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The 10 melhores poems of Leminski, analyzed and commented

Paulo Leminski was a great Brazilian poet who saw his work republished in 2013 under the title All poetry. From then on, his verses will change in February and reach a public even more.

It is scary that a poetry anthology has led the rankings of best sellers trying to unseat best sellers What 50 tons of chisel. More fato é that to daily and acessível poetry of Leminski cativou não só o leitor accustomed to lyrical as também seduziu quem has never been great fã of verses.

Find out now the melhores poems of the phenomenon Paulo Leminski.

1. Incense fosse music

isso of wanting
be exactly here
that people are
ainda vai
take us além

Perhaps the verses above are the most understood and celebrated of Leminski. As a kind of postal card, Incense fosse music was published non-free. Distracted we will win.

Either the poem invites or the reader to experience being here who is, mean or moor, promising a reward if it is realized or interior purpose.

In just five verses written in a casual and everyday language, Leminski proposed a challenge of self-knowledge for those who owe him.

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2. Counter narcissus

em mim
eu old
or outro
e outro
enfim ten
trains passing
vagões cheios of people hundreds

or outro
What are you doing to me?
and you

assim like
eu estou em você
eu estou nele
em us
i know when
we are in us
we are in peace
even if we stay there

O beautiful Contranarciss poem uses a colloquial language and a simple construction to narrate a mix of identities and a fusion that we establish as another.

We read ourselves verses at the same time a concern for we will not be unique, dated and closed, but also joy from partilharmos as another, from celebrating differently, swallowing what we are not and offering ourselves for a truck.

Leminski's poetic community is a communhão as a human being that is different from us and the celebration of enrichment that this difference provides.

Confira or Contranarciss poem recited by Guilherme Weber:

"Contranarciso", by Paulo Leminski, by Guilherme Weber

3. Searching or sense

Or sense, acho, is the most mysterious entity of the universe.
Relação, não coisa, enter consciousness, experience the coisas and the events.
Or felt two gestures. Or sense two products. Or a sense of existence.
I recuse (sic) to live my world sem sense.
These anseios / ensaios are inroads in search of meaning.
By isso or own it gives the nature of the meaning: there is no such thing as a thing, it has to be
wanted, numa looks for that is his own foundation.
Só seek or felt face, really, felt.
Pulling isso, it makes no sense.

Published in 2012, or free Ensaios e anseios crypticos, from Leminski, carrega or poem acima. It is about one of the first works of the book that reveals the poet's concern in the face of the mystery of life.

Or metalinguistic poem because it reveals the engrenagens that move the writing and the consciousness of the poet. Longe of enxergarmos a convict eu-lyrical that you all know, we testify to hesitation and dúvida, to seek a sense for poetry and for the world.

4. Riso for Gil

teu riso
reflect no teu singing rich rhyme
em dente de ouro

"Everything is gonna be alright" teu riso
diz sim
teu riso


enquanto or sun
that imitates your riso
no sai

In his poetry, Leminski celebrates great names of Brazilian culture such as, for example, the singer and composer Gilberto Gil. Além de Gil, or poet, quotes Jorge Benjor e Djavan in his verses and takes up other names, especially in black and Bahian culture.

No acima or eu-lyrical poem sublinha or inigualável sorriso de Gil, which in an expansive way seems to transfer to or from his song. A meio do poem ele chega to quote a stretch "everything is gonna be alright" (tudo go ficar bem) gives music Three little birds, by Bob Marley, eternalized in the voice of Gilberto Gil.

5. Ha disse

Já disse de nós.
Já disse de mim.
Já disse do mundo.
Já disse agora,
eu that ha disse never. Everybody knows
eu já disse muito.

I am impressed
What do you say?
E tudo foi tão suddenly ...

O poem acima denounces fugacidade do tempo. In just nine verses Leminski summarizes o seu poetic project (falar de si, falar de nós e falar do mundo) e o seu fôlego para a written ("eu já disse muito").

Diante gives his prolix poetic, or eu-lyrical, seems to show tiredness com tudo or that fez no passedado ("I have an impressão que já disse tudo"). And, at the same time, see a kind of happiness like here that you live.

6. Suprassumo da quintessência

Or short paper.

Viver é bought.

Hidden or ambiguous,

do you know what do I say?

ultrassense tem.

He laughed at me

I leveled off seriously.

Sterile irony?

Vai nesse interim,

meu inframistério.

Suprassumos da Quintessência was published posthumously I saw it in close (1991) - that clearly faces a trocadilho like French music by Édith Piaf, La vie en rose.

The verses clearly highlight a meta-poetry, isto é, an exercise of the poet himself to explain the composition of his poetics. How is it or eu-lyrical provided to the reader of a kind of bull or an instruction manual on how the work should be read.

We attend verses of Suprassumos da Quintessência or impasse lived by the poet: how to place life - by compressed definition - on paper?

O poem seems to be a breakdown of the poem published years before, inserted I do not release Distracted we will win (1987):

river do mistério

or what would be of me

Are you serious?

7. Amar você é coisa of minutes ...

Amar você é coisa of minutes
To die is less than you beijo
Tão bom ser teu que sou
Eu to your pés poured
Little remains that I went
It is up to you to be bom ou ruim
Serei or what a convenient acha
I will be for you more than um cão
A shadow that haunts you
Um deus que no esquece
Um servo que no diz no
Morto teu pai serei teu irmão
I will say the verses that you want
Esquecerei all as women
I will be so much and everyone
Vais ter nojo de eu ser isso
I will be at your service
How long will my body last?
When you see me running
Or vermelho river that ignites
Ao see teu face feito tocha
Serei teu rei teu pão tua coisa tua rocha
Sim, I'll be here

Embora is not yet known for his love composition, Leminski also wrote a dull lyric, the case of Amar você é coisa of minutes.

In our verses above we find an absolutely enchanted eu-lyrical pela his beloved, who finds no feeling forças to overcome all the barreiras. He places himself down on his beloved and says he promises to be the one she wants.

Confira or recited love poem:

Poesia da Semana: 1968 - Amar você é coisa de minutes... (Paulo Leminski)

8. I do not argue

I don't argue
as destination
or what to paint
eu assino

O small poem has composed four verses and two more celebrated by Paulo Leminski. The verses ficaram are known that have become the motive of tatuagem:


Succinct and easily reproducible, the verses translate to eu-lyrical resignation, to posture of conformity and oil as what or destiny offers.

A year inverse of the debate as to what was sent unheard hair, or the little guy seems to receive serenity and gratitude here that he fits.

9. Bem I do not fund

I don't fund, I don't fund,
bem la I do not fund,
to people I would like
to see our problems
resolved by decree

from this data,
aquela mágoa sem remedio
It is considered null
e on ela - perpetual silence

extinct for read all or remorse,
damn seja quem olhar pra behind,
after nothing has happened,
and nothing else

more problems are not solved,
big family problems,
e years sundays
Let's all go for a walk
or problem, your senhora
e other little problems.

Posted not free Distracted we will win (1987) or poem acima é capable of provoking not reading a pratically immediate identification. What in the end did you ever want to see your problems solved by decree?

As an accessible and daily linguagem, or poem was construed as a kind of intimate conversation, it suffices to notice how Typical pieces of orality are reproduced in our verses (an initial repetition used to give an ênphase and a good example of oral mark).

This interesting to perceive also as eu-lyrical is placed next to the reader and goes on to fail the first person of the plural identifying itself as ("people would like to see our problems").

The end of the poem is marked by a trace of humor and irony. When we claim that the problems are all resolved by decree, we see that they return, with descent, proving that it is impossible to eradicate or evil at one time.

10. Hothouse

This language não e minha,
qualquer um barnacle.
Who knows I curse lies,
I will see that only truths.
Assim I fail, eu, minimal,
What does he know, but what does he know?
This não e minha langue.
A language that the phallus trava
a longínqua song,
to voice, além, nem word.
Or dialeto that is used
à margem esquerda gives phrase,
you are fala that lusa me,
eu, meio, eu inside, eu, quase.

In Greenhouse Leminski bends on the linguistic question and built a self-reflective poem. A year long two verses or eu-lyrical he observes how he works with language - something that or precedes and that or will happen - as raw material.

We perceive no poem as or author is placed as a species of "vítima da lngua", someone who lives at the mercy of its rules and obligations. Being a herdeiro of his linguistic heritage (which does not belong to his country, having been originally traced from Portugal), or eu-lyrical, he was in a certain way intimidated and blocked.

A Portuguese language, as it refers to, não é a su de him ("This não é a minha langue"), and promotes a feeling of not belonging to his own language. A found alternative is working in search of his own experience with language, a margin of formality.

About a publication of All poetry

Released in 2013 by the publisher Companhia das Letras, a anthology All poetry It was intended to bring together the works carried out by Paulo Leminski between 1944 and 1989.

This edition has not been summarized as a mere collection of scattered poems that have been published in various books. All poetry It includes the inclusion of critical comments - it is worth sublimating the presentation of the poet Alice Ruiz and the exquisite work of José Miguel Wisnik-e depoimentos on Leminski and on his work.

O merit da colletânea was also trazer to a large public poems that have been out of circulation for years. Some publications of Leminski are practically artisanal and with a short draw, or that make it difficult or reach the reader.

Capa da publicação All poetry, by Paulo Leminski.
Publication layer All poetryby Paulo Leminski.

Check out the booktrailer of the book that told Leminski's poems read by Arnaldo Antunes:

Arnaldo Antunes lê Paulo Leminski (Booktrailer of "All poetry")

Biography of Paulo Leminski

Paulo Leminski was a poet, romance writer, composer and translator. Born in Curitiba (not Paraná), in 1944, and died in the same city, with liver cirrhosis, in 1989, barely 45 years old.

He was filho from a quite heterogeneous house: Paulo Leminski (a military man of Polish origin) and Áurea Pereira Mendes (a house donor of African origin).

In spite of the attempt two countries to make a minor entry into religious life (the study of the Mosteiro São Bento), in 1963 Leminski traveled to Belo Horizonte to participate in the National Poetry Week and Vanguard.

Portrait of Paulo Leminski.
Picture of Paulo Leminski.

So he met you with great poets Augusto and Haroldo de Campos and Décio Pignatari, founders of the Movimento da Poesia Concreta.

Leminski publicou o seu primeiro livro - o romance Catatau - in 1976. He also threw some poems in the magazine Invention, of the concretist movement. From then on to his literary production of him continued to wind up.

Professionally, you have been a professor of history and writing, and also participated as director of creation and editor in some advertising agencies. As a translator he worked with great works by Joyce and Beckett.

In his personal life he was married to Alice Ruiz, also a poet, and he has three filhos: Miguel Ângelo, Áurea and Estrela.

Photograph of the Alice Ruiz and Paulo Leminski house.
Photograph of the Alice Ruiz and Paulo Leminski house.

Published works

  • Catatau (1976)
  • Não Fosse Isso e Era Less / Não Fosse Tanto / e Era Quase (1980)
  • Caprices and Relaxes (1983)
  • Agora é Que São Elas (1984)
  • Cryptic Anseios (1986)
  • Distracted we will win (1987)
  • War Within the People (1988)
  • La Vie Em Close (1991)
  • Metamorphose (1994)
  • Or Ex-Stranger (1996)

Conheça also

  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
  • Poems to understand concrete poetry
  • Books of poetry that you need to know
  • You write short poems
  • Os maiores poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • The best love poems from Brazilian literature
  • Os melhores poems by Hilda Hilst
  • Os melhores poems by Vinicius de Moraes
  • To the imperdível literature of Mia Couto
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