Anjos, by Gustavo Mioto: letter and analysis
Written in partnership as composer Theo Andrade, to music Impressing you anjos is a succession of the sertanejo singer from Votuporanga (São Paulo) Gustavo Mioto. The letter revolves around the story of a homem who loses a wife and has to raise a sozinho family.
Launched in November 2016, the creation was a public successor or clip and a phenomenon of non-YouTube visualizations.
Hoje foi tudo bem, only a little tired
I don't work hard day, I ended up eating
Here, how do you feel about the top soon to sleep?
A saudade de você é frequent visit
That nem to his flat aunt that irritated people
Ah, saudade da people
Pulling isso, do the rest I added that you are counting
To Julinha tá banguela e o Pedro só apronta
Or that there was a car missing from the US
Falando nisso, finishi o livro que você pediu pra eu ler
On page 70 I understood you
Naquela part where you say that or love is fire that burns you will see
How are you? From you face tempo that no ouço nothing
Fala um pouco sua voice tá tão calada
I know that now I must be impressed with your laugh
More of you face tempo than nothing
Fala um pouco sua voice tá tão calada
From the top to the top, it is high that I need to ouvir, how are you?
Pulling isso do rest I attached that eu is giving conta
To Julinha tá banguela e o Pedro só apronta
Or that there was a car missing from the US
Falando nisso, finishi o livro que você pediu pra eu ler
On page 70 eu understood você
Naquela part where you say that or love is fire that burns you will see
How are you? From you face tempo that no ouço nothing
Fala um pouco sua voice tá tão calada
I know that now I must be impressed you anjos with your laugh
More of you face tempo than nothing
Fala um pouco sua voice tá tão calada
Fala high ai de summit that you need to ouvir, how are you?
I know that now I must be impressed you anjos with your laugh
Fala high that I need to ouvir
How are you?
Já nas first lines we ficando conhecendo o drama of eu-lrico, which is late at work, tired, and sentence a huge lack of parceira that is not found. He affirms that a saudade já is an everyday feeling and compares how the presence of a flat girl is present, drawing a dose of humor for a song that deals with such dense themes. The first verses were enclosed as a phrase that is, at the same time, a lament and a sigh: "ah, saudade da gente".
Depois a canção addresses more practical aspects from day to day, failure of growth and development two filhos (to Julinha and or Pedro), to then try to contact the bank and the resolution of the dívida do car.
Pulling isso do rest I attached that eu is giving conta
To Julinha tá banguela e o Pedro só apronta
Or that there was a car missing from the US
A letter is quase a dialogue with someone who is distant. Nela or eu-lrico takes the opportunity to place a loved one who is spending his life with him. Two examples of this characteristic of dialogue are a strong mark of orality ("Falando nisso").
A wide angle is dated and subject deixa from being to family to become or home. At a distance from the beloved, it seems not to do much time because he said that he finished or I free that she had Suggested that or parceiro lesse e that, only now, as needed, he gets to understand ao ler or poem of Camões ("O love is fire that burns sem I can see").
I bet you tell everything or what happens in your life, or Eu-lyrical wants to connect-you like a woman, ouvir or that she feels how you are doing her side of her. She, meanwhile, cannot answer, at that height that we perceive that beloved faleceu.
How are you? From you face tempo that no ouço nothing
Fala um pouco sua voice tá tão calada
I know that now I must be impressed with your laugh
As composers announce the absence, it is extremely sensitive and delicate. Ao instead of failing gives death as something heavy, or that the fazem e tempt to confer lightness to or say that the beloved must be fazendo companhia years old.
Ao same tempo that deals with a heavy theme like death, viuvez and orfandade das crianças, a song with a poetic punch, a tom of conversation, of chamamento and of truck. How do you get married never cease to be a couple, despite the distance that separates you.
Racks of criação
In various interviews, Gustavo Mioto told us that one day he sonhou was taking care of two children. After some days, the singer assists in a television report where he effectively cares for children of two children. Foi que o sertanejo was impressed with a supposed premonition.
When he met as a friend Theo Andrade, he was surprised to hear that he also wished that the composer was also making a music like fosse uma oração, a chamamento for someone who is distant. Logo to follow Mioto contou or such a dream and together chegaram to the conclusion that I should raise Impressing the Anjos.
Second or own singer and composer:
We think em um jeito different from faulting about losing someone. He wanted to pass on a message that he lost someone he loves to continue living, as saudade, or that he is natural and tied saudável, more than that feeling of fim da linha.

Com direção de Jacques Jr., or clip that has been a succession of visualizations traced as the protagonist or by Murilo Rosa. Either he plays or pai who loses a woman and is forced to raise a sozinho family. The clip was recorded in Maringá (Paraná).
Discover Gustavo Mioto
The Sertanejo singer Gustavo Mioto, born in Votuporanga, in the interior of São Paulo, was born on March 12, 1997. Seu pai of him, Marcos Mioto, he is not known to me as a sertanejo universe, because of isso or garoto he began to frequent the boxes when he was a child, at least six years old.
For ten years, Gustavo had never raised first music (É você quem vai chorar). A carreira do rapaz estourou when he fez parcerias com Jorge e Mateus (with music Anti-love), with Claudia Leitte (Eu gosto de você) e com Anitta (com a music Coladinha em mim).
Em 2012, Mioto released or his first album, entitled Fashion Fora. In June 2015, it was at the same time that I released my first DVD (Cycles). The second DVD was released at the end of 2017.

Conheça also
- Music Faroeste Caboclo from Legião Urbana
- As 11 melhores Brazilian music of all tempos
- Poetry To Terceira Margem do Rio
- Music Can't help falling in love, by Elvis Presley

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).