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Chiquinha Gonzaga: biography and major events of the Brazilian composer

Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847 - 1935) was a Brazilian pianist, composer, and teacher who broke the barreiras and escreveu or seu nome de la historia na nacional.

An extremely advanced woman for her tempo, Chiquinha fights the preconceptions and lutou for the nursery of music, something that was unprecedented for the female sex in Brazil.

Pioneering and extremely courageous, she was the first Brazilian to conduct an orchestra, having also been one of the greatest ambassadors of popular music.

Portrait of Chiquinha Gonzaga.

The importance of the composer was great, since 2012, or National Day of Brazilian Popular Music, has been celebrated on October 17, dating from her anniversary.

Mainly made up of her vast artistic legacy, Chiquinha Gonzaga also lembrada pela her unique biography.

As well as the musical career, Rio also stands out for its involvement with social causes: She was a great defender of the abolição da escravidão and esteve na in front of Luta straight hairs of Author.

Quem foi Chiquinha Gonzaga?

You first years

Francisca Edwiges Neves Gonzaga was born on October 17, 1847, not in Rio de Janeiro. His mother, Rosa Maria Neves de Lima, was filha de escravos, and her father, José Basileu Gonzaga, a marechal do Imperial Army.

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A pai family of her was quite traditional and conservative, positioning herself against a union. Also, you two will end up getting married from the birth of Francisca.

During childhood, a menina learned piano as teacher Elias Álvares Lobo and she came to compor as barely 11 years old. Since I give in, she also showed interest in popular rhythms, such as Umbigada, which we take for a few days.

Relationships and separations

At the age of 16, in 1863, Francisca was forced to marry com um homem mais velho, Jacinto Ribeiro do Amaral, who was an entrepreneur and officer of Marinha. Dessa relação nasceram three filhos: João Gualberto, Maria do Patrocínio and Hilário.

Her husband does not approve of her vocation for piano and demonstrates what Francisca plays or instrument. A family moved to the São Paulo ship, a ship on Jacinto Servia, and the isolation situation was becoming unsupportable.

Assim, in 1869, Chiquinha Gonzaga made an impensável decision at the time: she was separated from husband I leave in search of two serious dreams from her. Or divorce was a huge scandal and fez like you are related to rejeitassem.

Francisca had to leave just as filho mais velho, leaving you other dois as pai. Despite her frustration, she managed to continue her life, going on to teach piano classrooms and attend choro songs.

Some time later, the pianist became involved with João Batista de Carvalho, an engenheiro, from whom she has a filha, Alice Maria. Or relationship also ended, because of traições do companheiro, and Chiquinha had to leave the child behind.

Politics and society

Fruit of a patriarchal and colonialist society that perpetuates the scramble, Francisca Lutava peels freedom and diversity.

Abolitionist and republicanShe expresses her opinions publicly, making herself sell scores to raise funds for the cause.

As well as being challenged to contemporary morality with a divorce, she overcame all obstacles and created a new space for her own musical panorama.

Depois do desgosto amoroso, a pianist jogou na bohemian life: Nas parties, smoking and playing, she was paying attention for not reciprocating as was expected of a woman and me.

Succession career

Sheet music by Chiquinha Gonzaga.

For the music that Chiquinha found not only to survive, but also to walk to the next. Besides teaching piano, she studied with Artur Napoleão and appeared as the Choro Carioca group.

Aos few, Gonzaga began to be reconheida seu trabalho hair, composer overcoat, we have various musical genres. Embora she has not been the first Brazilian pianist or composer, she was one of the first women to live professionally as a musician.

An artist also began to write for variety theater and magazine, later founding the Brazilian Society of Theater Authors.

Em 1885, when Chiquinha regeu uma orchestra For the first time, the press did not know what to write about the news, because the word "teacher" did not exist, it was not a vocabulary.

Four years later, he conducted a violin orchestra, instruments that were highly regarded with contempt for their tempo, associated with lower classes and popular rhythms.

Viagens peels Europe and the end of life

Portrait of Chiquinha Gonzaga.

At the age of 52, Chiquinha Gonzaga lives more of a controversial love, this time with a Portuguese fellow, João Batista Fernandes Lage, who is barely 16 years old.

To escape the scandal and the public meeting, the artist ended up as an adolescent and two left for Europe, where he traveled between 1902 and 1910. O casal spent a season in Portugal, born in Lisbon, where the pianist continued to compose and conquer admirers.

When they return to Brazil, they will continue to live or romance in segredo. On February 28, 1935, Francisca Morreu next to the companion, was buried in the Cemitério de São Francisco de Paula.

It is because of this failure that the love affair between the two of you was broken, through correspondence and old portraits.

As main musics of Chiquinha Gonzaga

Chiquinha Gonzaga is considered to First Brazilian popular composer, I understand the need to ally or piano as the tastes of the Brazilian povo and the rhythms that animavam as massas.

To her artistic production, I was also very vast: além de ter been the first choro pianist, Gonzaga composed approximately 2,000 pieces of music, with rhythms like a waltz, a polka and or maxixe.

Attractive (1877)

Alluring - Chiquinha Gonzaga

Attractive It is a polka that I saw the fate of Chiquinha Gonzaga change and its succession. A few months after ter has been published, a score já contava com 15 edições e music is back to the country.

I did not start, to fame trouxe more problems for the pianist, because her family of her ficou wandered and I wanted to sabotage her career.

Short-Jaca (1895)


Com or original title Gaucho, to music that was known as Corta-Jaca, é um maxixe (ou Brazilian tango) that included operetta Zizinha maxixe.

No year of 1914, or theme starred you um marking moment in the history of the country. During a recital of President Hermes da Fonseca, a first lady, Nair de Teffé, tocou Short-Jaca I did not violate.

The appearance caused a clash with the most conservative litters of society, which were called vulgar. Na verdade, or episodio was translated into a bigger opening for us, the "high-end" spaces for the boêmios rhythms that were emerging.

ÓOpens at (1899)

Ô spread wings! - Chiquinha Gonzaga - 1899

Eternized in the history of our carnival, or the theme of the most popular music of Chiquinha Gonzaga. Considered to first carnival march da historia (and also a first with lyrics), Opens at It was composted for a parade of Cordão Rosa de Ouro, no Andaraí, Rio de Janeiro.

To music, very innovative, widely influencing or rhythm of celebration, turning to the symbol of the Brazilian carnival.

Conheça also

  • Noel Rosa: most famous music
  • As melhores Brazilian musics of all tempos
  • Famous musics of Brazilian singers
  • Elis Regina: biography and work
  • Lupicínio Rodrigues: music and biography

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