Poem O Navio Negreiro by Castro Alves: analysis and meaning
Or Navio Negreiro is a poetry by Castro Alves that integrates a great epic poem chamado You Escravos.
Written in 1870 in the city of São Paulo, a poetry relates to the situation of suffering African hairs, victims of the trafficking of scabs on the way from a ship from Africa to Brazil. It is divided into six parts with varied metrification.
Or Navio Negreiro It is a poetry divided into six parts and it is found within the work You Escravos. Its metrification is varied and accompanies or subject that follows no text. Isso gives an effect for the poetry of unity between the form and content.
O ceu e o mar as infinites that approach both blue skin and hair open space in the central places of poetry. I do not know what is infinite or the boat, which sails like wind and effort, two sunburned homers.
O poet observes this dinner with love and sympathy for the poetic crossing of the boat. He wanted to approach the ship that crosses the sea, more or the ship of the writer.
The poet began to imagine what was born that ship that follows the high-sea. But, in reality, it is not very different from the face of it. Every ship is not an ocean of poetry and saudades. Each nation has a different song: you Spaniards are given the beautiful women of Andalusia and the two songs of Homer.
Through two olhos do Albatroz, or poet manages to approach the ship and observe what happens. For his surprise of him or song não é de saudades or poetry, but sim um funeral song and or that is seen no ship and vile.
O poet discovers a horrible dinner that is passed over not suitable for the ship: a multitude of blacks, women, young men and women, all imprisoned for another year, dancing together with chicoteados marinheiros hairs. A descrição é longa, feita em six stanzas.
The main images are the two ferros that rangem forming a kind of music and the orchestra of mariners that chicoteiam wrote you. A relationship between music and dance with torture and cooking with a great poetic charge to describe the dinner. No final quem ri da dance unusual or own Satan, as it is that fosse a show of horrors feito para o diabo.
Either the poet shows his indignation of the perant or the black ship and begs Deus e à fúria do mar so that such infamy ends. A first stanza and repeated non-final, as requested or requested to strengthen the poet's hair.
I do not give a fifth part, the images of freedom from the African continent are interspersed with a prison or a black ship. A dark and open night of the savannah is transformed into a dark night, a dark night and a death. As human conditions for the transport of scraps are described in a poetic way, enhancing the desumanization of them.
O poet questions which flag that has made this ship and is responsible for such barbarity. This is taken up from the second part of the poem. It was before a bandeira não importava, pois or that ouvia was a poetry and or song, now it is essential due to the sofrimento that or ship carrega.
Or that it looks hated is the Brazilian flag, the poet's homeland. OR feeling of disaffection It is great, it highlights the qualities of your country, to Luta pela freedom and all hope that resides in a nation and that now is stained by the traffic of scabs.
O poem by Castro Alves is a small narrative about the slavery traffic between Africa and Brazil. The poetic element resides in the images in the metaphors found throughout the poem, mainly in the fourth part, where two escravos are tortured and described.
A beauty and an infinitude of the sea and of the ceu são placed in a check with a barbarian and in the absence of freedom from us for the black ship. As all the beauty of the ocean is incompatible with the leakage that passes no ship. Some characteristics of the poem and universalism. When traveling and having an adventure or hair trade, the flags and the nations are not important. They only became relevant when the objective of navigation was cruel.
A criticism of the traffic of escravos does not impede or patriotism of the poet. É or seu patriotism that raises criticism. In view of him, Brazil as a place of freedom and the future and incompatible with the scramble. Even being a liberal, Castro Alves did not set aside religiosity, crying out to Deus uma divine intervention not black trafficking.
Castro Alves is one of the two greatest poets of the third romantic geração, also known as Condor geração. Known as the "only social poet of Brazil", his work achieved fame and recognition without criticism. Your main livro, Floating foams, was the only one published in life and responsible for his other works.
Inspired by the poetry of Victor Hugo, Castro Alves took part in social questions, mainly in relation to writing. Or combat the Escravagista system rendeu a writer to some of "Poeta dos Escravos". The liberal thought of the end of the XIX century and the abolitionist movement also had great influences for the poet.
O abolitionism was a movement against the escravatura and the trafficking of escravos that saw the Illuminist thought. Socially, a questão tinha relação com a universal declaration two diretos dos homens. O Illuminism was a responsible thought for new concepts of freedom and equality, which moved some of the most important revolutions of the XIX century. For além da social revolution, or advancement of industrialization also moved to visão da economy no mundo.
You were not consumers of industrial production in the city that generated more wealth than of production of small plantations. For these industries, the skeletons who were potential consumers became free, and that was two economic incentives for the abolitionist movement.
'We are in the open sea... Doudo no space
Jump or luar - dourada borboleta;
E as vague apos of the run... tired
Like a restless mob of infants.
'We are in the open sea... Do firmament
The stars jump like foams of ouro ...
Or sea begins to change as ardentias,
- Constelações do liquid tesouro ...
'We are in the open sea... Infinite twelve
Ali shook my insane hug,
Azuis, dourados, placid, sublime ...
Qual dos dous é o céu? qual or ocean ...
'We are in the middle of the sea.. . Opening the candles
Ao quente arfar das virações marinhas,
Veleiro brigue runs to the flower of two seas,
As roçam na vaga as andorinhas ...
Where do you see? where are you going? You give wandering naus
What do you know or rumor is it big or space?
Neste saara you corcéis or get up,
Galopam, voam, mas não deixam traço.
Bem happy quem ali pode nest'hora
Feel this panel a majesty!
Embaixo - or sea on top - or firmament ...
E no mar e no ceu - a imensidade!
Oh! that twelve harmony traced me in a breeze!
What soft music ao longe soa!
Meu Deus! how is sublime a burning song
Pelas vagas sem fim boiando à toa!
Homens do mar! or rudes marinheiros,
Toasted hair sun two four worlds!
Crianças that warmth to procela
Do not miss these deep sticks!
Wait! wait! let us drink
This jungle gems, free poetry
Orchestra - é o mar, which roars from the bow,
E o vento, que nas cordas assobia ...
Why foges assim, light boat?
Why are you foges do pávido poeta?
Oh! Quem dera accompany me to thisira
Que semelha no mar - doudo comet!
Albatroz! Albatroz! ocean guide,
You, how sleepy you give nuvens between the gazas,
Take out the sorrows, Leviathan do espaço,
Albatroz! Albatroz! give me these handles.
What does nauta or berço matter,
Where is filho, what seu lar?
Loves a cadência do verso
Que lhe ensina o velho mar!
Sing! that to death is divine!
Resvala or brigue à bolina
Like a fast golfinho.
Dam ao mastro da mezena
Saudosa bandeira acena
So vague it leaves behind.
Do Espanhol as cantilenas
Requebradas de langor,
Lembram as brunette girls,
Andalusians in flower!
Da Italia or indolent filho
Sing Veneza dormente,
- Terra de amor e traição,
Ou do golfo no regaço
Releases the verses of Tasso,
Along with lavas do vulcão!
Or English - cold marinheiro,
What a year to be born not to be achou,
(Because to England is a ship,
That Deus na Mancha ancorou),
I rule in glorious lands,
Lembrando, proud, stories
From Nelson and from Aboukir.. .
O Francês - predestined -
Sing os louros do passado
E os loureiros do porvir!
You marinheiros Hellenos,
That a vaga jônia criou,
Beautiful brown pirates
Do mar that Ulisses cut,
Homens that Fídias talhara,
I'm going to sing clear noite
Verses that Homer twins ...
Nauts of all plagues,
You know how vague
As melodies do céu! ...
Desce do espaço imenso, or águia do oceano!
Desce more... inda mais... I can't olhar human
Como o teu mergulhar no brigue voador!
More than an old man there... What a square of bitterness!
É canto funeral!... What gloomy figures! ...
What an infamous and vile dinner... Meu Deus! Meu Deus! How awful!
It was a dantesque sound... or tombadilho
That you give luzernas avermelha or shine.
Em sangue a se banhar.
Tinir de ferros... star of açoite ...
Legions of black homens like a noite,
Horrendous to dance ...
Black women, suspending their tits
Lean crianças, whose mouths pretas
Give or sangue days more:
Outras girls, more nuas and scared,
No turmoil of dragged specters,
Em ânsia e mágoa vãs!
And he laughs at an ironic, strident orchestra ...
E gives fantastic round to serpentine
The face doudas spirais ...
I know it arches velho, I know not chão resvala,
Ouvem-se screams... or chicote estala.
E voam mais e mais ...
Prey us elos de uma só cadeia,
A multidão faminta cambaleia,
E chora e dança ali!
Um de raiva delirium, another enlouquece,
Outro, what martyrdoms brutalizes,
Singing, geme e ri!
No deal or captain sends to manobra,
E apos phyting or ceu that unfolds,
Tão pure on or on the sea,
I say I smoke among the dense nevoeiros:
"Vibrai rijo o chicote, marinheiros!
Fazei-os mais dançar... "
He laughs at an ironic, strident orchestra.. .
E gives fantastic round to serpentine
Face doudas spirais ...
Qual um dantesco sound as shadows voam ...
Shouts, ais, curses, pray ressoam!
Hey, Satan ...
Senhor Deus two unfortunate!
Say-you go, Senhor Deus!
It is loucura... I know it is true
So much horror perante os céus ?!
Ó mar, why don't you turn off
Co'a sponge of tuas vagas
From your mantle this blur ...
Astros! noites! storms!
Rolai give imensities!
Varrei os mares, tufão!
Quem são these unfortunates
That we can't find in you
More than or laugh calmly gives turba
What excites fúria do algoz?
Quem são? It crashes down,
It is to vaga à pressa resvala
Like a fleeting accomplice,
Perante a noite confusa ...
Say-o you, severe Muse,
Muse free, audacious ...
São os filhos do deserto,
Wave to terra wife to light.
Where he lives in open field
A tribo dos homens nus ...
São os guerreiros ousados
What do you eat pissed off tigers
Fight in solidão.
Ontem simple, fortes, bravos.
I look at miserable scramblers,
Sem light, sem ar, sem reason.. .
São mulheres desgraçadas,
Like Hagar or foi também.
That you are sedentary, broken,
Of longe... bem longe vêm ...
Tracing with different steps,
Filhos e algemas arms us,
N'alma - tears and happy ...
Like Agar stir-fry so much,
That nem or leite de pranto
You have to give for Ishmael.
The infinite areias,
You give palmeiras no country,
Nasceram cute children,
Viveram moças gentis ...
Go one day to a caravan,
Quando a virgem na cabana
Cisma da noite nos véus ...
... Adeus, or choça do monte,
... Adeus, palmeiras da fonte ...
... Adeus, sweethearts... adeus ...
Depois, or extensive areal ...
Depois, or ocean of pó.
Depois no immense horizon
Desertos... desertions only ...
E a fome, or cansaço, a headquarters ...
Ai! how unhappy that yields,
E cai p'ra não mais s'erguer ...
Vaga a place na cadeia,
Mas o jackal on areia
Acha um corpo to gnaw.
Ontem to Serra Leoa,
To war, to caça ao leão,
Or I sound asleep to all
Sob as tendas d'amplidão!
Browse... or black porão, fund,
Infect, open, imundo,
I tend to plague for jaguar ...
I am always cut off
Hair I pluck from a deceased,
E o baque de um corpo ao mar ...
Ontem full freedom,
A vontade by proxy ...
Browse... cúm'lo de maldade,
Nem são livres p'ra morrer. .
Turn you on to the same current
- Iron, dreary serpentine -
The threads of the scraping.
E assim zombando da morte,
Dança to lugubrious coorte
Ao som do açoute... Irrisão ...
Senhor Deus two unfortunate!
Tell me, Senhor Deus,
He was delirious... I know it's true
So much horror perante os céus ...
Ó mar, why don't you turn off
Co'a sponge of tuas vagas
Do you have this borrão mantle?
Astros! noites! storms!
Rolai give imensities!
Varrei os mares, tufão! ...
There is um povo that a bandeira loan
To take on so much infamy and cowardice ...
E deixa-to transform-se nessa festa
In the impure cloak of cold bacchante ...
Meu Deus! meu Deus! more than bandeira is this,
How impudent na gávea tripudia?
Be quiet. Muse... chora, e chora so much
Que o pavilhão se lave no teu pranto! ...
Auriverde pendão de minha terra,
That a breeze from Brazil beija e balança,
Banner that encloses sunlight
E as divine promises gives hope ...
You who, gives freedom from apostles to war,
Foste up to two heroes na lança
Before you houvessem broken na battle,
That you serve um povo de mortalha ...
Atrocious fatality that a mind is magic!
Extinguish this hour or brigue world
O trilho that Colombo opens vague,
Like um iris not deep stick!
More and more infamy!... Da ethereal plague
Get up, heroes do Novo Mundo!
Andrada! start this pendão two ares!
Colombo! date to porta dos teus mares!
Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).