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The famous stories of Machado de Assis: summary

Many people know the romances of Machado de Assis, but few could discover two stories published by the author with beauty. Frequently published on a daily basis before they are reunited for free, I tell you about the imperdíveis of Brazilian literature.

We separate for you the 8 contos imperdíveis do maior nome da nossa literature!

1. Missa do Galo, 1893

Nogueira, or protagonist, remarks em Missa do Galo An event that took place years ago in Court, when he was 17 years old. The narrator creates as a reader a relationship of intimidation establishing a conversation with a confessional tom. In some few pages, Nogueira reveals the mysterious dialogue that she has with Conceição, a woman most velha and married, not on the day of Natal.

Missa do Galo It was published for the first time in 1893 and in 1899, in the form of a book, I have been inserted in Recollected pages.

2. Adão e eva, 1896

Nessa short narrative or entanglement revolves around religious themes. Os personagens (D. Leonor, frei Bento, mr. Veloso, or juiz-de-fora e João Barbosa) began with discussing responsibility for the loss of paradise foi de Eva ou de Adão e depois descambam for other dense questions such as quem criou o mundo (Deus ou o diabo?).

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Or Machadian count Adam and Eve It was published for the first time in 1896, I do not release Various stories.

3. O espelho, 1882

Or spelho é two little Machadian contos that have subtitles (Sketch of a nova theory of the human soul). A story told, in a few pages, had as protagonists five years between forty and fifty years. Gathered in a house in Santa Teresa, friends discuss the central dramas of the universe. I attached that a two homens, or Jacobin, own a peculiar theory: human beings possess two souls. To prove his tese, Jacobina tells a personal or life story for 25 years, when he had become Alferes da Guarda Nacional.

Each human creature traces two souls with him: one that olha from within to outside, another that olha from outside to enter... Espantem-se à vontade, be able to open-mouthed, give shoulders, all; I do not admit a reply. He replied to me, I finished or charuto and you go to sleep. The outer soul can be a spirit, a fluid, a homem, many homens, an object, an operation. There are cases, for example, where a simple shirt button is the outer soul of a person; - and also a polka, or voltarete, a light, a machine, a pair of boots, a cavatina, a drum, etc. It is clear that the office of the second soul is transmitted to life, as to the first; As duas completely or homem, that he, metaphysically falando, a laranja. Who loses a few goals, naturally loses the goal of existence; In cases there are, not rare, in which the loss of the external soul implies the internal existence

Or spelho It was published for the first time in 1882, not in the Gazeta de Notícias journal, and has subsequently been collected in the format of a book in the collection Papéis Avulsos.

4. A igreja do diabo, 1884

A premise of the controversial story: tired of disorganization and of his casual reign, or the devil decides to found a church. Or I wish it was, through his igreja, to fight other religions, so as to destroy them definitively.

A short narrative is divided into four chapters: De uma idéia mirifica, Entre Deus e o Diabo, A boa nova aos homens and Franjas e frjas.

To igreja do diabo I was published I do not release Sem Data Histories, em 1884.

5. To be or not to be, 1876

Or main personagem do Conto Machado é André, a 27-year-old homem, professionally stagnant, who plans to throw himself into life. Not on March 18, 1871, he decided to go down and did not bring the boat Rio-Niterói after asking for an increase that he had been denied. By coincidence, nesse same day, na boat, he knows a beautiful girl who changes his plans and face like André's life sofra a reviravolta.

Published in 1876, or conto To be or not to be It is divided into five parts and is in the public domain.

6. Theory of the medal, 1881

Or entanglement of Theory of the medal is quite simple: no twentieth anniversary day and one year of filho, or to resolve to give advice to the adolescent. For finishing entering a seniority, or parent, I feel that he must direct the destiny of the filho.

You are a year old, some applicants, a diploma, you can enter the parliament, the magistracy, the press, the lavoura, the industry, the commerce, the letters or the arts. There are endless races before you. Vinte e um anos, meu rapaz, barely formed the first syllable of our destiny. We are Pitt and Napoleão, despite being precocious, we were not twenty and one years old. But whoever is profuse of your escort, or I wish that you look great and illustrious, or less noticeable hair, that you get up above the common darkness.

Theory of medalhão It was written in 1881 and was originally published in the Gazeta de Notícias newspaper. I ended up being reunited at the edição do livro Papéis avulsos.

7. A carteira, 1884

Honório, an advocate, finds a rua a recheated card and hesitates to be or not to be named as a diner that he does not belong to. To be sure, the amount is missing: there are fewer and fewer cases and more and more family regrets, especially as a woman, to the aforementioned D.Amélia. By chance, Honório discovers that the letter found by Gustavo's friend. Or an achy face like the history of an unimaginable guinada.

Or count To carteira It was published for the first time on a non-daily basis A Estação, on March 15, 1884.

8. A cartomancer, 1884

A story narrated and composed by a love triangle: Vilela, Rita and Camilo. Vilela, twenty and nine years old, was a civil servant, Rita's husband and Camilo's great friend. Camilo, mais jovem, apaixona-se for Rita. Or affection and remuneration and they passam to a ter um case. Finally somebody discovers traição and begins to blackmail them. Desperate, Rita appeals, numa sexta-feira de novembro 1869, to a cartomancer. Later, Camilo also goes looking for two counselors for the senhora. Machado teases history in order to compor an unforeseeable end!

Or I count ganhou to the pages of the journal Gazeta de Notícias do Rio de Janeiro on November 28, 1884 and it was subsequently collected not released Various Histories (1896).

Conheça melhor Machado de Assis

Poor, mulatto, epiletic, orphaned, Machado de Assis had everything to be successful professionally. Or older I name the Brazilian literature born in Morro do Livramento on June 21, 1839, filho do Brasiliro Francisco José de Assis and da Açoriana Maria Leopoldina Machado de Assis. A mãe de him morreu when Machado was still a criança.

In 1855, he became a collaborator of the Marmota Fluminense journal and published his first poem, entitled The A. No year following he became an apprentice at National Typography. He resolved to learn Latin and French, as a reviewer, and to collaborate with us in O Paraíba e Correio Mercantil. Besides being a reviewer and collaborator, Machado wrote critiques for theater and held public functions.

In 1866, he married Carolina Augusta Xavier de Novais, born the poet Faustino Xavier de Novais. Carolina was a companion of his life.

machado de assis e carolina
Or casal Machado de Assis e Carolina.

He participated in the inauguration of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and was elected or first president (his term lasted more than ten years). He occupied cadeira number 23 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and escolheu as patron or great friend José de Alencar. He died in Rio de Janeiro, aged 69, on September 29, 1908.

Discover or artigo Machado de Assis: life, work and characteristics.

Conheça also

  • The most famous works of Machado de Assis
  • Poems by Machado de Assis commented
  • Conto Missa do Galo by Machado de Assis
  • Conto A cartomante, by Machado de Assis
  • Livro O alienista, by Machado de Assis
  • Conto O espelho, by Machado de Assis
  • Conto Venha ver o pôr do sol, by Lygia Fagundes Telles
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