8 genius musics by Raul Seixas commented and analyzed
Raul Seixas was an unconventional figure of music and Brazilian culture. Apontado as either National Country Rock, or singer and composer, his posture of contestation and his deep lyrics, with mystical, social and philosophical reflections, stood out.
The succession of Raul surpassed his own death and, at present, he is considered a cult artist, who continues to gain new fans and fans.
We all know the two serious successes of him, but it is worth analyzing the verses with attention and considering his principais mensagens. Relembre, abaixo, 8 genius musics by Raul Seixas.
1. Ambulant Metamorph (1973)
I prefer to be
That walking metamorphose
Do you know that velha opinião
Formed on all
Ambulant Metamorph I have two more songs made by the artist, making part of his first solo album, Krig-Ha, Bandolo!.
The title of the album was a reference to the battle cry of Tarzan, personagem das historias em quadrinhos da Editora Brasil-América Limitada (EBAL). A phrase can be translated as "Care, aí vem or inimigo".
Assuming this "do against" position, a song explains a little about the way the artist thought and lived. Num tempo marked for repression, pregava to freedom of thought and conduct.
About what is or love
About o que eu nem sei quem souIt leafs eu sou estrela
Amanhã já went out
I looked at you, I hated you
Amanhã I have love
Assim, we are perante a little subject who challenges what the society determines as certain, appropriate, oil. Contrary, or eu-lyrical hair proves that there are many ways of living and facing the world.
This é um hino à moving, à constant transformation. O subject not oily "that velha opinion formed on everything"; He is open minded and knows that he can learn and change his ideas with each new experience.
For this reason, I choose to be a "walking metamorphosis", or something, someone who is not stagnant, rather than walking and transforming during the process.
2. Fly in Soup (1973)
Eu sou a fly that pousou em su soup
I am like a fly that I paint to abuse
Eu sou a fly that disturbs or seu sono
Eu sou a fly no seu quarto to buzz
Launched in full military status, Fly in Soup denunciava or climate of oppression experienced Brazilian povo hair. Through his genius lyricism, with creative metaphors, Raul managed to dribble into censorship.
Na music, a fly seems to represent military forces, that we are in all or place, ameaçando, prowling, chasing.
Here, they are not properly appointed as something perigosome, scary, but something flat, that disturbs or tempo everything. However, this fly seems invincible, it is not possible to fight it: "You kill one and see another in my place."
Eu tô always together with you
Water mole in hard stone
So much bat I tied that fura
Quem, quem é?
A fly, meu irmão
I cannot openly fail, or little guy I will hint more and more that he is referring to the repressive government. The letter insists on the idea of persecution: either the musician wants you to understand the message that he is trying to transmit.
A "fly in the soup" can also be understood as a endurance, artists like Raul who continue to push back and answer.
Even being persecuted, censored and exiled, they continue to be a "pedra no sapato" of authoritarianism, given freedom.
3. Ouro de Tolo (1973)
Eu should be happy
Because eu tenho um emprego
Sou um dito cidadão respeitável
I have four thousand cruzeiros per month
The gloomy "years of chumbo" of the military leadership were accompanied by an economic growth, which saw the accumulation of wealth and inequalities among the population increase.
Or supposed "Economic miracle" was announced in the seventies Authoritarian government hair, which wanted to sell to Imagem do Brasil in global power. In this case, the middle class was favored by a slightly superior lifestyle and the possibility of acquiring goods such as cars and apartments.
Logo our verses initiate, or subject declares that he is not satisfied with what he is offering, that he is not satisfied with little. Questioning or everyday of um cidadão comum, or eu-lrico seems to tempt chamá-lo à razão: he tem "big coisas / to conquer".
Eu should be happy Senhor hair
Ter granted me or Sunday
To go with family to Jardim Zoológico
Give pipoca aos macaques
Ah, more than a little guy, I sou eu
That there is nothing funny
Macaco, praia, car, day, tobogã
Eu acho tudo isso um saco
In this way, Raul Seixas is trying to wake up the Brazilian city for the need to fight for democracy.
Ouro de Tolo It seems to be a reference to false alchemists who try to transform prickly pear into precious metal.
Na letter, or subject is demarcated fromsa apathetic and conformist posture. He sublimates that you be material and small moments of comfort cannot be worth more than your own life.
I don't sit down
No throne of an apartment
Com to mouth scandalous cheia de dentes
Waiting to die chegar
OR theme was launched in the national network, in June 1973, when the singer and friend Paulo Coelho summoned a press to promote the Alternative Society (which day we will miss more).
Despite two political and social comments present in the letter, the music managed to escape censorship and ended up having a great success.
4. Medo da Chuva (1974)
It is a pity that you think that you are so bad
Saying that your husband is not going to leave
As you pedras imóveis na praia eufico ao teu side
Two loves that a life trouxe me and eu I could not live
Medo da Chuva it was composted by Raul Seixas and Paulo Coelho. Fruit of a conservative era, it is a song that reflects on two main alices of society: o marriage.
Na letter, or little guy goes directly with his wife, expressing his feelings about the relationship. Logo us first verses, it makes it clear that he sat prisoner next to it, subjugated to his vontade.
Isso or cam to question one's own idea of monogamy, socially imposed as the only valid way to love. Here, or eu-lyrical, imagine all the loving envelopes that he has to rejeitar to ficar like the same pessoa "forever".
Eu lost or meu medo, or meu medo, or meu medo da chuva
Pois a chuva turning pra terra traz coisas do ar
I learned or segregated, or segredo, or segredo gave life
I sell so you ask that choram sozinhas not the same place
No refrão, or little subject declares that he lost or "medo da chuva", or that we can interpret as medo gives sadness, gives nostalgia, gives solidão.
In spite of it being a painful process, or eu-lyrical, it achieves trilhar a path of liberation. He needs to bring to life the jeito that he wanted, he will allow himself, but isso also demands that he learn to maintain or balance sozinho.
5. Alternative Society (1974)
I know you want and you want
Take banho de chapéu
Ou wait Papai Noel
Ou discuss Carlos Gardel
Okay, go
Faze or what do you want
Pois é tudo da lei, da lei
Alternative Society é uma music written by Raul Seixas and Paulo Coelho, na qual constroem o projeto de uma utopian community.
In direct contrast with the ways of life given by the oppression of ditadura, ali all teriam freedom and power make your own escorts.
At the base of this creation we are taught by English magician and occultist Aleister Crowley. Among them, Lei de Thelema stood out: "Fazes or whatever you want, it must be or everything gives Lei."
Essa é a nossa lei e a alegria do mundo
(Long live Sociedade Alternativa!)
Long live, long live!
More than a song, Alternative Society I am a movement of conscientization that brings attention to Possibility of nursery for the oppressor system.
Parceiros na arte, Seixas e Coelho partilhavam by faith in alternative and esoteric communities, checking to register their Sociedade no cartório (1972 - 1976).
6. Try another time (1975)
Don't say that the song is lost
Have faith in Deus, have faith in life
Try another time
Uma das most exciting songs by Raul Seixas, Try another time é uma lição de resiliência. O created artist or theme in collaboration with Marcelo Motta and Paulo Coelho; it's about uma tribute to my friend Geraldo Vandré.
In 1968, the year that marked the boom of repression, or musician concorreu ao Festival da Canção com Pra Não Dizer Que Não Falei das Flores, um two major hinos gives resistance. Embora or popular theme or public favorite, or interfering decision-making power did not result and impeded Vandré's victory.
It is enough to be sincere and to wish deep
You will be able to shake the world, vai
Tente another time,
E não say that a vitória is lost
I know of battles that you live to life
Try another time
Na letter, or subject goes to or ouvinte, loading a message of força and motivation. The lembra or other (I will burn more I am listening) that I cannot give up even when facing major losses or injustices.
It is necessary to continue fighting and not lose sight of your goals: "Get up your sedentary hand and start walking." Music serves to let us know that, even more dysphoric, it is necessary to keep hope and positive thinking.
7. Eu was born 10 thousand years ago (1976)
I saw a velhinho sitting na calçada
Eat a piece of esmola
E uma viola na mão
Or povo parou for ouvir
Thank you for the moedas
And he sang that music
That contains a history
What was more or less assim
Um two classics by Raul Seixas, more once in partnership with Paulo Coelho, with music based on a North American theme as the same title, I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago.
It is about an ancient song of country that Elvis Presley, one of his idols, adapted and recorded in 1972. Nela we have an image of a homem who sings na rua, asking for money in the troca. We verses, this little guy lists all the things that he testemunhou in this world.
Assim like the original version, with letters and crossed by countless Biblical references: Christ, Moses, Maomé, etc. A song by Raul Seixas, not so much, it does not tell for there.
Eu was born
A thousand years ago
I don't have anything in the world that I don't know too much about
O subject to the bruxas burned in the fire against the Inquisition and also two symbols of Umbanda, a Brazilian religion that continues to be faced with mistrust.
São also mentioned important events in the History of Brazil in the world, such as Quilombo dos Palmares and the domain of Hitler in Europe.
Representing an individual who assists all of the fora, from or beginning two tempos, Raul feeds an image of guru, of a magician who carries an ancestral wisdom.
8. Maluco Beleza (1977)
Whenever you strive to be
Um little guy normal and fazer all the same
Eu do meu side, learning to be Louco
Um maluco total, na loucura real
Maluco Beleza é, sem dúvida, um dos maiores successes by Raul Seixas. Or title of the song virou um two affectionate names, quais or artist and known together with his audience.
With apparently simple lyrics, to music carries a revolutionary message about our way of being in the world. Numa society that lives off patrons and appearances, or little subject affirms that it is rejeitado tudo isso.
In this way, he demarcated himself, "a normal little guy", who made an effort to follow everything that was imposed. Ele, on the other hand, Preferential nursery do seu jeito, same is for taxed of louco.
That is the way that is the same as escolhi
It's easy to follow by no where to go
For fazê-lo, or eu-lrico, he explains that he needs to mix "maluquez" with "lucidity", ou seja, to challenge what others expect from um homem são. Maybe because of this, this is the most listened to music from the artist, we days that run.
Perante a society that is present, Raul questions and redefines concepts of mental health. E o que é, então, um Maluco Beleza? We do not have an exact definition, but we propose this: someone who does not care to be "strange" to be happy.
About Raul Seixas
Raul Seixas (June 28, 1945 - August 21, 1989) was a notorious singer, composer, musical producer and instrumentalist, born in Salvador.
O seu legacy of him no world gives music and inegável, as well as his influence from him to artists that will emerge from him. Muitos apontam Raul Seixas as or Pai do Rock Brasileiro. Misturandois international influences with typically Brazilian rhythms, or a Creole musician with a singular sound.
![Portrait of Raul Seixas.](/f/f0350d6093b17e78bc4735f565178d6d.jpg)
Also known as "Raulzito" or "Maluco Beleza", I ended up turning an icon of our culture, with complex lyrics and radical questions, for the time.
In full military rank, or an artist who has always been able to launch contestation themes such as Ouro de Tolo, Fly in Soup and Alternative Society.
A Sociedade Alternativa that he projected and founded with Paulo Coelho ended up being faced as a member of the government and both were imprisoned, tortured and exiled.
Um two great names of resistance, Raul Seixas manages to be more than isso: the voice-bearer of freedom, as few foram.
Cool Culture no Spotify
Listen to these and other songs of the artist's succession playlist that we prepare for you:
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