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Bluesman, Baco Exu do Blues: detailed analysis of the album

Bluesman é um disco do rapper Baco Exu do Blues, released in November 2018. Among contemporary thinkers who are using Brazilian rap as a vehicle for social transformation, or even Baco Exu do Blues stands out. Bluesman I will confirm or your talent and make evident the political and social guidelines that you promote.

Bluesman cape
Disc layer Bluesman by Baco Exu do Blues (2018).

Ao we only analyze some music from the disco, we would be losing its most unique nuances in the way in which the themes dialogue with each other. For isso, we opted to listen and analyze or album like um everything, trying to interpret its principais mensagens.

Já escutou Baco Exu do Blues, a nova promessa do rap national? Come find out!

Analyze the album Bluesman

As we can perceive with his lyrics, Baco Exu do Blues tem uma inter-artistic perspective gives music, combining musical elements with influences from other areas of culture, such as painting, cinema and literature.

Accompanying each track on the album, a Photography Baiana artist and poet Helen Salomão. Embora as images have not been produced for the album, so carefully selected, and seem to express the same emotions that are transmitted in every single piece of music.

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Also like several international stars are feito, Baco também lançou or seu disc in the format of curta-metragem. Assista, abaixo, ao curta directed by Douglas Ratzlaff Bernardt:

BLUESMAN (Official Film)

The album is assembled into a puzzle, combining diverse references and seemingly contradictory emotions, such as raiva, Esperanza, Pride and Paixão.

From the combination of all these elements, something new is born, another voice-over for Brazilian youth, aware of the power of their words.

1. Bluesman

01. Bacchus Exu do Blues - Bluesman

A short opening is the one that gives me a record, functioning as a kind of introduction to the musical narrative that Baco is building. To music começa com um sample of Muddy Waters, considered or pai do blues from Chicago, lending his positive message from him: "Tudo vai ficar bem esta manhã".

Eu sou or first rhythm to form rich pretos
Or first rhythm that turned you pretos free
Anel no finger em every um two five
Vento na minha cara eu I feel alive

Neste issue, Bacchus fala about music blues enquanto frame in history do black civil movement. The United States, after the Civil War, has been abolished, but more black people continue to be discriminated against as segregation laws. Racist political propaganda fueled negative stereotypes, perpetuating false images of two African-Americans as violent or less capable.

Contudo, there was a field where black culture was gaining more and more recognition: music. No North American musical scene, or emergence of blues It was like a moment of change: eis "or first rhythm to form rich pretos".

From now on I consider all the blues
Or samba é blues, or rock é blues, or jazz é blues
Or funk é blues, or soul é blues
Eu sou Exu do Blues
You know that when it was preto it was do demônio
E depois virou branco e foi aceito eu vou chamar de blues
That isso, you understand
Jesus the blues

Nesta passagem, Bacchus explains what it means "blues", not the context of your album. More than a musical rhythm, a form of liberation, a symbol gives Creativity as a vehicle to beat barreiras e social preconceptions.

Summoning several images that formed white figures in History, as the figure of Jesus Christ, he affirms that it is necessary to recognize the value (and the true authors) of all this cultural heritage.

Assim, or rapper seems to face like um bluesman to try to transform reality as his art, affirming himself in quanto "young Basquiat". A reference, which arises throughout the album, is a North American painter who began as a graffiti artist and ended up occupying museums and turning an icon of culture pop.

Portrait of Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Reflecting on his way of being in life, or subject affirms that he does not oil the mental prison where the society intends to place it, announcing that he is "urgent press". As impressed as he is living at a faster pace than or two serious contemporaries, he refuses to wait for the world to change.

Então, Baco vai à luta, using or seu work of him as a way to promote or empower and fighting or racism that continues to present mentalities in the Brazilian and world culture. It is na linha da in front of um novo tempo em that you blacks can create your own narratives e falar de si mesmos.

They want to be ready with a weapon for the top
Num clip na favela screaming: "cocaine"
Querem que nossa pele seja pele do crime
That Black Panther is only a film

2. Queima Minha Pele

02. Baco Exu do Blues - Queima Minha Pele (ft. Tim Bernardes)

"Queima Minha Pele" talks about the end of a relationship and the way the subject is dealing with separation. I have lost a woman who loves, compared to her own sun, something essential for our life more than it can hurt us, we are not careful.

Love, you are like the sun
Illuminate my day, more than my minha pele

From or commeço ficam patents contradicting sentiments do subject in relation to that woman. Even being aware of two harmful effects of the relationship, he cannot free himself from the sadness he takes account of his soul from him.

On this subject, or artist declared ao site Genious: "When I play that music I feel like it blues I am necessarily going to be blues". Assim, "Queima Minha Pele" seems to convey melancholy of the musical genre, as it captures its most fizzy essence of a different, contemporary and Brazilian jeito.

Eu engoli minha vaidade pra dizer: "volta pra mim"
Even knowing that you face me so badly
So bad, so bad, so bad
Photographing or silence is difficult
Photographing is difficult
Photographing insecure is difficult
Eu disfarço tudo with cigar, beer and sorriso

It is also evident or depressive moment of hair which is passing, marked by solidity, to anxiety and or medium. Confessing the difficulty of expressing all isso, he assumes that he tries to hide his emotions and that boêmia life serves only as an escape and a hiding place.

3. Excuse Me Jay Z

03. Baco Exu do Blues - Me Desculpa Jay Z (ft. 1LUM3)

A third faixa do album seems to continue or speech of the previous song, faking about um disturbed love affair. Initially entitled "Blues da Bipolaridade", or theme reflecting the thoughts of a little subject divided between a vontade de se de una pessoa e de voltar para ella.

I don't like you, I don't want to see you more
Please don't pick me up anymore
I love you so much, I'll see you
No jamais skeça me

Revealing a confused mental state, or subject declares that "life is difficult" and does not know what to do next. Tired of reality, he turned his attention to fantasy, dreaming with Beyoncé and wanting to bring Jay Z to life.

Beyoncé e JayZ
Portrait of Beyoncé and Jay Z.

Excuse me, Jay-Z, I wanted to be you
Minha life is flat, I want to enrich

Or casal, one two more badalados of the current panorama, live up and down of your relationship with the attention of the public. Same assim, virou synonymous with success, wealth and social status.

From turn to real life, or subject to reflect on his fraquezas and insecurity, symbolized by the dúvida between throwing a woman who loves or throwing her own life. Unmotivated with what he or she is looking for, he tries to walk where he is going and wishes to be material to suppress the void that he is feeling.

I try a motive to leave the bed and melt my self-esteem
Quero Balenciaga printed na minha shirt
Faculty ou follow meu sonho
Or what is that faço gives life?

A passagem remarks or ouvinte that Diogo, in mind behind Bacchus Exu do Blues, is still quite young and faces common dilemmas every day. In this way, it arises as a duality between studying and seeking a stable undertaking or running behind the dream of being a successful musician.

Wandering between his own feelings on the streets of the city, or subject to the notion that he is lost.

I love you really
I love you lie
I love walking na city
Linda, eu no tenho saída

4. Borges Minotaur

04. Bacchus Exu do Blues - Minotaur by Borges

This is the first of several literary references that appear on the disc: o I tell To Asterion's Houseby Jorge Luis Borges. A work of the great Argentine writer recovers o Greek myth do Minotauro, placing a creature not the role of narrator, who reflects on the way he lives and how he will die.

Type Usain Bolt from Puma não paro
Running more than cars
I was not ugly in the mud
While stepping on it, they asked themselves: "How is that black boy?"
Tell me what to do or limit
They asked themselves: "Why isn't that black?"

Logo does not começo do conto, or protagonist fala de seu isolation, declaring that it is seen as a fruit of superb and of loucura. Na music of Bacchus, or little lyrical subject also or Minotaur, who does not hide his feeling of superiority over the years. In this way, challenge the faith of catholicism, affirming that he was not raised by Deus from clay, as given to Bíblia.

Quadro Minotaur, by Justin Sweet
Illustration Minotaur by Justin Sweet.

In the same line of thought, he claims to be responsible for painting "or Eden de preto" and also for helping Deus with his own depressive crises.

Quote ainda o nome from Beethoven, stating that he was "ghost rider", a trocadilho that evokes or films Ghost Motoqueiro and hints that he is the composer of his works (ghost writer, "ghostwriter").

Present in so many crucial points of the collective imagination, he announces his own death as an acquired given, something that has never happened. He credits that he goes turn a martyr, a symbol of black empowerment, even if isso ends with his life.

You have to die with a head shot
Whenever a beautiful face he shouts: "Bacchus lives, Baco lives"

Sozinho, she confesses that she felt "meio misunderstood", "like Britney in 2007". It is about a reference year to year in which a singer pop Britney Spears was with her weakened mental health and several public appearances that cause scandal.

Museus is looking for black marble
Pra fazer uma statues minha

Ainda assim, ou por isso mesmo, knows that she is going to enter for history. Entitled "rei da poesia de escória", she warns that her face is going to enter us museus. He also denounces that popular culture is beginning to be valued, or assimilated, for "high culture."

I drink depressão
I tied that isso to transfer me
Beat me fez vilão
Eu sou Minotauro de Borges

With these verses, Bacchus makes explicit his identification of him as a figure of the Minotaur, who lives in total isolation. Segundo Borges, or mythological being, is visited, every nine years, by a group of homens who try to kill him and end up dying.

O fate of defeating the struggles in no way of surviving the Minotaur, a famous public inimigo, a vilão that needed to be defeated. A prophecy announced a defeat of a homem capable of defeat, who eagerly awaits him, as a "redeemer."

Tou me running out of inteiro
You kill me or you kill me first

When he kills or Minotaur, or hero, Teseu comments, strangering, that he will not defend himself. It was not a question of um being perigoso but simi rejetado demais hairs, vilanized for being different.

Music illustrates or softens so many individuals who are marginalized by society, based on preconceptions or appearances. Commenting on the meaning of this theme, Bacchus declared: "You don't know history after two vilões that your mind creates."

5. Kanye West da Bahia

05. Baco Exu do Blues - Kanye West da Bahia (ft. DKVPZ and Bibi Caetano)

Na sequence of Borges Minotaur, Bacchus continues to explore issues such as preconceit, or success and incomprehension. It is evident to his combative posture, of defiance and provocation. By responding to discriminatory comments, he demonstrates awareness and pride in his cultural heritage.

Olha bem pra minha cara, filho engole or choro
Meus ancestrais se banhavam com ouro
Olhe bem pra minha pele, ela reluz, seu tolo

He knows that he is controversial because he is confident, after success, being aware of his own power and contradicting the dominant discourses. For these reasons, a barnacle that raises alheia, repeating that it is "the most hated preto that you will see." His conduct is one of resistance, of refusal and insubmissiveness.

Eu não abaixo a cabeça, I will not obey you
Be preto of esteem not, I prefer to die
Sinhozinho eu troco soco, I never went running

Lembrando or passed from escravidão do seu povo, the guarantor that isso will never repeat himself and that he is willing to fight até à morte to defend himself. In spite of everything, it is free, face and fala or what you want, declaring: "Your words are not going to offend me." Baco makes it explicit that those who discriminate cannot understand the reality of black citizenship in Brazil in the ways in which racism kills.

Every black leader is dead, can he understand?
I have received false letters:
"Or next é você, or next é você, or next é você"

Appears in the figure of Kanye West, rapper North American and idol of Baco Exu do Blues. More than power, fame and dinheiro, West personifies um creative genus What did you change to a musical dinner? hip hop It was influenced by incontáveis ​​musicians.

Kanye West portrait
Portrait of Kanye West.

Another uncontrollable aspect gives his image of him and the erratic behavior that he has shown in recent years, marked by controversial statements that lead to megalomania.

OR rapper Brasiliro, who is being screened for or Estrella, seems to identify more and more as West's mental processes: "Now I understand you, Kanye." Assim like the, face bombastic affirmations, understood by many as loucura ou até sacrilege. Examples of this logo appear below, when Bacchus affirms that he saw Deus being born and that he spawned Jesus.

Jesus, eu espanquei Jesus
When I saw him chorando, screaming, faking
That I wanted to be white, smooth or hair
E throw a lens pra fica the same
A image that you create

Embora or first verse of the verse provokes an inevitable sensation of shock, logo followed by an explanation. Jesus was trying to be white, to correspond to the image that has been represented during centuries and that does not correspond to the truth.

Your objective is Restore black self-esteem, but he confesses that he ends up being hated and hated by his fellow men and feeling that his behavior is changing because of all the inveja. Also, he makes it explicit that racial discrimination remains despite everything or success and fame, more than anything else it will affect his art.

Não me de preto bonito
Smart preto
Polite preto
Só de pessoa important
Seu label no touch na minha poetry
Eu sou or Kanye West da Bahia

6. Flamingos

06. Baco Exu do Blues - Flamingos (ft. Of yours)

Flamingos It is another song from the album that talks about love, hesitation and dependence, narrating episodes of an inconstant relationship. Do not fear, multiple influences were crossed, evidencing above all the North American references present not imaginary of Bacchus.

Let me live or live with me
Send me embora or face coat
California dream com uma dream girl
But I am not a gringo
Flamingo printed sweat shirt

Berço do rap e do hip hopThe United States emerged as a place where or subject could have a happy future with the woman he loves. Assim, in Califórnia with its beautiful praias, appears as an idyllic setting for its romantic illusions.

Casal de flamingos did not laugh.

Or printed on the shirt with flamingos can be a metaphor for a união do casal, since they are monogamous animals. Na verdade, seja na Califórnia or no "Louvre em Paris", attention to the subject is always turned for this woman.

The music ends, however, with something well known from the Brazilian public: the Exaltasamba payment group and seu hino about falhados loves.

Ouvindo Exalta na quebrada
Screaming: "eu me apaixonei pela pessoa errada"

7. Girassóis by Van Gogh

07. Bacchus Exu do Blues - Girassóis by Van Gogh

This subject, second or artist, was inspired by the emotions that he felt or observed or famous painting. Doze Girassóis Numa Jug, by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.

Doze Girassois Van Gogh
Quadro Doze Girassóis Numa Jug (1888).

To work or to return to life event The need to represent, through his art, the beauty of the present moment. A letter, or subject, declares a paixão that defies logic, cheia de desejo, youth and boemia.

Na rua ouvindo A $ AP Rocky
Peeled don't dance like Woodstock pits
Another bar, another porre
We are free like Van Gogh's girassóis

Here, love, art, excess and freedom are related. There is also a cross of references back to the tempo: either a post-impressionist painter, or a famous music festival that was the framework for culture. hippie e o badalado rapper contemporary.

8. Preto e Prata

08. Bacchus Exu do Blues - Preto e Prata

This is a music about them racial inequalities that we continue back to the inner world. Assim, or começo the letter is focused in no way as the Afro-descendant population has to fight for their own survival.

We live pela prata tá-tá-tá tá-tá-tá
Kills us pela prata tá-tá-tá tá-tá-tá
We protect prata tá-tá-tá tá-tá-tá
We blacks are prata tá-tá-tá tá-tá-tá

Bacchus seems to use uma metaphor, classifying the white ones as ouro and the black ones as prata, because socially the first ones continue to be more valued than the second ones.

Basquiat fazendo graffiti
Or artist Basquiat (SAMO) creating the walls.

Seeking inspiration from figures such as Basquiat, he affirms that he has two pictures of old graffiti on the wall and does not hide his ambition: "drinking everything, this is the preto tem headquarters".

Assim as a painter and urban artist, Bacchus wanted to use his work to pass on messages of social criticism and also of empowerment. O successso do rapper hope for all those who identify themselves as a musician and take advantage of their platform to promote their own love and self-oil.

Self-esteem at the top, my hair at the top
Olha bem pro meu olho e me diz quem domina

His music is seen to break the preconceptions and the patrons imposts of the racist and post-colonial culture, rejeaning crenças and attempts of domination ou silencing. Another time, there are criticisms of the Christian religion, which was imposed on Brazil and continues, I went through it, being faced as the only faith.

Eu no credito no seu deus branco
Eu accredited in Exu do blues, eu accredited in Bacchus
Wanting or ouro only fez mais fraco
Or rap game and white cocaine, vicia and kills us
Virei imortal ao oil minha pele é prata

At the same time, this little guy credits himself with trusting his abilities. Aware that he is in a perilous world, full of hatred and gain, he wanted to conquer na vida do seu jeito. For isso, he had to put his fight like prata, ou seja, discover its beauty, value and power black city in a racist country.

9. BB King

09. Bacchus Exu do Blues - BB King

The latest music on the album, or rapper He seems to be introducing himself to the world, reflecting on himself and his art from him. Fruit of quite different influences, it is revealed as Herdeiro of a legacy of thinkers and social agitators.

Eu sou eternal
Da geração two illuminated
Two ravenous misunderstood
Two that nasceram for freedom

Assim, summon Jack Kerouac, o pai dos beatniks, announcing that his rhymes could belong to the North American literary movement known for his bohemianism and hedonism.

Counting his conquests at the Brazilian musical dinner, Cristiano Ronaldo is compared to football crack and refers to his talent joining BB King.

Cê entrou two times for history in two years
I'm 22 years old
Você rhymes like se fosse or BB King solando
Self esteem, eu i love you

Riley Ben King became known as BB King: the two initial letters of his name represent us Blues Boy. Considered two melhores guitarists of the world, he was also a singer and composer of blues, being appointed as one of the two most important artists of the musical genre.

B. B King
Portrait of BB King.

Reference also to the Brazilian writer Roberto Piva, considered a "cursed poet" for ter rimmed about the consumption of psychoactive substances and wandering in the city. Falando with Piva, how you respond to his poetry about him, he affirms that he too is charming and gives life transforming capacity.

Piva, nessas ruas eu I felt laughed
Eu lived, eu fell, eu consertei

Not the end of the topic, it is a text that makes explicit the relationship between black culture and music blues e to its importance for a construction of a collective identity. OR blues It also represents a moment of change in History, or the first step of a long journey.

1903. The first time that a white homem observed a black homem, not as an aggressive "animal" or força braçal devoid of intelligence. This time barnacle-se or talent, to creativity, to music! O mundo blanca has never felt anything like the blues.

Music arises as a way of communicating as an outro, as a vehicle to make your creature known, or your inner world.

Main themes and messages of the album

In addition, Bluesman é um album that reflects deeply on racism and daily marked by discrimination. Seeking representation, Bacchus shows that he fears speech, demands space to disagree with his experiences, underlining the importance of self-determination.

Depois de seculos de opressão, blacks demand to talk about themselves, define themselves, tell how you use your own narratives, be protagonists of your own History.

Art and music emerge as forms of discourse, of expression and expansion of one's own identity. From the tempos do blues After years of history, music continues to be one of the cultural areas where black individuals can express themselves lightly and promote success and fortune, despite everything or institutional racism.

In the last faixa of the album, I gave an explanation for the title, showing that it is about a way of being in life. To be bluesman é resist, keep uma fighting stance against racist stereotypes It is as ignorant beliefs that continue our culture.

Or what is being a bluesman? This is the reverse of what others think. It is to be against current, to be to its own force, to its own root. It is to know that we are never an automatic reproduction of the submissive image that was created by them. Foda-se a imagem que vocês criaram. I am not legitimate. I am not understanding. Sou meu proprio deus; I am my own saint; my own poet. I smell like a preta canvas, by a single painter. Só eu posso fazer minha arte. Só eu posso me disbelieve. You are not direct. I am not obliged to be or what are you waiting for! We are very much! Se você não enquadra ao que que que... Você é um bluesman.

Identifying himself as a "black cloth", a guarantor that his work is just beginning. He promises that he will be or that he will, aware that he or the breeder of his own destiny and does not need to render himself to preconceptions or determinisms.

About Baco Exu do Blues

Dono of an invejável cultural baggage, Diogo Moncorvo is two young Brazilians who deserve our attention. With rhythm, style and sense of humor, it mixes influences of artistic canon and world literature with popular elements of Brazilian culture, creating a unique universe.

His own name was rapper It is a mixture of references and identities: Bacchus, or deus grego do vinho, Exu, Entidade do Candomblé and Blues, to black music by excellence.

Confira, down, or beat papo between Baco Exu do Blues and Caetano Veloso.

Caetano Veloso Interview Baco Exu do Blues

Cool Culture no Spotify

Escute these and other events do rapper Baco Exu do Blues in the list that we prepare for you:

Bacchus Exu do Blues events

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