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Os 20 melhores love poems by Vinicius de Moraes

1. Sonnet of fidelity

Of all, my love, I will be attentive
Before, e eat zelo, e semper, e so much
That same em face of greater charm
Let him be enchanted more meu thought

I want to live it every moment
E em seu louvor hei on the back, I sing
E laugh meu riso e spill meu pranto
Ao seu regret ou seu contentment

E assim when later I try
That tastes like death, anguish of that lives
Quem tastes like solidão, fim de quem ama

Eu possa lhe dizer do amor (que tive):
That it does not seem immortal, I post that it is chama
More than infinite as long as it lasts

Written in Estoril (in Portugal), in October 1939, and published in 1946 (no Poems, Sonnets and Ballads), Sonnet of fidelity It is two of the most famous love poems of the Brazilian writer.

Vinicius de Moraes, who uses the classical form of the sonnet to talk about beloved year loyalty, highlights how we fear vontade of take care of the other When we are stunned and how love conquers all the barriers that are appearing.

The poem also reminds us that it is necessary to take advantage of this special feeling every second, because, as the last verses sublinham, or love não and immortal ao contrarário do que os romanticos costumam accredit.

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A lição given by Vinicius de Moraes a year ago two 14 verses that we should take advantage of when the girl is acesa.

Conheça more about or poem I read or artigo Sonnet of Fidelidade, by Vinicius de Moraes.

2. Tenderness

I miss you, sorry for loving you suddenly
Embora o meu amor seja uma velha canção nos teus ouvidos
You give hours that two your gestures passed in the shade
Drinking two sorrisos out of your mouth or perfume
Das noites that I lived heated
Pela graça indizível two teus passos eternally escaping
I swallow two doçura that I oil melancholy.
E posso told you that or great affection that I leave you
I do not trace or exasperate the tears nem to fascination of promises
Nem as mysterious words two véus da alma ...
É um sossego, uma unção, um transdamento of caresses
I ask you to rest still, very still
And so it is that warmer days we find sem fatality or ecstatic olhar da dawn.

Written in Rio de Janeiro, in 1938, Tenderness Fala about perspective do romantic, idealized love, and it comes as a request to apologize to my loved one, because of this sudden and captivating feeling.

Dominated by intense love that he feels, or a poet declares himself for a loved one, faking everything or affection that he nurtures for her and promising an absolute dedication. In exchange, the beloved should only be infected by that deep love.

3. Sonnet of total love

I love you so much, my love… don't sing
Or human heart with more truth ...
I love you as a friend and as a lover
Numa always diverse realities

I love you, I love you, of a calm love,
E I love you além, present na saudade.
I love you, enfim, with great freedom
Inside gives eternity at every moment.

I love you like a bug, simply
Of um love sem mistério e sem virtude
As a solid and permanent wish.

I love you very much and amiúde,
What a day on earth suddenly
Hei de morrer de amor as much as I could.

In 1951, Vinicius de Moraes escreveu in Rio de Janeiro or Sonnet of total love. Using the classical format of the sonnet, or poetinha tentou condense us 14 verses or feeling of intense affection that the otter pela mulher beloved.

We read no poem to anguish do you want translate into words everything or love that I felt, to be able to transmit a loved one to a dimension of her affection.

Or love portrayed, not a poem and complex and presents several facets: from a calm, serene love, anchored in the amizade, attached to an animal sentiment, full of raw hair and the urgency of possuí-la.

At the end of the poem we conclude that the little subject loves so much that, in a certain way, he fears dying suffocated in so much love.

Read a complete analysis do Sonnet of Total Love, by Vinicius de Moraes.

4. I know that you will love

I know that you will love
For the whole of my life, I will love you
In every farewell you will love
I know that you will love

And each verse meu will be pra te dizer
That you know that you will love
For a lifetime

Eu I know that you will chorar
Every time you are absent, you will go,
But each volta you have to turn off
Or that this absence caused me

Eu sei que vou sofrer
To eternal misadventure from nursery to waiting
From nursery to side teu
For a lifetime.

The verses of Vinicius de Moraes were played by Tom Jobim and became even more famous in song format. Long year of I know that you will love or poet declares with certainty of his sentiment, to the awareness that this affection tão forte it will persist for or remainder two six days.

To declare or his love, he assumes that he will crash every time his beloved is absent, and that he will also be radiant with joy as well as the estiver of volta.

Completely overwhelmed, he shows himself dependent on a loved one and faithful to relationship, which seems to be a central pillar in his personal history.

5. A você, with love

Or love or murmúrio da terra
when the stars went out
e os ventos da aurora vagam
no day born ...
Or resident abandonment,
to Rutila joy
two lips, da fonte
it gives wave that attacks
do mar ...

Or love is to memory
that or tempo does not kill,
to song bem-beloved
happy and absurd ...

E to inaudible music ...

O silence that treme
e seems to occupy
o heart that freme
when to melody
do canto de um pássaro
seems to ficar ...

O love é Deus em plenitude
to infinite measure
give gifts that you see
like sol e com a chuva
seja na montanha
seja na flatness
to chuva that runs
e o armazen treasure
no fim do rainbow.

Long year of A você, with love we see or poet will strive to be able to define what is it or love through a poetic olhar.

Ao trying to make comparisons ends up going through subjective definitions (or love is or murmúrio da terra, os ventos da aurora, a memory that or tempo does not kill, Deus em plenitude). It is based on metaphors that I am either trying to define or that this feeling is difficult to understand and translate.

The title chosen by Vinicius de Moraes shows that it is a kind of poem-present, making it clear that the composition is internally dedicated to a beloved woman.

6. Absence

Eu deixarei que morra em mim or desire to love you teus olhos que são doces
Because nothing can give you a message to see me eternally exhausted.
Not as much to your presence and to what it is like to light and to life
I feel that in my gesture exists or your gesture is in my voice to your voice.
I do not want you ter because em meu ser tudo would be finished
I only want you to emerge in me like desperate faith
For us to carry a drop of Orvalho nesta terra amaldiçoada
That ficou on minha meat as a nódoa do pasado.
Eu deixarei… you will go and encostarás a tua face em outra face
Your fingers will link other fingers and you will unzip at dawn
But you will not know that I was colheu, because I was or great intimate da noite
Because eu encostei minha face na face da noite e ouvi a tua fala amorosa
Because my fingers link, the fingers give new suspensions, no space
E eu trouxe attached my mysterious essência of your disorderly abandonment.
Eu ficarei only how you watch us behave silently
More eu you will have more than none because I will be able to leave
And all the lamentações do mar, do vento, do céu, das birds, das stars
It will be your present voice, your absent voice, your serene voice.

Written no Rio de Janeiro, in 1935, Absence It is a poem marked by melancholy and by the decision of the subject of not having to face or loving feeling.

This poem is two few cases in the work of poetry where or love does not appear as a true statement within a relationship of succession. Before, contrary hair, o love is celebrated just as o house has not been fied together.

In spite of wanting all his forces to be a woman he loves, he ends up giving up the relationship because he does not want to cause distress for her that he loves. Or poet preferred to save or his love and sofrer in silence than to subjugate the beloved to dor.

7. Sonnet do maior amor

Maior love nem mais estranho exists
What or me, what do you say to that beloved
And when I'm happy, I'm sad
And if he is dissatisfied, he laughs.

And so physical in peace he resists
O beloved heart, and that pleases
More gives eternal adventure that persists
What a bad-adventurous life.

Louco love meu, what when he touches, fere
And when it vibrates, more preferred
Ferir to pass away - e vive a esmo

Faithful to his law of every moment
Dismayed, golden, delusional
Numa paixão de tudo e de si mesmo.

Written in Oxford in 1938, or Sonnet of love maior Fala of a different, peculiar love, which initially came from opposing ideas (when happy, when sad, when discontent, laugh).

Long ago we discovered two verses that or little subject seeks a restless life, cheia of adventures, preferring experiment or love louco to live I do not suspect and calm down.

In search of a poet here not for a specific person, but especially for the paixão, for the feeling of being caught up and involved in a love relationship. O little subject specifies that this feeling of euphoria pre-ignites your love life.

8. Love

Let's jump, love? let's play peteca
Let's catch the others, love, let's go running
Let's go up no elevator, let's sofrer calmly and without precipitation?
Come on sofrer, love? evils gives soul, perigos
Dores of more intimate fame like the chagas of Christ
Let's go, love? let's take absinthe porre
Let's take a porre de coisa bem esquisita, let's go
Pretend that I look at Sunday, let's see
O afogado na praia, are we going to run behind the battle?
Come on, love, take thé na Cavé com Madame de Sevignée
Let's go roubar laranja, falar nome, let's invent
Let's raise beijo novo, carinho novo, let's visit N. S. do I give birth?
Let's go, love? let us persuade immensely two events
Let's go to sleep baby, throw the no urinol
Let's go, love?
Because excessively serious is Life.

Using free verses, sem rima, Vinicius de Moraes no seu poem Love face a series of treats to a beloved person. As initially expected questions, tell them that someone who is dull face to face or partner ("let's jump, love?"). Or just come by by listing a series of common situations that marry at the beginning of the relationship, experience how to catch each other and run.

More logo depois or poet investe em perguntas anything you use, surpreendendo or leitor e lembrando that a relationship also implies the ("Come on sofrer, love?").

Or poem, depois of presenting successive different situations (some happy and other nem both), concluded that we should take advantage of because life is too severe.

9. She entered as a passer not a museum of memories

She entered as a passer not a museum of memories
It is not a mosaic in preto and white, because it is going to jump with a dance.
Não soube was um anjo, seus lean braços
They were very white to serem handles, more voava.
Tinha cabelos inesquecíveis, assim like a baroque niche
Onde repousasse uma face de santa de talha unfinished.
Seus olhos de el pesavam-lhe, but it was not modesty
She was half to be loved; vinha de preto
On the palate as a brand of beijo on a pale face.
Reclined; nem tive tempo de a achar bela, já a amava.

Cheio from beautiful images, She entered as a passer not a museum of memories é two more beautiful love poems created by Vinicius de Moraes. Written in free verse, sem rhyme, or poem é, not found, um grande praise to woman beloved.

The poet uses the metaphor of the passer to speak of a series of characteristics linked to that which roubou or seu coração de ella: o way in which she arises unexpectedly (like a bird) handles.

There is, however, a crucial difference in relation to two years: when a loved one is in the middle of his feeling and is afraid of surrendering, he does not have another hypothesis and he seems completely rapt.

10. To uma mulher

When at dawn I entered my estendi or meu peito nu sobre o teu peito
You were trembling with your pale face and you were colder
And the anguish of the morava return já nos teus olhos.
I have mercy on your destiny that was to die, not my destiny
You wanted to kill for a second of you or bundle of meat
Quis beijar-te num vague darling grateful.
But when my lips touch your lips
I understood that to die there was no body
And that it was necessary to flee so as not to lose or only moment
Em that really fosters in absence of cooking
Em that really foste serenidade.

Written in Rio de Janeiro, in 1933, To uma mulher Fala, same time, of an intense loving feeling and the separation of the house.

Cheio de sensibilidade, the verses narrate the final moments of the relationship, the definitive separation and the impact that this decision leaves us with.

She is tempted to come closer, to offer a love, to thank in some way for the moments lived a dois. But she refuses, seeming já ter deixado to unpassed relationship. Or poem, embora sad, is also a beautiful record of the sad destiny of a love affair.

11. A brusque poetry gives a beloved woman

Longe two fishermen os rivers infindáveis ​​vão morrendo de sede slowly ...
The foram seen walking from noite para o amor - oh, a beloved woman and like a fonte!
A beloved woman is like or thought of the philosopher sofrendo
A beloved woman is like a dormined lake, not a lost hill
But burned is that mysterious one that is like a crackle citrus I don't peito?
Is it that temples, lips and fingers inside the non-existent shape?

Wheat hair to be born in campinas from sun to terra amorosa elevated to pale face two lords
The foram washers moving into princes of finer and transfigured faces ...

Oh, to my beloved woman and like a wave sozinha running distant das praias
Pousada not found will be a star, e mais além.

Written no Rio de Janeiro in 1938, em A brusque poetry gives a beloved woman or poet tempts, at all times, disbelieve that which is the object of love do poet.

To try to place a beloved in words or poet, use a comparative resource: a beloved and as a source, as a thought of a sofrendo philosopher, and as a dormant lake, not a lost hill.

In his attempt, he is not properly disbelieving the woman who loves him physically, but rather, from a more subjective point of view, the feeling that she provokes.

12. To mulher that happens

Meu Deus, I want a woman who happens.
Her cold back is a field of lyrics
She had seven cores for us, her hair
Hope for a fresh mouth!

Oh! How is she cute, mulher what happens
That you satiate me and torture me
Within days noites, within two days!

Teus sentiments são poetry
Teus sofrimentos, melancholy.
Teus pêlos light são relva boa
Fresh and macia.
Teus belos braços são swans tame
Longe das vozes da Ventania.

Meu Deus, I want a woman who happens!

How I adore you, mulher que passas
That you come and pass, that you satisfy me
Within days noites, within two days!

We read here just a stretch of the established poem To mulher that happens, where Vinicius de Moraes has a series of compliments to a woman who rouba o seu olhar e o seu coração.

We do not know properly that I am that woman-qual é or seu nome of her, or that face gives life-fica we hardly know or impact that the gera is not a poet. The theme of the poem, and attached or its own title, refers to something transitory, provisional, to a woman that passes and leaves behind a trace of admiration.

Deeply romantic, or poem and a kind of prece, wave or poet, fissured, louva a physiognomy and or jeito de ser da woman beloved.

13. Meat

What does it matter if the distance is between us léguas and léguas
What does it matter if there is between us many montanhas?
Or even if we charge
E a mesma terra liga nossos pés.
No ceu e na terra é tua flesh that throbs
Em tudo eu sinto o teu olhar undoing
Na violent caress do teu beijo.
What matters at a distance and what matters to Montanha
I know you are a meat extension
Always present?

Meat é um a love poem that touches no matter da saudade. Despite two loved ones, we will be physically distant, there is a commune, something that unites you.

As a poetic olhar or a little subject, observe that they are both on the same level that charges you and linked to the same land that you have for less than two feet. He concluded, therefore, that they are still afflicted in physical terms, they are permanently together because the extension of their meat logo is always present.

14. Sonnet of contrição

Eu I love you, Maria, I love you so much
What do you say to me like em doença
How much more it seems to me to be intense
Mais cresce na minha alma teu enchantment.

Like a child that wanders or sing
Before or mistério da amplidão suspensa
Meu coração é um vago de acalanto
Berçando verses from saudade imensa.

Não é greater or heart than soul
Nem melhor a presença que a saudade
I only love you and divine, and feel calm ...

E é uma calm so feita de humble
What else do you think you belong to?
Less would be eternal in your life.

OR Sonnet of contrição It is a way to declare or love that or subject to Maria. To try to dimension this love and transmit to the beloved or the size of the affection that she carries, or the poet uses or the resource of comparison (meu peito doi como em doença).

Or sonnet, a classic format undertaken here by contemporary Vinicius de Moraes, is a form chosen for the loved one to translate into a feeling of surrender to Maria.

More than you do, ele é um escravo do sentimento, still aware of that or tracer love. Ao admire in verses Maria, clear also to her relationship of affective dependence.

15. Chant

Não, tu não es um sonho, es a existeência
Tens flesh, tens fadiga and tens modesty
I don't calm down peito teu. You are a star
Sem nome, it's a purple, it's a cantiga
Do love, it's light, it's lrio, I'm in love!
You are all or splendor, or last cloister
Da elegia sem fim, anjo! beggar
Do sad meu verse. Ah, fosses never
Minha, fosses a ideia, o sentimento
Em mim, fosses a aurora, or céu da aurora
Absent, friend, I would not lose you! (...)

Nesse trecho do longo poem Chant, Vinicius de Moraes praise mulher beloved, in such a way that it seems that it is a kind of dream, the perfect way that it is painted.

To clarify any type of dúvida, not much, or poet, not the first verse clarifies that it is not a question of a devaneio gives his imagination of him, and a sim of a real, full woman.

A woman is seen here as a source of all joy and all beauty thanks to the good sentiments that she awakens.

16. Love us three pavements

I don't know how to touch, but you want to ask
Eu toco violin bassoon trombone saxophone.
I don't know how to sing, but you want to ask
Dou um beijo na lua, I drink mel himeto
Pra sing melhor.
You want to ask for me or papa, I take hemlock
You know what you want.

You wanting, you are asking me, um jump, um in love
That eu tore you logo.
You want to fazer verse? It's simple... você assina
I won't know.
You ask me, eu work bent
Só pra you like me.

You want to... ate na morte eu ia
Discover poetry.
I would recite you as Pombas, tirava modinhas
To numb you.
Até um gurizinho, se você deixar
Eu dou pra você ...

Motivated to fazer or possível and or impossível pela beloved woman, or poet declares verses to us all the things that he would be able to do to prove or his love.

It was necessary for him to play instruments the same as knowing how to play, he would kill or father, he would kill himself. Apaixonado, he does not hesitate to show that he would make all the desejos da woman beloved.

Além to offer everything or that there is no world, or poet ends the verses promising to offer a small child, be loved deixar.

17. Carnival Sonnet

Distant or my love, I am afigured
Or love like a pathetic torment
Thinking nele é dying of misfortune
Don't think and kill my thoughts.

Seu mais twelve desires bitterness
Everything or lost moment is a sauce
Each beijo lembrado a torture
A city of its own.

And we live partindo, her from me
E eu dela, enquanto brief go-se os years
For a big game that has not fim

Of all life and all or human love:
More calm she knows, and it is calm
That is used or another part to meet it.

Vinicius de Moraes tries not seu Carnival Sonnet of a love that has many encounters and farewells. O poet começa falando that é Impossible not to think of a belovedJust as thinking about it means cooking.

Quase like um balé, the couple ficam together and parted ("we live partindo"), but a long time two years always I ended up meeting again, as it was written, not the destiny of both that one day I would want to meet again.

18. To lost hope

Of posse of this love that is, not therefore, impossível
This long-awaited love is as old as you ask
Eu encouraçarei or meu corpo impassível
E à minha volta erguerei a high wall of stones.

And how long will your absence last?
Por isso que es mulher, mesmo sendo só minha
I will live locked in my mind like no hell
Burning minha meat I tied his own cinza.

O stretch of sad poem To lost hope It gives us to see a melancholic, anguished, frustrated little subject in the absence of a loved one.

Or solitary poet, who is privileged to love, but at the same time a softer for not being able to concretize a paixão, not to be able to glimpse a future melhor.

He promises that, as long as his beloved is absent, he will continue to be in love and respect the forced love he has sent.

19. Conjugation gives absent

Friend! direi baixo o teu nome
Não ao rádio ou ao espelho, more à porta
That molds you, tired, e year
Runner who stops
To walk you, never, uselessly
Fast Vazia home
Raios, not therefore, desse olhar sovereign
Obliquos crystallize your absence.
Vejo-te in every prism, refletindo
Diagonally to multiple expectation
I love you, I worship you, I idolize you
Numa perplexidade de criança.

Or stretch of Conjugation gives absent It is a huge compliment to a beloved woman, who is not present.

Despite the absence, or poet louva or feeling that nourishes, I am selling a house empty vestigial daquela that snatched or seu coração.

The last two verses of the poem summarize the passing of not the heart of the subject: or love that feels great that is transformed into veneration and idolatry. Surprised with so much affection, he is scared like a child.

20. Duas songs of silêncio

Ouve como o silêncio
It fizzled out of the blue
For us love


Crê just no love
E em mais nada

Creek; squat or silêncio
That fails us

More intimately; ouve

Or love that awakens her
Or silence ...

Give as words to poetry ...

Written in Oxford in 1962, or poem Duas songs of silêncio Fala about to contemplation for love.

Here the poet addresses himself directly as a beloved, instructing to ouvir or silêncio, to olhar with attention to the love that is being raised hairs dois.

The verses are a treat for her to smell slowly, in a quiet way, to give value and admire or affection that they are building together.

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