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Machado de Assis: life, work and characteristics

It is impossible to fail in Brazilian literature without mentioning or not a major author: Machado de Assis (1839-1908).

Considered by many people, Machado has written a series of works-firsts Western literature having been the author of classics such as Dom Casmurro, Or Alienist and Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas.

Machado de Assis

Biography of Machado de Asis


Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis was born in Rio de Janeiro on June 21, 1839.

Of humble origins, he was the son of a painter and artist (Francisco José de Assis) like an Açoriana (Maria Leopoldina Machado de Assis) who died when Machado was still very young.

O garoto was raised in Morro do Livramento, not Rio de Janeiro, and I had little access to my studies because the logo needed to work to help the house counts.

Morro do Livramento
Machado de Assis cresceu no Morro do Livramento, no Rio de Janeiro

Start of the literary career

It was October 3, 1854 and Machado had barely 15 incomplete years when he published his sonnet. À Ilma. Ms. D.P.J.A., not Newspaper dos Pobres. Essa was his star of him not literary.

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Two years later, he worked as a typographer apprentice at the National Press and a known writer or writer Manuel Antônio de Almeida, who he sponsored professionally.

In 1858 he was a reviewer and collaborator of the Correio Mercantil and two years later, he worked in the editorial department of Rio de Janeiro.

In 1861 he translated or released It remains that as mulheres têm for you all, his first publication (embora ainda não assinada as author). Seu first romance - Ressurreição - saiu in 1872.

The various facets of Machado

Enthusiast of theater, in 1862 he began to act as theatrical censor himself, just to get into our shows. From the magazine O Espelho he published theatrical reviews.

Machado also wrote for theater, one of his most well-known peças of him was You, only you, pure love, On the Imperial Theater Dom Pedro II in June 1880.

Machado de Assis
Portrait of Machado de Assis

For the Illustrated Week and for the Jornal das Famílias, Machado regularly writes contos.

Passing between the genres he also ventured into lyrical music. Seu first book of poems - titled Chrysalis - It was launched in 1864.

Machado also wrote a series of folhetins and chronicles especially for the Gazeta de Notícias newspaper.

Or bureaucrat

It was never difficult to live in non-Brazilian literature in the time of Machado, for isso or author subsisted practically for a long time of his life through a bureaucratic public undertaking.

Machado was the first official of the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Public Works and remained in office for two six days.

Wedding with Carolina Augusta Xavier de Novais

Machado trabalhou with Faustino Xavier de Novais - what a virgin to be his brother - no Or Future, space that he directed.

In August 1869, his former chef Faustino died and three months later-in November 1869-Machado married as the love of his life: Carolina Augusta Xavier de Novais. Or married live together for 35 years.

Machado de Assis and Carolina
Carolina and Machado de Assis were married for 35 years

Depois Carolina faleceu, Machado sofreu madly. In a letter to a friend Joaquim Nabuco on November 20, 1904, he wrote:

Foi-se a melhor part of my life, and here is only the world. Note that a solidão I am not angry, before I was pleased, because in a way of living with her, ouvi-la, assisting the thousand cares that this 35-year-old companion has with me; but there is no imagination than not according, and the vigil increases in the absence of the beloved person.

Or racial preconception

Despite Machado de Assis having been black, in a series of images he appears embranqueados - or that looks like the author's figure is not a collective image of a white homem.

In 2018 a researcher located a photo of the magazine Faces and masks (from 1908) where it is possible to observe the black traces of the author rekindling or debating the social preconception.

Machado de Assis
Portrait of Machado de Assis na magazine Faces and masks

At Faculdade Zumbi de Palmares initiated a campaign called Machado de Assis Real where he seeks to bring attention to the true appearance of the author.

Foi dessa campanha that emerged in a direct image below.

Machado de Assis

Main books

Machado de Assis is the author of a series of classics that will mark Brazilian literature and that will enter the hall of major works of world literature.

Some of those works-prima são:

Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas (1881)

Machado published the history of Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas In the format of a leaflet in the Brazilian Magazine between March 15 and December 15, 1880. Subsequently, the text was collected in the form of a book.

Posthumous memories of bras cubas
First edition of Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas

The protagonist of the plot is a defunct author-Brás Cubas-who takes advantage of the pages of the book to tell his memories of him.

A premise original face like the narrator - já descolado gives life - I have much more freedom and less modesty to fail here that I see in the head, sem go to any filter.

Innovative, or I represent a true revolution both ideological and formal.

Find out an in-depth analysis of Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas.

Dom Casmurro

Quem ever ouviu falar no romantic triangle most famous of Brazilian literature? Bentinho marries Capitu, her childhood friend, and feeds her with her (Ezequiel).

You all seemed perfect when you were in the presence of Escobar, his great friend, and in the presence of Bentinho do adultério de Capitu.

Narrated in the first person by Bentinho, Machado manages to install not the same duvida that pairou over or seu protagonist: Capitu was unfaithful at the end? This partial narration and envious face will waver all the certainties of the reader.

Dom Casmurro It deserves to be lido because it gives a portrait complex of human relationships It is an exquisite record of how true and imaginative are divided by a border tênue.

Know more about Dom Casmurro.

Quincas Borba

Written in 1891, Quincas Borba I also saw a public year in a folhetim format before turning free.

Quincas Borba
First edition of Quincas Borba

Or the main personage of the history is Rubião, a primary professor who turns into a nurse and friend of Quincas Borba millionaire.

As my friend's death, Rubião bears a true fortune and a puppy named Quincas Borba (also like or donated). His life changes from the water to the wine and Rubião decides to leave the interior of Minas Gerais towards Corte.

Explored by a series of interested parties who perceive his ingenuity and fortune, Rubião has begun to be explored and seen his fortune minguar.

O unconscious narrator invites us to visit or inside the human psyche The ruined creature is not superior. Machado em Quincas Borba expõe sem rodeios as nossas fragilities and contradictions.

Or Alienist

Dr. Simão Bacamarte is the main personage of the history published by Machado in 1882. Or a famous doctor with an inclination to investigate and authorize Câmara to build a hospice.

For a few years, he has been diagnosing the residents of a small city where he lives as a loucura and interns at the Green House-assimus or hospice was battered.

The number of people will grow exponentially at the end only Dr. Bacamarte ficardo side of the line. A big reviravolta happens when or after it happens that it is necessary to have a quiet space voluntarily.

A work-prima of Machado de Assis faces us questioning you limit yourself between health and loucura It fascinates the reader because it places a great questão on it: in the end, what can be considered são?


Belonging to the first phase of publication of the author, Helena, launched in 1876, faced severe criticism of the preconceived society of Rio de Janeiro XIX.

Layer of the first edition of Helena

Written in the format of a folhetim, the narrative is passed no bairro do Andaraí and is told by an oniscient narrator who shows a love forbidden.

As the death of Conselheiro Vale, or open will and the existence of a girl named Helena is discovered. Legitimate filha of the deceased, Helena was unknown to her family and lived in an internment in Botafogo.

Com a morte do pai, she is raised to live with a family that she did not know about (or was born to aunt). To work Helena Fala two preconceptions of uma dated and conservative company The impact of the check of a new element that undermines this social structure.


Eu tasting of tasting or minimal and hidden. Where no one gets in the nose, here it enters or meu, it eats a strange and acute curiosity that uncovers or coverts.

Eu amo os meus defeitos, yes perhaps as minhas virtues.

Eu, posto I believed not bem, I do not know two that deny or bad, nem I let myself be carried by appearances that can be false. As appearances deceive me; It was the first banality that I learned in life, and I never got sick of it.

Don't mind not being happy; também eu o não sou, but it seems less sad. But a limit has been set. Shake off if it's wrong. A arte é um bom refúgio; I lose the banality of the dito in favor of the eternal truth.

Eu no sou homem that I refuse praise. I love you; They face the soul and the body. As melhores digestões da minha vida is as two jantares in which I am toasted.


Machado premiered poetry in 1864 as a publication of the book Chrysalis.

Chrysalis, first book of poems published by Machado de Assis in 1864.

Depois vieram os livros Falenas (1870), or American (1875) - que tinha um tom indianista - e Ocidentais (1901), as a glued more parnassian.

Chronicles and Contos

The most celebrated chronicles of Machado foram published between 1881 and 1897 not in the Gazeta de Notícias newspaper. The chronicles or author dealt with daily events and sublimated traços habituais da sociedade in which he was immersed.

Machado also wrote down a number of counts - the researchers estimated that they had been close to duzentos. The most important meetings of the contos Contos from Rio de Janeiro (1870) e Stories da meia-noite (1873). Nesse type of production we find Machadian pills, isso é, concentrated histories that revealed the style of writing and the acidity of the author.

You want to know more about or subject to trust or artigo the stories of Machado de Assis that you need to know.


Despite Machado, I have produced quite different works over the course of his career - including em terms of gender-, some traces of his writing seem to be transverse and ficam very evident in his construction site.

The main characteristics of Machado's literature are:

  • to social criticism. In his works, Machado does not only record the contemporary bourgeois society of Rio de Janeiro of the XIX century, as well as to disengage and support his failures, sublining especially to social hypocrisy;
  • to provoke not to read a further question about life, place or public to think about the real nature of two events and the weight that we give to them;
  • falar directly as leitor raising uma proximity relationship an atmosphere of intimidation;
  • or I take an acid humor and many times of irony;
  • or use of metalinguagem;
  • a criação de personagens complexas, com psychological density;
  • or pessimism, or ceticism, to descrença na humanidade, conscious that the human being fears serious faults and is easily corrupted;


Many foram as adaptations for audiovisuals inspired by the works of Machado de Assis, check out some of them:

  • Capitu (1968) e Sun (2003) inspired not romance Dom Casmurro
  • Azyllo muito louco (1970) inspired not romance Or Alienist
  • Quincas Borba (1987) inspired not romance Quincas Borba
  • Posthumous memories (2001) e Viagem ao fim do mundo (1967) inspired not romance Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas
  • For a while (2008) inspired he told us A skeleton and A secret cause
  • To cartomancer (1974 and 2004) based on no homonymous

Works published by Machado de Assis, complete list

  • Disenchantments (1861)
  • Theater (1863)
  • Quase minister (1864)
  • Chrysalis (1864)
  • You deuses of jacket (1866)
  • Falenas (1870)
  • Contos from Rio de Janeiro (1870)
  • Ressurreição (1872)
  • Stories da meia-noite (1873)
  • A mão e a luva (1874)
  • American (1875)
  • Helena (1876)
  • Iaia Garcia (1878)
  • Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas (1881)
  • You, only you, pure love (1881)
  • Papéis avulsos (1882)
  • Stories sem data (1884)
  • Quincas Borba (1891)
  • Various stories (1896)
  • Recollected pages (1899)
  • Dom Casmurro (1899)
  • Complete poems (1901)
  • Esau and Jaco (1904)
  • Relics of casa velha (1906)
  • Aires Memorial (1908)
  • Review (1910)
  • Outras Relics (1910)
  • Correspondence (1932)
  • Chronicles, 4 volumes (1937)
  • Literary criticism (1937)
  • Velha house (1944)

Conheça also

  • The most famous works of Machado de Assis
  • Conto Missa do Galo, by Machado de Assis
  • Conto O espelho, by Machado de Assis
  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
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