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O Mulato de Aluísio Azevedo: summary and analysis of the book

Written by the author Aluísio Azevedo (1857-1913) and published in 1881, Or mulatto Inauguration or Literary Movement Naturalism in Brazil.

The title of the free face alludes to the main personage of the work and the history that addresses the enormous racial preconception that there was no contemporary Brazil of Aluísio Azevedo. Other important issues addressed are not related to clergy corruption, social hypocrisy and adulthood.

Summary and analysis of Or mulatto

Or mulatto show uma history of an impossible love Between a mulatto called Raimundo (a bastard filho from a Portuguese merchant as a black escrava) with his cousin, a moça branca Ana Rosa.

Despite the two of you will be deeply stunned, a racist society prevents you from ficarem together. A family of their own was opposed to the project by two dozen paixonados by Raimundo to be filho de uma escrava (Sundays).

A story narrated by Aluísio Azevedo goes to the Maranhão province, which was considered the most backward in the country. The abolitionism of democracy has been the longest of ganharem many sympathizers. Em

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Or mulatto, Aluísio Azevedo unmasks contemporary Maranhense society showing how it was about a extremely preconceiving, racist and retrograde community.

The social environment of his time, especially in the interior of Maranhão, was very marked by the Catholic Church and anti-abolitionist hair. Or free denounce social injustice e o preconceito lived black hairs and mestiços naquela região do Brasil.

Convém sublinhar that, in spite of being filho de mãe escrava, Raimundo did not properly present black physical traços having the physiognomy of white, even like olhos azuis. Or that weighed on him was barely or social stigma of being mestiço. Physically or the protagonist was described in the following way:

Raimundo is twenty six years old and would be a finished type of Brazilian, he was not for the great olhos azuis, that he puxara do pai. Very pretty, lustrous and frizzy hair; her complexion is brown and amulated, finer; clear teeth that glow over the blackness of bigode; tall and elegant stature; Long fish, straight nose and spacious front. Apart from the more characteristic of his physiognomy, we were big olhos, ramalhudos, cheios of blue shadows; erect and black eyelashes, pallpebrae of a vaporous and warm red; as sobrancelhas very unhappy not face, as nanquim, faziam surpass the freshness of the epiderme, that, no place gives a scraped beard, lembrava the soft and transparent tons of a watercolor on paper rice.

Raimundo was José's filho bastard, um fazendeiro, com Domingas, uma escrava da fazenda. When she discovers or in the case of her husband, Quitéria, Raimundo's wife, tortures the escrava.

To work, with deeply violent stretches, including passagem onde Quitéria orders Domingas to be scattered, fala also about barbarian, about the way blacks were treated with physical punishments severe.

Outra personagem feminina da obra, D.Maria Bárbara, a fervent religious avó de Ana Rosa, you give more impunity physical punishment ("dava we scraves out of habit and cost"). Especially as women of romance - headed by Mr. Maria Bárbara - são representações de senhoras the tempo of Aluísio Azevedo marked superficiality, hair cynicism and excess hair of religiosidade:

Viúva, Brazilian rich, of many religião and scruples of sangue, and for thatm um escravo was not a homem, and or fato of not being white constituted only in itself a crime. Foi uma fera! At his hands of him, or by order of the, several slaves succumb to the relho, to the trunk, to fome, to headquarters, and to ao iron embers. But she never stopped being devout, cheia de superstições; Tinha uma cappella na fazenda, onde to escravatura, all as noites, as more swollen two bowling pins, or as the shores of the lanhadas hair whip, then you beg Virgin Most Holy, two more unhappy.

José, noticing that Domingas was being subjected to torture as he was going to attend dinner, sends criança (Raimundo) to be taken home to Irmão Manuel.

José, Raimundo's father, an unexpected revival of fate ends up being assassinated and a physical child under the care of Uncle Manuel. Or menino was sent to Europe where the prestigious Faculdade de Direito de Coimbra will be honored.

As much as he was cultured, not so, Raymond faced or preconceived as any other mestiço do his tempo.

More than fault tinha ele em not being white and not born free... I have not allowed him to marry as a branca? Agree! Vá que tivessem reason! But why did you insult him and chase him? Ah! amaldiçoada fosse that race of smugglers that introduced or African not Brazil! Damned! A thousand damn times! How many unhappy people are not sofriam or the same despair and the same humiliation sem remédio?

When he returned to Brazil from his season in Europe, Raymond returned to the house of his uncle and tutor Manuel and wanted to know more about his origins.

It is during this period that Raimundo turns off Manuel's filha, Ana Rosa. But, as a loved family is known as Raimundo's origin, she proibe or marriage because she refuses to "sujar o sangue da família."

Or stigma of ter sangue negro running nas veias condemns Raimundo's love life. Those who are in the presence of him and know his condition of a bastard filho immediately or excluem the full social life lived among the Brancos:

Mulatto! This only word explains all the scruples that the Maranhão society will use to buy it. He would explain everything: to a friend of certain families whom he would visit; a conversation cut off not the moment that Raimundo approached; the two reluctance that he has faulted about his ancestors; with caution and caution two who, in his presence, discuss questions of race and sangue; at reason pela qual Dona

Amância lhe oferecera um espelho e lhe dissera: "Ora look-se!"

The racist cônego Diogo, family friend of Ana Rosa, also stands against Raimundo and chega to use Machiavellian resources to kill or marry. Ana Rosa is betrothed to an employer of the country, despite her vehement refusal.

Determined to ficarem together, Ana Rosa and Raimundo fogem. O cônego Diogo, not so much, he crossed or walked two dois and Raymond was assassinated by a two men who were in his company. A girl, who was pregnant with Raimundo, was in panic with the situation and spontaneously lost or had a baby.

Ana Rosa ends up getting married as an assassin of Raymond and with three children living a traditional bourgeois reality. Contrary to the expected romantic happy ending, Aluísio Azevedo condemns or married a tragic fim and opts for, not romance, to denounce social hypocrisy.

To know about the marriage of Ana Rosa, D. Maria Bárbara sighs a phrase that denounces everything or preconceit present in her geração of her and against which Aluísio Azevedo was debating: “Bem! At least I am sure that he is white! "

Courageously Aluísio Azevejo I denounce a racist society I have the courage to talk about or preconceit within the Catholic church itself, placing as a cônego or major vilão da narrativa.

Depois da publicação da trabajo, or a writer with a series of persecutions even moved from time to time from Maranhão to Rio de Janeiro.

Historic context

Or mulatto It was the second work that Aluísio Azevedo published (A first foi A mulher's tear). Aluísio Azevedo was a writer, devious, cartoonist and painter. O young man, who is saving to keep himself financially, publicou Or mulatto When he is only 24 years old.

The work was considered an avant-garde, modern history, seen as passing through Europe and surpassing the romantic patrons that still live in Brazil.

O Naturalism, an artistic and literary movement that Or mulatto Inaugurated in Brazil, it was associated with scientific currents at the end of the 19th century. This was a boiling period marked by positivism, evolutionism, social-Darwinism, determinism, and scientific racism. Naturalistic authors estudavam or individual and I tried to understand his genetic heredity and my son or daughter was immersed for me to understand him.

The artists pretended to give visibility to assuntos tabus, especially urban, drawing for or debating important social questions that were silenced. The authors of that group, who were more inclined to escreverem more romances, tinham interested in falar mainly on the most impoverished litters of society or on the socially excluded from some shape.

A current that you start in Europe will use literature as a kind of denouncement instrument, placing a magnifying glass on us social dramas. Naturalists will end up, for that reason, focusing basically on issues of political and social importance.

Enquanto Aluísio escrevia or Brazil goes through profound changes: ganhava forces an abolitionist campaign, a republic has been proclaimed and more and more immigrants enter the national territory.

A Lei do Ventre Livre has decreed that the filhos of escravas born as of September 28, 1871 Fossem livres enquanto a Lei dos Sexagenários (1885) granted freedom for you escravos with more than 60 years.

In spite of the progress in legal terms, the Lei do Ventre Livre itself, however, was by many owners of escravos outlined, as a complaint or release:

I know that they are still born, because many farmers, crushed as a vigário da parish, batizavam ingênuos as born before da read ventre free!

Lei Áurea, most important of them, was assassinated, for the same time, in 1888, some years after the controversial publication of the Maranhense writer.

Personagens principais


He is a homem of character, with very rigid moral values, set of principles, committed to making him correct and leading to his life with muita exatidão. Physically tinha os traços europeus, olhos azuis, and not tinha practically appearance of black despite ter mãe escrava. Raimundo is the victim of a racial preconception and symbolizes all those who have to go through situations of exclusion due to the genetic inheritance that they carry.

Ana Rose

She is a romantic woman, who only thinks of getting married, whose greatest dream is to be next to beloved Raymond. Ana Rosa represents romanticism and naivety.

Cônego Diogo de Melo

He is the father of the region and the vilão of the plot, he represents all social racism and hypocrisy of the clergy because he is a religious man who dresses in the most crude forms. Face of tudo for afastar or house Raimundo and Ana Rosa.


He is a Portuguese merchant, farmer, married to Quitéria. Com the escrava that he had, Domingas, José teve or filho bastardo Raimundo.


He is Raymond's uncle and tutor. Or personagem também é o pai de Ana Rosa, who will be a paixão proibida do sobrinho.

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Conheça também or artigo do Livro O cortiço, by Aluísio Azevedo.

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