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Detailed analysis and explanation of the Free Crime of Father Amaro de Eça de Queirós

O Crime do Padre Amaro, the first romance of Eça de Queirós, was published in 1875, not Porto. Of naturalistic influences, it is about a romance of tese, ou seja, a work written as an intention to prove a scientific or philosophical theory.

Capa do livro

I do not free, or the author has harsh criticism of the clergy and the bourgeoisie of the time, a faithful and documentary portrait of contemporary society that marks the check of Realism in Portugal. Hair was content, or free, caused a great controversy when it was published, having transformed many works-prima of Portuguese literature.

I summarize

O Crime do Padre Amaro portrays moral corruption two members of the clergy, contrasting the injunctions of the Catholic Church with the behavior of two parents described by Eça. The plot focuses on all of the prohibited romance between Amaro, a young father who chega on the city of Leiria, and Amélia, filha da dona da pensão que o recebe. Or love ends in tragedy when Amélia is engraved. A moça and a criança morrem.

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Depois gives death to the old father, Amaro, a very young and inexperienced priest, chega Leiria to take his place. Cônego Dias, his former professor of morals, or received and settled in Dona Joaneira's house, as he had a secret romance.

The attraction between Amaro and a filha da dona da casa, Amélia, is evident from the moment they met, increasing more and more, they try to avoid and hide their feelings. Amaro surpreende Dias e Joaneira has a more intimate dinner, not being seen by them, resolves to keep secrecy.

Amélia is a member of João Eduardo, who, perceiving the platonic bond between her and Amaro, is totally dominated by the ciumee or by the clergy. Encouraged by companions of anti-clerical struggle, he has created a devastating artigo where he aponta, appears to provide only, all the defects and sins of the two fathers of the area.

Pela for the first time, and publicly hinted at the possibility of an involvement between Amaro and Amélia, who is afastam. I found him a new place to dwell and the finally mark or marriage.

A vitória de João Eduardo lasts little, pois logo discovers that the author of the text is demitted from the work, despised by all and abandoned by Amélia. Num attack of fury, she attacked Amaro and disappeared immediately.

Dionísia, Amaro's nova, barnacle to father's paixão pela moça and ajuda or home to cover your meeting. Consume your paixão and start a relationship in segredo, but Amélia feels more and more guilty and sofre with pesadelos and visões.

Cônego Dias discovers you meet and confronts Amaro, who is blackmailing, wanting to reveal his case as Dona Joaneira. Parents make a pact of silence and remain friends. Amélia discovers that she is pregnant and Amaro decides to try João Eduardo to mark the marriage between the two of you, to justify pregnancy.

Amélia rejeitates ideia and sits abandoned but ends up oiling or marriage, or what makes Amaro agressive. Dionísia discovers that João Eduardo is living in Brazil and Amaro can help Cônego Dias.

Together they fazem a plan and enquanto Joaneira and the remaining friends vão de férias de verão for praia da Vieira, Amélia is sent to the field, as I intend to take care of Dona Josefa, who was very much there. Longe de todos, abandoned by Amaro and despised by Josefa, Amélia finds her faith again.

Embora he knew that he could not, or wished him to, be a child. Amaro, on the other hand, like a scandal, hires a "tecedeira de anjos" to kill or babies as well as to be born. Amélia is dying, giving birth, having hair filho, that is assassinated. Amaro leaves Leiria and continues to be a father.


  • Amaro - Led to the priesthood by vontade de sua madrinha, I give up the copper or wish for the women and the vontade de viver as a common home. When he got to Leiria, he fussed over Amélia and vai, gradually, putting aside all the behaviors expected of a father.
  • Amelia - Described as a girl "twenty and three years old, pretty, strong, very unhappy", Amélia and filha da dona da pensão onde Amaro fica hosted. Noiva de João Eduardo, she is turned off by Amaro. He opens the way to marry and build a family out of love for his father.
  • Cônego Days -Non-seminary moral teacher when Amaro was a student, he received or was young in Leiria and or placed living in Dona Joaneira's house, as he was in a case. He helps Amaro hide or be involved with him with Amélia.
  • Senhora Joaneira - Augusta Caminha, "to call Dona Joaneira chamavam, for being a native of S. João da Foz ", é mãe de Amélia. She receives Amaro in his house and does not distrust the paixão between his father and his filha. Embora she fosse a religious woman, she was a lover of Cônego Dias.
  • João Eduardo -Noivo of Amélia, begins to distrust the proximity of her with Amaro. You are awakened to be a strong member of all clergy members, being the author of the journal article that explains the countless faults of the two fathers of the region.
  • Dionysia -When Amaro leaves Joaneira's house, he hires Dionísia to be his employer. A woman is the first person to perceive the paixão between Amaro and Amélia, helping to cover your secret encounters.
  • Dona Josefa - Depois da gravidez de Amélia, Josefa is a nova accomplice do casal. Being a young woman and advanced, she isolates herself at the country house with Amélia as her companion. Embora he despises young hair illicit character of his love, he oils to hide in pregnancy, hoping that it isso to faça cair nas graças de Deus.

Analyze the work

Compost by twenty five chapters, O Crime do Padre Amaro She faces a chronicle of costumes of the Catholic faith in Portuguese provinces. The work illustrates how the "homens of Deus" manipulate minds two faiths and attached the values ​​and beliefs that they defend, without giving their own benefit.

It also shows the blind people of a society where the individuals date olhos for their own mistakes and shortcomings, but they are quicker to commit and condemn alheian sins. Com um unconscious narrator, or the reader has access to all the information, I attached the same interior monologues and two secret characters. Isso allows us to perceive that, in its essence, ecclesiastics are still years old.

A ação tem place em Leiria, to the parish where Amaro was transferred. There, we can also notice the marks of a provincial Portugal, extremely religious, where everyone knows each other and comments as condutas two others.

Passed between 1860 and 1870, and faithful to or seu historic context, or entanglement illustrates the movements of boiling anticlericalism. In this way, it explains and justifies the growth in Portugal of the representative hair of the Catholic Church and the way in which you conduct the country.

Um new father in Leiria

A narrative comes with the news of the death of the old father of I know of Leiria and the pageantry of Amaro's chegada. It is through the povo of Leiria that emerges or the portrait of the protagonist.

I say he was a very new home, having just heard from his seminary. O seu nome of him was Amaro Vieira. His escort was attributed to political influences, and the journal of Leiria, A Voz do Distrito, which was in opposition, failed with bitterness, citing Golgotha, not favoritism of court and clerical reaction.

This description is close to reality, since Amaro was affiliated with a marchioness and used his contacts to leave the poor parish where he was to be transferred to Leiria. Logo seeks Cônego Dias, who was a non-seminary moral professor, asked to find a thought for or to accommodate.

There is no dialogue between Dias and the curate, we perceive that his plan is to place Amaro living in Joaneira's house. A intention is that this helps to pay the bills of his lover, embora Dias negue or pageantry: "é uma uma great calúnia!".

Num tom prophetic, or curate chama to care for the risk of placing Amaro and Amélia under the same teto.

Because of Ameliazinha é que eu não sei. (...) Sim, it can be repaired. Uma rapariga nova... He said that o senhor paroco is ainda novo... Vossa Senhoria knows what languages ​​are in the world.

Just before Amaro's check, he raised the possibility of an illicit love with Amélia. How is it or destiny determined that a near two-dozen would result in numbed wrapping.

On the other hand, it is Dias's own "crime" that provides the necessary conditions for Amaro to conheça and be turned off by Amélia.

Amaro's childhood and youth

Órfão six years old, Amaro was cared for by the Marquesa de Alegros, who was the patron of his mother. A madrinha resolves to direct him to ecclesiastical life, since he was lean and shy: "or his charm was to be aninhado ao pe das mulheres, no heat das saias united, ouvindo falar de santas".

O garoto vai oiling or destiny, embora the escort has not been his, since "no one will ever consult his tendencies or his vocation."

Contrary hair, or if your interest in him hair female sex increases as tempo. Na reality, as his motivations for the priesthood iam muito além da fé:

Convinha-lhe that profissão in which beautiful missas were sung, ate twelve fine, fala baixo com as women, - living among them, cochichando, feeling lhes or penetrating heat, - and are received present in trays of prata.

This retrospective of years of training and passage of the seminary provides important information about his relationship with him and the attempted libido repression:

So, before making your vows, she was disappointed and did not want to break you.

Amaro and Amélia: forbidden love

At the seminar tempos we attended a dinner where Amaro wished the image of Virgem to have her cella. When he chooses Leiria, the first sight he had from Amélia is like a holy one: "a bela rapariga, forte, alta, bem-feita, with a white blanket with no head and na mão um bouquet de alecrim".

This first I found between the two of you, but did not reveal anything in the game, it seems to confirm a certain character of predestination. Amaro was growing among women, Amélia was a "crescendo among parents", I tend to consider being freira depois of a love affair of adolescence.

Amélia knows of her, João Eduardo, na procissão de Corpus-Christi. Embora she assumes a relationship with him, she does not love: “Esteem-o, achava-o nice, bom moço; I could be um bom husband; but she felt inside her heart asleep ".

Or your heart woke up with Amaro's check and we attended, in parallel, as we think um no outro, we get two floors of the house. He "began to feel the ticket of Amélia's boots and the noise of the rubberized shoes that she shook or said goodbye to." Ela escutava "footsteps nervous pisarem or soalho: it was Amaro who, like cape with shoulders and slippers, smoked, excited, hair quarto".

The more he paid attention to Amélia, the less Amaro would worry about his father's duties, leaving his mind to consume unwanted hair.

Ao pé dela, very cold, very languid, I don't know he was a father; o Sacerdócio, Deus, a Sé, o Sin ficavam embaixo, longe, via-os muito de los alto do seu enlevo, as from a mountain we see the houses disappear not nevoeiro two vouchers; and he only thinks about the infinite doçura de lhe give a beijo na brancura do pescoço, ou bite-lhe a orelhinha.

Devoted from criança, Amélia agora

She felt a vague physical love for Igreja; She would want to hug, with little beijos delayed, or altar, or orgão, or missal, os santos, or Céu, because she did not distinguish you from Amaro.

Depois the first invested with the priest, who is beloved and afflicted, he will sit rejecte. He accredits that he prefers "nome, a home, to motherhood" with João Eduardo, instead of giving "criminal sensations" and "the terrors of sin."

Na verdade, she "was very much in love with the father", asking herself to ask Nossa Senhora das Dores, em oração: "face that you choose me!". Despite disso, Amélia does not get the idea or the risk that she would place herself if she consumed a paixão with Amaro.

Fear or your future and lembra the story of Joaninha Gomes, "who was a lover of Father Abílio" and ended up being rejected by him and despised by all, "from miséria em miséria":

What an example, Holy Deus, what an example... E também ela gostava dum padre! Also, as another Joaninha, chorava on her sewing of her quando o Sr., Padre Amaro não vinha! Wave to levava aquela paixão? Sorte da Joaninha! To be a friend of the parish priest! And she via-se já finger-poised, na rua e na Arcada, later abandoned by him, with a filho nas entrahas, sem um pedaço de pão!

Amaro, on the contrary, seems not to fear divine consequences, proving that it was "canonical infraction, not a sin of the soul." She will be longer, writing a letter to her beloved: "You commit a greater sin while tracing me in this uncertainty and torture, that I always think about you as a celebration of missa."

João Eduardo e a luta anticlerical

By repairing the love of life and not the fascination that Amaro nurtures, João Eduardo becomes a citizen, rejecting or father of all his class.

He does not trust Amaro, nor conducts the intentions of two remaining priests.

Instinctively porém I began to detest Amaro. Forever inimigo for parents! He achava-os um "perigo para a civilização e para a liberdade"; They suppose intriguing, with habits of luxuria.

Eduardo, convinced that "a menina traz namoro as parish priest", enraged and with a ferida honor, goes to the redação da "Voz do Distrito". There he found or donated the day, Doutor Godinho, who "will be very hostile (...) to the father."

He discovers an ally in the anti-clerical fight, which either encourages escrever or artigo "Modernos Fariseus". Here I explain, apart from other things, the conduct of Cônego Dias and Amaro's attraction to Amélia:

I have to go to father, stop it! Havendo scandal, tell-me! Não havendo, invent-se!

O artigo, "a gallery of ecclesiastical photographs", apontava the worldly behavior of two various parents of Leiria. Descreve Dias as "mestre da imoralidade" and accuses Amaro of "throwing a soul innocently at the head of criminal girls."

Initially, João Eduardo triumphs. Amaro was forced to move house to avoid or scandal and Amélia marks the date of the marriage to penetrate the rumors. Contudo, the logo of him is uncovered as the author of the text, and he suffers from the consequences of being attacked or clergy: he is badly deceived and abandoned by all, same Amélia, who is disfazed or deprived.

You vices and hypocrisia of the clergy

Observing the behavior of these parents, it is easy to understand the revolt of João Eduardo and his companions. From the beginning of the work, the narrator places criticisms and accusations against the clergy in the voice of other people.

Logo no comço, and through dessa “voz do povo” that we discover that the father who was frowned upon was frowning on his excessive gluttony. In the same way, we know that Amaro did not conquer or position by merit of his own, plus thanks to the social status of his madrinha, to Marquesa.

Long of the narrative, there are many behaviors that are not in agreement with the same people that these people ask. Such becomes visible, for example, we are joined by various members of the clergy. Between portas, they faze several things that they consider wrong: baby, eat luxurious kinks, falam other people badly, they argue with each other, they blackmail each other, etc.

Or "sin gives flesh", contudo, is a greater fraqueza of this clergy represented by Eça de Queirós. Or protagonist, who is always rejeitou or celibate and wants to have a family, resolve to pursue his paixão by Amélia when she discovers that or father more velho, Dias, tinha um secret relationship with Joaneira. Isso confirms, for the young man, that there is nothing wrong with him.

A noite will fall, like a fine chuva. Amaro não a sentia, walking depressa, cheio de uma só ideia delicious que o fazia tremer: be o lover of rapariga, as o cônego was o lover da mãe! He imagined a scandalous and gifted life.

As a tempo, Amaro's faith will diminish and his view of him over his priesthood is altered. He began to consider that "the behavior of the father, the logo that he does not scandalize among you, does nothing to prejudice efficiency, utility, greatness of religion."

This type of thought seems to sum up the hypocrisy of all these clergy who lived breaking, so you read that you trust years with impunity, believing that nothing would compromise your faith if your sins were kept in segregated.

Consummation of love and half of sin

Gradually more overwhelmed by Amélia and less convinced about the need for celibacy, Amaro seeks ways to find himself loved.

Dionísia, her embrace of her, barnacles to attraction between the two of you and indicates to casa do sineiro. She added that "for an ecclesiastical senhor who feared or seu arranjinho, no ha melhor", showing that it is an ancient costume.

O sineiro tinha uma filha doente who could not get out of bed. Amaro convinces everyone that Amélia's weekly visits are to teach the girl to pray.

During this period, they are very happy and go to fantasize about a future together, but Amélia begins to look scared with the possibility of divine punishment.

More devoted than Amaro, she is frightened when her father is made of copper as the mantle of Nossa Senhora and tenta beijá-la. He begins to weigh them and hallucinate because of guilt, he enters into a nervous breakdown when he thinks that Santa Pisa is not caught by her.

Face to the nervousness of the girl, or father becomes impatient and aggressive, due to Amélia achar, never occasion, which seemed like a demon. In spite of all the dúvidas and do medo do Inferno, or love fala higher and stay together.

We seus arms of her, all or terror of Céu, to the same idea of ​​Céu disappeared; refugee ali, against or seu peito of her, she has not had any divine wrath; or desire, or fury of flesh, as um vinho muito alcoholic, davam-lhe uma choragem choleric; It was like a brutal defiance of Céu who furiously curled up at her body.

Gravidez, separation and isolation

Amélia discovers that her meanings become reality and she is pregnant with her father: “Tinha chegado enim or punishment, a vingança de Nossa Senhora”. Amaro looks for help from Cônego Dias, whose logo he answers "There are consequences, my dear colleague."

As we all hope, até or own home, a relationship has to end suddenly, to avoid or scandal. Amaro wanted to quickly marry Amélia with João Eduardo, in order to cover her parenthood, but her rival is missing.

Dionísia goes behind her paradeiro, plus Amélia recuses or marriage, revolted and abandoned by her father:

Or what? The punha-a naquele state and agora wanted to discard-it dela and pass-it to another? Was the adventure a rag that is used and that targets a poor man?

Eventually, a young woman began to oil the idea of ​​marriage, thinking of going through her arms as a husband and raising her future child. Or plane does not materialize because João is in Brazil and he dreams of building a family and destroyed.

A solution that Amaro found and convince Dona Josefa to take Amélia for life. A velha beata who was present, would have a girl as a companion during or reposition in the country house.

For isso, she runs à chantagem:

That I did not consent to cover coisa was responsible for a disgrace... Let me know now that you are now as pés pra cova, that Deus can chamá-la dum moment to another, and that this weight is in consciousness, no father who gives it to absolvição... Lembre-I know that he will die for aí like um cão!

Thinking that the father of the child was Fernandes, it gives two panos, Josefa helps to hide the pregnancy. She credits that she will be rewarded by Deus, but treats mulher com frieza and crueldade.

Isolated amidst her friends and her friends pass férias na praia, Amélia fell "numa saudade wanders about herself, gives her mocidade and two serious loves."

With the visit of Abbot Ferrão to Josefa's house, Amélia confesses and reveals the hallucinations and regrets that she persecuted. Or a priest to the idea of ​​a divine punishment and just to advise him to face what she knows, not her heart, what is certain.

Those voices, be she as ouve, and you know her sins of her are great, do not see from behind the bed, see yourself, give your awareness of her.

Assim, when Amaro goes to visit her, she rejeita os seus advances of her. Or casal separates from time to time.

Nascimento e morte

Amaro tries to love how he can leave a child when he is born, but to conclude that she will prove his "crime" and he will be able to report it at any time.

Dionísia suggested Carlota, a “tecedeira de anjos”, that she would kill or drink when the grave was left in her house. Either father combines or assassinated with a woman and pays for his service.

Enquanto isso, Amélia, as she foresees de novo or future relief, I weigh them as childbirth:

She prayed it was a being so that he had saved days of entry, goal of woman and goal of goat; Now it was an infinity cobra that came from within, for hours.

As a condemnation of the way it was conceived, or the birth of the filho and the death sentence of Amélia. Chorando and yelling when he is raised from his arms, a mãe morre na mesma noite. Or menino, that Amaro deixa em casa gives "tecedeira", asking that he not kill or kill, die too. Two three, Amaro is the only one who survives, continuing his life without priesthood.

Religião versus science - a naturalistic work

Being this a naturalistic work, it questions the principles and practices of religion, privileging the vision of science and exploring human instincts and their behaviors.

An example is the doctor's response when he examines Amélia and discovers that she is pregnant:

Bem, bem, little one, I don't like you bad for isso. You are not true. Nature mandates conceive, does not order marry. O casamento is an administrative formula ...

This scientific perspective contrasts completely with the values ​​given by the Church, who said that sexual intercourse was an abominable behavior that should be condemned.

For the doctor, the sexual impulses are part of the human being, being barely restricted by the social conventions: "I want to say that, as a naturalist, I rejoice." Assim, Amélia's pregnancy would be a check on her tese.

After delivery, we attend a conversation between the doctor and Saturday Ferrão, in which the tension between religion and science is explored. O doutor disavows, squeezing his criticism into a model of the State that forces the lesser orphans to escort between being a father or a policeman.

E agora, dizia or doutor carving or peito do frango, agora that eu introduced to criança no mundo, os senhores (and when I say senhores, I want to say to Igreja) empower-se dele in não o largamaté to death. On the other hand, even less so, or State not or lose sight... And aí começa or ungraçado to his day of berço à sepultura, between a father and a police officer!

He defends that a religion is taught to a child "when a poor creature is still alive." By isso, it is not a question of an escort, but of an imposition.

It will be longer, reflecting on their own ecclesiastical profession and the way in which young parents are empowered for the priesthood and forced to deny their own nature.

What does the education of the priest consist of? Cousin: em or prepare for or celibacy and for a virgindade; Isto é, for a violent suppression two sentiments mais naturais. Second: to avoid all or conhecimento and all ideas that are capable of using the Catholic faith; isto é, a forced suppression of the spirit of investigation and examination, therefore of all real and human science ...

This passage seems to be significant in terms of summarizing the position of the work, and of the author himself, face to the Catholic religion of his own time.

This "blind faith" is faced as a repression of two instinctual behaviors of humanity and, prior, a factor that delays or unfolds the evolution of Portuguese society.

In sum, we can affirm that, with this work, Eça pretended to bring down the alicerces of the Portuguese social life. Show that, Despite their position of moral superiority, the "homens of faith" were like all others.

By portraying his faults of character, the author tries to remove these homens from the altar where he has placed his hair in order to question or his true role does not work in the company.

It is important to note that "the crime of Father Amaro" was only considered a crime because his profusion of him or forced a vote of castidade. Otherwise, it would be faced with normality, as a love between two young people who meet and apaixonam. It is a prohibition of the Church that makes the union prohibited and leads to tragedy.

It shows that these homens are forced to silence or wish to embrace a solid that they do not want. Vemos or that he escreve to that respect, about or protagonist:

He did not voluntarily abdicate virilidade do seu peito! Tinham-not impelled for or priesthood like um boi for or curral!

Denying false sanctity of these parents, the work also shows how they are willing to do everything to maintain the facade. Example of the outcome of romance between or marriage.

Embora or crime is from Amaro, who is a priest, Amélia and her filho paid for life. O father, despite the momentary frustration, you can continue your career in another place, and you don't need to change to your conduct.

Or dialogue that I keep as the teacher is not the end of the work, when Leiria visits, it seems to confirm isso himself:

Então, together with the passaram duas senhoras, a man with white hair, or a muito nobre; To another, a thin and pale creature, of beaten olheiras, you sharp cotovelos strained to a sterile ribbon, huge pouff not dressed, cuia forte, palmo heels.

- Fuck! disse or conego low, touching or cotovelo do colleague. Hem, your father Amaro... Here is what you wanted to confess.

- Já la vai o tempo, father-mestre, my priest I render, já as not confesso senão married!

O Crime of Padre Amaro na contemporaneidade

Sendo uma das maiores histories of love forbidden from the History of Portuguese Literature, O Crime do Padre Amaro He became one of his fundamental works of him, leaving marks not his own image in the culture of the country. Prova disso são ace representações conteorâneas, which reflects the history and the current Portuguese context.

O Crime do Padre Amaro - film by Carlos Coelho da Silva (2005)

Film poster O Crime by Padre Amaro

One hundred and thirty years of publication of the work, emergence or film of Carlos Coelho da Silva, in partnership with the SIC television station. A cinematographic work centered on the paixão between Amaro (Jorge Corrula) and Amélia (Soraia Chaves), a problematic neighborhood in Lisbon. The adaptation was received without criticism, beating records of bilheterias.

Film trailer:

O Crime do Padre Amaro - rap by Sam The Kid e Pacman (2005)

A soundtrack of the film, composed mainly by rap from peripheral areas of the capital where the event happens, has two rappers Sam The Kid and Pacman as a homonymous theme.

A false letter about an impossible love that could take place in any time or context, with verses such as "I do not resist to temptation I do not dissent to any" and "Meu deus, how can it be so bom esse bad that you me faces? ".

Or the fact of this romance of 1875 could be a reference for the hip hop and urban culture of Portugal, it is more an evidência of its timeless character.

Conheça also

  • Livro O primo Basílio, by Eça de Queiroz
  • Livro O pagador de promessas, by Dias Gomes
  • Livro O Corcunda de Notre-Dame, by Victor Hugo
  • Édipo Rei, by Sophocles
  • O nome da rosa, by Umberto Eco

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