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The 15 best love poems from Brazilian literature

It is enough to prove that the first tenham verses sprouted from the mouth of a dull, we will never know. A true incontornável is what or love is a recurring theme among poets and a constant interest among readers.

Se você não é poeta, but sente vontade to shout for the world - and for or your beloved - stacked verses, we give uma ajudinha! Here we select the fifteen best love poems from Brazilian literature published. A task was not easy at all, a national poetry is very rich and each one two authors easily chosen could be other beautiful poems included in this list.

In order to try to collect a big part of our literary history, we went through old hair Álvares de Azevedo and Olavo Bilac and we reached the contemporaries Paulo Leminski and Chico Buarque.

Boa leitura and share it with your loved ones!

1. Sonnet of total loveby Vinícius de Moraes

Investigating the books of the poetinha, as Vinícius de Moraes knew, he will find himself with a spring of love poems. Paired for life and for women, Vinícius casou-se nine times and wrote a series of stacked verses. Or more conhecido poem maybe seja or

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Sonnet of fidelity.

OR Sonnet of total love It was chosen because it has an immense delicacy and it accurately illustrates the various facets of a loving relationship.

Sonnet of total love

I love you so much, my love… don't sing
O human heart with more truth ...
I love you as a friend and as a lover
Numa always diverse realities

I love you, I love you, of a calm love,
E I love you além, present na saudade.
I love you, enfim, with great freedom
Inside gives eternity and every moment.

I love you like a bug, simply
Of um love sem mistério e sem virtude
As a solid and permanent wish.

I love you very much and amiúde,
What a day in your body suddenly
Hei de morrer de amor as much as I could.

Find out a deep analysis of Sonnet of Total Love.

Sonnet of Total Love

Se você gostou de conhecer O sonnet of total love discover also Os 14 melhores poems by Vinicius de Moraes.

2. Tempt me de novoby Hilda Hilst

Hilda Hilst also makes me feel uncontrollable when thinking of love for Brazilian poetry. A São Paulo writer wrote verses that go from erotic writing to idealized lyric.

When you think of love poetry, or more frequently, you imagine verses of a young relationship. Tempt me de novo É um two rare poems that treats of a love that has ended and of a lover that wishes to conquer or affection of Volta.

Tempt me de novo

And why would you want my soul
Na your bed?
Disse liquid, delicious, harsh words
Obscene, because it was also that we gostávamos.
But I did not lie, joy prazer lascívia
Nem omitted that the soul is além, searching
That Outro. And I repeat: why would you
Of wanting my soul in your bed?
Jubila-gives you memory of successful intercourse.
Ou tenta-me de novo. Obriga-me.

Discover also 10 melhores poems by Hilda Hilst.

3. Songby Cecília Meireles

In barely fifteen verses, Cecília Meireles achieves compor na sua Song uma ode à urgência do amor. Singelo and direto, the verses summon the return of the beloved. Or poem, present I do not free Natural portrait (1949), also combines recurrent elements in the poetry's poetry: a finitude of tempo, a transitory of love, or a movement of wind.


Do not trust the tempo nem da eternidade,
que as nuvens me puxam hairs dresses
that you ventos dragged me against or wished me!
Apressa-te, my love, that love your nose,
that amanhã nose and I do not vex you!
Do not delay so long, in a secret place,
mother-of-pearl of silêncio that or sea compresses,
or lip, limit of the absolute instant!
Apressa-te, my love, that love your nose,
that I love my nose and I don't hear you!
It appears-me agora, that I still reconheço
a anemona aberta na tua face
e em redor two walls or wind inimigo ...
Apressa-te, my love, that love your nose,
that I love my nose and I don't tell you ...


Conheça also us 10 imperdíveis poems by Cecília Meireles.

4. As sem-reasons do loveby Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Celebrated as two melhores poems from Brazilian literature, As sem-reasons do love It treats of spontaneity of love. According to the lyrical eu, or love snatches and drags, or independent lover gives atitude do parceiro. The title of the poem itself indicates how the verses will be unfolded: or love does not require a change, and the result of merit cannot be defined.

As sem-reasons do love

Eu I love you because I love you.
You don't need to be a lover
e nem you always know I know.
Eu I love you because I love you.
Love and state of grace
e com amor is not paid.

Love is given of grace,
I do not sell,
na cachoeira, do not eclipse.
Love foge to dicionários
e to various regulations.

I love you because I don't love you
quite ou de mais a mim.
Because love does not change,
não conjugates nem se ama.
Because love is love to nothing,
happy and forte em if same.

Love and cousin gives death,
and death is victorious,
for more than or math (e matam)
at every moment of love.

Carlos Dummond de Andrade - As Sem Razões do Amor (recited poem)

You know No meio do caminho tinha uma pedra, another great poem by Drummond? Sells essa criação e mais outros 25 poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

5. XXXby Olavo Bilac

O love poem provavelmente more quoted from Bilac é Milky Way, a classic learned from school tempos. The verses below, however, in spite of little knowledge, are also a first work by the author. Or poet, who acted as a journalist, was two major representatives of the Parnassian movement in Brazil and his lyrics are marked by the metrification and the representation of an idealized feeling.


Ao heart that sofre, separated
Do you, I do not demand that to chore I vexed,
Not enough or simple and sacred affection
As you give misfortunes I protect myself.
It is not enough for me to know that I am loved,
Nem só desejo or teu amor: desejo
Ter nos braços teu corpo delicate,
Ter na boca a doçura de teu beijo.
E as just ambitions that consomem me
Don't be embarrassed: pois maior baixeza
Nothing has to do with earth hair to change;
E mais eleva o coração de um homem
To be of homem always, na greater purity,
Ficar na terra and humanely love.


6. Future loversby Chico Buarque

O mais conhecido Brazilian lyricist has a series of verses dedicated to love. There are so many that I found it criminal to select just a spring poem of beauties that had been written. Not so, in defiance, we escort Future lovers, um give them classics that never lose to validate.

Future lovers

Don't worry, don't
That nothing is pra já
Or love, don't worry
I can wait in silence
Armário fund number
Na posta-remaining
Milênios, milênios
No ar
What do you know?
Or Rio will be
Some submerged city
The scuba divers virão
Explore your home
Seu quarto, suas coisas
Your soul, detours
Sages em vão
Temptation to decipher
Or echo of ancient words
Fragments of letters, poems
Lies, portraits
Vestiges of estranha civilização
Don't worry, don't
That nothing is pra já
You will always love me
Future lovers, quiçá
I will love to know
How love that eu um day
Deixei pra você

Chico Buarque - "Future Lovers" (Ao Vivo) - Carioca ao Vivo

Chico is also celebrated for his political and social verses, he wants to know two incríveis poems of the genre he deserves Construction and Chalice. To discover the great creations of the composer leia o artigo You will remember Chico Buarque's music.

7. My destinyby Cora Coralina

Singelo and everyday, My destiny, gives Goiana Cora Coralina, deserves praise for her simple and subtle manner as she relates or found loving. A poet, with delicacy two verses that she composed, it seems easy to build a relationship of lasting affection. My destiny It tells a little fable: a story of two people who are determined and resolve to build a relationship.

My destiny

Nas palmas de tuas mãos
I read as linhas da minha vida.
Lines crossed, sinuous,
interfering with your destiny.
I did not procure you, you did not procure me -
We were sozinhos by different roads.
Indifferent, we crossed
Passavas as a bundle gives life ...
I ran to or found you.
Sorri. Falamos.
That day was marked
com to pedra branca
da cabeça de um peixe.
And, since then, we walk
together pela vida ...

Be essa Goiana ganhou poet or seu coração, experience também ler Cora Coralina: 10 essenciais poems to understand the author.

8. Teresaby Manuel Bandeira

Teresa It is two more remarkable poems of Brazilian modernism, all of us, provavelmente, from these verses ainda na escola.

Teresa It consists of nessa ready because it is two little love poems capable of containing traces of humor. A comic from Bandeira arises as a description of the reaction during the first meeting of the house. The depois verses are in charge of showing how the relationship is transformed and the perception in relation to a silent loved one.


The first time I saw Teresa
Achei que ela tinha stupid legs
Achei also that to her face seemed a perna

When I saw Teresa de novo
Achei que os olhos was very much more velhos than o rest do corpo
(We olhos nasceram e ficaram of ten years waiting for the rest of the body nascesse)

The third time I didn't see anything else
Os céus se mixuraram com a terra
The spirit of Deus turned to move on the face of the waters.

Manuel Bandeira

Find out other works of the poet, discover 10 memorable poems of Manuel Bandeira.

9. Bilheteby Mario Quintana

A delicacy do poem by Mário Quintana começa no title: Bilhete announces a kind of direct errand, barely partilhado between lovers. You verses fazem uma elegia ao discreet love, sem great boasting, partilhado only among you outcasts


I know you love me, love me low
Don't scream from the top two telhados
Deixa em paz os passarinhos
Give me peace!
You love me
tem to be bem devagarinho, beloved,
that life is brief, and or love is brief ainda ...

Take advantage and discover too 10 precious poems by Mario Quintana.

10. Amar você é coisa of minutes Paulo Leminski

Leminski's free verses are addressed directly to a loved one and followed by a conversation. Despite being a contemporary poem, the verses seem anachronistic because they promise total and absolute fidelity by following the patterns of romantic love.

Amar você é coisa of minutes ...

Amar você é coisa of minutes
To die is less than you beijo
Tão bom ser teu que sou
Eu to your pés poured
Little remains that I went
It is up to you to be bom ou ruim
Serei or what a convenient acha
I will be for you more than um cão
A shadow that haunts you
Um deus que no esquece
Um servo that no diz no
Morto teu pai serei teu irmão
I will say the verses that you want
Esquecerei all as women
I will be so much and everyone
Vais ter nojo de eu ser isso
I will be at your service
How long will my body last?
When you see me running
Or vermelho river that ignites
Ao see teu face feito tocha
Serei teu rei teu pão tua coisa tua rocha
Sim, I'll be here

Conheça you 10 melhores poems of Leminski.

11. Loveby Álvares de Azevedo

Love, by Álvares de Azevedo, is a classic poem da geração romântica Brasileira. His verses illustrate a time and a posture of devotion, almost idealized, between a homeless person and a woman who is basically contemplated.

Embora or seja poem, in a certain way, or portrait of a time, the verses are são tão bem compostos that transcend tempo.


Let's love! I want to love
Viver no teu coração!
Sofrer and love essa dor
What a faint of paixão!
Na tu'alma, em your charms
In your paleness
And we have burning prantos
Sigh in languor!
I want to drink your lips
I love you from the céu,
I want to die
I do not send do seio teu!
I want to live in hope,
I want to tremble and feel!
Na tua cheirosa trança
I want to sleep and sleep!
Vem, anjo, minha donzela,
Minha'alma, my heart!
Que noite, que noite bela!
As é twelve a viração!
And between you sighs do vento
Da noite ao mole freshness,
I want to live a moment,
Die with you of love!

alvares de azevedo

12. Cantiga para não morrerby Ferreira Gullar

One of the two greatest poets of Brazilian literature, Ferreira Gullar, is most understood by his political and social verses. However, it is also possible to find in his poetic works dedicated to love, pontuais like Cantiga para não morrer. Despite being a contemporary author, Gullar uses some romantic traces in his poem.

Either a loved one is large and transferable that or the lyrical one may allow it to remain as a soul, as well as in the form of a skeleton.

Cantiga para não morrer

When you speak for yourself,
moça branca as a neve,
light me.

Is it possible that you are not possa
load me pela mão,
menina branca de neve,
I light not heart.

I know no heart, no possa
just by chance
moça de sonho e de neve,
I do not feel light.

And it is also not possa
for so much coisa that slight
ha live in your thoughts,
menina branca de neve,
I do not think it is light.

It also sells Sujo poem, um two major poems by Ferreira Gullar.

13. Casamentoby Adélia Prado

The verses of Adélia Prado celebrate or marriage, as daily and long-term relationships. Told quase as a kind of story, or poem shows details of intimidation gives life to two and the small affections that are hidden in a row. Chama to attention do leitor a beleza com that is enhanced to the fulfillment of the home.


There are women who say:
My husband, he wants to fish, fish,
more than clean you peixes.
Eu não. At any hour of the night I get up,
Help to scale, open, retalhar and salgar.
É tão bom, only people sozinhos na cozinha,
from time to time when the cotovelos slipped away,
the fala coisas like ‘this was difficult’
‘Prateou not giving slices’
e face or gesture com a mão.
Or silence when we saw each other the first time
through cozinha like a deep river.
By fim, os peixes na travessa,
let's sleep.
Espocam prated coisas:
we are noivo and noiva.

Adélia Prado - Casamento

Conheça more 9 charming poems by Adélia Prado.

14. Eternal beijoby Castro Alves

The poem below is two more important examples of Brazilian romantic poetry. Castro Alves paints in his lyrics a full, idealized and eternal love. However, as it belongs to the third phase of Romanticism, Castro Alves has included in his verses some sensuality related to a loved one.

Eternal beijo

I want um beijo sem fim,
May it last to life inteira e placaque o meu desejo!
Ferve-me or sangue. Calm-o with teu beijo,
Beija-me assim!
O ouvido date ao rumor
Do mundo, e beija-me, dear!
Live only for myself, only for my life,
Só para o meu amor!
Fora, rest in peace
I sleep in calm, I sound like calm nature,
Ou is debated, you give prey storms,
Beija inda mais!
E, enquanto o brando heat
Sinto em meu peito de teu seio,
Our fevered mouths unite as the same anseio,
Like burning love!
Your mouth says: "See!"
Inda mais! say to minha, to solve... Exclaims
All o meu corpo que o teu corpo chama:
"Bite me too!"
Ai! bite! that twelve is to dor
That I get as meat, and so torture!
Beija mais! bite more! let us die of good fortune,
Morto for your love!
I want um beijo sem fim,
May it last to life inteira e placaque o meu desejo!
Ferve-me o sangue: calm-o com teu beijo!
Beija-me assim!
O ouvido date ao rumor
Do mundo, e beija-me, dear!
Live only for myself, only for my life,
Só para o meu amor!

Or ship negreiro It is another great poem by the authorship of Castro Alves that deserves to be understood.

15. O love comeu meu nomeby João Cabral de Melo Neto

The poem below is two more beautiful monuments to the present love of Brazilian literature. João Cabral de Melo Neto manages to disbelieve with precision, in some lines, how he is dull, how the feeling of love is apossated as a subject and is amazed in daily life.

O love comeu meu nome, minha identidade, meu
portrait. O love comeu minha certidão de idade,
minha genealogy, meu straighten. O love comeu
meus visiting cards. O love I saw and comeu all
you parents onde eu escrevera meu nome.
O love comeu minhas roupas, meus lenços, minhas
shirts. O love comeu meters and meters of
gravatas. O love comeu according to meus ternos, or
number of meus sapatos, or size of meus
chapéus. O love comeu minha height, meu weight, to
cor de meus olhos e de meus cabelos.
O love comeu meus remedies, minhas receitas
medical, minhas diets. Comeu minhas aspirin,
minhas waves-curtas, meus raios-X. Comeu meus
testes mentais, meus exams of urina.
O love comeu na shelf all the meus books of
poetry. Comeu em meus books of prose as citations
em verse. Comeu will not say the words that
I will be able to join in verses.
Family, or love devour the utensils of my use:
pente, navalha, escovas, tesouras de unhas, canivete. Family
ainda, or love devourou or use of
meus utensílios: meus banhos frios, a sung opera
no banheiro, or fiery morto water acheter
more than it seemed a powerhouse.
O love eat post fruits on the table. Baby
to water two flakes and das quartinhas. Comeu or pão de
hidden purpose. Drink two olhos tears
that, I didn't know, we were out of water.
O love voltou to eat you parents where
Irreflectedly eu will return to escrever meu nome.
O love roeu minha infância, with fingers light with ink,
Cabelo caindo nos olhos, boots never worn.
Or roeu love or elusive boy, always sing to us,
e que riscava os livros, bite or pencils, andava na rua
kicking stones. Roeu as conversas, next to pump
of gasoline do long, like the cousins ​​that you knew
about passarinhos, about uma mulher, about brands
of automobile. O love comeu meu Estado e minha cidade. Drenou a
Água morta two mangues, aboliu a maré. Comeu os
curly sleeves and hard folhas, brown or green
acid from the cane plants charging the hills
regular, cut pelas barreiras vermelhas, hair
trenzinho preto, pelas chaminés. Comeu or cheiro de
cana cut e o cheiro de maresia. Comeu attached these coisas de
that he despairs of not knowing how to fail
of them in verse.
O love comeu ate the days ainda não announced nas
folhinhas. I eat minutes of adiantamento from
meu relógio, the years that you have been like minha mão
asseguravam. Comeu or future great athlete, or future
great poet. Comeu as future voyages em volta da
Terra, as future shelves in the room.
O love comeu minha paz e minha war. Meu day e
minha noite. Meu winter and meu verão. Comeu meu
Silêncio, minha dor de cabeça, meu medo da morte.

Was he enchanted by that northeastern poet? Then discover also Os maiores poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto.

Conheça also

  • The best love poems of all times
  • The most romantic poems of literature
  • Os melhores love poems by Vinicius de Moraes
  • Love poems by Fernando Pessoa
  • Love poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem All the love letters are ridiculous
  • Melhores poems from Brazilian literature
  • The most famous poems of Brazilian literature
  • The enchanting love poems of Pablo Neruda
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