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Poema sujo, by Ferreira Gullar: summary, historical context, about or author

Written in Buenos Aires, not year 1976, or Poema sujo was composto enquanto or poet Ferreira Gullar was exiled for political reasons. More than two thousand verses created in solidão do exílio são uma species de hino pela liberdade.

I summarize

Com fortes autobiographical traços, the verses of Poema sujo são uma espécie de desabafo and retake from to childhood of the poet lived in São Luís do Maranhão I had political ideas that he would develop much more late.

Já nas first pages or eu lyric remarks dinners of the past:

What does it matter to me at this time of night in São Luís do
Maranhão at the table to enjoy in the light of February between irmãos
In the country in which an enigma?
more than it matters um nome
debaixo deste teto de telhas incarnate beams to show between
cadeiras and table between a cristaleira and a armário before
garfos e facas e pratos louça that broke já

The verses I pick up just or in the neighborhood of São Luís as well as close relatives, or pai, or cousin, or uncle, or seu Neco, or Sergeant Gonzaga, figures that povoavam to youth of rapaz num tempo em that to poetry nem sequer existed as an activity pulsating.

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A written continually flowing and rambles about the lyrical body itself, about the limits of the flesh, the mind, about you are between homeme and mulher, on the relations between countries and filhos, on or being born, on the perenniality of time, on the abysses you socialize.

In stylistic terms, the composition is a mixture of several phases of the poet's lyric. He has made sections, for example, rigorous in relation to metrics and rhyme, and he has made sections completely stripped of any formal concern.

There are moments full of onomatopoeias and direct orientations to the reader: "To be sung with Bachiana music number 2, it gives Tocata, from Villa-Lobos "and there are excerpts that sound pure interior monologue, of a carefree lyrical like any possibility of ouvinte.

O Poema sujo conjugates a series of possible poems in a single work and it is extremely rich precisely for contemplating this multiplicity of styles and themes in one place.


Another great Brazilian poet, Vinícius de Moraes, affirmed apos to leitura do Poema sujo:

Ferreira Gullar […] has just written two more important poems from this half secular, with fewer languages ​​than I have conceived; e certainly or more rich, generous (and at the same time rigorous) and transferable of life from all Brazilian literature.

A criticism is unanimous to affirm that, not Poema sujo, Ferreira Gullar mixes all his previous poetic phases. Nele or poet mixes from elements of his first phase - to Parnassian, who strictly respects metrics and rhyme - ao same tempo that contemplates completely disparate elements such as visuality and use of onomatopoeia.

Or himself Ferreira Gullar clarifies:

A true poetry has many faces. When I finished fazer metrified poetry, […] I fell not colloquial, which was re-elaborated at I turned a complex, abstract language, which led to disintegration. Meanwhile, like string poems, I turned to banal linguagem, more obviously politicized. No Poem subject, the language that will appear results from all these experiences. I defend, therefore, since there is no pure poetry. A true poetry não é sectarian, não é unilateral.

Another great critic of Brazilian literature, Alfredo Bosi, affirms: "Poema sujo sums up all the poetics of Ferreira Gullar, tracing echoes of the young voices and fazendo to present to polyphony two motifs and forms that compose his future poems ".

A historia do Poema sujo

O Sujo Poem was written in 1976, in Buenos Aires, when Ferreira Gullar was exiled for political reasons. Before, a poet, he had never been exiled in Moscow, in Santiago and in Lima. No, Brazil has reigned in the military since the coup of 1964 and the government has authorization to enter Buenos Aires to capture political prisoners.

Gullar, terrifying hair in your future, decided to write or write your own Poem as a kind of final testemunho, a sit down of all of your beliefs and of all your poetics before you finally settle. The poem was written over a period of six months during the year of 1975 in an apartment located on Avenida Honorio Pueryredon, in Buenos Aires.

Vinícius de Moraes fez a gravação do poem aloud, so that the verses chegaram ao Brazil. A publication was raised in front of the editor Ênio Silveira, who launched a small book by the editor Civilização Brasileira.

Layer of the first edition of Sujo Poems.
Layer of the first edition of Sujo Poems.

In an interview granted, Ferreira Gullar recounted as escreveu or Poema sujo:

Ferreira Gullar tells how he wrote "Poema sujo"

Why or nome Poema sujo?

There are several possible interpretations for the title of the poem, one of them that or poem would be suitable because it would deal with clumsy topics such as cancer, a fome, a solidão, a morte. Let me also say that the poem is sujo because it is a kind of challenge. Not therefore, second or own author:

or poem was sujo like o povo brasiliro, like vida do povo brasiliro

Discover or Sujo Poem recited by own author

At the invitation of the Instituto Moreira Salles, or poet Ferreira Gullar will recite to his work-prima of him:

Ferreira Gullar reciting Poem Sujo 001 (IMS)

A biography of Ferreira Gullar

Born on September 10, 1930, in São Luís do Maranhão, José Ribamar Ferreira - known as o poet Ferreira Gullar - nasceu no berço de uma família de classe media baixa composta by onze filhos. He moved to Rio de Janeiro na youth. He was exiled during his military service and lived in Moscow, Santiago, Lima and Buenos Aires. When he returned to Brazil, in 1977, he was imprisoned and tortured by military men.

In 2002, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 2010, he received the Camões award and the title of Doutor Honoris Causa at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In 2014, he was elected to occupy cadeira number 37 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

He died in Rio de Janeiro, eighty-six years old, not on December 4, 2016.

Ferreira Gullar

A literary costume of Ferreira Gullar

Gullar lançou o seu primeriro livro, entitled Um pouco acima do chão, in 1949. The poems published nesse primeriro livro ainda tinham inspiração parnasiana and eram characterized by rigorous metric and constant rhymes.

In 1954, he published A luta corporal, a radically different book from the first because he did not have any commitment as rigor and as a norm. Or the launch of a corporal chamou to the attention of two of the most important Brazilian poets and not the same year Augusto de Campos invited Gullar to participate in the movement of concrete poetry.

Or key period for the movement or movement between the end of 1956 and the beginning of 1957. A National Exhibition of Concrete Art - where Ferreira Gullar participated - took place in São Paulo (in December 1956) and in Rio (in February 1957). In 1958, Gullar published a book that brought together his experiences of him as concrete poetry.

In 1961, he was a poet assuming the Fundação Cultural do Distrito Federal. At that time he was infected with Marxist ideology and entered the Popular Center of Culture. It was the beginning of a new poetic phase of Gullar, which he temporarily abandoned to poetry and went on to write romances of string.

Apostle or period invested in string literature, Gullar turned to poetry, once more as a political view, and published Inside the Speedy Night. Logo to follow veio or Poema sujo.

As it was possible to perceive, Ferreira Gullar traveled through various genres of literature, ranging from poetry, passing through chronicle and achievement or theater.

Follow below the complete bibliography of the author organized by two literary genres:

Um pouco acima do chão - 1949
A Luta Corporal - 1954
Poems - 1958
João Boa-Morte, Goat Marked to Die (string) - 1962
Quem Matou Aparecida? (string) - 1962
A Luta Corporal e Novos Poemas - 1966
For you, for Mim - 1968
Inside the Speedy Noite - 1975
Sujo Poem - 1976
Na Virtigem do Dia - 1980
Crime na Flora ou Ordem e Progresso - 1986
Barulhos - 1987
Formigueiro - 1991
Muitas vozes - 1999

A Estranha Vida Banal - 1989

Children and youth
Um Gato Chamado Gatinho - 2000
O Menino e o Arco-íris - 2001
O Rei que Mora no Mar - 2001
O Enchanted Touro - 2003
Dr. Urubu and Uutras Fables - 2005

Range - 1996
Invented Cities - 1997

Tail of Foguete - 1998

Nise da Silveira - 1996

Teoria do Não-Objeto - 1959
Culture Posta em Questão - 1965
Vanguard and Subdevelopment - 1969
Augusto dos Anjos ou Morte e Vida Nordestina - 1976
Uma Luz no Chão - 1978
About Art - 1982
Stages of Contemporary Art: from Cubism to Neo-Concrete Art - 1985
Indagações de Hoje - 1989
Argumentação Contra a Morte da Arte - 1993
Lightning - 2003
About Art, about Poetry - 2006

Se Correr o Bicho Hits, se Ficar o Bicho Come - 1966 - with Oduvaldo Vianna Filho
To saída? Wave to Saida? - 1967 - with Antônio Carlos Fontoura and Armando Costa
Dr. Getúlio, Sua Vida e Sua Glória - 1968 - with Dias Gomes
Um rubi no umbigo - 1978
O Homem as Invensão de si Mesmo - 2012

Conheça also

  • The brilliant poems of Ferreira Gullar
  • Os melhores poems by Hilda Hilst
  • Poem O corvo, by Edgar Allan Poe
  • Os melhores poems by Vinicius de Moraes
  • Or that it is a visual poem and main examples
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