O payer of promessas: summary and complete analysis
Raised in 1960, a peça O payer of promises was the greatest successor of the Brazilian playwright Dias Gomes.
Originally written for the theater, by Dias Gomes it was released for the first time in 1960. O roteiro and divided into three atoms and tells the tragic costume of Zé-do-burro.
A historia travessou fronteiras and was adapted for the cinema. O succession was sized that a film adaptation received at Palma de Ouro at the Cannes festival in 1962.
The text is translated for several languages, including: English, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Vietnamese, Hebrew and Greek.
I summarize
History is passed in Salvador. Quando or pano sovere, or theater is quase as dark. No box, it is a typically Baiana landscape, of the velha and colonial Bahia. São quatro e meia da manhã.
Zé-do-burro, a 30-year-old man, lean, of average stature, vulgar feições arises as the main character, carrying a huge cross made of wood on the coast. On his side is his wife, Rosa, described as a beautiful woman of "sangue quente", on the contrary of her husband, as serene and meek. O casal is next to each other.
Both are waiting for the igreja to be opened so that a promise is fulfilled. Like the donkey Nicolau, considered by Zé to be his best friend, survived a raio, the fez a promise that he would carry a cross of madeira tied to igreja. O called Zé-do-burro was justly given in homage to or affection that o homem otter hair animal.
Like ameaça da vida de Nicolau, seu dono procura or Preto Zeferino, who was a famous prayer known to heal all doenças. Sem see melhoras em Nicolau, Zé vai para or candomblé by Maria de Iansan ask for help. He told Mãe-de-Santo what happened and suggested that a great promise was made.
Like Iansan and Santa Bárbara, Zé-do-burro promised that he would carry a cross made of wood from the rock where he lived tied to Igreja dela, no day of her feast of her, a cross as heavy as Jesus. O martírio de carregar a cruz fez like the shoulders of Zé ficassem in living flesh, you pés já tinham enormous bolhas d'água.
Either donkey suddenly flickered, do dia para a noite, or that fez com that Zé attributed his sudden melhora to the result gives promessa.
I sometimes had moments of humor like, for example, when Rosa and Zé argue about almofadinhas. A woman wanted her husband to fulfill a promise to cross us ombros as almofadinhas, but the husband vehemently recused himself:
It was not direct. He promised to cross the coasts, like Jesus. And Jesus did not use almofadinhas.
He didn't use it because he didn't deixaram.
Não, nesse negócio de miracles, I must be honest. Be cheated or holy people, lose or credit. Once again or holy olha, consult the seus assentamentos and say: - Ah, você é or Zé-do- Donkey, that one that has passed you to me! E agora vem me fazer nova promessa. Pois vá fazer promessa pro diabo que o carregue, seu caloteiro duma figa! E tem mais: santo é como gringo, passou calote num, all of you ficam knowing.
Finally, Zé-do-burro fulfills a promise such as Jesus, sem nenhuma proteção, in spite of everything or suffering, and carry a wooden cross for seven leagues. Or casal chega finally to Igreja de Santa Bárbara.
While waiting in front of the church - because the door is dated by time - I know Marli e Bonitão, a peculiar house composed by a prostitute with hair in her cafetão.
Ela, a woman of 20 years and exaggerated painting, described as a sad and suicidal beauty. Bonitão, for the mild time, is cold, insensitive and submissive Marli, as well as so many other women. Arrogant and vain, he was always dressed in white, like tall colarinho and duas cores sapatos.
Or humor repeats itself in unexpected situations, such as, for example, no dialogue between the Cafetão Bonitão and Zé-do-burro:
I do not fail because of evil. Eu também sou meio devotee. I once made a promise to Santo Antônio ...
Não, she was married.
And did he get a graça?
I got. Or husband spent a week traveling ...
E o senhor pagou a promessa?
Não, pra não compromise or santo.
You should never stop paying a promise. Same when you want to compromise or holy. I guarantee that Santo Antônio will pretend to be surdo next time. And he is reason.
Bonitão, a courageous woman who immediately sees the innocence of Rosa's husband, begins to be amused as a girl, who is exhausted from the journey and promises little. Zé-do-burro naively does not perceive anything that is happening.
I sell or wear a woman with a dated church, or a cafe is offered for a hotel stay. Ela até resists, but at the end it goes and deixa or husband behind. Rosa fica hosted no Ideal hotel, no second walk, room 27.
Finally, the young father Olavo appears and, when a barnacle, begins a conversation, that promises to be a feita in a land of Candomblé, prevents or devoted Zé from entering the church.
Teimoso e sem wanting to displease the saint, Zé-do-burro persists wanting to give up the cross, despite two appeals from the woman to go away.
Now a tabloid reporter emerges, interested in selling history. He distorts the whole situation and ends up painting Zé-do-burro as a messy supporter of the agrarian reform.
Bonitão, you are really interested in Rosa, convince the Secret police that or report your reason.
Furious at being prevented from entering the Church of Santa Bárbara, Zé lost by reason and was reprimanded by the police. Still more revolted for not being able to fulfill his promise, he refuses to go to detention. Finally, not hot at the moment, or secret police or assassin craving her tragic destiny.
Personagens principais
A vulgar homem, do interior, married to Rosa. On a beautiful day, in the face of a difficult situation, she made a promise to carry a wooden cross tied to Igreja de Santa Bárbara.
A donkey of esteem. Zé-do-Burro or consider him as a great friend.
Zé's wife, an attractive woman who ends up falling in the face of Bonitão.
She was a prostitute, twenty and eight years old, extremely painted, or that I gave her more than ten years. She is described as a woman of beautiful beauty and sad. She is abused by Bonitão.
Gigolô, described as stature um little above average, forte e de pele trigueira, amulatada. Smooth, shiny hair due to gomalina, thick lips. Of black descent, submerse those who considered to be his women.
Father Olavo
Very devoted, young, Father Olavo refuses to receive Zé-do-burro na igreja because or little subject was to try to help him not curandeiro Zeferino e no Candomblé by Maria de Iansan.
Preto Zeferino
Famous for curing the evils of the region, or feiticeiro face you pray to try to cure or donkey Nicolau.
The police of the region accredits the version told by Bonitão and ends by assassinating Zé-do-burro.
Film O payer of promessas
O livro was adapted for the cinema in 1962, counting as directed by Anselmo Duarte. A produção foi de Oswaldo Massaini and the cast has great names like:
- Leonardo Villar (Zé do Burro)
- Glória Menezes (Rosa)
- Dionísio Azevedo (Father Olavo)
- Norma Bengell (Marli)
- Geraldo Del Rey (Bonitão)
- Roberto Ferreira (Dedé)
- Othon Bastos (Reporter)
- João Desordi (Detetive)
Confira or film O payer of promessas na integral
Awards received
A film adaptation received several awards, including the important Palma de Ouro do Cannes Film Festival, in 1962.
Follow down the list of awards that have expired only in the year 1962:
- “Palma de Ouro”, at the Cannes Festival
- 1st Prêmio do Festival de S. Francisco (USA)
- "Critics Award" of the Edinburgh Festival, Scotland
- I Prêmio do Festival da Venezuela
- Laureate of the Acapulco Festival, Mexico
- Prize “Saci” (S. Paul)
- Governador do Estado Award (SP)
- Prêmio Cidade de S. Paul
- Humberto Mauro Prize
Discover Dias Gomes
O Baiano writer born in Salvador, not on October 19, 1922 and deceased in the seventies and seven years, not on May 18, 1999.
![Dias Gomes.](/f/4b9d9751919117a77d0d6fa7698bf74b.jpg)
When he completed 13 years, or the author moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he frequented direct education and engineering classrooms, he had not been trained in at least two two courses.
His first peça was written when he was barely 15 years old and received the National Theater Service Award. From then on, he wrote a series of texts for theater, many of them enlightened by Procópio Ferreira.
At the age of 22, Dias Gomes resolved to invest in no time. The writer was raised to frequent this universe through the country, Oduvaldo Vianna.
Besides atuar no radio, he continued to write, in parallel, compose romances and temporarily put aside the universe of the theater. He returned to theatrical writing just in 1954, as a nova peça directed by Bibi Ferreira.
Foi in 1960, when Dias Gomes is 38 years old, that he launched or seu major successor: O payer of promises. Written to the spectators of Brazil inside and to history ultrapassou barreiras, I have checked abroad.
O succession was the size that the film adaptation was awarded with the Palma de Ouro at the Cannes festival in 1962.
During the period of the military dictatorship, Dias Gomes was very pressured by censorship, which vetoed various texts. At this time, he turned to television, becoming the author of a series of novels.
![Dias Gomes as his instrument of work: a scrubbing machine.](/f/aa3cab31644d6d848c94fca2dc238683.jpg)
Leia na whole
Or free Or payer of promessas Find-it is available for download in pdf format.
Conheça also
- The sensational poems of Ariano Suassuna
- Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente
- Auto da Compadecida, by Ariano Suassuna
- Disco Bluesman, by Baco Exu do Blues