Education, study and knowledge

20 infantis poems by Cecília Meireles that as children you are going to adore

Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964) was a famous Brazilian author. As part of it, or her literary work is known as the genius of her nursery rhyme.

With an accessible language and themes of everyday life, its compositions of it cover years of word games and also humor, stimulating the children to read.

As well as exercising imagination, her verses are also suitable for children's education, lessons of teachings and messages of wisdom that we will share with you.

1. As meninas

she opened janela.
she stood up to the curtain.
E Maria
olhava e sorria:
"Bom dia!"
she was always more beautiful.
a plus sábia menina.
E Maria
I would hardly laugh:
"Bom dia!"
We will think about each girl
that naquela janela lived;
uma que se chamava Arabela,
uma que se chamou Carolina.
Deeper saudade
é Maria, Maria, Maria,
What do you say with the voice of amizade:
"Bom dia!"

Em As meninas, Cecília Meireles fala de três garotas who were vizinhas and costumavam see through janela. Com um humorous tom, or poem will be composed by rhymes like the same sons that you nomes delas: Arabela, Carolina and Maria.

instagram story viewer

While the first duas arise doing small actions, such as opening janela ou erguer a curtain, third parties are only fulfilled. Arabela and Louvada peels her beauty from her and Carolina peels her wisdom, but we hardly know that Maria is so saúda pelas manhãs: "Bom dia."

Nos finais verses, or eu-lyrical that testemunhava tudo isso fica lembrando from each uma das garotas. Despite two compliments that you give to other meninas, Maria is to what you say mais saudades, pela sua sympathy and doçura.

As Meninas - Cecília Meireles

2. Ou isto ou here

Ou was cool and there was no sun
You are sunny and you are not cool!

Ou is wedged to luva and not to põe or anel,
ou se põe o anel e não se calça a luva!

Quem over us ares não fica no chão,
It burns no chão não SOB ares.

It is a great pity that it does not stay
be at the same time in two places!

I keep or money and I don't buy twelve,
ou buy or twelve and spend or money.

Ou isto ou aquilo: ou isto ou aquilo ...
and I live escorting or inteiro day!

No sei jumped, no sei studied,
He came out running or quiet.

But I never managed to understand ainda
qual é melhor: se é isto ou aquilo.

Not by chance Ou isto ou here It is two most famous infantile poems from our literature. In composition, through everyday examples, Cecília Meireles transmits to her readers an essential lição: we are always making escorts.

We constantly need to position ourselves and choose, even if that means we lose some things. Or little guy, still in the training phase, he is learning to cope with his decisions and consequences.

He understands, then, that We can't finish the same time; a vida and feita de escolhas and we will always be open to something, even though it is possible to generate feelings of dúvida or incomplete.

Read a complete analysis no artigo Analysis of the poem Ou isto ou aquilo by Cecília Meireles.

POEM: Ou isto, ou aquilo Cecília Meireles

3. Dancer

This menina
little girl
she wanted to be a dancer.
She does not know nem do nem ré
but she knows how to ficar na ponta do pé.
She does not know nem my nem fa
But she bows or body to fall for the
She does not know nem la nem yes,
but she dates you olhos e sorri.
She rolls, rolls, rolls, like braces I don't ar
and she is not a fool, nem sai do place.
She põe not hair a star and a véu
e say that she fell do céu.
This menina
little girl
she wanted to be a dancer.
More depois she sketches all the dances,
and she also wanted to sleep like other children.

O singelo poem is also very famous in the Brazilian literary scene. Through him, or eu-lyrical descreve a child who wanted to be a dancer. Pequena, a menina dance and rodopia, more I do not know nenhuma of musical notes that or little subject is going to enumerate.

She achieves, however, ficar na ponta do pe e turn se fica d fool or lose or balance. We perceive, assim, that in spite of her life, A menina sat to music, dance quase by instinct, even though she doesn't know the notes.

Despite disso, she continues to be a child. Not the end of so much dance, she is tired and wants to sleep. There, she momentarily outlines your plans for the future, because she still has a lot of time to fight her forehead.

Cecília Meireles - "A Bailarina" []

Take the opportunity to also confer on Complete analysis of the poem A Dancer.

4. Or mosquito creeps

Or pernilongo mosquito
trança as legs, face um M,
depois, treme, treme, treme,
face um O quite oblong,
faz um S.
O mosquito on and off.
With arts that no one sees,
face um Q,
faz um U, e faz um I.
This mosquito
cross the legs, face um T.

And there,
it rounds off the face of another O,
more beautiful.

Já não é illiterate,
that insete,
Pois knows how to write me.

More depois vai try
someone who has a bite,
pois escrever tires,
não é, criança?

He is com muita fome

O poem pays attention to something that we normally ignore not every day: a mosquito. Or little poetic subject unbelievers or voo do inseto, as forms that the face will not ar, undoing letters as a body. With each hand, or mosquito will soletrating or myself.

A composition values Importance of writing and reading na life of all the children. Depois de ter feito a "lição de casa" and managed to escape or seu nome, or mosquito fica very tired and needs to eat.

It is curious that, here, or inseto does not appear as a species of villain: he has to bite someone else only because he is faminto, depois de ter voado (e estudado) demais.

Or Mosquito Escreve.wmv

5. To go to Lua

Enquanto não têm foguetes
to go to Lua
The boys slide off the scooter
pelas calçadas da rua.

Vão cegos de velocidade:
same as break my nose,
what a great happiness!
To be fast is to be happy.

Ah! you can be anjos
long handles!
More than just marmanjos.

To go to Lua é um marvelous poem about a força e o power of imagination. Nele, or eu-lrico, discovers a group of boys who are jumping around the streets, pretending that they are traveling with space hair. Riding a scooter at a high speed (as they were fired), they are very happy.

So much so that we don't care like the cliffs that run during a jump. The author also illustrates childhood as a time of concern, freedom and adventure. As well as not getting voar, because no são anjos, the garotos brincam and have fun do seu jeito.

6. Sonhos da menina

A flor as a menina sonha
is not ho?
ou na fronha?


O vento sozinho
I don't know her carrinho.

Of what size
serious or slice?

To vizinha
to sombrinha
of teia de aranha.. .

Na lua ha um ninho
by passarinho.

A lua com que a menina sonha
é o linho do sonho
ou a lua da fronha?

Or poem introduces noite like a fantastic tempo, onde a reality e o sonho is mixed. While she is asleep, a woman loses the distinction between the two things: her dreams combine elements of everyday life with fictional elements, impossible to happen in real life.

We are, then, during the process through which to its imaginação transforms or banal not dreamlike. Not the end of the composition, the two worlds are completely melted: or sonho becomes from line and to front, passes to ter uma lua.

7. O menino azul

O menino quer um burrinho
to wander.
Um donkey meek,
do not run nem polish,
more than he knew how to talk.

O menino quer um burrinho
what did dizer know
or not two rivers,
you give mountains, you give flowers,
- of tudo or what to appear.

O menino quer um burrinho
who knew how to invent beautiful stories
with people and bugs
e com barquinhos no mar.

E os dois sairão pelo mundo
What is a garden like?
just longer
and maybe more bought
e que no tenha fim.

(Quem souber de um burrinho desses,
I can scroll
to Ruas das Casas,
Number of Portas,
ao Menino Azul who doesn't know how to read.)

One more time, as a teacher and poet, Cecília Meireles calls attention to importance of literacy. Or a fala poem by a blue man who tries to be a burrinho to be his friend.

We can assume that a cor azul do menino symbolizes the dreams and the imagination of childhood, or even a certain sadness and melancholy. E o menino quer o donkey for what? To talk, learn how to do things, listen to stories and start with the world, a great adventure.

Our verses finais da composition, we understand or reason: or boy I didn't know what to do. By isso, he needs um companheiro; Through the reading, not so much, he could make you sozinho sonhos seus.

O Menino Azul - Cecília Meirelles - Historinha para Criança - The Blue Boy - Little Story

8. Or last walk

No last walk is more beautiful:
the last walk is seen or sea.
He who wants to live.

Or last walk is a long time:
custa-he muito to check.
But he who wants to live.

All or ceu fica a noite inteira
on or last walk.
He who wants to live.

When face lua, no terraço
fica all or luar.
He who wants to live.

I will hide you,
not to mistreat you:
not last walk.

From the inner world is seen:
everything seems perto, not ar.
He who wants to live:

not last walk.

This poem, or eu-lyrical, seems to be a child that is not the top of a building, with a beautiful view.

Just as aware that the last walk is long and difficult to achieve, is that or your goal. O subject accredits that she will be more perto do céu, da lua e dos passarinhos.

Or last walk becomes, in this way, an idyllic place, as a qual or subject sonha. We can assume that these verses, Cecília Meireles shows that uma criança also can have ambitions.

Embora was aware that there were difficulties, or Eu-lrico wanted to fight hair for his goal.

9. Carolina Colar

Like colar of coral,
run between the columns
gives hill.
Or strain Carolina
color or lime color,
makes menina corada.
E o sol, I sell that cor
do colar de Carolina,
põe choirs of coral
nas colunas da hill.

Carolina Colar It is an extremely musical composition, with games of words and alliterations (repetition of the constant C, R, L and N). By isso, the verses become a kind of trava-linguas.

A beleza da garota seems to inspire beleza da natureza and vice-versa. No poem, or little subject squeezes or way like a Menina seems to mix with natural elements than to rodeiam.

10. Or cavalinho branco

In the afternoon, or cavalinho branco
he is very tired:

more to a bit of the field
where he is always a holiday.

Or dig out the crina
Loura and Comprida

e nas green ervas atira
his white life.

Seu neigh shakes the roots
in the windy years

glad to feel free
your movements.

He worked all day, so much!
from early morning!

Rest among the flowers, cavalinho branco,
of golden horsehair!

Again, the behaviors of two animations are humanized in the poetry of Cecília Meireles. No poem in analysis, have a clear proximity between the behaviors two humans and two animals.

Here, or little guy tells that either he digs branco passou or day inside working and for isso he is tired. In this way, the eu-lyrical explains to the reader that he either deserves his or his period of rest.

Eat sensation of seeing fulfilled, depois de fazer tudo or what needed, or bug can then rest. Nestes verses, the author emphasizes that we need to be productive but also learn to relax and take advantage of life.


11. Leilão de jardim

What does a garden buy me with flowers?
Borboletas de muitas cores,
lavadeiras e passarinhos,
ovos verde e azuis nos ninhos?

Who can buy me this snail?
What does he buy me a sun ray?
A lizard between the wall and hera,
a spring statute?

What does this formigueiro buy for me?
And this toad, what is a gardener?
E a cicada and his song?
E o grilinho inside do chão?

(This is meu leilão.)

Nesta composition, or poetic subject seems to be a child that jump, reading everything or what is à sua volta. The verses reveal an attentive olhar, that I go unbelieving and listing the various elements of nature that exerts itself.

Na vision of an adult, maybe all these things are banais, insignificant até, but here they are presented as true riches. Let us also perceive that the eu-lyrical faces each piece of nature as a valuable work of art is found.

Escute a versão music by Marcelo Bueno, in the voice of Julia Bueno:

Music - Leilão de Jardim - Julia Bueno - Poetry by Cecília Meirelles - Music for Crianças

Read a complete analysis of Poem Leilão de Jardim, by Cecília Meireles.

12. Or Eco

Or menino ask ao eco
Where is he hiding?
More or echo only responds: Where? Where?

Or menino also lhe asked:
Echo, go hang out with me!

But I don't know whether or not my friend
ou inimigo.

Pois só lhe ouve dizer: Migo!

Or Eco It is a very funny poem that explains the relationship of a child as a curious acoustic phenomenon.

I know how to repeat two sons works, or I am confused and fascinated. How do I know, do outro, side there is a voice equal to your voice that hardly repeats or ends your sentences.

A composition illustrates infância as um tempo em que o world looks like magic cheio, a process of decoding not which everyday elements can seem mysterious or fantastic.

Castelo Rá Tim Bum - O Eco - Cecília Meirelles

13. Na chácara do Chico Bolacha

Na chácara do Chico Bolacha
or what is sought
never acha!

When I chove a lot,
O boy jump from boat,
because to chácra it turns puddle.

When I do not chove anything,
Chico trabalha com a enxada
The logo is bruised
e fica de mão swollen.

By isso, as Chico Bolacha,
or what is sought
it never collapses.

I say that to chácara do Chico
só tem mesmo chuchu
and a puppy coxo
Caxambu is called.

Outras coisas, no attempt,
because no acha.

Coitado do Chico Bolacha!

Another poem that jump with the words and their sounds, Na chácara do Chico Bolacha Fala about a place where everything is exquisite.

Além das rimas, a composition also conquers the little ones because it takes care for the existence of Similar words with different meanings (for example, "enxada" and "infhada").

To chácara do Chico Bolacha

14. Or fearful lizard

Or lizard looks like a folha
green and yellow.
E resides between as folhas, or tank
e to escada de pedra.
Suddenly sai da folhagem,
depressa, depressa
olha o sol, look as nuvens e runs
by top da pedra.
Drink or sun, drink or stand day,
its shape is still,
I don't know, I know the bug, I know how to fuck
fall na stone.
When someone approaches,

- oh! What shadow is that? —
o lizard logo hides
between folhas and pedra.

But, no coat, raise your head
scared and awake:
what giants are they who passam
peel stone scaling?
Assim lives, cheio of medo,
intimidated and alert,
or lizard (of which all gostam)
between as folhas, or tank e a pedra.

Careful and curious,
or lizard watches.
I do not see that the giants sorriem
for him, da pedra.
Assim lives, cheio of medo,
intimidated and alert,
or lizard (of which all gostam)
between as folhas, or tank e a pedra.

In this children's poem, Cecília Meireles is newly seals in nature, this time in a lizard.

Observing or his behavior and his own physiology, or poetic subject reflects on the capacity of camouflage What or bug uses to protect itself.

Or eu-lrico acha that or animal is fearful because he feared to hide, despite all gostarem dele. This seems to be an important metaphor for all of us: We can't live with me the world.

15. So much ink

Ah! Silly girl,
all suja of ink
bad or sunny!

(Sentou-se na ponte,
very inattentive ...
And now he is scared:
Quem é what to put on a pint
how much ink? ...)

Get ready
e is disposed.
To tontinha tenta
clean ink,
point by point
and pint by pint ...
Ah! Silly girl!
She did not see ink da ponte!

This is what the author's poems make that gain life when they are heard aloud. Full of rhymes and alliterations (as a repetição das consorantes "t" and "p"), So much ink vira a species of trava-linguas that stimulates or playful side gives poetry.

Confire to the marvelous leitura of ator Paulo Autran:

So Much Ink.wmv

16. Inquiry from the lime seller

Lima rhymes
peel branch
lime rhyme
scent hair.

Or I rumo that I lift or paddle.
Or rowing é that leads to rhyme.

Or bouquet that cam or aroma
porém o aroma é da lime.

It gives lime or aroma
to scent?

É da lime-lime
lime gives limeira
do auro da lima
or aroma of ouro
do ar!

As poetry it can be inspired by any coisa, this time or the name was a seller of limes and or seu pregão.

As you are a poetic subject or your own seller, you start to rhyme about two fruits, raising word games.

17. Or Laura's dress

Or Laura's dress
é of three babados,
all embroidered.

Or first, todinho,
todinho of flowers
of muitas cores.

Not second, just
flying bubbles,
num fine side.

Or third, star,
Stars of Renda
- maybe from lenda ...

Or Laura's dress
let's see now,
sem more delay!

That is how you star passam,
bubbles, flowers
lose your cores.
We do not form depression,
acabou-se or dress
all embroidered and flowery!

Embora fale of something simple, like or dressed as a menina, this poem has a fairly complex theme: a passagem do tempo.

You must disbelieve and praise Laura's roupa, who seems magical (compost by borboletas and stars), or a little subject who invites readers to observe her.

He alerts us that everything, same or that he belo, he ephemeral and we need to take advantage of what we can.

18. Canção da flor de pimenta

A flower gives pepper and a little star,
thin and white,
to flower gives pepper.

Frutinhas de fogo vêm depois da festa
you give stars.
Frutinhas de fogo.

Uns coraçõezinhos roxas, aureos, rubras,
very burning.
Uns coraçõezinhos.

E as little flowers are in the sky
jazem longe.
So little flowers ...

Mudaram-se em farpas, sementes de fogo
so pungent!
Mudaram-se em farpas.

Novas will open,
from this fire,
many stars ...

This is a singela composition that looks like something apparently banal: a flower of pepper. You verses descrevem a flor, falando of its format and gives its coloração.

A composition also accompanies o plant life cycle, falando do time when the fruits (as peppers) are born and also when as folhas fall.

Portrait of a pepper flower.
Portrait of a pepper flower.

19. A avó do menino

To avó
she lives alone.
Na casa da avó
or galo liro
face "cocorocó!"
A avó bate pão-de-ló
E anda um vento-t-o-tú
Na curtain of filó.
To avó
she lives alone.
More se or net menino
More se or Ricardó net
More I know the net crossed
Vai à casa da avó,
You play dominoes.

Or fala poem about a family, more specifically a relationship between um garoto and a sua avó. O little poetic subject repeats that Velhinha lives only and fears her rotina, but rejoices with the visits of Neto.

It is interesting to note that all the verses end in "ó", with the last accented letter, as ecoassem o canto do galo.

20. A Língua de Nhem

Havia uma velhinha
that she is hated
pois she gave her life
to falar with someone.

And she was always at home
to boa velhinha
resmungando sozinha:
nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem ...

Or cat that slept
I don't sing da cozinha
listening to velhinha,
I began too

a miar nessa lngua
e se ela resmungava,
or gatinho to accompany:
nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem ...

Depois veio or puppy
da casa da vizinha,
duck, goat and galinha
from ca, from la, from além,

and everyone will learn
to falar noite e dia
naquela melody
nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem ...

So to velhinha
how much did he suffer?
by não ter company
nem falar com ninguém,

she was all happy,
pois bad to mouth open
all he answered:
nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem-nhem ...

One more time, Cecília Meireles uses a nursery rhyme to falar da solidão you give more idosas people. Velhinha lived lamenting for being lonely, as she was failing her own language.

Aos few, you are encouraged by the vizinhança começaram to approach, moving on to your side. A sublinha composition or way as you bichinhos us fazem companhia e seem to understand or that we fail.

A Língua do Nhem

About Cecília Meireles

Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964) was a Brazilian poet, painter, day laborer and teacher, born in Rio de Janeiro. A published author or seu first book of poems, Spectral, em 1919. This was the beginning of the literary career by Cecília Meireles, who received hair from her peers.

Uma das vertentes mais fortes and acknowledged of her poetic fazer and her children's literature. In 1924, Cecília Meireles launched her first work directed at a younger audience, Criança, Meu Amor, in poetic prose.

Portrait of Cecília Meireles.
Portrait of Cecília Meireles.

As an educator, Meireles was close to the universe of children and knew how to relate to them and stimulate their imagination.

The result was a very rich production of children's poems, among the four classics of national literature such as Ou isto ou here, Dancer and As meninas, between others.

The literary body of the author is diverse and multifaceted, not limited to children's poetry. Do you want to know? Explore to poetry by Cecília Meireles.

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  • Famous poems that children are going to adore
  • Poemas infantis de Vinicius de Moraes
  • Melhores livros infantis da literature brazilian
  • Poems by Manoel de Barros to read com as crianças
  • Analysis of the poem Portrait, by Cecília Meireles
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