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Senhora, by José de Alencar: summary and complete analysis

Published for the first time in 1875, or romance Senhora, by José de Alencar, belongs to or Romantismo. Either free and divided into four parts - or price, removal, posse and resgate - and theme as the central theme or marriage for interest.

Summary of the work

The protagonist Aurélia Camargo is the filha of a poor seamstress and wishes to marry as a lover of her, Fernando Seixas. Or raptor, porém, Aurélia exchange for Adelaide Amaral, a rich girl that would provide a more promising future.

O tempo passes and Aurélia becomes orphaned and receives a huge herança do avô. With the fortune that she acquires, a girl rises socially and begins to be seen as other people, beginning to be sheltered by interested applicants.

Knowing that my former lover was still single and in financial terms, Aurélia resolves to be abandoned and has decided to buy it. You two, finally, get married.

Fernando atura as chacotas da mulher so that he manages to work and collect enough money to collect or that he will undertake no match, thus buying his "freedom" from her. Aurélia barnacle to change of attitude of Fernando and or house face as peace, consummating, by end, or marriage.

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Or what makes or entanglement so interesting?

A great revival of the work is given because a personagem Aurélia is presented as a young girl, dull, dedicated and, apos or abandonment of the love, becomes cold and calculator.

Fernando, for the same time, percorre or walk to ao birds: he begins to history as an interest in search of a great marriage torn and ends or a story as a homem worker who achieves redemption.

José de Alencar demonstrates in his romance a concern with too much importance than the bourgeois society gives to money. O author sublinha of what form or financial factor condemns or destiny of pessoas.

In relation to narration, Senhora It is narrated in a third person by an observing narrator. Or romance is rich in cenographic details and psychological descriptions two personagens.

Historic context

It is worth mentioning the Brazilian historical context in which it was published or romance: I do not know the nineteenth century or the public is still in the consolidation process.

It was relatively frequent too, at the height of the publication of Senhora, or marriage for interest, not therefore, the protagonist Aurélia condemns this practice, being the only move and exclusively out of love, making it clear that she wishes to unite in perpetual marriage with someone for whom she nurtures, fato, afeto. Or romance also denounces society of appearances.

Let's see a stretch of the discussion between Aurélia and Fernando:

But to senhora you must know that or marriage começou for being a purchase of mulher hair homem; And even this seculum was used in England, as a symbol of divorce, to take the repudiated market and sell it to the martyrdom.

Literary current

Senhora It is a romance that belongs to the Brazilian Romanticism.

The books produced during this period have a strong tendency towards nationalism. José de Alencar was inspired by Ossian and Chateaubriand and adapted the resources learned, including touches of local influence. Alencar also invested in a language full of musicality. Such resources have never been experienced before, Or Guarani, romance published before Senhora, that you have a great public success.



Aurélia Camargo is an adolescent of ten years, of humble origins, filha of a chamberlain. Independent and emancipated, the life of Aurélia changes apos or the reception of an unexpected herança do avô.


Fernando Seixas is in love with Aurélia Camargo during his youth. As a girl had no meios e bens, or rapacious, who was a social mountaineer, he decided to exchange her for Adelaide Amaral, a young man capable of offering a well-equipped future.


Adelaide Amaral is a milionary girl who ends up nodding with Fernando Seixas. O rapacious leaves Aurélia to be with Adelaide for financial reasons, not so much Adelaide turns to Aurélia when she gets rich.

D. Firmina

D. Firmina Mascarenhas is a long-standing relative who is responsible for accompanying Aurélia Camargo in her appearances in the company.

Film Senhora

O livro was adapted for the cinema in 1976 by Geraldo Vietri and the cast Elaine Cristina (playing the main character Aurélia) and Paulo Figueiredo (playing Fernando Seixas).

Novel Senhora

A Rede Globo exibiu no time of 18 hours or classic by José de Alencar adapted for television. That was the adaptation of the romance by Gilberto Braga in the chapters for the year between June 30, 1975 and October 17, 1975. There were no total of eighty episodes directed by Herval Rossano that featured Norma Blum (not the role of Aurélia Camargo) and Cláudio Marzo (not the role of Fernando Seixas).

Opening of the novel Senhora (1975)

About or author José de Alencar

José Martiniano de Alencar was born on May 1, 1829 in a small municipality called Messejana (currently or municipality belongs to Fortaleza). She moved with her family to Rio de Janeiro for eleven years because she wanted to pursue a political career.

Or a writer, who was trained as a director, was a pretty well-stocked man (or a country was a liberal senator and an irmão diplomat). Apart from dedicating himself to fiction, José de Alencar atuou as a politician, speaker, journalist, theater critic and advocate.

He wrote for several journeys, including the Correio Mercantil and the Jornal do Comércio. In 1855, he was the chief editor of Diário do Rio de Janeiro.

He was appointed cadeira number 23 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters by the escort of Machado de Assis.

In his political career, he belongs to the Conservative Party and was elected as a general deputy for Ceará, besides having been Minister of Justice between the years 1869 and 1870.

He published Senhora forty-six years old, in 1875.

He died in Rio de Janeiro relatively young, with tuberculosis, forty-eight years old, not on December 12, 1877.

Um little more about the story of José de Alencar

Or pai do writer, or senator José Martiniano de Alencar, chegou to be a father. Apostles abandon or priesthood casou-se com a cousin, Ana Josefina de Alencar, com quem teve filhos.

The paternal names of José de Alencar were José Gonçalves dos Santos, a Portuguese merchant, and Bárbara de Alencar, who was consecrated heroine of the 1817 revolution. Bárbara de Alencar e o filho were prisoners in Bahia accused of involvement in the revolution, ficaram, not total, four years in prison.

A literary career by José de Alencar

The writer lançou was his first literary work in 1856. Depois a produção foi ganhando corpo e maturidade, and an extensive list of works published by José de Alencar:

  • Letters about Confederação dos Tamoios (1856)
  • Or Guarani (1857)
  • Five minutes (1857)
  • Verse and reverse (1857)
  • A noite de São João (1857)
  • Or familiar demon (1858)
  • To viuvinha (1860)
  • As handles of an anjo (1860)
  • Mãe (1862)
  • Luciola (1862)
  • You filhos de Tupã (1863)
  • Scabious (sensitive) (1863)
  • Diva (1864)
  • Iracema (1865)
  • Letters from Erasmus (1865)
  • As prata mines (1865)
  • Atonement (1867)
  • Or gaucho (1870)
  • A pata da gazela (1870)
  • Or trunk do ipê (1871)
  • Sonhos d’ouro (1872)
  • Til (1872)
  • Or Garatuja (1873)
  • To the soul of Lazarus (1873)
  • Alfarrábios (1873)
  • A Guerra dos Mascates (1873)
  • Thank you vote (1873)
  • O hermitão da Glória (1873)
  • How and why am I a romancist? (1873)
  • Ao running is sad (1874)
  • O nosso songiro (1874)
  • Ubirajara (1874)
  • Senhora (1875)
  • Incarnation (1893)
  • Complete work, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Aguilar (1959)

Leia Senhora na whole

Curious fiction to meet two major classical Brazilian literature? To work Senhora It is available for full reading.

Know more

I want to know more about the political and aesthetic convictions of José de Alencar can read How and why am I a romancist?, published essay by author who is in the public domain.

Conheça also

  • As melhores works by José de Alencar (with summary and curiosities)
  • Livro Lucíola, by José de Alencar
  • Livro O Guarani, by José de Alencar
  • Livro Iracema, by José de Alencar
  • Romantism in Brazil and in the World: main characteristics and authors
  • Livro A Moreninha, by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo
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