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Futurism: what were the main works of movement

Or what was it or Futurism?

O Futurism was an artistic and literary movement that arose from the 20th century, representing a number of European vanguardists that seek to break traditions and explore other ways of growing up.

Not on February 20, 1909, or the Italian poet Filippo Marinetti published or Futuristic Manifestono French wage Le Figaro, marking or commeço oficial do movimento.

Futurist non-wage manifesto Le Figaro.

Influenced by modern tempos and their transformations, or writer rejeitava or past and exalt as new technologies, praising aspects such as his energy and speed.

Iconoclast, Marinetti was the longest and dared to declare that a simple car could be aesthetically superior to some of the most famous statues of Classical Antiquity:

We affirm that the magnificência of the world is enriched by a beauty nova: a beauty da velocidade. A running car with a shaved chest with thick tubes, like snakes with explosive breath... A roaring automobile, than running on metal, is more beautiful than Vitória de Samotrácia.

Rapidly, Futurism expanded for various forms of art and found repercussions in our localities, influencing various creators of the modernist period.

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Strongly linked to its historical context, or Futurism is directly related to a fascist ideology that was rising on the European continent.

Assim, from the initial manifesto, or movement praising war, violence and militarization. Na verdade, many of these futurist artists and writers chegaram to belong to the Fascist Party.

Or movement lost to its force in the sequence of the First World War, I have found an echo later, with ideas and Dadaist practices.

Futurism Features

  • Valorization of technology and machines;
  • Valorization of speed and dynamism;
  • Representation of urban and contemporary life;
  • Rejection of the past and of conservatism;
  • Rupture with traditions and artistic models;
  • Look for daquilo that represents and symbolizes or future;
  • Topics such as violence, war and militarization;
  • Approach between art and design;
  • Positions of fascist ideology;

In literature, futurists will stand out for their use of typography, valuing propaganda in a communication vehicle. The works, written in vernacular language, typically national, are highlighted or the use of onomatopoeia. Poetry of the time is characterized by free verse, as exclamações e a fragmentação das phrases.

Já na painting, there is a clear praise of dynamism. Through vivid hearts and strong contrasts, as well as superimposing images, we futurists portray moving objects.

Also, the elements represented are not limited to their contours or visible limits; Contrary hair, they emerged as they estivessem moving no time and no space.

Visual art: main futuristic works

O Dynamism of um Automóvel

O Dinamismo de um Automóvel (1912).

The 1912 picture was created by Luigi Russolo and portrays a car em andamento Nas streets of a city. More than representing the lifestyle of the epoch, with the machines that were emerging, a work expressing the paixão of the artist with the technological advances of this "new world".

Illustrating or everyday of metropoles with strong and contrasting cores, he translates into a work a sensation of movement and speed quite characteristic of Futurism.

Dynamism of Um Cão na Coleira

Dynamism of Um Cão na Coleira (1912)

Dated from 1912, a painting by Giacomo Balla is another quite famous example of exaltation of movement and speed through futuristic art.

Ao unhook a puppy that is walking, or an artist manages to translate the enthusiasm of the animal, giving the impression that or body makes him shudder. As legs, as orelhas e a cauda le also seem to mix in a frantic way, swinging with current.

We still get a glimpse of the passes of the dono, which is walking on his side. Na work, we find the influence of chronophotography, a photographic technique of the Era Vitoriana that recorded as various phases of a movement.

Dynamic Hieroglyph of Bal Tabarin

Dynamic hieroglyph do Bal Tabarin (1912).

Gino Severini's canvas was painted in 1912 and presents a daily dinner of the famous Parisian cabaret Bal Tabarin. Extremely colorful and colorful of life, or square symbolizes bohemian life and focuses mainly on various bodies and human forms.

Individuals seem to overcome, as they dance; na true, the work relates to ideias of movement, dance and music. Here, you see some influences of French cubism, such as the collaging technique used to decorate these dresses.

Cavaleiro Vermelho

Quadro Cavaleiro Vermelho.

A work created by Carlo Carrá in 1913 also inspired by a daily action, in this case or sport, in the form of bullfights. Observing the legs and hooves of the animal, we can see that the portrayed in full action: this is not the middle of a run.

Impressively, the cloth can suggest that the animal is moving at a high speed. Isso becomes visible, for example, in the curved posture of the cavaleiro, which seems to be making an effort to secure himself.

Unique Forms of Continuidade no Espaço

Unique Forms of Continuidade no Espaço (1903), Umberto Boccioni

Uma das mais famous sculptures of Futurism, Unique Forms of Continuidade no Espaço She was raised by Umberto Boccioni in 1913. A small original, feita de gesso, is exhibited at the USP Museum of Contemporary Art, in the city of São Paulo.

Just five verses later, feitas de bronze, were found back in various parts of the world. It was precisely moving hair, so exalted futuristic hairs, that this work became uncontrollable.

Unbelieving um body no time and no space, who seems to be walking forward in a while or with his body standing behind, Boccioni sculpted something unequaled. As he fights against something invisible that or empurizes, this little subject transmits, simultaneously, the sensations of force and lightness.

Top Futurism artists

As we refer to here, it was very popular among Italian breeders who, or Futurism, had a greater impact. Embora had been created with a text, or logo movement, it was translated into numerous artistic productions, especially in areas of painting and sculpture.

Depois da publicação do text de Marinetti, several artists come to produce works that follow the previous ones that or Futuristic Manifesto claimed. Na verdade, barely two years old, the Italians Carlo Carrà, Russolo, Severini, Boccioni and Giacomo Balla assinaram o I manifest two futuristic painters (1910).

Portrait of two futurist painters in 1912.
Portrait of two Italian futurists (Luigi Russolo, Carlo Carrà, Filippo Marinetti, Umberto Boccioni and Gino Severini) in 1912.

Luigi russolo (1885 - 1947) was a painter, composer and theorist who cared for both art and music. The artist incorporates some sons of machines and urban life in his musical compositions, among those who stand out To art of noise (1913).

Ha Carlo Carrà (1881 - 1966) was a painter, writer and disenchantment who profoundly marked the futurist movement. At a later stage, he also devoted himself to metaphysical painting, which he was quite well aware of.

Among the authors of the manifesto of 1910, or painter, sculptor and unhinged Umberto Boccioni (1882 - 1916) is apontado as or mais notório. The artist had a premature death in 1916, depois de ter enlisted in the army, when he fell from a dig during a military exercise.

Portrait of Umberto Boccioni in 1914.
Umberto Boccioni (1882 - 1916), Italian painter and sculptor.

Gino Severini (1883 - 1966) was a painter, professor and sculptor who was also evident in Futurism, having been two main disseminators of movement outside Italy. Starting in 1915, he devoted himself to cubist art, highlighting geometric shapes in his works.

O seu professor of his, Giacomo balla (1871 - 1958), was another artist who became evident in Futurism. Or painter, poet, sculptor and composer worked as a caricaturist for many years in his ficaram fabrics made into ways like jogavam with light and movement.

Portrait of Amalda Negreiros in 1917.
Almada Negreiros (1893 - 1970), Portuguese multidisciplinary artist.

Also in Portugal, or futuristic movement ganhou força, mainly through Almada Negreiros (1893 — 1970). The painter, sculptor, writer and poet were a central avant-garde figure of the primeiras gerações do Modernismo. Among the many famous works of Almada, we highlight Portrait of Fernando Pessoa (1954).

Literary Futurism and Main Authors

In spite of having assumed enough force in the field of visual arts, it was through literature that or Futurism began to be configured.

Filippo Marinetti (1876 - 1944), or writer, poet, theorist and editor, was a breeder and great promoter of the movement with a publication of the Futuristic Manifesto (1909).

Embora fosse Italian, or born author born in Egypt of Alexandria and moved to Paris to continue your studies, having published texts in various literary magazines.

Portrait of Filippo Marinetti
Filippo Marinetti (1876 - 1944), Italian poet, breeder do Futuristic Manifesto.

Na Rússia, or Futurism manifested itself mostly through literature, as an example and a maximum exponent Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893 — 1930). Or a Russian writer, theorist and playwright, he was seen as the greatest poet of the Futurist movement.

He is also part of a group of intellectuals who founded the Cubo-Futurism and published works such as A Nuvem de Calças (1915) e Poetics: How to fazer verses (1926).

Portrait of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893 - 1930), Russian writer and theorist.

In Portugal, além de Almada Negreiros, another name stands out for no movement: o do seu companheiro, Fernando Pessoa (1888 — 1935).

The poet, playwright, translator and publicist continues to be acclaimed as one of the two greatest Portuguese authors.

A central figure not Portuguese Modernism, he was two authors responsible for the magazine Orpheu, where he published futuristic poems such as Ode Maritime e a Triumphal Ode, sob or heterônimo Álvaro de Campos.

Portrait of Fernando Pessoa.
Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935), considered the greatest Portuguese poet.

Futurism not Brazil

In 1909, barely ten months from the original publication, or Futuristic Manifesto chegou shyly to or Brazil. In December of the same year, or advocate and writer Almachio Diniz publicou to its translation no Jornal de Notícias from Salvador.

Despite its innovative character, the publication does not reach a large part of the country. It is later, in 1912, what or Futurism began to win the shape of our country, when Oswald de Andrade and Anita Malfatti We will contact you as a movement during your trips to the European continent.

A futuristic proposition and its ecoaram nationalist character in the Modern Art Week of 1922 in its search for a typically Brazilian identity.

Conheça also

  • Or what was it or Modernism?
  • Poem em linha reta, by Álvaro de Campos
  • Fernando Pessoa: fundamental poems
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